Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 117-119

Chapter 117 - The Dean of Eastern Doctors

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"Eh?" Song Lingshan froze, her face darkening instantly… She'd never expected the Captain Yang she admired so much to be interested in gossip..! The image Huaijun had established in her eyes, after all, was that of someone who lived with absolute solemnity… It was definitely startling that he'd ask a question like that… She'd heard of the rumors herself, but there was simply no way to explain her way out of them!

This kind of thing was something that'd just worsen when explanations were given. Anyone with eyes would misunderstand the scene back at the hospital, and there wasn't much Lingshan could do about what other people decided to say- it was their mouths, after all. It was all she could do to lay low for a while until the whole thing blew over.

But how was she supposed to explain this misunderstanding to the captain? "Captain, I… I'm……"

"Haha, it's not like we're not allowed to have relationships in the police department, right? It's your freedom, Song." Huaijun said upon hearing Lingshan's hesitation, assuming that she was shy about being found out. He decided to leave it at that with a laugh- after all, it wasn't his place to meddle with Lin Yi's affairs. He did get a little too excited and thought that it wasn't very fair to Yi, but Lin Yi would always be the centerpiece of their team, their god, their captain!!

"Captain……" Lingshan didn't quite know what to say.

"Heh, though you could ask Lin Yi for help; he'll probably be able to get you those suspects pretty fast……" Huaijun's words trailed off a bit as he regretted what he'd decided to say. Sorry Eagle… Didn't mean to sell you out……

Although, it was probably fine, taking into consideration Lin Yi's relationship with Lingshan. If the two were at that stage the rumors claimed, then there'd be no doubt that Eagle would help Lingshan out, judging by what Huaijun knew of his personality.

"Him? Suspects?" Lingshan blinked as she tried to process what the captain had just said, but Huaijun had hung the phone up already. Lingshan was itching with frustration at that point. Lin Yi you bastard!! My reputation's completely ruined by you……

Lingshan then turned her attention back on the case after blowing off some steam with that curse at Lin Yi. She then did what Huaijun had suggested, and broadened the search radius……

Huaijun, on the other hand, was quite rushed as he drove to Songshan Medical University.

Songshan Medical University was one of the most well known universities in the country, well known even internationally, as well, attracting many foreigners there to pursue studies in Eastern medicine. This was all credited to the head of the university, Guan Xuemin!

Guan Xuemin was very highly regarded in the medical world- he was the leading doctor of Eastern medicine, the Dean of Eastern Doctors.

The Guan house wasn't a powerful family, but Guan Xuemin's existence had completely rewritten that fact! He'd turned the Guan family into a superpower even amongst the top-tier families! Was there anyone in this world utterly healthy and without sickness? Was there anyone in this world who could guarantee that they wouldn't need Guan Xuemin saving his or her life?

The Guan family had risen to power only a little more than ten years ago, but it was by no means weaker than the other powerful houses. The Guans didn't have a particularly strong foundation as of yet, but that didn't matter- no one dared cross them, for crossing the Guans meant crossing the other houses!

The Yang house that Yang Huaijun belonged to was one such family. Huaijun being able to get the Guan Xuemin to heal him, as a result, was nothing out of the ordinary.

Guan Xuemin wasn't giving lectures very often anymore, only giving one big lecture on a weekly routine. It was targeted towards Eastern medicine students, but it wasn't uncommon at all for students from other medical fields to join the lectures… They were attracted by Xuemin's fame and renown, and by the simple fact that the man taught them very useful things!!

Guan Xuemin lived in the university's residential area, a villa district housing the school leaders and their best professors. Even Huaijun had to make a proper registration before entering the area in a police car!

After all, there was quite the number of national level academics living there, with even internationally acclaimed ones as well……

Huaijun parked outside Xuemin's villa, and walked to the doorstep. He was just about to press the doorbell when a pretty girl opened the door, pausing upon seeing Huaijun at her doorstep. "Yang Bro, here to see my grandpa?"

"Yeah. Off to work, Xin Xin?" Huaijun guessed, seeing that she was dressed properly as well as prettily.

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"Yep." Guan Xin nodded. "Gotta leave earlier for the commuter transport."

"Don't you have your own car?" Huaijun asked, not expecting Guan Xin to be taking public transport.

"Of course I don't- I just started working, you know." Guan Xin smiled. "Yang Bro, grandpa's with a guest right now, so you might have to wait a while after going up."

"Alright. I'll let you get going then, don't be late." Huaijun said with a nod. Guan Xin didn't plan on relying on her family's resources, it seemed- girls like that were rare. Even someone like Song Lingshan had her own car…..

Guan Xin left the door unlocked as she left. She was quite familiar with Yang Huaijun, and knew that he wasn't a bad person- she was quite trusting of him as well. Huaijun then stepped in the villa, and walked up to the second floor directly.

Guan Xuemin was checking an old man's pulse when Huaijun reached the living room on the second floor, with a middle aged couple standing right beside them.

"Elder Guan, how's my father doing?" The man asked carefully.

"Not too well…… It's gotten really serious." Xuemin said, not intending to hide anything. "The heart's deteriorating, going from bad to worse- a cure's almost impossible at this point. Periodical acupuncture and moxibustion will be able to hold the deterioration back, but just barely."

The old man didn't react too violently to the blunt truth, evidently understanding his own situation very well. The man, on the other hand, was a little more anxious. "Hold it back? That's good too, as long as it doesn't get any worse or act up again."

They'd been to many an establishment, but to no avail- as such, Xuemin's words came as unexpected to the middle aged man.

"That's no problem." Xuemin nodded. "A weekly acupuncture session with needles will suffice- we can expect another ten years for him if all goes well……"

"Another ten years?" The old man was but joyed at the news. "Ten years! There's so much that can be done in ten years!"

"Then we'll be in your care, Elder Guan. We live in Yanjing, and regarding the weekly sessions…… We'll make sure to cover an abundance of living expenses in addition to the treatment fees……" The man started.

"I don't have the time. The sessions must be done at my place." Guan Xuemin rejected the notion immediately. It was a rule of his: he never provided door-to-door service.

"Uh……" The middle aged man wasn't sure what to do- he couldn't just let his father travel that kind of distance every week! His body was burdened enough as it was.

"Who do you think you are?!" The middle aged woman exploded before the man could say anything. She pointed her finger at Guan Xuemin. "Do you have any idea who my father is? People line up just for the chance to treat my father, we're offering you this because you've earned our acknowledgement! What kind of a big shot do you think yourself to be, aren't you just an old Eastern doctor? Here, we'll pay you double the fees! Will that be enough?!"

Chapter 118 - Medical Genius

"You'll have to find another doctor, then." Xuemin said without even looking at the woman, standing up and clearly telling them that they were done here.

The man was about to explode as well at his wife's outburst- they'd finally found someone who was capable of treating his father, and now she'd went and crossed him! Guan Xuemin was no regular doctor! Double the payment? Did the woman think a doctor at Xuemin's level lacked any money at all?!

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The man couldn't take it anymore- he arched his body and sent his palm across the woman's face. "Huiru, keep your mouth shut!!!"

Huiru only held her cheek as she blinked at the man in disbelief. The man, on the other hand, was walking towards Guan Xuemin. "Elder Guan, please, don't lower yourself to her level- let's calm down and talk about this……"

The middle aged couple, obviously, was the couple Lin Yi had met back at the business district. They were Liu Tianyi and Wu Huiru.

Xuemin, on the other hand, wasn't that pissed off- he found sense in Tianyi's words, and decided that he needn't pay any attention to the ramblings of that woman. The patient was the priority here, after all. With that, Xuemin stopped and turned back around.

"I'll stay here, Tianyi. You two go back to Yanjing first." Elder Liu said, not paying Huiru any attention as well, evidently very disappointed in his daughter-in-law.

"On your own? But, father……" Tianyi said, worried.

"It's fine, go back first. I don't have anything to do now anyway, just treat it as an old man going on holiday. Get me a place here later, somewhere close to Professor Guan's home. It's a pretty good environment, too- I'll just live here for a bit." Elder Liu smiled, waving a hand of dismissal at his son.

"I… I understand." Tianyi knew well that there was no negotiating after his father had made his mind. He got his phone out and called someone. "Hello, Principal Zhang? It's Liu Tianyi- my father's decided to live on the campus, could you arrange a house near Elder Guan's place? Yes, thank you."

Huaijun had been trying to figure out what kind of people these three were, but the phone call made it clear just how powerful they were. Principal Zhang was the head of Songshan University of Medicine- Tianyi getting him to just find the old man a house, near Xuemin's place no less, with just a phone call was quite the feat!

One had to understand that anyone who lived in the school's villa district had to be on the level of a dean. The villas around Xuemin's place were all top-tier houses, as well- these people had to be quite important for the principal to do something like that for them.

Having finished with Elder Liu, Xuemin turned to Huaijun. "Yang, come and sit first- I'll talk to you after I'm done here. You can go watch some TV or use the internet in the meantime."

"Okay. Don't mind me, Grandpa Guan- I'll wait!" Huaijun said, evidently not bothering with courtesies too much- he'd gotten quite close with Xuemin, after all. He sat on one of the sofas and turned the TV on.

Tianyi was getting ready to leave with his father by the time Xuemin had finished setting a treatment schedule for Elder Liu, starting from the next day.

"Ah, that's right- Elder Guan, do you happen to know a young doctor really skilled at massaging? He should be an Eastern doctor as well?" Tianyi asked, suddenly remembering Lin Yi. The guy was extremely skilled, from what he'd seen- he probably would've been able to do a whole lot more if he'd had needles with him.

The impression Lin Yi had made was still fresh in Tianyi's mind- his massage proved the saying that skill didn't have to come from experience.

"Really skilled at massaging?" Xuemin paused. "Are you referring to massaging in Eastern medicine?"

"I think so……" Tianyi nodded. "We were at a business district two days before, and my father's sickness suddenly acted up. We didn't have medicine, and a young doctor chanced upon us, massaging him in the emergency… It wasn't long before my father recovered."

"Massaging? He stopped the angina pectoris with mere massaging?" Xuemin asked, stunned. He understood how far the magnitude of Eastern medicine stretched- there wasn't a limit to how much one could learn, and while he had achieved great fame in the medical world, Xuemin recognized that even he was far from mastering something as deeply rooted and ancient as Eastern medicine……

Yet he knew also that angina pectoris wasn't a problem that could be solved with just simple massaging. There was a good chance that it could be contained through the use of needles, but even that was no guarantee. Xuemin himself knew how to employ Western medicine in the case of an emergency, providing treatment through needles after the body had been stabilized via Western means…….

"That's right- he only massaged my father a little before he started gradually recovering…." Tianyi was taken aback by Xuemin's reaction, as well- he didn't know Eastern medicine, but Xuemin's face made it clear that even he couldn't believe what the young doctor had done. Just that fact alone proved how amazing that young doctor was.

"How's that possible……" Xuemin frowned. "A result like that with just a massage? Did he employ any other methods?"

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"No- I was standing right beside him. He was just passing by, and he probably wouldn't have come at all if he didn't know the girl…… " Tianyi's face started reddening in anger as he remembered the actions of his wife that day. He shot a glare at her- he'd have divorced her long ago if it weren't for the Wu family! What kind of upbringing did that embarrassing woman have, to be throwing unreasonable tantrums all the time?

Fortunately for him, Xuemin wasn't quite interested in anything other than the massaging. He sighed slightly at Tianyi's words. "There is actually something I've read about… Eastern medicine stretches deep, and there's been a method used in ancient times where qi was used through massages to achieve restorative effects… It isn't impossible, but the method's long been forgotten. I'm not too sure myself, but it's one explanation for what the man did for your father……."

"Oh? Does that mean he's a really skilled doctor, if that were the case?" Tianyi said, regretting letting the guy go just like that- he might've been able to cure his father if he requested it! He could only sigh in regret for not knowing the level of his medical prowess……

"If what you say is true, then I'm afraid this man has medical abilities beyond even what I possess…… Though, why haven't I heard of an Eastern doctor of this level arriving at Songshan?" Xuemin asked as he tried to recall anything. Unfortunately, Xuemin had no such masters in his circle- he'd never even heard of someone like that, let alone be friends with one.

"He's a young man around twenty, a little slim, but fit at the same time……" Tianyi described as he recalled Lin Yi's features.

Chapter 119 - Regret and More Regret

"Around twenty?" Xuemin's frown grew at the words- a man with that level of medical skill at that age? Could he be from a hidden miracle doctor's family..?

Xuemin enjoyed great renown throughout the world, reaching where he was with his high skill in acupuncture and moxibustion… But he understood well that there were many other master doctors not as willing to reveal their identities to the public…

There was one such doctor he'd met when he was young- his own acupuncture was taught by the person… His learnings were but a scrape from the person's medical prowess, but even that was enough to stretch his name throughout the world……

It was why Xuemin wasn't too surprised at the man's age- it wasn't too unbelievable- after all, that man he'd met was quite young as well.

But Xuemin wasn't so ridiculous as to think that that person did training in some forbidden art, turning himself young again…… Tianyi said around twenty, and the person Xuemin met had to be at least thirty… It didn't sound very likely that it was the same person.

"Professor Guan, I've met the young man as well. I'm certain he was no older than twenty- he had a mature air about him, but that was a very young face he had. He had to be young." Elder Liu added.

"If that's the case, then I must say I've no idea who this master is. The youngest Eastern medicine masseur in Songshan I know of is more than fifty years old……" Xuemin said, not continuing his sentence. There was no way the old man could've mistaken a fifty year old man for a twenty year old person, after all.

"I see…" Tianyi said, disappointed. "I suppose it's a pity then."

"Did you happen to ask for a contact number?" Tianyi had given up, but Xuemin found himself taking an interest in this master masseur. There weren't many doctors at that level, and Xuemin wanted to get to know this master, as well, as the Dean of Eastern Doctors and all. He was sure that his own acupuncture would see significant improvement if he had discussions with this man.

Massaging and acupuncture shared a fundamental similarity, after all- both healed through acupuncture points.

"Well…… he didn't, but we did leave him ours……" Liu Tianyi said, a little embarrassed. He hadn't thought too much about it, but it was apparent from Xuemin's reaction that the young man was a very extraordinary person. "My father invited him to contact us if he ever visited Yanjing……"

Xuemin only smiled, a slight taste of indifference tracing across his lips. A regular doctor would've taken the chance to associate himself with a man like Elder Liu; a medicinal master, and a hidden one at that, however, wouldn't care much for something like that.

The young man could very well amaze the world with just that massaging alone, if he were to truly seek fame and glory. The fact that Xuemin hadn't even heard of the man only meant that the master was completely uninterested in any of that……

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It was absolutely unheard of for a youthful man like that! Xuemin remembered his own desires for fame and glory back when he'd receive some tutelage from that master- he couldn't help but feel guilty and ashamed at the thought!

This young man was the prime example of a master- a true example indeed! It was only natural that a man of that calibre wouldn't be initiating contact with Elder Liu!

Tianyi didn't notice anything, but Elder Liu did… He may have been old, but his senses weren't dulled yet- his acute observations gave him insight to that faint smile of Xuemin's- he might've very well missed a chance of curing his sickness..!!

He remembered that faint expression the man had that day- he seemed to have kept quiet about whether or not he could cure him……

Elder Liu couldn't help but regret his lack of passion that day……. The man had clearly helped him so that his friend could leave the predicament- he must've formed a grudge against Elder Liu and his family because of the whole incident, as well.

"If he does contact you, please- Elder Liu- you must inform me!!" Xuemin requested- it was the only thing he could do at that point. The winds of fate might indeed blow that man his way, if he were lucky.

Tianyi, on the other hand, was absolutely taken aback- Guan Xuemin had said 'please'!! The tone and mannerism he was currently displaying…… It was a first since he'd entered the villa with his family!

House Liu was powerful, but they hadn't much to offer to Guan Xuemin- quite the contrary, it was the multitude of powerful families who needed Guan Xuemin! It was precisely because of this that the Liu House maintained a reasonable level of humility in front of Guan Xuemin, and also why Tianyi even went as far as to slap his wife- Guan Xuemin was simply not someone you could say something as absurd as that to! The other families would be laughing at them if word got out, amused that the Lius would be as ridiculous as to piss a miracle doctor off……

Yet this very miracle doctor went as far as to say 'please' for a nameless doctor!!! Any idiot would've been able to comprehend the gravity of the situation, at that point. Tianyi couldn't believe it- he'd wasted the opportunity!!

"Of course! We'll make sure to inform you, rest assured!" Tianyi was bursting with regret, but he wasn't a man that had such little control over his emotions. He maintained his composure as he spoke.

"Well, you guys find a place to live first- we start the first session tomorrow." Xuemin said with a nod, standing up once more.

"Alright then, Professor Guan. We'll take our leave." Tianyi said as he helped his father up, making their way downstairs with Huiru, who had a hand on her cheek.

Guan Xuemin then turned to Huaijun, not intending on escorting the Lius out. "You weren't in a rush, I hope?"

"Not at all. Grandpa Guan, those three……" Huaijun hadn't seen the family before- they probably weren't from Songshan. They did mention Yanjing, as well…….

"Ah, the Lius of Yanjing. A big family. The patient was the grandfather of the Liu house, Liu Zhenhu, eighty this year. His body's seen better days, however….." Xuemin explained directly- the two were quite close, after all.

"Yanjing's Liu House- no wonder they were able to get the principal to find them a house with one call." Huaijun said with a smile.

"Well, let's do the usual for you…… Acupuncture isn't going to do much in your case, but it's better than nothing. Hold on a bit longer, I'm attending an Eastern medicine symposium next week at Yanjing- I'll mention your case to the others and see if we find anything new." Xuemin said.

"Haha… It's good enough already that I'm still holding on. I can't go back to the battlefield, but it's pretty nice doing honest work in the police force for a change." Huaijun said optimistically.

- lets start with top 3 and hold it next month.. two days away

so Shield Bro it is... maybe ill change shield guy to shield bro in the earlier chaps too someday

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