Chapter 12: Chance encounter in a cave (part 1)

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Chen Yu Shu, who was following Chu Meng Yao at the back, stopped and made a face at Lin Yi before she hurried upstairs.

“Must she make such a huge commotion?” Lin Yi shook his head and looked at the food on the table. ‘Seems like they are not going to eat them. So everything is now mine.’ So Lin Yi picked up his chopstick and started gobbling down the food…..

When Chu Meng Yao reached her room, she collapsed on the bed and began to feel that she was really very unfortunate. ‘Why do I have to lose my first kiss in such a manner? If only it was with a handsome looking young man, why must it be that countryside bumpkin, Lin Yi?’

“Xiao Shu, why am I so unlucky!!” Chu Meng Yao could not help but break into tears. Previously, Lin Yi was present, so she didn’t want him to her disgraceful side, so he held back her emotion. Although her tears did fall, but she did not cry out loud. Now that she was alone with Chen Yu Shu, she could not care less and started crying out loud.

“Alright, Yao Yao-jie (jie = sister), don’t feel sad, it was just an indirect kiss. It is not as if it was a kiss on the lips, he didn’t even get anything out of it!” comforted Chen Yu Shu. She thought, ‘Ultimately, it was you who drank Lin Yi’s saliva, not the other way round.’

It would have been better if Chen Yu Shu did not say anything. Now that she said it, Chu Meng Yao felt even more aggrieved. ‘It would have been better off if it was really a kiss. But now, I am the only one who is the victim. Lin Yi did not benefit from it, so he does not have to feel guilt stricken. I am just too unlucky!!’

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“No! I have made up my mind, tomorrow I will tell father that if he has to guard someone, then it will not be me!!” Cried Chu Meng Yao sternly: “I must ……”

After Chu Meng Yao got tired from crying and vomiting, she fell asleep. Chen Yu Shu shook her head and laid beside her and thought: ‘Wasn’t it just some saliva, is there a need to make such a fuss about it? It is not like she will get pregnant from that, does she have to be like this??’


After finishing all the food, Lin Yi was prepared to be criticized. He could not help it, who told him to have just a low status. If it was the past, he would just be a lowly servant. Since he angered the young mistress, he would definitely be punished for it.

Lin Yi waited, but no one came down even after a very long period of time. So he cleared the table and returned to his room. It was already 9pm, so they must already fell asleep, so they mostly won’t be coming down.

After Lin Yi washed up, he locked the door and sat on his bed. He then started training the <Xuan Yuan Yu Long Jue>. The origin of this technique is very special. He found it in a cave.

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In the night with a full moon, when Lin Yi was eight, Gramps brought him to the peak of Xixing Mountain, to access Lin Yi’s martial arts’ skills.

Lin Yi was puzzled, ‘Why did Gramps bring me here in the middle of the night to test my martial arts?’ But under Gramps’ oppression Lin Yi had no choice but to follow him up the mountain.

It did not take long during the test for Lin Yi to realize that something was not right! This was not a test, Gramps’ moves were all lethal! Before Lin Yi could say anything, he felt a kick on his butt and he was sent flying down the mountain.

Lin Yi could only hear the wind rushing pass his ears as he descended. At that very moment he felt just like Ultraman, flying through the air. After sometime, Lin Yi finally landed on the ground with a “poof!”

Lin Yi felt as if all his bones scattered.  Ever since he was three, his body had been soaked in Chinese medicine prepared by Gramps to strengthen his bones and body. But the fall from the mountain top was still too much for his strengthened body to handle, and he fell unconscious.

Staring down at the direction Lin Yi fell, Gramps Ling shook his head and sighed: “Xiao Yi, please don’t blame this heartless grandfather. It is now or never, the cave only opens once every five years on the night of the full moon. If you can’t get in this time, then you will have missed the best age to cultivate……. ”

After some time, Lin Yi regained consciousness. Before he sat up, he began by cursing at Gramps Lin. But he knew that this was not the right time to be complaining, so he started to examine his body. It seemed like he did not sustain much injury, so he tried to stand up.

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When he stood up, he was awed by the sight in front of him. A magnificent, ancient looking, gate stood right in front of him. The crimson colored door seemed to give out a glow under the illumination of the moonlight and the golden knockers on the gate currently shining very brightly.

It looks just like the homes of the immortals who existed in the legends! Right above the magnificent gates, there was a plaque. On it were 4 large words: “Xuan Yuan Dong Fu” (translation: Xuan Yuan Cavern)

‘What is this place?’ Lin Yi breathing became rapid, he had been living at Xixin Mountain for so many years, but he never knew that there was such a place at the foot of the mountain.

Lin Yi did not understand how he managed to stumble upon this place. ‘Was it a coincidence that Gramps’ kick caused me to end up in this place? But why is this place giving out a very familiar feeling? It is as if I was once here.’

Lin Yi racked his brain, but he still could not figure out when he came here before. Lin Yi stood still, and subconsciously walked towards the gate, as if there were some forces pulling him in.

When Lin Yi reached the door, his hands automatically reached out and pushed the door, but the door did not even budge. Lin Yi frowned and tried to pull the door, but that too did not moved the door.

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But just when Lin Yi was about to give up and leave, a strange thing happened. Lin Yi realized that the, originally closed, door is slowly opening.

That gave Lin Yi a shock, he assumed that someone was coming out from the cave. He immediately dodged to the side and stared at the cave entrance. Lin Yi waited for a while, no one came out. As a matter of fact, he was able to clearly see the inside of the cave clearly.

It was a very large hall, there was no lighting but it was somehow illuminated by something, making it as bright as day.

This sight made Lin Yi jaw-drop! No other words could describe Lin Yi feeling right now. After he made sure that there was no one, he carefully walked towards the door.

With every step Lin Yi took, he will stop and look around cautiously. Only when he was sure that there was no danger did he continued to move forward. Lin Yi was really young at that time, so curiosity got the better of him. If it was the Lin Yi now, he would not have been that impulsive.

But it was because of young Lin Yi curiosity and impulsiveness that he got the rare opportunity in the end.

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