Chapter 15:  Satellite TV Channel

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When Gramps knew that Lin Yi had started cultivating using “Xuan Long Yu Long Jue”, he adopted a passive attitude. Gramps no longer gave Lin Yi any pointers nor did he bother him.

On the other hand, although there were significant improvements in Lin Yi’s physique after he started cultivating using “Xuan Yuan Yu Long Jue”, there was not much improvement in his martial arts skills. Lin Yi was still no match for Gramps Lin.

Gramps Lin was like boss monster from a game’s dungeon, his strength was proportioned to the player’s strength. When the player got stronger, the boss would get stronger too. If the player got weaker, the boss would also get weaker. This was very depressing for Lin Yi.

It was really hard to measure the change in Lin Yi, all he felt was that he got a lot more agile and his eye-sight and hearing also got keener.

After many years, Lin Yi, while under no guidance, managed to successfully cultivate “Xuan Yuan Yu Long Jue” to a certain extent.

Soon, the five year deadline came. Once again, on the night of the full moon, Lin Yi visited the cave once again. But to his disappointment, he was unable to open the second stone gate.

Lin Yi was not surprise about the outcome, since he knew himself that he was unable to breakthrough to the first phase: Tianchan’s houqi(final level). Ever since his breakthrough to the zhongqi (mid level), his progress had been stagnant.

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(*Note:  if you have forgotten, Tianchan is the name of the first phase of Xuan Yuan Yu Long Jue)

Although Lin Yi told Gramps about his situation, Gramps Lin only shook his head and smiled at Lin Yi. Hinting him that there was nothing he could do about it.

Lin Yi was starting to panic as the second 5-year deadline was reaching soon. So many years had passed and yet he was still stuck in the first phase’s zhongji (mid-level). If this continued, he would once again return empty handed.

Now, Lin Yi finally realized that the “Xuan Yuan Yu Long Jue” that he had been using to cultivate, was not martial art but a Xiuzhen manual. It may sound a little unreal, but Lin Yi understood that that was the truth.

When Lin Yi recalled Gamps’ actions on the first full-moon-night, he began to suspect that it was all Gramps’ premeditation.

‘Gramps had planned from the start to kick me down the Xixing Mountain thus allowing me to enter the cave through the stone gate. There was no other reason why Gramps had to test my martial art in the middle of the full-moon night. ‘

‘Even if Gramps had to test me, there was no reason why it had to be done at the peak of the mountain.  Even if it had to be done on the peak of the mountain, there was no reason why Gramps had to kick me down the mountain, and was it just a coincidence for me to land right at the cave’s entrance.’

‘Even if it was all a coincidence and it was pure luck that caused me to land near the cave entrance, why must Gramps wait till I have exited the cave before coming to look for me?? ‘

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‘In addition to that, why was Gramps so calm even after I told him what I just experienced? It was as if he knew that it was going to happen.’

All these ‘if’ made Lin Yi very suspicious.

But, whenever Lin Yi approached Gramps to ask him about it, Gramps would always refuse to give him an answer. Soon, Lin Yi got tired of asking, regardless of whether it was done deliberately or not, he should just continue to cultivate.

When Lin Yi woke up from his deep meditation state, it was already dawn. Lin Yi shook his head. Although there was little progress with his cultivation, he felt fresh, but he was still not able to breakthrough.

He hurried to the wash room to have a quick shower to wash off his sweat. Then Lin Yi put on the school uniform and walked out of the room.

The villa was still very quiet. Lin Yi looked toward the direction of the stair and thought, ‘the two girls must still be sleeping?’ So he sat on the sofa and turned on the 60 inch television, muted it and started browsing through the channels.

‘It feels great to watch TV programs on a big screen.’ Thought Lin Yi as he laid on the sofa. In fact this was Lin Yi’s first time watching a TV program on such a large screen. At his old house, he only had his counterfeit brand laptop and a 25 inch flat screen TV. “Ahchooo!” Sneezed Lin Yi and thought, ‘Didn’t know I can still catch a cold with my physique.’ Lin Yi used to live in the south, now he was in the north. Although it still summer, the temperature difference at night was quite significant. He had yet to acclimatize himself to this place.

Lin Yi pulled out some tissue paper from the tissue box on the coffee table, blew his nose on it, and left it at aside.

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Because it was still very early in the morning, there was not a lot of program showing. So Lin Yi started using the remote controller to browse through the channels to look for something to watch. After some time, he still could not find any channels that is showing something. All of them displayed a picture of earth and a message that there will still no program.

“Fck, is the remote out of power??” Muttered Lin Yi, but then he remember that he just turned on the TV with the remote control.

Lin Yi then look toward the TV and realize that it was attached to the satellite TV box. So he must use the satellite TV box’s remote to change channel. The TV’s controller was only used for turning it on or off and to adjust the volume.

Lin Yi may be from the countryside, but through the counterfeit-brand laptop, he was able to access the net. Through it, he became aware of such devices.

After searching around the area, Lin Yi found the remote control for the satellite box. He then started to browse through the channel.

“Satellite TV is great!! There are so many channel” Exclaimed Lin Yi after the browsed through 10+ channel and there was no repeated ones.

“This is an adult channel, parental control is set, please enter the password. (Default password: 000000)”

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A popup message was displayed when Lin Yi reach a particular channel.

‘What! Why is there adult channel in that girl’s villa?’ Thought Lin Yi. He knew the existence of such channel but he has never seen one before.

Although widow Wang had a satellite box installed in her house in the village, it could only showed the free channels, so it was not possible to display adult channels.

Lin Yi felt really curious, who configured this password. ‘Was it Chu Peng Zhan or was it Chu Meng Yao?? Or maybe it was Chen Yu Shu? Hmm, it is possible. She is so flirtatious, and the way she speaks is so suggestive……’ Thought Lin Yi.

Lin Yi then enter a password: 123456. But an error message was displayed:  “Incorrect password! Please try again”

“888888” Lin Yi entered another password, and once again the error message was displayed:  “Incorrect password! Please try again”

Lin Yi scratched his head and enter “000000”. This time, although there was no error message, there was nothing display. He had no idea whether it was just authenticating the password, or is did the box just hanged.

Just when Lin Yi was about to press some other button, something appeared on the screen.

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