Chapter 19: Please wait a moment

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“Your drink!” Lin Yi returned with the drink from the kitchen. To his surprise, he saw Chu Meng Yao sitting on his sit, eating his noodles….

“Oi, Xiao Yao said that the noodles you prepared is very delicious!” said Chen Yu Shu as she turned her head to face Lin Yi and received the cup from him. She gave Lin Yi a stare, hinting to him not to say anything.

“Oh…..”Replied Lin Yi as he nodded his head stiffly, acknowledging Chen Yu Shu’s message. ‘I am not full yet. If I knew this was going to happen, I would have prepared more.’ Lin Yi thought to himself.

“What are you doing, standing over there? You are making me lose my appetite! “ frowned Chu Meng Yao. Naturally, she did not notice the mini conversation that Chen Yu Shu and Lin Yi had. Chu Meng Yao was simply not used to having a guy staring at her while she eat.

Lin Yi turned, exited the kitchen and returned to his room. He felt that it is not worth getting angry at this kind of young mistress. Although Chen Yu Shu was a little mischievous, she was easier to handler than Chu Meng Yao.

Lin Yi then went to pack the stuff required for school. Although he have already self-studied all the high school subjects, Lin Yi decided to still put up a appearance since this was his first day in school.

“Very delicious, is there more?” Soon, the large bowl of YangChun noodles was finished by Chu Meng Yao.

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“Nope, that’s all. If you want more, you can get Shield-ge to make more for you.” Chen Yu Shu was very jealous of Chu Meng Yao ‘Why doesn’t she get fat? She always consumes more food than me, but she still weighs lighter than me? ’

Chen Yu Shu was actually not fat at all. She was simply shorter then Chu Meng Yao, so she would look a little fleshy. But the good thing iwas all these ‘extra’ flesh all grew in her breast and butt. This actually made Chen Yu Shu a little proud.

“Don’t mention him.” Replied Chu Meng Yao as she once again sucked on the chopsticks tips. Although it was a little regrettable, she would never go ask Lin Yi for anything.

Looking at Chu Meng Yao’s action, Chen Yu Shu had a little cold sweat, and thought to herself, ‘Yao Yao, why do you like Lin Yi’s saliva so much?’

When the two girls finished their noodles, she hurried upstairs to wash up and change their clothes. Lin Yi then entered the kitchen and cleared the dishes on the table. Although it was not Lin Yi’s job to do these chores, since Uncle Fu always got someone to clean up the house daily, but Lin Yi was too used to these chores, and did everything naturally.

When Lin Yi was washing the dishes, Mighty General came into the kitchen. When it noticed Lin Yi, it stared at Lin Yi cautiously. Lin Yi noticed the dog, but he choose to ignore it. Soon, Mighty General turned and left.

Honestly, dogs are very sensitive creatures. They can easily sense those that are stronger than itself. Since Lin Yi did not show any hostility towards him, Mighty general dare not bother him.

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Soon, the dishes were cleaned and placed into the disinfecting machine. Chu Meng Yao also finished changing from her home clothes to an attractive outfit.

Although the school rules stated that students wee required to wear the school uniform unless there was a legit reason, but most of these high school students who were in the rebellious age, choose not to adhere to the rule.

Of course, there would be the few exceptions and Lin Yi was one of them. He felt the school uniform’s material. He was really happy and he thought, ‘These uniform are made with very good materials. It is way better then the clothes I brought with me.’ Therefore, to Lin Yi, this set of uniform was his current favorite set of clothes.

Although Lin Yi got the chance to wear some really high quality clothes when he accompanied Gramps Lin out to train, but those clothes were all rented, so they had to be returned in the end.

At exactly 7pm, Uncle Fu’s car arrived at the villa’s doorstep. Chu Meng Yao and Chen Yu Shu carried their cute little school bags and exited the villa with Lin Yi following right behind them.

As usual, Lin Yi sat on the front passenger seat while Chu Meng Yao and Chen Yu Shu sat comfortably at the back. Uncle Fu then started the engine, turned to Lin Yi and asked “How is it? Have you gotten used to it?”

“I’m fine.” Replied Lin Yi as he nodded his head.

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“He’s fine but I am not!” Before Uncle Fu could reply, Chu Meng Yao interrupted and said, “I’m about to call dad.”

“Mr Chu departed for Newport city for a meeting this morning. He should be on the plane now.” Said Uncle Fu. “Miss Chu, Mr Chu wanted me to tell that he will not be around these few days. So Lin Yi will be taking care of you.”

“Him? Look after me?” Chu Meng Yao stared, “Uncle Fu, how  is he supposed to look after me?”

“I’m just passing you Mr Chu’s message. He trusts Mr Lin Yi a lot.” To be honest, Uncle Fu himself was also confused. He too could not tell what was so special about Lin Yi, but being Chu Peng Zhan’s loyal subordinate, he would never doubt Chu Peng Zhan’s decision.

Chu Meng Yao pouted. She knew that Uncle Fu was her father’s spokesman, so he would never go against her father’s decision. In addition to that, since her father was still on the plane, he would definitely not be able to answer the phone. Chu Meng Yao had no choice but to put up with Lin Yi for a few days, until her dad returned.

‘When the time comes, considering how much daddy spoils me, I don’t believe I can’t get rid of Lin Yi!’ Now Chu Meng Yao felt better.

Lin Yi had always longed to experience school life, but the mountain where he live in did not have a school. In fact there were not a lot of educated people there.

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Other than Gramps, the only other person was Er Gouzi (Lin Yi’s childhood friend). He was even the one that taught Er Gouzi how to read. Now that he thought about Er Gouzi, he suddenly felt that he missed him a lot. ‘Wonder how is he now??’

Soon the car reached the gates of <First High> and Uncle Fu pulled over the car. Just when Lin Yi was about to leave the car, he was stopped by Chu Meng Yao. “Wait a minute!”

“Hmmm?” Lin Yi paused and turned to face Chu Meng Yao. He was a little confuse since Chu Meng Yao rarely spoke directly to him.

“Don’t leave first. Wait till Xiao Shu and I enter the school before you leave. I don’t want anyone else to misunderstand!” said Chu Meng Yao in an overbearing tone.

Lin Yi was fine with that arrangement. ‘You are the young mistress. Your wish is my command.’

“Hehe, young mistress is just like that, a little selfish. Please don’t mind her.” Sensing Chu Meng Yao’s hostility towards Lin Yi, but there was nothing he could do about that.

“It’s fine” Lin Yi shook his head, “Uncle Fu, let’s just get straight to the point. My existence here is not really important. Chu Meng Yao doesn’t need a study buddy or a babysitter. So can you please tell me the truth? The actual reason why Mr Chu hired me was to be Chu Meng Yao shield and get rid of those flies (the boys after her) right? ”

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