Chapter 2 Scam

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“Erm….” Buzz-cut looked troubled. He searched his pocket and continued: “I don’t have that much cash with me. Why don’t you give me 30k and you can go collect the prize!”

“I don’t have cash with me either! This is a problem…..” Pockmark-face frowned and said, “Do I look like a person who has 30k with me?”

“Professor, please help us think of a solution, both of us do not have that much cash with us!” Once again Pockmark-face requested help from Spectacles.

Spectacles pondered for a moment, then he said, “Why don’t I give both of you 30k each, and I will go collect the prize.”

Pockmark-face and Buzz-cut faced each other for a moment and felt that it would still be a good deal since they could still receive 30k, and replied: “Sure, we agree!”

A pleased expression could be seen on Spectacles’ face as he reached for his bag to get the money, but that did not last long. Soon, he started to panic and started to search his bag more frantically. Sweat started appearing on his forehead, and finally he said, “This is so unfortunate, I didn’t bring that much cash with me when I left home. I only have 30k. I doubt that you will be satisfied with just that. *Sigh* the money that is about to be mine just disappeared. Why am I so unlucky!!?”

“Ah?” Both Pockmark-face and Buzz-cut were stunned. How are they supposed to split the prize money if none of them have enough cash with them? Pockmark-face got impatient and asked: “Professor, you are a smart person, can you please think of a solution……”

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“Er…, why don’t you guys ask someone else for help……,” replied Spectacles while looking at Lin Yi who was sitting beside him, “Young lad, this is a really rare opportunity. Do you have any cash? If you give each of them 30k and collect the prize, you will be instantly 20k richer. I have never seen a simpler way to earn money. *sigh* If only I had enough money…..”

Lin Yi had been observing the three of them for a while. It was obvious that the three were accomplices. Pockmark-face and Buzz-cut were playing the victims while Spectacles played the mediator.

Lin Yi may have grown up in the mountain, but he was not an idiot. He clothes may have been old fashioned, but there were few who could be compared to him in terms of intelligence, not to mention these three mediocre con artists.

“Me?” Lin Yi replied in surprise as he pointed to himself and said: “Are you sure you want me to do it??”

“Of course, now this opportunity is in your hands!” Spectacles replied to Lin Yi, who asked about the opportunity instead declaring that he has no money. Most of the time when that happened, there was a high possibility that Lin Yi would take the bait.

Just when Lin Yi was about to say something, he felt someone kick his leg. As he look towards that direction, he saw a very beautiful girl looking at him. From her looks, she could have been around Lin Yi’s age.

The girl was very fair and her skin soft and delicate. Although she never stood up, Lin Yi estimated that she was at least 1.65m tall; which is consider quite tall for a girl.

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Ever since she boarded the train, she had been listening to her MP3 player. So Lin Yi, who wanted to flirt with her to release his boredom on the train, never found a chance to start the conversation.

But at that very moment, the girl was looking at Lin Yi anxiously, as if she wanted to say something but couldn’t because she was worried. So she hinted Lin Yi with her eyes.

Naturally, Lin Yi knew that the girl was trying to prevent him from getting scammed. He felt his heart warm. He was reminded of the saying that the city’s people were all very self-centered. As long as it did not concern them, they would not give a damn about it. That meant that this girl was really kind hearted since she wanted to help him.

Lin Yi’s impressions of the girl got better. Beauty was an important trait for a girl, but if she was too vicious, no one would like her. At least, that was Lin Yi’s standards for girls.

“Cough cough!” Buzz-cut seemed to have noticed the girl actions, so he started coughing and stared at the girl in the eye. The girl turned pale and looked down.

Lin Yi saw everything but he was bored and still irritated because of Gramps. Since there were these three idiots, he decided to vent his frustration on them. There was no way he was letting this opportunity slip by.

Even after the girl started to look down, she was constantly warning Lin Yi by nudging his legs. However, Lin Yi chose to ignore her and pretended that it did not happen.

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“I don’t have that much. 49k is all I have!” Lin Yi exclaimed ignorantly.

Pockmark-face and Buzz-cut’s eyes began to shine when they heard that Lin Yi’s response. But they still continued to act, made a bitter face, and replied,”Only 49k? Isn’t that too little? How much can each of us get?”

“49k divide by 2 is around 24.5k…..” Buzz-cut replied after calculating.

“24.5k?? Sounds fair. I am fine with that amount, how about you?” Pockmark-face nodded in agreement.

“Sure then, since you are fine with this arrangement, there is no reason why I should not agree.” Buzz-cut also nodded in agreement and said, “Pass me the money then.”

Lin Yi opened his bag and extracted a bundle from it. And began unwrapping the layers of cloths, revealing the notes inside.

“Here is the 49k, this is all I have…..please confirm the amount,” replied Lin Yi honestly, “Now please pass me the ring!”

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He received the money from Gramps. Apparently that was all the living expense Lin Yi was going to get, and he was supposed to survive with that much for the next couple of years. This was just too unreasonable. Lin Yi was sure he had helped Gramps earn a huge sum of money in the past few years. As a matter of fact, Lin Yi was sure his actual reward from the recent assassination mission in South Africa was definitely over 10k.

Why was it that when he left, Gramps only managed to dig out 49k from the drawers? Gramps even claimed that was all he had and requested Lin Yi to spend them thriftily.

This made Lin Yi really confused. Was gramps really poor or was that all part of his act? He found it really hard to believe that Gramps was rich since there was no reason for Gramps to live poorly with Lin Yi if he was rich.

“Alright, alright!” exclaimed Pockmark-face and Buzz-cut as they grabbed the notes from Lin Yi and passed him the can ring.

Lin Yi immediately kept the ring in his pocket. It was as if it was a precious gem and he was worried that he would lose it.

When the girl saw Lin Yi got scammed, she let out a sigh. She was speechless when she saw Lin Yi’s expression, who looked as if he just struck a really good deal.

Now that the scam was a success, the three scammers returned to do whatever they were doing previously, and pretended that they did not know each other.

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