Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 213-214

Chapter 213 - Heibao's Revenge

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"Don't you worry, Master Zhong- I'm not after you. It's that piece of shit Lin Yi!! I'm out here to wipe him off the planet!!" Heibao explained, noticing what Pinliang was worrying about. "But I don't have a single penny on me now- I'll need Master Zhong's support financially!"

Pinliang let out a sigh of relief upon hearing the explanation- everything was fine as long as Heibao wasn't after his blood. He wanted money, and that wasn't a big deal- he had money! Heibao had went in as his scapegoat, after all, and he was even talking about fucking Lin Yi up for him! Pinliang was but overjoyed to help.

"Don't worry, Heibao Bro. Money isn't an issue here, I'll go talk with my dad! I'll get you a million kuai first!" Pinliang said. "As for Lin Yi, though, we'll need to talk about this a bit more- we can't get him at school anymore, we'll need a different location!"

"Thank you, Master Zhong!" Heibao was relieved himself at Pinliang's generosity, pulling a million out right away- it seemed that he'd come to the right place. The Zhongs treated him well, too… He hadn't been a scapegoat for nothing! Pinliang's statement regarding Lin Yi, on the other hand, made perfect sense- he'd never go after Lin Yi in public again. He nodded. "That's right, we'll need to discuss this later, but I can't stay too long. I won't be able to beat that shit up if my body goes back to normal."

"Don't worry, Heibao, it'll only be a couple days!" Pinliang wanted Lin Yi dead as soon as possible, too- the guy had flipped his chair in front of everyone! It was too great a humiliation, and he'd never rest until he got him to pay.

"Alright, I'll be going! Here, my phone number." Heibao said as he handed a piece of paper to Pinliang. "News of my escape's gonna become public soon, and they'll be on you when that happens. I should be fine with this body, but I wouldn't wanna drag you guys down."

"Okay, Heibao Bro. I'll call you after I get the one million from dad!" Pinliang said, a little touched at Heibao's concern for him.

"Don't rush that- Lin Yi comes first." Heibao was really itching for Lin Yi's blood. "That fucking shit, I can't live on with him breathing!!"

"Okay then, you go first, Heibao Bro. I'll talk to my dad, and we'll talk about Lin Yi later. I'll call you." Pinliang nodded.

Heibao nodded as well, patting Pinliang's shoulder without saying anything else. He leapt off the windowsill and disappeared into the night.

"Fuck, seriously? He's like a martial arts master in wuxia novels or something." Pinliang said, stunned as he stared at the empty windowsill. He looked down and found that Heibao had disappeared already.

He'd have thought he was dreaming if it weren't for the piece of paper in his hand!

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Pinliang pulled his phone out and started dialing his dad up, who only picked up after quite a couple of rings. It was pretty noisy on the other end of the call- Fabai was outside drinking. "Pinliang, what's the matter?"

"Dad, there's an emergency. Can you come home first?" Pinliang said with a lowered voice, even if no one was there to eavesdrop on him.

"What happened? I'm with a client, your mother's here too- they're old friends! It's not something I can just walk away from." Fabai said.

"It really is an emergency, dad! Can you come home first?" Pinliang was worried that someone on Fabai's end might hear him, and didn't want to risk exposing anything.

"Pinliang, what is it? Dad's really busy here, can't you understand that?!" Fabai was a little displeased at that point- how serious could it be?

"Heibao escaped from prison….." Pinliang said, lowering his voice as much as possible.

"What? What did you say?!" Fabai froze. "Alright, wait for me- I'm coming back now."

Fabai's heart tightened at the name- his clients weren't that big a concern anymore. After all, this was something that could get his own son in jail if he didn't sort it out properly.

He'd gotten a lawyer to meet up with Heibao, and got him to shoulder all the blame for a big reward after getting out… Things got really complicated if he just ran like that.

He turned to his wife. "Hua, you chat with our old friends first- something's happened with Pinliang, I need to go back first!"

"Alright, hurry back then." Fabai's wife, naturally, understood the gravity of the situation if it could pull her husband away at a time like this. She didn't bother stressing him with any questions. "Leave everything here to me- they all know I'm a big drinker."

The other people present at the table weren't too pleased with Fabai just leaving like that- they hadn't even started drinking yet! What Fabai's wife said, however, made the situation clear, and they just nodded in acknowledgement. They were old enough friends, after all.

Fabai left the pub and got into a taxi, leaving the car for his wife. It wasn't long before he got home.

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He didn't even bother taking his coat off as he yelled for his son after opening the door. "Pinliang, where are you? I'm home!"

Pinliang ran out his room and down the stairs upon hearing his father's voice. "Dad!"

"Tell me, where did you hear this… It doesn't seem to be public yet?" Fabai said curiously. Heibao breaking out of prison was a really big deal, after all- how would Pinliang know about it when the news hadn't reported anything?

Pinliang was about to speak when Fabai's phone rang.

Fabai looked at who was calling, quickly gesturing for his son to keep quiet as he answered the phone. "Captain Song- why're you calling so late?"

"Chairman Zhong? I have bad news- Heibao's escaped." Lingshan didn't want to be making this phone call, but it was a necessity. After all, Fabai was one of the main targets for Heibao's vengeance…

Lingshan had an idea of why Heibao had done all of that at school… She also knew why Heibao was willing to take responsibility for all the crimes. Zhong Fabai's influence in the city was strong, and he even had a close relative as a Pengzhan Industries shareholder. There were many parties involved, and Lingshan didn't want to have too many suspicions without proper evidence.

Chapter 214 - Midnight Plot

Zhong Fabai hadn't seemed to pay much attention to Heibao after he'd gotten arrested… He hired a lawyer for him, but that was it.

Logically thinking, Fabai's connections in Songshan should have been enough to to influence the whole thing, but Fabai never even tried! Lingshan could only presume that he'd given up on Heibao in fear that the incident would get linked back to his son.

Naturally, Lingshan wasn't aware of the agreement Fabai had brokered with Heibao- Heibao would never go back to House Zhong for blood.

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"Oh? Is that so?" Fabai said faintly. "Captain Song, I'm not too familiar with Heibao- he's just the captain of a security detail I had. I only got him a lawyer out of courtesy and dignity; he no longer has any connection with the company…"

Lingshan was a bit irritated at what Fabai was saying- the guy was cutting himself clean with Heibao! How would he know if Heibao thought the same? He could very well intend to go back for revenge!

"Chairman Zhong, what I'm trying to tell you is that Heibao might seek you out for revenge." Lingshan said faintly as she suppressed her irritation.

"Revenge? Why would he want revenge? I give him a salary every month, plus bonuses!" Fabai said with a chuckle. "Captain Song, you're overthinking things. But I do appreciate the gesture- I'll watch out for him."

"I'm sure you know why he'd want that- I'll stop there." Lingshan said with a cold chuckle herself. "Better assign a bodyguard to your son 24/7, too. Contact me if you need the police to help."

Lingshan hated the man, but she was a police officer- she had to prioritize the citizens' safety.

"Ah, I will. Don't worry." Fabai said. "I'll contact you right away if news about Heibao comes up."

He hung the phone up and turned back to his son, a serious look on his face. "Pinliang, how did you know about Heibao?"

The police had just confirmed Pinliang's claim- his son was currently a good source of information.

"Dad, I've met Heibao Bro! He just came by!" PInliang said.

"He came? What for? He didn't threaten you, did he?" Fabai's expression turned ugly at the words- Heibao coming to his son for revenge was still a possibility, despite what Fabai had said to Lingshan earlier.

"Don't worry, dad, Heibao Bro isn't that kind of person!" Pinliang said. "He'd never do that to me, he said I'm not the one to blame! He's after Lin Yi, not me!"

"Oh? Did he tell you that?" Fabai paused. "Pinliang, tell me- what's going on?"

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"Here's the thing, dad…" Pinliang started explaining. "I was watching a movie in my room earlier when someone jumped up on the windowsill!"

"Jumped up on the windowsill- what're you talking about? He just jumped up ten meters to the second floor…?" Fabai asked as he stared in disbelief.

"Well I'm not too sure there- but he said something about being part of a sect when he was younger, and there was this technique that powered you up at the cost of five years of your life, something about giving you golden class peak late phase strength for a month……" Pinliang said.

"What?! Golden class peak late phase?" Pinliang hadn't a clue what the division classes were, but the same couldn't be said for someone who lived a life like Zhong Fabai's…

He had a friend, a master who'd just gotten to the early phase of the golden class- he'd told him that Fabai should only ask for his help when he really needed it…

Yet even he trampled on all the fighters in the city! What sort of monster would a late phase golden fighter be? Heibao reaching that level, even if for just a month, was a feat enough on its own!

"Yeah, he said so himself." Pinliang nodded. "So dad, he's pretty strong now?"

"Yes! Insanely strong!! What else did he tell you?" Fabai sighed, relieved that he'd talked things over with Heibao before anything else- the guy would've most likely been after the Zhongs first thing after breaking out otherwise!

"He said he's gonna go after Lin Yi first, and then he said he needs money to leave the city. I promised him!" Fabai said. "Dad, I told him we could give him a million kuai, you wouldn't blame me for not asking you first, would you?"

"You did wonderful, son!" Fabai said. "A million isn't much to us, there's no problem there- even two million's fine! As for that thing with Lin Yi… keep out of it……"

"But dad, I really hate that Lin Yi too! You don't know what he did! I was sitting beside Chu Mengyao, talking to her when he felt like I was blocking his way! He sent me to the ground with a kick- it still hurts!" Pinliang said passionately. "This kid's a big obstacle in my path to Mengyao, dad! He needs to be removed."

"Oh? If that's the case… Don't involve yourself in public, just give Heibao some pointers in the dark." Fabai nodded. "You're not a kid anymore, Pinliang- from what I've seen, you've gotten good at handling things. Do what you feel is right, I'll try not to interfere."

"Thank you, dad!" Pinliang nodded. "Ah, right, I just gave Zhang Naipao that seven hundred thousand…"

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