Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 216-217

Chapter 216 - You Get It, Right?

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Lin Yi and Xiaobo walked into Fen's room- there were seven other people with her, making the place more packed than the emergency room, especially with the visiting friends and family. The air there wasn't very good either.

Xiaobo frowned at the situation- this certainly wasn't the type of environment Fen should be recovering in. How would she ever get better with a noisy, crowded, room like this?

He remembered the situation Fen's family was in, and sighed faintly. His own family wasn't too well-off, either… He'd really have helped them financially for Fen to get a better room otherwise.

Lin Yi, as usual, noticed the expression on Xiaobo's face. He patted his shoulder with a smile. "The deposit I gave should be enough to get her a better room."

Lin Yi had no problem at all using Wu Chentian's money- he wasn't even using it for himself, anyway. It might very well be for his bro's future wife.

"But, boss…… That money….." Xiaobo said hesitantly. After all, the money was meant to be lent to Fen's family. The guy wouldn't get anything in return for spending this much on the girl.

"Haha, just think of it as being used on you- you don't have to return it." Lin Yi said with a laugh.

"Thanks……" Xiaobo nodded, not rejecting the offer. Lin Yi was being serious, he knew that- there was no reason to be shy about it. He'd chosen the right guy to call boss.

Xiaobo walked over to Fen's bed with quick steps- the girl was awake, and her face wasn't as pale anymore. Both Tang Yin and Liu Xinwen were talking with her while Song Huiping peeled an apple for Fen.

"Aunty Song…" Xiaobo said, a little embarrassed. He wasn't very close with the family… Following them back to the hospital after saving Fen yesterday made sense, but coming again the second day…

"Oh? Xiaobo's here!" Huiping said, evidently quite fond of Xiaobo as she stood up smiling. She handed the peeled apple to him. "Here, an apple?"

"No thank you- give it to Fen, aunty. She needs to nutrition." Xiaobo said.

Fen couldn't help but blush upon seeing Xiaobo- Tang Yin and Xinwen had told her about yesterday's events, about how she had mistaken Xiaobo for Kang Zhaoming yesterday.

"Thank you, Kang Xiaobo. For saving me yesterday." Fen said, a little shy as she sat up, her face a bit red and her voice pleasant.

"Ah, don't worry about it… Heh heh……" Xiaobo said, waving his hands, a little worked up- it was his first time seeing Fen in her normal state.

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"And also, sorry for what I did yesterday… I thought you were him……" Fen didn't want to be talking about this, but it was something she still had to apologize for.

A conscious Fen knew well that Zhaoming wouldn't be coming back for her again… It was just that she slipped into her fantasies once in a while.

"It's fine… haha." Xiaobo said, waving his hands in front of him once more. "As long as you're okay! Ah, that's right- I talked to my boss- we're getting you a better hospital room!"

"Ah?" Fen's paused as she remembered what Tang Yin had said to her, about how Xiaobo might have feelings for her. She didn't think much of it- she was a disabled person, both mentally and physically… Kang Xiaobo was a young, healthy boy, why would he ever fall for her? What Xiaobo was saying right now, however, confirmed Tang Yin's suspicions. Why would the guy come back the second day, even get her a better hospital room, if it weren't for that?

Huiping could tell what Xiaobo was thinking, too, and was a bit confused. Her daughter, while not as pretty as Tang Yin, may have been a nice flower in the slums, but…

What did Xiaobo see in her daughter right now? Huiping couldn't quite wrap her head around this- there wasn't much her house had to offer, either, and with the state Fen was in……

"Ah, it's a gesture from my boss, don't worry about it- his family's pretty rich, so it's not too much to them." Xiaobo said, pinning the credit to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was pretty speechless- his family, rich? The girls he was living with had rich families, but…

"Fen, you're best friends with Tang Yin, and Tang Yin and Lin Yi… you know, heh heh." Xiaobo said with a warm smile.

Lin Yi really wanted to kick this shit into a wall- what the hell was he doing, using his boss to hit on girls?! He was pulling Tang Yin and him into the whole thing!

As expected, Tang Yin shot an unpleasant glare at Xiaobo… She couldn't really say anything there, however- Xiaobo had good intentions, he was offering to change Fen's hospital room.

Tang Yin knew too that it wasn't a good environment for Fen to heal in- wouldn't denying Xiaobo's words mean that Fen would have to continue staying here?

She thought about it: Lin Yi was a rich young master, this sort of money didn't matter to him. As for that little comment… She had nothing going on with Lin Yi! The guy was just using their relationship to hit on Fen. Tang Yin felt better after with that in mind.

Fen turned to look at Tang Yin, confused. She wasn't saying anything… She turned to Xinwen, who then nodded faintly to her. Tang Yin was in a relationship?!

With this 'boss' of Kang Xiaobo's?

There were other patients present, however, and her mother was here, too.. It wouldn't be very appropriate for her to ask for details, and she decided to just believe what Xiaobo had said.

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"Don't worry, Aunty Song- my boss is paying. Let's get Fen a better room!" Xiaobo said passionately as he went for a doctor.

Lin Yi understood Xiaobo's psychology here- it was the first girl he had fallen for, and it was only natural that he'd want to make an impression. As for that comment he made… Lin Yi only laughed it off.

He gestured to Tang Yin, telling her to come over. Tang Yin raised her head, confused as she pointed to herself, as if to confirm if Lin Yi was asking for her.

Lin Yi nodded, and she got up to walk over unwillingly. "What is it?'

"Xiaobo's trying to chase Fen, and he needs a reason to get close to her, so he used us……" Lin Yi explained. "You get it, right?"

"Oh." Tang Yin nodded a little unhappily, but didn't give any retort to that. "As long as you know it's not real."

"Ah, I know." Lin Yi smiled. "Let's go, help Xiaobo out with the room change. Maybe also tell me what Fen thinks of him..?"

Chapter 217 - Hospital Room News

Tang Yin hesitated, but walked out with Lin Yi all the same. "Fen didn't say anything about Xiaobo yet, so I guess it's just gratitude?"

"You think he has a chance?" Lin Yi asked.

"How would I know?" Tang Yin hmphed softly. "The people around you just do the same thing you do, chasing after girls when they should be studying."

"Ah… Let's not talk about me first." Lin Yi said. "I think he's serious about this."

Tang Yin looked at Xiaobo in front of them- she wouldn't mind getting him together with Fen if he really was serious… It'd help Fen get out of that trauma. "You sure it's not a one-time thing, that he wants to be with Fen the rest of his life? He's not just playing around like you are, is he?"

"...Why're you always pulling me back in? Also, I never said anything about just playing around with you!" Lin Yi said, a bitter smile on his face. "Not sure if he's just being impulsive or anything, but it doesn't look like it."

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Tang Yin shot a glare at Lin Yi. "A girl's honor is a very delicate thing! Fen's gotten hurt once, she can't go through that again."

Lin Yi hadn't expected Tang Yin to be the committed type, the type of girl who'd never let go of a man after deciding on him. Men were usually worried that their girlfriend would leave them for another if they were too pretty, but it seemed like that kind of thing wouldn't happen with Tang Yin as a girlfriend.

The two were talking when Xiaobo started raising his voice.

He seemed to be arguing with a middle-aged man while Huiping tried to calm them down.

"It's not like we're not spending the money- why is it that we can't have a private room?" Xiaobo was getting a little furious- he'd been all excited, pulling Huiping along to the hospital room management dean's room to get Fen a private hospital room, but they just denied him everything with 'no rooms'!

Even that would be fine, if one of the doctors hadn't brought a patient's relative in to get a private room right after they left the office! The dean of the hospital just gave them one without thinking about it, all because the doctor said the relative was his 'bro'!

Didn't the guy say there weren't any rooms left? So how come a room came up all of a sudden?

"It's the last high-class room, for insiders." The dean explained faintly, not interested in arguing with Xiaobo.

"What happened to first come first serve? It's not like we're not paying for it, why don't we get the room? Just because we aren't insiders?" Xiaobo said, very displeased.

"Don't come asking for rooms if you can't back it up- my husband's classmate is the hospital dean here! You think you can just ask for rooms without connections? Go back and cut some vegetables!" A woman in heavy makeup said with a disdainful look at Xiaobo- she was the wife of the doctor's bro. "Look at that dumb face of yours, stop embarrassing yourself!"

"You-!!" Xiaobo wasn't taking this well. "Whose face are you calling dumb?"

"What are you gonna do about it? You're obviously some villager getting cocky with that bit of money on you- look at what your mother's wearing, she's like a villager visiting the city for the first time!" The man said with a glare after seeing Xiaobo raise his voice at his woman, thinking Huiping was Xiaobo's mother. He spat at the ground.

The spit hit Xiaobo's shoe, and it clearly wasn't the man's intention judging by the surprised look on his face.

"You-! Wipe my shoe clean right now!" Xiaobo had been following Lin Yi the last couple days- he had the boiling blood of men in his veins now!

"Alright, alright, kid, enough." The man said as he pulled a hundred kuai bill out his wallet casually, putting it in Xiaobo's hand. "Go look for some shoe cleaner with this. Let me tell you, just money isn't enough these days. You need connections! Try to keep up."

With that, the man took his leave with his woman, afraid that Xiaobo would start to cause trouble. The doctor who was with them left as well.

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The man was Zhao Guangdong, who had come to get his boss a private room. His boss wasn't in critical condition or anything, but he did have high blood pressure these past few days. He didn't need a private room at all, but Guangdong wanted to use some of his connections.

Xiaobo threw the money on the ground with a violent swing, his eyes bloodshot as he glared at the leaving Guangdong, panting with rage.

"Ah…" Lin Yi walked over and picked the money up, handing it to Xiaobo. "You still have to take the money- you're pissed at him, not the money."

"Boss, I wanna beat him up!" Xiaobo understood Lin Yi's good intentions- Fen was at a delicate stage, and having more money would always help. He'd thrown the money away for his pride, but Lin Yi had picked it up and handed it to him- he had to take it.

"Xiaobo, we don't need a private room anymore, don't get into a fight! That room isn't bad!" Huiping said, worried that Xiaobo would get in trouble.

Tang Yin looked at Lin Yi, telling him to talk Xiaobo out of it. She understood where the guy was coming from- he'd just gotten out of a situation much like what Tang Yin had gone through, understanding the cold cruelty of this world. She went to the factory herself to get her father's medical compensation, but where did that get her?

People who had connections only needed to mention it, and they'd get money for the medical bills, regardless of how serious the injury was.

"Sometimes, beating people up isn't the only way to handle things." Lin Yi said, patting Xiaobo on the shoulder. "You need to adapt to the different people you're dealing with. Wait for me- I'll get them out of that private room the same way they got in."

With that, he started walking to the dean's office. The dean was about to ask Lin Yi what he needed when he walked in his office, but one look at Xiaobo and his face grew dark. "Didn't I tell you, there aren't any rooms left. What're you here for?"

"You sure there's only one high class room, the one you'd just given to those people earlier?" Lin Yi asked without answering the question.

"Yes. You may leave now." The dean said with an impatient wave of his hand.

"Then get them out of that room." Lin Yi said faintly.

"Hah…….." The dean couldn't help but find Lin Yi's words amusing. Who did that guy think he was, the head of the hospital? "I still have matters to attend to- I'll have to call security if you're looking for trouble.

"So you're not getting them out?" Lin Yi said as he pulled his phone out. "Then I'll just have to get someone else to do it……"

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