Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 223-224

Chapter 223 - Father and Son of House Zou

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It was evident that Li Erlan had spotted Lin Yi and Tang Yin- he paused for a bit, but kept walking on past them without so much as a word.

He had more important things to take care of today, for Master Bin had just arrived at Songshan. He needed to bring a couple of his bros and get on his side! As for Lin Yi and Tang Yin… it was a matter he'd resolve in due time.

He hated Lin Yi to the core, but Erlan believed that taking care of Lin Yi would only take a couple minutes with Master Bin supporting him, and Tang Yin would become his plaything.

He turned his head back with a furious glare at Lin Yi before continuing to walk on. He knew why Master Bin called for him, and he was having second thoughts… It didn't feel right at all to turn on his fellow slum members.

But Lin Yi's appearance made him determined to go to Master Bin…

Lin Yi didn't know what Li Erlan was thinking about, and couldn't help but wonder why he'd just walked past them without saying anything. "He doesn't bother you anymore?"

Tang Yin was curious as well, but shook her head. Not to answer the question, but because she didn't know what was up with Erlan too.

Lin Yi walked Tang Yin to her doorstep, but didn't go in. "I'm leaving then?"

"Yeah…" Tang Yin was a bit irritated- couldn't the guy just leave if he wanted to, what was he asking her for? Did he hope that she'd invite him in for a cup of tea? Wasn't he just forcing her to do that with a question like that? Yet it'd be pretty rude for her to not invite him at this point, and Tang Yin hadn't much of a choice. "You wanna come in for a bit?"

"It's fine, I'm going back." Lin Yi said with a smile.

"Oh……" Tang Yin's irritation only grew- she'd dropped her pride and invited him in already, only to get rejected?! What the hell! She turned away from Lin Yi and quickly ran inside…

It was Monday, and a very excited Zhong Pinliang called Zou Ruoming out to meet.

"Liang, what's up?" Ruoming wasn't in a very good mood because of what had happened yesterday- his plans got messed up! He had looked to get his brother to send some men his way, to help kidnap Tang Yin so that he could have his way with her… But he found out that both his brother's hands were destroyed when he got home! It'd take quite a while to heal, and he had to postpone his plan!

He'd returned home yesterday to see his old man Zou Tiandi sitting there, a pissed-off look on his face.

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"Dad, what's wrong?" Ruoming asked, curious why his dad looked like someone had robbed him of his money.

No one took his money, but he did get robbed of a hospital room! He wasn't a titan in Songshan, but he was a man with strong connections! Losing a hospital room to some random dudes- he'd get laughed at if word got out!

How would he survive in Songshan's upper society if that happened?

For that, he told Zhao Guangdong to dial his eldest son up, Zou Ruoguang of the northern district- so that his rage could be unleashed on those fuckers!

He was waiting for good news from his son when bad news came! Ruoguang had gotten beat up in the hospital room, and was coming back home with very big losses!

It'd been a long time since he'd experienced something like this, ever since the success of his KTV business! Life was especially good after he'd sponsored his eldest son and got him a gangster leader position in the northern district!

"Go do your homework! You're the only educated man we'll have from the Zou family- I'll need you to manage the company when you grow up!" Tiandi barked after a glare at Ruoming.

He had high hopes for his younger son- after all, both he and Ruogang weren't gentlemanly people… They had to go into society from a young age, and there was simply no time for education- it was too late for them, but not for Ruoming, whom they'd pinned their hopes on.

Tiandi learned firsthand how important a manager was the larger his KTV business grew- he could hire one, but it wouldn't be as optimal as having a family member in that position. It was why he wanted Ruoming to study hard- his KTV would only grow larger with a trusted manager at his side.

Ruoming acted the part at home, as if he were a good student who listened to his father… It hadn't even crossed Tiandi's mind that his eldest son loved his brother so much he'd been spoiling him, helping him with bad deeds and even hiding it from Tiandi!

"Okay……" Ruoming said, closing the door after entering his room. He wasn't doing his homework, but he did have an ear to the door as he waited for his brother to return, planning on eavesdropping on their conversation…

It wasn't long before his brother returned, and much to Ruoming's surprise, Ruoguang's hands were thoroughly bandaged!

"Ruoguang…" Tiandi had been a gangster in his earlier years as well, and was no stranger to the violent side of society… But something like this hadn't happened in so long after Ruoguang conquered the northern area…

"Dad, the guy's a master- I can't beat him!" Ruoguang said candidly, still very afraid of Lin Yi. "None of my men are a match for him! From what I can see, even if he's not at the golden class he's definitely almost there! He might even know acupuncture!"

"What? That strong? Are you sure? Those two bastards can't be over twenty, how could he possibly be a master?" Tiandi asked doubtfully.

"Dad, even I don't believe it- but he's really strong. Let's just leave this behind us… It's not like we have big beef with him……" Ruoguang shuddered as he remembered Lin Yi.

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"Fucking- Useless!" Tiandi hmphed coldly. "Where are your guts?! Even that useless brother of yours is braver, look at what he did to that girl in his class first year in middle school! What have you done? I've really made the wrong decision, I should've let you get an education and given the gangster role to Ruoming!"

Ruoguang only lowered his head, afraid to look his father in the eye.

"So what if he's strong? Four fists is trouble for two hands, haven't you heard of that saying? You think they just made that up for fun? You think it gets to be passed down for so many generations for nothing?" Tiandi said with a hmph. "Your Uncle Yan, he's a golden class as well, but he's lost to special ops all the same! Look at what I went through just to bail him out!"

(that saying sounds weird in English, but it looks important lol)

Chapter 224 - Weird

"Then let Uncle Yan take care of it, dad… I can't go back anymore." Ruoguang said, too terrified of Lin Yi- Tiandi was right, Ruoming was braver than he was.

"You piece of trash!! My relationship with Old Yan is mutual, he helps me because I help him! He does something for me and I'll owe him! Why would I ask him to do something so unimportant?" Tiandi couldn't believe this- why was his son this much of a pussy?

"If it's unimportant then let's just let it go……" Ruoguang said weakly.

"Christ, fine, you stay out of this. Scram!" Tiandi said with a wave of his hand- this son of his was nothing like he'd been when he was younger!

Ruoguang turned and made his way back to his room, leaving a very pissed off Zou Tiandi in the living room.

Ruoming, on the other hand, had heard everything- he'd also seen the injuries on his hands. As troubling as it was, it seemed that he had to postpone his plans… What would his brother be able to do with those hands?

Something like this needed to be done in the shadows, and he wouldn't be at ease if it weren't his own brother helping him. Zhong Pinliang calling him out Monday morning didn't do much to help raise his spirits.

"Ming Bro, how're the preparations coming along? You know, that plan I told you about." Pinliang said as he offered Ruoming a cigarette.

"Let's not talk about that…" Ruoming said with a wave of his hand. "Something happened to my brother, and he can't help me anymore- I was just fussing over this! Looks like I'll have to postpone the thing."

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Pinliang was overjoyed at the news! He'd planned to have Heibao help Ruoming get Tang Yin, use her to bait Lin Yi out and beat him to death… It'd be difficult to carry out if Ruoming was there in person.

Yet it wasn't something Pinliang could just mention. Just telling the guy that he'd be able to get Tang Yin for her would arouse his suspicion

"Ming Bro, this is something that has to be done asap! It'll be really bad if Lin Yi beats you to it!" Pinliang said, a plan in mind.

"You're right… Fucking christ, this isn't something I can do myself!" Ruoming cursed. "Liang, you have anyone who could do the job?"

"Me? You're not asking me to help you with the kidnapping, are you? My dad'll kill me if he finds out!" Pinliang said, as if he were in a difficult position. "You know it too, don't you, that whole thing with Heibao……"

Ruoming nodded understandingly- Pinliang had to have gotten a scolding for that, but Pinliang was the only one who could help him at this point. "Liang, you've beef with Lin Yi too, right? Help me out this once- that Lin Yi's the one who got Heibao in jail, remember? He's why you got a scolding, he's your enemy as well as mine!"

"You're right!" Pinliang nodded eagerly. "Alright then, Ming Bro, I'll help you out!"

"That's a bro!" Ruoming said, pleased as he patted Pinliang's shoulder. "When can we do this?"

"Tonight, if you wanna do it as soon as possible. I'll call the guy later!" Pinliang said. "But Ming Bro, you have a setting in mind?"

"Yeah, there's this abandoned building in the northern area, there's practically no one there. It's where me and my friends hang out." Ruoming said. "It's at Red Flower Street, in the northern district."

"Oh, I know that place!" Pinliang said with a nod. "Ming Bro, you just wait for good news!"

"I'll remember this, bro! You have my thanks!!" Ruoming said as he patted Pinliang's shoulder happily.

"For sure, for sure…" Pinliang said half-heartedly before walking back to school- the guy was thanking him for being used as a pawn.

He went to an alley behind the school and got in a public phone booth, dialing Heibao's number up and telling him about the plans for tonight. Heibao said yes without even thinking about it- the guy was hellbent on getting back at Lin Yi, and anything went as long as it worked.

Heibao wasn't a stranger to kidnapping- he'd done it enough times for it to be easy.

After giving out instructions to Heibao, a villainous smile formed on Pinliang's lips. Lin Yi…… This is what you get for fucking with me. Your girl's gonna get messed up right in front of you, and you'll get messed up yourself while you watch……

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Pinliang's concern now, however, was how he would go about getting Lin Yi to the abandoned building.

He couldn't just tell him to go to the place, could he? Even if the guy believed him, he'd probably think that Pinliang had started the whole thing and give him a beating first.

Pinliang walked to class with a frown on his face as he tried to figure something else out. He noticed a student from another class telling something to the dean Wang Zhifeng, probably snitching on someone. His lips twitched with disdain.

He hated people like that the most- snitching on others took no skill, and it was simply distasteful… Hm? An idea came to Pinliang's mind.

He walked over to the snitch to thank him for the idea. "Thanks a ton, bro!"

"Zhong Pinliang, what're you doing?" Zhifeng said with a frown.

"Nothing, Mister Wang, I just find it admirable for students like him to be doing the right thing!" Pinliang said with a nod before quickly returning to class.

Wang Zhifeng didn't know where this was coming from- what was with this Zhong Pinliang? He left it at that, however, since the guy had an uncle in the boards of directors. Furthermore, it wasn't like he'd done anything bad.

Lin Yi was sitting at the back of the class, listening to Xiaobo rant on about Fen. He yawned as he noticed Pinliang walking in his direction.

Huh? What's this dude coming over here for? Lin Yi wondered if the guy was itching to get beat up or something- neither Zhang Naipao or Gao Xiaofu were near him, so Pinliang was definitely walking towards him.

As expected, Pinliang opened his mouth and spoke to Lin Yi- his attitude, however, took him by surprise.

"Lin Yi!" Pinliang greeted with a big smile on his face, trying his best not to look hostile.

"You have paralysis in your face? Need me to treat you?" Lin Yi asked, confused as he looked at that smile on Pinliang's face. What the hell was up with him?

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