Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 231-232

Chapter 231 - What To Do

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Tang Yin's clothes were still intact, and she was the only one in the room. Lin Yi didn't know where Ruoming was, or why he hadn't done anything yet, but that didn't really concern him. He jumped into the room.

He lifted Tang Yin off the ground and checked her breathing, finding it to be a bit ragged… Lin Yi frowned. Could it be..?

He was about to check on her condition more thoroughly when he heard a voice from the corridor. "Fuck, two pills and still nothing? Do I have to take one more? Wonder if it's working for Tang Yin… It'll be pretty bad if I can't keep up with her later……"

As expected, this dude had fed Tang Yin something…

With Tang Yin in his arms, Lin Yi leapt out the window and back onto the ground. He looked at Pinliang, an evil smile forming on his lips.

He put Tang Yin in Heibao's van before pulling Pinliang by the shirt, jumping back into the room and throwing him onto the ground, setting him into the posture and position Tang Yin had been in earlier…

With that done, Lin Yi leapt out the window again, landing beside Heibao.

He thought about it for a bit before throwing Heibao in the back. Worried, he pressed on a few of Heibao's acupuncture points just in case- the guy shouldn't be waking up for another two or three hours.

Lin Yi then got in the van's driver seat and drove to somewhere quiet to check on Tang Yin.

If his guess was right, the girl should be under some sort of strong aphrodisiac.

The van hadn't gotten far when Tang Yin started moving about. "Hot… It's so hot……"

Was Tang Yin awake? Lin Yi glanced at the girl next to him in the co-driver seat, half-awake as she fidgeted and wriggled, as if in pain……

"Tang Yin?" Lin Yi tested.

"Yeah..? ...Hot… So… hot……" Tang Yin mumbled subconsciously as her body continued fidgeting on its own accord. "It's so hot…… Ahh……"

Lin Yi sighed, and decided to park the van in an alley- Tang YIn had regained some consciousness already.

As good as Lin Yi was, there wasn't much he could do right now… He'd never done any research on how to deal with drugs like this, since his warmates had all been boys- there was no possibility of them getting drugged the way Tang Yin was.

It was evidently too late to check for details now. Lin Yi scratched his head as he looked at Tang Yin's flushed cheeks. He swallowed. Come on, don't tempt me……

"Hottt……." The pills seemed to be taking effect, and Tang Yin started pulling at her clothes…

Lin Yi jumped back, startled. "Hey, what're you trying to do?"

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"It's so hot… Help me……" Tang Yin said, not hearing Lin Yi's question and even telling him to help her. Her hands weren't doing too well with the buttons, and Tang Yin went and pulled at them, ripping her school uniform open and exposing the camisole she was wearing…

Lin Yi was quite surprised at how strong Tang Yin was, but there were more pressing matters at hand that he had just suppressed…

Lin Yi was no proper gentleman or anything, but taking advantage of Tang Yin like this wasn't in his best interests, and not something he wanted to be doing… Knowing Tang Yin, she probably wouldn't blame him afterwards, but she'd most likely ignore him for the rest of their lives.

Lin Yi was trying to figure things out when Tang Yin sat up and pounced on Lin Yi.

"Calm down, Tang Yin!!!" Lin Yi decided at that moment that the hospital was the place to go- he'd been concerned that it wouldn't look good for a girl to go to the hospital for this kind of thing, but there wasn't much of a choice left.

"Hug me…… It's so hot, please……" Tang Yin looked into Lin Yi's eyes dazedly as she started pulling at Lin Yi's clothes.

"Fuck!" Lin Yi cursed as she pushed Tang Yin aside- things weren't going to end well at this rate. "Hey, Elder Jiao! You there?!"

"I'm always by your side, no matter how far……" Elder Jiao said.

"......" Lin Yi was speechless. "You singing Legends?"

"Legends? What's that?"

"Nevermind……" Lin Yi didn't have time for this. "Elder Jiao, she's been drugged- do you have ideas?"

"Ideas… Let's see……" Elder Jiao started thinking. "A long time ago my grand sifu dealt with a similar problem… Now what did he do……" (I'll just use grand sifu to replace mentor's mentor… can't seem to find a proper translation)

Lin Yi was in trouble, but the guy'd said he had an idea, and he didn't want to rush him. Meanwhile, Tang Yin was kissing, hugging, and also pulling his shirt open…

"Oh, I remember... Wait, it won't work, you're in a different discipline." Elder Jiao said suddenly.

"......No other way?" Lin Yi didn't know what to say.

"There is another way, use the art you're training in. Press on some of her acupuncture points and speak the words- your energy will flow into her to disperse the effects." Elder Jiao said. "I think I told you this before, that energy inside you solves almost everything. You just forgot……"

"How was I supposed to know that even this is included?" Lin Yi said with a bitter smile. "Elder Jiao, hurry and tell me what to do, I can't take this anymore- I'm losing control."

Elder Jiao gave Lin Yi the acupuncture points, and he started sending his energy into Tang Yin's body, which started steaming a while later.

Half an hour later Tang Yin had returned to normal as she laid in her seat, unconscious.

"Fuu……" Lin Yi exhaled. "Didn't think it'd take this much energy to remove the poison."

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Lin Yi hadn't expected to use up half his energy just to dispel the effects- he started to feel fatigued.

"Your level's too low." Elder Jiao said coldly. "It doesn't take anything for my grand sifu to do it."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at the comment, not paying him any heed. Elder Jiao himself was already an otherworldly master- what was he doing, pulling his grand sifu out to compare him with all the time? What was wrong with him?

He looked at Tang Yin- she'd ripped her camisole a bit, and her bra was coming out… WIth a gulp, Lin Yi picked her tattered uniform up and covered her up.

Chapter 232 - First Time Seeing Her Like This

Lin Yi sighed- he'd missed the opportunity.

Although, there wasn't any regret at all- Stuff like this was best when it was consensual, after all.

Doing it with a drugged and half-conscious partner took the meaning out of the whole thing. Lin Yi could tell himself all he wanted that it was Tang Yin who'd jumped on him, but he'd just be fooling himself.

Pulling his phone out, Lin Yi dialed up Song Lingshan's number.

Lingshan picked up not long after. "Hello, LIn Yi? What do you need, I'm in the middle of a meeting…"

"Meeting? This late?" Lin Yi blinked. He'd planned to have her come take Heibao back- there wasn't much Lin Yi could at this point.

"It's 'cause of that Heibao! The man's really dangerous, leaving him running rampant in society will have massive repercussions! He's like a tumor we need to remove as soon as possible." Lingshan said. "Ah, right- what did you need? I'll get back to the meeting first if it's nothing important."

"Oh. Well you don't need to go back anymore- disperse the meeting." Lin Yi said.

"What? What do you mean? What're you talking about, Lin Yi?" Lingshan asked after a pause, not quite sure what Lin Yi was talking about.

"Heibao's here. I'll get him to you." Lin Yi said.

"Heibao? There? You've spotted him? You haven't confronted him, have you?? Wait there and keep an eye on him, I'll dispatch a team over right away!" Linshan warned, glad that Heibao had been found.

"No need to rush, I pretty much disabled him. He's in the back of my car." Lin Yi said.

"Disabled?" Lingshan asked a little doubtfully. "Isn't he a golden class end phase peak? How is he disabled?"

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It wasn't an impossibility- Lingshan acknowledged Lin Yi's strength. After all, the guy had been hired as a bodyguard for Chu Mengyao- he had to be pretty skilled. Yet just being pretty skilled wasn't quite enough to be dealing with a golden class end phase peak…

"I dunno. Maybe he got weaker." Lin Yi said, not intending to say too much to Lingshan- he still wanted to keep a low profile.

"Got weaker?" Lingshan opened her mouth, but didn't say anything. Lin Yi had a point- Heibao had raised his skills all the way up to end phase peak in one go; it was pretty feasible for him to have lost the power-up and dropped to his initial skill level. "Where are you? I'll go there right now."

"Lemme see…… I'm near Little Song's convenience store, in an alley nearby." Lin Yi said after looking around.

"Little Song's convenience store?" Lingshan frowned, evidently not very familiar with small store brands like that.

A coworker spoke up. "Little Song's convenience store- I know the place, it's right below my third aunty's home…"

With that, Lingshan turned back to Lin Yi. "Alright, you wait there then. I'll be right there."

"Come alone, and hurry up! I still have other stuff to do." Lin Yi said before hanging the phone up. He turned around and met with Tang Yin's eyes, staring right at him! What the! Since when..? "Uh… You're awake?"

"Yeah……" Tang Yin said, a bit embarrassed as she avoided Lin Yi's gaze, lowering her head. She'd been pretty conscious earlier on, and had been directly watching as Lin Yi removed the stuff inside her body, only napping a bit from the fatigue.

She only watched as Lin Yi spoke on the phone after waking up, waiting for him to finish without interrupting. She wasn't expecting him to turn his head in her direction right after hanging up, and she couldn't help but panic, her face red as she remembered what had just taken place.

Ruoming's pills were newly developed- they made anyone who took the pills have a strong, lustful longing, but they didn't take the consciousness away from them.

As a result, Tang Yin remembered every detail of what she'd said and done to both herself and Lin Yi. Just thinking about it was too much for her, and she couldn't look Lin Yi in the eyes anymore. She wanted to crawl into a hole.

"Ah……" Lin Yi smiled. "How do you feel? Does it still hurt anywhere?"

It didn't seem like Lin Yi had any intentions of laughing at her, or even bringing up what had happened… He was actually being quite considerate and caring. With that in mind, Tang Yin calmed down a little and nodded in response.

"Thanks……" Tang Yin said softly, not sure how else to express her current emotions. She was shy, grateful, and a little troubled.

Lin Yi didn't even want her after she'd thrown herself on the guy… What the hell?

Wasn't the guy after her? Why'd he let an opportunity like that just slip away?

Could he really be different from people like Zou Ruoming, who only lusted after her body?

Or was her appeal not strong enough for him?

"Don't mention it." Lin Yi smiled. "Wait for a bit, okay? I'll get you home later."

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"Kay……" Tang Yin responded, not asking what they were waiting for- from what she'd heard from the call, Lin Yi should be waiting for someone.

With that, the car fell into silence. Neither Lin Yi or Tang Yin spoke.

"Lin Yi……" Tang Yin curled her lips as she mustered her courage to clear her confusion. "Why'd you… stop me earlier…?"

"Hm?" Lin Yi blinked. 'Why'd he stop her?' Was Tang Yin actually asking him this? Could she perhaps have wanted him to accept her affections?

"I… I mean, I thought you liked me? If you hadn't stopped me we'd… we'd be in that kind of relationship already, and I'd be your girlfriend……" Tang Yin explained as she fumbled her words together.

"Ah……" Lin Yi reached his hand out and put it on Tang Yin's head. "You're messing up the order."

Tang Yin tensed up as Lin Yi reached his hand out, but didn't move away when he started touching her head. "Whaa..?"

"We need to be a couple first before we do that kind of stuff, right?" Lin Yi said with a smile. "I have principles you know."

"Oh……" Tang Yin nodded softly before touching Lin Yi's hand. "Come on, stop patting me, I'm gonna blame you if I stop getting taller…"

A surge of emotions flared up as Tang Yin spoke- had she misunderstood Lin Yi for all this time?

"Ha…" Lin Yi smiled- this was his first time seeing Tang Yin like this… It was a commemorable day.

"You're tall enough already- no one's gonna want you if you get any taller." Lin Yi teased.

"I'd… still have you right?" Tang Yin didn't know where those daring words came from, but she lowered her head even further. She couldn't look at Lin Yi anymore.

Lin Yi pulled his hand back as he wondered if this counted as Tang Yin accepting him. He rubbed at his temple, a little grateful towards that disabled shit at the back of the car...

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