Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 281-282

Chapter 281 - Secret Within the Shark

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".........." Mengyao looked at Yushu weirdly. "Will you please stop dragging me into your love affairs? If you like Lin Yi just say so, okay, stop throwing me in there."

Mengyao finally understood what the hell this girl was talking about, but why did Yushu have to involve her all the time?

"That's not it, Yao Yao! Didn't we agree that I'd marry the guy you marry? So that we get to be sisters forever, right!" Yushu said seriously.

"Is that so? So you'll marry the same guy even if it's Zhong Pinliang, right?" Mengyao eyed Yushu. Did Yushu think she wouldn't be able to tell? They were soulmates for a reason. They lived together, ate together, grew up together! They knew each other too well!

"Ugh……" Yushu's face froze, not expecting a question like that from Mengyao. She wasn't quite sure how to respond to that as her face flushed.

"Hm? What's the matter?" Mengyao shot a glare at Yushu. "Are you sure you wanna marry Lin Yi because we'd get to be together, and not because you wanna marry Lin Yi??"

"Yao Yao……" Yushu tugged at Mengyao's arm as she fidgeted. "Of course it's for us to be together, okay……"

"Is that so." Mengyao hmphed, not taking her eyes off of Yushu.

Yushu's face reddened as the guilt built up. "O-Okay! Fine! I mean, who'd wanna marry someone as distasteful as Zhong Pinliang?! Anyone would wanna marry someone they didn't dislike, right?"

"Being honest now, are we? So you don't dislike Lin Yi, I see?" Mengyao asked.

"Nah, I just think he's okay." Yushu explained.

"Liar." Mengyao flicked at Yushu's forehead softly. "Don't you worry, I won't marry him! You can go get with him if you want!"

"Oh……." Yushu didn't really mind- she knew Mengyao didn't mean that! This was just how Mengyao was.

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Lin Yi was cleaning up the shark in the kitchen, thinking that Mengyao wouldn't be too impressed by it since shark meat wasn't that tasty. He did bring the whole thing back already, however- it wouldn't make sense to not cook it for her now. She'd definitely want to at least try it.

Lin Yi had only done some basic cleaning at the beach, only cutting off some sections from the tail area to fill their bellies.

He'd only now acknowledged the shark's size after cutting it up from the middle.

A loud, metal clang sounded- the knife Lin Yi was using seemed to have hit a piece of metal?

He remembered what he'd heard about people who hunted sharks- they'd find all sorts of treasure in shark bellies, mostly eaten by the shark along with a person. Treasures couldn't be digested, so they continued to exist inside the shark.

Did he perhaps hit the jackpot?

Lin Yi quickly pried open the shark and took out what was inside the belly, although it wasn't anything like a ring or pearl- it was big. Very shockingly big, and even Lin Yi was shocked as he pulled out the item.

It was an apparatus, seemingly something used to control a motor… There was even a huge airbag in there! This looked like a sort of balancing system, but everything was rusted- it had been in the shark for a long time!

This shark was an animal that had been trained and modified!! If Lin Yi was correct, then the motor-like apparatus and the balancing system were to control the shark's movement and speed- the airbag would be something to control the shark's submersion in the sea!

So that was why the shark was so light even when Lin Yi was carrying Yushu- he might as well have been carrying a big inflatable shark!

Who was the one who modified the shark, and for what purpose?

The controller in the shark had evidently lost its function- he wouldn't have encountered the shark in the first place otherwise.

Lin Yi took out the system for a closer look- it wasn't a high-tech piece of system. It wasn't anything difficult for the current technology to produce.

The question here was this- what was the shark for? Lin Yi didn't want to think about anything unrelated to him too much, and was about to throw it aside when he spotted a small door at the bottom of the controller!

He tugged at it- the door was locked. There was a small keyhole in it, and Lin YI got himself a toothpick from the kitchen after realizing that it wasn't a complicated lock. He picked at the keyhole and got it to open.

A small box sealed in plastic fell out, and Lin Yi picked it up.

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It wasn't anything impressive, but it was very tightly sealed. It looked like one of those lunchboxes everyone bought nowadays, except it was made of metal.

Lin Yi tore the plastic off, and waited for a signal from the jade. He only pried it open when no warning came.

Lin Yi, naturally, had to be cautious- there was no telling what the contents would be, so what would he have done if it were a bomb? It'd be pretty shitty for him to just die like that.

"Hm?" Lin Yi took out what was inside the box after pausing a little- it was a sheepskin. To be precise, a map made from sheepskin, a remnant of a map. Lin Yi couldn't tell how big the original was supposed to be.

The writing on that map wasn't in a language Lin Yi had seen before- he knew a little of almost all the world's languages, and had an idea what language it was even if it wasn't one he knew.

Yet the language on the map didn't belong to any country- Lin Yi took into consideration, however,  that it might be the language of a small country's, or a tribe's. It might've even been from a lost civilization.

What Lin Yi was leaning towards, however, was that this language might actually be a code! Only those who knew the code could understand the writing.

Lin Yi pretty much understood the situation at that point- this shark was transportation for the map! Something happened during the transportation, and the controller lost control of the shark, failing to have the map delivered.

It'd probably be something insanely unlikely for one to bump into this very shark in the ocean- Lin Yi got lucky.

He didn't know what the map was for, but put it into his pocket all the same. He'd take a closer look when he had time. The controller wasn't of much value to Lin Yi, and he just tossed it to a corner in the kitchen.

Chapter 282 - Board of Directors Crisis

"So Shu, this is the shark meat you said was really good?" Mengyao wasn't too impressed as she chewed the shark meat in her mouth- it wasn't even as good as regular carp.

Mengyao didn't want to say anything bad about the shark meat that Yushu had been so looking forward to, especially when Lin Yi had spent the whole afternoon cleaning and preparing the shark- it smelled quite nice now that it was completed and on her plate, but the texture of the meat simply wasn't anything great. It was extremely normal……

"Yeah!!" Yushu moved a piece of shark to her mouth excitedly with her fork and started chewing.

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"Hm? It isn't as good before??" Yushu frowned as she leaned in for a closer smell- it seemed to smell the same… It was actually way more seasoned than the meat she'd had for lunch, but the taste just wasn't as good…

"Shark meat isn't that good in the first place." Lin Yi commented as he put a piece to his mouth. "You were just in shock the first time you ate it, and you vomited your stomach empty, remember. That's why it was so appealing to you."

"Oh……" Yushu was a little embarrassed. "Yao Yao, you don't have to eat this……."

"No way!" Mengyao said. "Of course I'm eating it, you guys went to all this trouble for me to have a taste- I'm happy to eat it."

"Oh, let's eat then! I actually think it's still really good!" Yushu said as she put another piece in her mouth.

"You fucking pig! You're a fucking pig!!" Jin Gubang glared at his son, very pissed off. "Lin Yi and Chen Yushu aren't dead, and now the police are involved! We're really screwed this time!!"

"Why are we screwed if they survived??" Maosheng blinked.

"That old fox Chu Pengzhan, he's hosting a board of directors meeting tomorrow! He's gonna let me have it tomorrow!" Gubang gritted. "If he decides to pull the industries under my control and manage to find something wrong then we're done for!"

Maosheng was no idiot- his face paled upon hearing his father's explanation. He hadn't given the matter that much thought before, thinking that it sucked for Lin Yi to have survived… He thought that there'd be a next chance, so it wasn't too big of a deal.

Yet he never thought that Pengzhan would try to shed House Jin's power in the company!

And the theme park just had to be one of the businesses under Gubang's control- Pengzhan now had a huge card to play!

"Dad, I'm sorry!!" Maosheng didn't know how big of a fuck-up he'd caused today- he didn't expect Pengzhan to have reacted this fast!

"Forget it. He'll need time to investigate, and we still have a killer card we can play. I didn't want to have to resort to this, but he has himself to blame for forcing me!" Gubang chuckled coldly. "Think Jin Gubang's a retard, do you? I'll deal with you before you get to pull anything away from me, chairman!!"

Gubang paused- it was the first time he'd heard about a trump card from his dad. It seemed that he had something prepared, something he had confidence in to have Chu Pengzhan rid of!! What could it possibly be?

"Dad……" Maosheng was about to ask what the trump card was when his father interrupted him.

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"Don't ask so many questions- just do your part!" Gubang said. "Right, did you take care of that guy who brought them bungee jumping?"

"Ma? I hinted to Zhang Yuchu to off him already." Maosheng said. "Don't worry, dad- no one's gonna trace today's accident back to us."

"Is that so? Hmph, that old fox wasn't planning on investigating in the first place!!" Gubang chuckled coldly. "I've really underestimated him. Didn't think he'd actually tell the police not to carry out an investigation now that Chen Yushu and Lin Yi were safe!! He's blatantly telling us that he wants to pin everything on House Jin!"

Maosheng was a bit speechless- pinning the blame on House Jin? But he was the one who did the crime in the first place…

The meeting started early that Sunday morning.

Gubang sat in the seat beside Pengzhan's- he was the second-largest shareholder, the vice-chairman, after all.

"Alright- let's begin the meeting right away." Pengzhan said without beating around the bush. "We all know what happened yesterday at one of our theme parks- an accident involving my daughter's best friend, Chen Yushu! I believe everyone present understands the sort of background Chen Yushu is from- none of us would be getting out easy if anything happens to her."

It wasn't a secret- every member of the board of directors knew about what had happened. They all nodded as Pengzhan spoke, agreeing that it would indeed be extremely serious should anything have happened to Yushu.

"Fortunately Chen Yushu survived in one piece, rescued by the police." Pengzhan said. "I find it clear that our management in that department is lacking- resulting in this accident at the bungee jumping station in the first place! This wouldn't have happened if proper maintenance were present!"

Gubang listened to Pengzhan quietly as he prepared a response. He'd prefer not to use his trump card unless he absolutely had to- it'd get him to his goal in the fastest way possible, but it wasn't something that would earn the other shareholders' trust.

It was very likely that none of these shareholders would support his decision to cut out an industry from the company when the time came- he couldn't do something on that scale alone. He needed a supporting force.

"I don't want to be pinning any blame on anybody, but Vice-chairman Jin… I understand that accidents like this aren't something you'd want to see when under your management, yes?" Pengzhan asked.

"Certainly! No one would want something like this to happen." Gubang replied faintly, chuckling internally as he spoke. 'Don't want to be pinning any blame on anybody'? What was he doing now, then?

Pengzhan continued as Gubang had expected. "Vice-chairman Jin is the vice-chairman of this company- he is to manage a variety of complicated affairs on top of the entertainment businesses under him. It's perfectly normal for the workload to exceed Vice-chairman Jin's attention. With that in mind, I suggest we lessen the burdens on his shoulders- let's give the entertainment industry to Mister Xie to look after- Mister Xie's in charge of only finances and personnel. I'm sure this is an acceptable suggestion?"

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