Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 287-288

Chapter 287 - Go Stop Him

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"What's wrong, Yao Yao? Yushu was still oblivious to how she'd made Mengyao speechless with one sentence.

"Shu, mind your language! How can you just throw that around like that, what if a guy hears you? It'd be really embarrassing!" Mengyao said as she maintained her composure.

"Oh… I don't see anything wrong with that. Also, there aren't any tampons left at home! I was still thinking of getting Shield Bro to buy some!" Yushu said, not a care in the world.

"You can't! How could you have a guy buy something so private for you??" Mengyao glared  at Yushu. "I'll call Uncle Fu later, we'll get him to buy us some!"

"Ugh……" Yushu blinked. "But Yao Yao, isn't Uncle Fu a guy too……"

Yushu pitied Uncle Fu- Mengyao was always calling him an eunuch! She wondered what Uncle Fu would have to say about that.

"That's different, Uncle Fu is an elder!" Mengyao was starting to think that she was going too far herself- it seemed like she didn't treat Uncle Fu as a man anymore……

"Oh… Alright then." Yushu nodded half-heartedly. "We'll get Uncle Fu to buy them."

"That's more like it…… Also, what do we do about that stupid letter Zhong Pinliang's planning on writing?? It sounds so scary- I don't want to be having nightmares about a letter of blood tonight!" Mengyao said.

"Well, you'll need to ask Shield Bro for this kind of stuff- get him to take care of it." Yushu's current philosophy was that any problem should be directed to Lin Yi.

"Okay, you message him and tell him to take care of it!" Mengyao nodded, finding herself agreeing with Yushu's philosophy.

Lin Yi looked at the text on his phone, speechless. 'Yao Yao wants you to stop Zhong Pinliang from writing her a letter of blood! It's up to you now!'

He could beat Pinliang up without any problems, but… stopping him from writing a letter of blood? Wasn't that a bit of a stretch? What excuse would he even use?? Should he perhaps tell Pinliang not to do such a thing, else he'd beat him up?

What sort of identity would he even approach him with in the first place? Lin Yi was starting to get a headache, but the Miss had given the order. He stood up and walked over to Pinliang's desk.

Pinliang was currently holding a small blade in his hand, hesitating as it hovered it over his finger. He wasn't afraid of the pain, but cutting his own finger was a bit too terrifying!

"Fu, come help me out- I can't do this myself!" Pinliang handed the blade to Xiaofu.

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"Okay!" Xiaofu didn't really mind- it wasn't his own finger that he'd be cutting anyway. "I'm gonna cut you then, endure it, Liang Bro!"

"Alright… Ugh……." Pinliang gritted as fresh blood dripped out of his finger. There weren't any big veins around the tips of the fingers, so the blood didn't spill out or anything.

"Hurry and write, Liang Bro! We'll have to cut you again if the blood dries up!" Xiaofu said.

"Oh, yes!!" Pinliang then turned his attention to the piece of paper he'd prepared and started writing on it…

He just finished writing one 'Yao' when Lin Yi stopped in front of him silently. Pinliang raised his head after feeling someone's presence, blinking as he saw Lin Yi right in front of him. "What.. What are you planning to do?"

What the hell was Lin Yi doing here?? Was he here to cause trouble for him once more?!

"Oh, nothing- just curious what you're up to." Lin Yi looked at Pinliang's letter of blood as he lowered his head.

"Writing a letter of blood, what else? Lin Yi, I didn't do anything to you, okay, leave me alone." Pinliang said, a little scared.

"Oh, not bad. I'm impressed, not bad at all!" Lin Yi said as he tapped on Pinliang's body a bit. "I just came to see if you're really doing it- you didn't disappoint me!"

With that, Lin Yi turned and left, leaving a puzzled Pinliang staring at him. So the guy wasn't here to mess him up? He even encouraged him, what the hell??

"Ah!!" Xiaofu cried out all of a sudden, scaring Pinliang as well.

Pinliang wasn't too happy about that. "What're you shouting for, Fu?"

"Liang Bro, your hand… Your hand……" Xiaofu's eyes were wide open as he stared at Pinliang's hand. "What happened to you, Liang Bro!!"

Pinliang looked down at his hand, confused… Tons of blood were spurting out of his finger, spraying and reddening the paper and table!!

"Ah!!" Pinliang cried out as well, almost fainting! He had no idea! After all, one couldn't really tell how much blood one was losing- the only thing the bleeder could feel was the pain, and the only real way to check the blood spurting out was by looking at it directly!

There had been a famous experiment once- they'd blindfolded a guy and made a cut on his arm before bringing him to a room with the sound of water droplets dripping- the test subject was convinced that it was his own blood dripping, and died of shock right on the spot!

It was proof that it was extremely hard for a regular person to know how much blood was actually coming out of a wound without looking at it.

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Pinliang was starting to panic as he stared at the red spray- where the hell was all that blood coming from?! It was like one of those water guns he played with when he was younger!! Pinliang knew for a certainty that the spray would reach very far should he lift his finger….

"Am I gonna die? Fu! Get me to the hospital!!" Writing a letter of blood was the least of his concerns at that point- he couldn't even stand properly! "Fu, call my dad, tell him to come get me, hurry……"

The other students stared at Pinliang's finger, shocked as well as they covered their mouths- how was this much blood coming out from a finger??

"Yao Yao, look- Pinliang's finger turned into a water gun……" Yushu said, clearly fascinated.

Mengyao wasn't taking this very well. "Lin Yi didn't do that, did he?"

"Dunno. Probably. Shield Bro's really strong, you know! He can even kill sharks, let alone Zhong Pinliangs!!" Yushu said.

One had to wonder if Pinliang would be happy if Yushu compared him with a shark- or would he be sad?

Lin Yi glanced at the panicking Pinliang from the corner of his eyes, his lips curling. He'd just pressed some of his acupuncture spots to speed up the blood circulation… There was no need to go to the hospital at all, it wasn't even that much blood, he wouldn't die from it or anything… He'd be back to normal if he just waited…...

Chapter 288 - Connection

There wasn't much Lin Yi could do about Pinliang's drama queen tendences, though. Mengyao's wish had been fulfilled anyway- Pinliang wouldn't be writing any blood letters anytime soon.

"Boss, what's up with Zhong Pinliang? Is he performing or something? Look at that finger, it's like he's shooting a blood sword out of it!" Xiaobo looked at Pinliang pitifully, wondering why the guy was so unlucky- all he wanted was to write a letter of blood.

"Ah, who knows. I heard that blood circulation speeds up when you get excited, so that's probably what happened." Lin Yi shrugged innocently.

Pinliang's little letter of blood incident soon became known as a comedy, and everyone found the blood shooting out of Pinliang's finger much more entertaining than the letter he was supposed to write.

"What kind of shitty idea is this?! I'm gonna die from blood loss before I write any fucking letter!" Pinliang was getting dizzy at that point.

"Liang Bro, it was just a small cut! It was on the finger, too! This shouldn't be happening at all!" Xiaofu was feeling quite wronged. "Liang Bro, it's not like we never bled before in fights, right? We've had more serious injuries, blood never spurt out like this!"

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"That's… true?" Pinliang thought about it after Xiaofu explained it to him- it was true, he did experience much more serious injuries before… Blood never came out like this… Yet now it was shooting out like a fountain!!

"Liang Bro, didn't that Lin Yi come by just now? D'you think he had something to do with it?" Xiaofu asked suspiciously.

"Lin Yi …… He's strong but he can't just control my blood flow, right?" Pinliang shook his head in disbelief, not quite convinced that Lin Yi would be able to control blood. Would he still be human then?

"That's true……" Xiaofu shook his head as well, finding his statement ridiculous. Was it his fear of Lin Yi that caused him to pin everything scary on him?

"Whatever, we need to get to the hospital! I'm gonna die if this keeps up!!" Pinliang shook his head as he tried to forget about Lin Yi- the guy was just here to fuck his life up, he'd always get unlucky whenever Lin Yi was around!

Pinlaing wouldn't go as far as to think that Lin Yi had the ability to manipulate his blood, but he did think that Lin Yi coming over to look at him was the direct cause of this misfortune! He was just bad luck to him!!

"Eh? Liang Bro, the bleeding's stopped……" Xiaofu said, surprised as he looked at Pinliang's finger.

"Eh??" Pinliang paused to look at his dry finger as well. "It stopped?"

"I think so……" Xiaofu nodded.

"Seriously?" Pinliang raised his hand for a better look at hte finger, doubtful. It didn't look like there was anything wrong with it anymore, and he just shook his head helplessly. "It really did stop. I don't know what happened, maybe I've had too much protein, so my body's just trying to get rid of all that excess blood?"

Pinliang couldn't see any other possible explanation.

"Do we still go to the hospital then, Liang Bro?" Xiaofu asked.

"What the hell for? So that we'd get laughed at?" Pinliang shook his head. "Let's go- we're going back!"

Pinliang had recovered, but he news had spread throughout the school already- as humiliating as it was, Pinliang found that it didn't matter when he stacked it up with all the other humiliations he'd experienced already.

Lin Yi and Xiaobo walked out the classroom during lunch break. "Boss, I'm going to the hospital with Xinwen to see Fen- we agreed that we'd do this every lunch to look after her. You wanna come?"

"Nah." Lin Yi remembered his date with Tang Yin- it was the first time the girl had asked him out for lunch! Naturally, that meal at Mrs. Tang's house didn't really count.

"Oh…. Eh? Boss, Tang Yin's going too??" Xiaobo asked after seeing Xinwen standing with Tang Yin at their meeting spot.

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Lin Yi wasn't expecting that as well. "Tang Yin, aren't we having lunch together? Are you going to the hospital too?"

"I…… I made some red braised chicken wings for you guys to try…… Let's eat them at the hospital together……" Tang Yin's face was a little red as she spoke- she'd actually made the chicken wings specifically for Lin Yi, but thought that she shouldn't hog good food for herself when Fen was hospitalized. She decided that she'd share the food with everyone else.

"Woah, for real? Boss brought some shark meat too!" Xiaobo blinked as he raised the container Lin Yi gave him.

"Shark meat?" Xinwen and Tang Yin wasn't expecting that. "Where'd you get shark meat?"

"Oh, bought it yesterday. There's shark fin too." Lin Yi explained. "It was supposed to be in two portions, one for Xiaobo to bring to the hospital and the other for Tang Yin, but let's just eat them together since we're all going to the hospital."

"Just this one is plenty." Xiaobo waved the container in front of him. "Boss, why don't you give your container to sis-in-law to bring home? The five of us can't finish that much!"

"Sounds good. Here, Tang Yin- bring this home for uncle and aunty to try." Lin Yi handed the container to Tang Yin casually.

Tang Yin was feeling a bit shy from what Xiaobo was calling her, but took over the container regardless, a little happy at the same time. She didn't expect things to turn out like this, it was so coincidental that both Lin Yi and her had thought of preparing food for each other! Did this count as their hearts connecting..?

Young girls just falling into love usually liked fantasizing about stuff like this- Lin Yi's casual gesture was plenty reason for Tang Yin to get happy and excited over. There was shark fin in there too… It was probably pretty expensive, and her parents most likely never had any before… It'd be nice to have them try some……

The four then stopped a taxi- Tang Yin and Xinwen, naturally, wouldn't be willing to spend the money on a taxi, but Lin Yi's insistence and explanation convinced them.

After all, it was two kuai per person for a ticket from the school to the hospital- taking a taxi would just cost ten kuai, and it'd just be a two kuai difference. Why take the bus, then?

Tang Yin and Xinwen blushed a little at that thought- it seemed that both of them had completely accustomed themselves to the life of the poor, failing to see even simple logic like that...

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