Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 289-290

Chapter 289 - I'm Not

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Lin Yi wondered when he'd get that old van a licence plate when he got in the taxi- the car he'd taken from Heibao was still parked in Mengyao's courtyard.

It didn't match the elegance of the villa, but Mengyao didn't say anything about it. The girl was now much more easygoing compared to the first time he'd met her- she'd accepted Lin Yi as a member of the villa at this point, and didn't think too much about that crappy van he had in front of the villa.

Lin Yi took his phone out to give Lingshan a call- his own phone was broken, and his current one was an older model Yushu had upgraded from.

It was a pink seashell phone, and Xiaobo's eyes widened upon seeing it. Tang Yin and Xinwen, on the other hand, failed to notice as they continued chatting at their side.

"Hello? Lin Yi?" Lingshan got a little frustrated just from remembering the events yesterday. "I sent your pictures to your phone's mail, you can just receive it! Anything else?"

"Oh, I called for some other stuff." Lin Yi said. "I've got an old van without a licence plate, can you get me one?"

"I'm the criminal police, not the traffic police!!" Lingshan exploded at Lin Yi's request. "Do you really have so much free time on your hands? I'm actually really busy every day, ok mister? Go have it registered yourself, you can do that at the western-"

"The car isn't new, I can't do that stuff. Who else would I go to other than you?" Lin Yi was speechless- was the girl stupid? Did she have problems with understanding things? Why'd he bother her if the car could get registered normally?

"I still can't do anything about that! Stop bothering me, I'm occupied with a big case here! I'm really busy!" Lingshan said impatiently. "Remember, I'm from the criminal police! Don't ask me to do stuff unrelated to my job! I'm hanging up if that's all?"

"Oh. Yeah, I'll remember that. You remember that I'm a student, too, not a cop, not ultraman. Don't ask me to do stuff unrelated to my studies next time." Lin Yi was a little angry- he just wanted her to help him out a bit, what was with her??

".........." Lingshan really wanted to hang up right there, but she refrained herself from doing so. "The car wasn't stolen, was it?"

"Nope, it should've went through proper procedure. Check it and you'll find out, Heibao was the one who drove it." Lin Yi smiled- he'd finally taken care of Lingshan.

"Then you drive it over this afternoon! But if I see that it's a stolen car then I'm confiscating it!" Lingshan gritted.

"Ah…...okay." Lin Yi smiled as he hung up.

"Boss, your phone… Why'd you change it to this one?" Xiaobo wasn't too interested in the phone call- he'd seen Lin Yi drive a much better car before, so an old van wasn't anything of interest to him.

"Didn't I say my phone's broken? This is a phone my friend used to use, I borrowed it." Lin Yi said.

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"Let me see?" Xiaobo reached his palm out.

Lin Yi handed it to Xiaobo without thinking about it.

Xiaobo's eyes shot themselves wide open- the background of the main screen was Chen Yushu's picture!! Xiaobo was about to ask why when he shut his mouth after seeing Tang Yin right beside Lin Yi.

Xiaobo wasn't so stupid that he'd ask a question like that right now! It'd be a mess if Tang Yin misunderstood!

But he still poked at Lin Yi, an evil smile on his face as he handed the phone back to him.

Lin Yi noticed the picture as well that moment, a bitter smile on his face. "This phone's owner is the same as the Beetle car's……"

Having Xiaobo catch him with Yushu's picture twice was a little awkward- he'd have to take care to prevent this sort of thing next time. He didn't think much about it when he asked to borrow it from Yushu, not bothering to change anything in it since he'd just be using it for a few days… Who knew that Xiaobo would see it within those days?

Feeling awkward, Lin Yi went into the picture folder for a picture to use as his new background when Xiaobo's eyes shot themselves open even wider!!

It wasn't just Yushu's pictures in there, there were even Mengyao's!! And they were pictures from daily life!! There were pictures of them eating, shopping… Even selfies of themselves at home…..

Lin Yi started to sweat as he closed the phone shut- he slipped it into his pocket and turned to look at Xiaobo awkwardly. The guy was clearly shocked.

He didn't think that the phone belonged to Lin Yi anymore! Putting the obvious fact that the phone was in a color a girl would use, the pictures in it were definitely not Lin Yi's!!

Lin Yi wouldn't have so many pictures of Mengyao and Yushu in his phone, it was just impossible- they weren't the type of pictures that showed skin, but they were still very much private pictures! How did Lin Yi get them?!

But whose phone could it be, if not Lin Yi's?

Xiaobo, however, was someone who understood consequences. He had a hundred questions he wanted to ask, but he knew that asking them right now would only make Tang Yin misunderstand. He decided to hold them in.

The taxi stopped near the hospital, and Lin Yi paid the driver ten kuai. 

"Lin Yi? Is that you?" A pleasant voice sounded behind Lin Yi as he got out the taxi.

Lin Yi turned back to see Guan Xin. "It's you! Haha, what a coincidence."

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"Yeah! Are you here to visit your friend? I'm going up to give her an injection right now, let's go together." Guan Xin failed to contain her excitement upon seeing Lin Yi.

After all, she'd been strolling around the hospitalization department these couple days- she didn't know what for, but perhaps she hoped that she'd bump into Lin Yi? She'd even asked to take on the responsibility of giving the injections in Fen's room… She now knew Xinwen, Xiaobo, and Tang Yin's faces, too.

There was one thing, however… That little girl Tang Yin, the prettiest one, always had that trace of hostility and caution whenever she greeted her with smiles…… Guan Xin, naturally, understood the cause for that hostility: Tang Yin was afraid she'd steal her boyfriend from her!

In actuality, Guan Xin never really planned on fighting Tang Yin over Lin Yi or anything… She wasn't even sure of her feelings towards him- it might really just be simple gratitude that made her interested in looking at him a couple more times, to talk with him a bit more… She wasn't considering anything else yet.

Tang Yin curled her lips, her face a little pale. Xinwen, naturally, noticed that change in Tang Yin's behavior. She pinched Tang Yin's arm as she whispered to her. "What? Scared she's here to steal your man?"

Tang Yin nodded her head softly. "What's so good about him? Thinks everyone just likes him so much? It'd be nice if she steals him, I wouldn't have to get taken advantage of if that happens……"

Chapter 290 - Die Right In Front Of You

Tang Yin didn't sound very sincere when she said that, and Xinwen could feel Tang Yin's palms sweating just a little… She was panicking!

Xinwen sighed- never would she have expected for a girl as pretty and outstanding as Tang Yin to face a danger like this… She looked at Guan Xin, a beautiful girl in a cute nurse's costume… What kind of man would be immune to seductive roleplay like that?

"Don't worry, Yin Yin! I'll knock all his teeth out if he dares hit on her!" Xinwen waved her fists fiercely, her voice soft.

"Haha……" Tang Yin chuckled at that- Xinwen was tough, but was she tough enough to beat Lin Yi up? The dude sent Zou Ruoming flying with one slap!!

She shook her head- was she worrying too much? Was Lin Yi really so good that other girls would fight for him? She wasn't actually his girlfriend officially in the first place, they were just a little closer than usual… She wouldn't be able to do anything if Lin Yi decided to like Guan Xin- she couldn't just latch on to him shamelessly, could she?

"Boss, you're so good! Tell me honestly, is there anything between you and lil' sis Guan Xin?" Xiaobo was no idiot- Guan Xin's passion towards Lin Yi put some thoughts into his head.

"Lil' sis- she's older than you!" Lin Yi glared at Xiaobo. "It's nothing, I just came here for my injury once, met her then. We're pretty close."

"Injury, huh? Injury where??" Xiaobo chuckled as he darted his eyes all over Lin Yi.

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"You!!" Lin Yi smacked at the back of Xiaobo's head and quickened his pace to Guan Xin's side. "Thanks for looking out for my friend."

Having someone you know in a hospital made things a lot easier, even if it was just a nurse. Lin Yi understood that well- he couldn't just call Elder Guan for everything, now could he? Asking for a nurse's help for the smaller things was enough.

"It's nothing… Just doing my job." Guan Xin's face reddened a little. "Uh… I'm not ruining your relationship with your girlfriend, am I……"

Guan Xin wasn't sure what to do- Tang Yin didn't look very happy. She was older by her than a couple years, but that wasn't much of a difference in maturity! She was still a girl who'd just exited school life, and she was afraid Lin Yi would keep his distance from her because of Tang Yin……

"Haha…" Lin Yi smiled. "Don't worry about that."

Guan Xin finished giving Fen her injection and went on her way quickly- she wanted to talk with Lin Yi more, but she had other tasks to attend to in other rooms- giving an injection was a serious business, and she knew to take her job seriously.

As a result, she declined Xinwen and Xiaobo's offer to have lunch together. "I really do have other rooms to attend to- you guys eat first, I'll join you later!"

Tang Yin, on the other hand, actually started to feel a little embarrassed- she wondered if Guan Xin didn't want to impede on Lin Yi and her? Women were sensitive creatures- Tang Yin was naturally able to feel that tint of romance Guan Xin felt for Lin Yi, but seeing her step back so hurriedly like that made her feel bad. They were both women, why did she have to make things hard for her like that? It was her business that she liked Lin Yi, and she never even gave any signs to Lin Yi, on top of that! Tang Yin wondered if she'd gone too far.

Guan Xin was always busying herself with Fen's stuff, too… Tang Yin knew this. She stood up after some hesitatioin. "Guan Xin Sis, why don't we all eat together?"

"Thanks." Guan Xin smiled. "But I need to be on schedule for the patients. Why don't you all treat me to something good when Fen gets out?"

"That works too." Tang Yin nodded- it seemed she really did think too much, Guan Xin did have urgent matters to attend to.

Xinwen sighed at the troubled Tang Yin- Yin Yin really did fall for Lin Yi. She wouldn't have worried herself over stuff like this before!

Fen was evidently very happy about everyone visiting her, and Lin Yi noticed that the girl had become more easygoing since his last visit. She talked and joked more, too- the atmosphere was light and pleasant.

Of course, all this was basically thanks to Xiaobo's efforts, who always stuck by her side and chatted with Fen, telling her stories of the stuff that happened at school…

"Lin Yi, I didn't expect you to be a big tyrant at school!" Fen had understood who Lin Yi was from Xiaobo's descriptions. "You'd better not bully Yin Yin! We wouldn't forgive you if you do!"

"Haha, I won't." Lin Yi laughed. "Though, shouldn't you be saying that kind of stuff to Kang Xiaobo?"

Fen lowered her head a little shyly at Lin Yi's words.

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Xinwen went to the washroom to have the bowls and containers cleaned after they'd finished- Xiaobo seated himself at Fen's bed, hesitating. 

Lin Yi assumed that he wanted to bring up the birthday feast with Fen- he held Tang Yin's hand and lifted it up, much to her surprise. She looked at Lin Yi. "What……"

"Xiaobo has something to say to Fen. Let's go over there." Lin Yi pointed to the bed across Fen's.

"Oh….." Tang Yin realized that it did seem like the case. She walked over to the other bed with Lin Yi still holding her hand.

They were some distance away, but were still able to hear what Xiaobo was saying.

Xiaobo told Fen about his second grandfather's birthday feast, and talked about Kang Zhaoming as well… It was the first time Fen knew about the family Xiaobo was from- he was the cousin of that man?

Xiaobo invited Fen to go to the feast with him- Fen hesitated and lowered her head in response, panicking and not knowing what to do……

Tang Yin wasn't expecting Xiaobo to make a decision this big as well- not only was he inviting Fen to his family's party, it was a party Kang Zhaoming would be in!

She pitied Fen a little as she looked at her panicking and hesitating, but it wasn't her place to be intruding on them.

"If you ever do to me what Kang Zhaoming did to Fen, then… I…. I'll die right in front of you!!" Tang Yin didn't know where the courage came from as she turned to speak to Lin Yi.

"I……" Lin Yi paused.

"I don't need any promises." Tang Yin interrupted. "Kang Zhaoming promised Fen once, too, but then he abandoned her all the same! But I'm not Fen, so have you really thought about this? If you really don't want me anymore in the future then I'll really kill myself right in front of you!!"

Tang Yin eyed Lin Yi furiously, as if she were about to eat him.

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