Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 315-316

Chapter 315 - Insincere

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"Hm?" Xiaofu blinked. "Again?"

"Yeah. I made sure everyone would know about it, too, so I need to follow through! What would other people say about me if I chicken out after one accident? They'll call me a coward!" Pinliang explained his thought process.

"Uh……" Xiaofu put his bag down, hesitatnt. "To tell you the truth, Liang Bro- I feel like you shouldn't care what those other people think. It has nothing to do with you if they laugh at you, or mock you! The point is what Chu Mengyao thinks of you- Chu Mengyao is the goal here!"

"You're right!" Pinliang slapped at his leg, enlightened. "Damn, Fu! You've woken me up! It's true, why the hell should I care what other people think about me, Chu Mengyao's the only one I should pay attention to! But how do I know what she thinks? Does she even want a letter of blood from me?" 

"Uh…" Xiaofu wasn't sure. "Maybe you could ask her?"

"How am I supposed to ask her something like this? How about this, Fu- why don't you ask Chen Yushu? She's Chu Mengyao's best friend!" Pinliang suggested.

"That works! Alright, I'll go ask her." Xiaofu nodded to that. He pulled his phone out and sent Yushu a text.

People no longer need to ask questions in person anymore- there were handphones.

"Miss Chen Yushu, can you please tell me what Miss Chu Mengyao thinks of Liang Bro's letter of blood yesterday?"

Xiaofu made sure to sound polite- he was worried Mengyao would ignore him. Yushu replied soon enough. 'Yao Yao said that little Liang's hand is only good for water gun duty. She wants him to forget about that letter!'

Xiaofu wanted to laugh, but didn't dare- he handed the phone to Pinliang.

Pinliang didn't understand. "Fu, what do you think she means?"

"Liang Bro, excuse me for being blunt, but I think Chu Mengyao despises you!" Xiaofu said carefully.

"Despises me?" Pinliang blinked. He read through the message once more- it did feel like Mengyao didn't like him! "Fu, what should I do? It does sound like Chen Yushu's laughing at me! Like she thinks I can't write that letter of blood!"

"Maybe Liang Bro, you should write another letter of blood? That'll prove to them that what happened yesterday was an accident." Xiaofu suggested.

"That works too……" Pinliang nodded- that was the only way.

Xiaofu got Pinliang a piece of paper. Pinliang, on the other hand, didn't quite want to cut his finger again… not because of the pain, but because of what had happened yesterday!

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What if blood shot out again? Pinliang wasn't sure he wanted to do this.

"Liang Bro, what's wrong?" Xiaofu asked after noticing the hesitation.

"I… Fu, I can't bring myself to do it! I keep remembering what happened yesterday!" Pinliang's hand was trembling a little.

He had to use a different finger today, too- the pain would be too much for him if the blood exploded on the same finger.

"Liang Bro, men need to toughen up sometimes! Maybe I can do it for you..?" Xiaofu asked.

"You?" Pinliang blinked. "That works too. Fu, you're a good man- I'll treat you to a nice lunch later!"

"Ah?" Xiaofu blinked in response, a bitter smile forming on his lips. He was offering to cut Pinliang's finger for him, but the guy had evidently misunderstood… He thought that he was offering his own finger and blood for the job…

"What's wrong?" Pinliang asked as he handed the knife to Xiaofu. "What's the matter?"

"It's… It's nothing……" Xiaofu only took over the knife, and cut his finger through gritted teeth. Blood flowed out immediately, although not as strongly as Pinliang's water gun phenomenon yesterday.

"Nice, Fu! Don't move, I'll use your finger." Pinliang started writing on the piece of paper with Xiaofu's finger…

Not knowing that someone was looking at them.

Not far away was Yushu, holding her phone and recording what Pinliang was doing with Xiaofu…

"Yao Yao, this Zhong Pinliang's using Gao Xiaofu's finger to write that letter! Isn't that way too insincere?" 

"Why should I care whose finger he writes it with?" Mengyao continued studying, not paying Yushu any attention.

"Man, that's so boring……" Yushu put her phone away. "I wanted to see Zhong Pinliang shoot blood again, too."

"......" Mengyao didn't know what to say to that- what was so great about that? Did Yushu want Pinliang to die faster, would that please her?

Pinliang waddled over with the letter of Xiaofu's blood when first period ended- he raised the letter to Mengyao. "Yao Yao, please accept my pure love for you! Please accept my confession!!"

Mengyao frowned, deciding that she'd ignore Pinliang without looking at him.

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Yushu, on the other hand, had a grin on her face as she took the letter. "I'm gonna check the letter first, is that fine?"

"Okay, that's fine!" Pinliang was delighted upon hearing that Yushu was helping him out- with Mengyao's soulmate guiding him he might as well be engaged with Mengyao already!

"Um……" Yushu wasn't really looking at the letter after opening it- she couldn't really bother with something like that. Something fun came to mind.

"Well?" Pinliang's eyes were on Yushu, excited for her advice.

"Hey, where's the signature and date? How is anyone supposed to know the guy who wrote this when you don't even have that stuff at the bottom?" Yushu asked.

"Signature and date?" Pinliang blinked. "It's just a letter of blood I write, do I really need a signature and date?"

"Of course you do! It'll look insincere otherwise!" Yushu said seriously. "It's not proper at all without something so basic! No wonder you're always failing to make Yao Yao your girlfriend……"

Yushu curled her lips, putting on a disdainful look for Pinliang to see.

Pinliang, on the other hand, started panicking. "Really? I'll go back and put those in, I'll do it right now!"

Chapter 316 - Best Partner

"No need to go back- just do it here!" Yushu smiled slightly, her eyes on the band-aid on Pinliang's finger.

Pinliang had another band-aid on his middle finger- the finger he was supposed to have cut today. He was trying to fool them into thinking that he'd cut his finger again!

"Ah? Here?" Pinliang paused, a bitter smile on his face. "The wound's dried up, I'd have to cut a new one again……"

"Oh, that's fine- I have a graver blade! Here." Yushu then procured for Pinliang a blade from her bag.

"I……." Pinliang started sweating- he cursed his bad luck, annoyed that it all came down to him cutting his finger again.

Yushu was here looking at him, too- it'd be bad if he didn't prove himself right there and then. Cold sweat dripped down his forehead. "I don't think that's such a good idea… What if the blood hits you, and sprays everywhere, I don't wanna scare the two of you or anything…"

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"I say, little Liang- this is something you don't understand." There was no way she'd let Pinliang leave like this- she needed him to bleed!! She put on an educational look. "Cutting your finger and writing a letter of blood in front of the girl you love… That's the best way to show your love for her!"

"Is that so?" Pinliang saw the sense in Yushu's encouragement. "I'll do it now, then?"

"What're you still waiting for?" Yushu asked.

"I… I understand!" A firm determination flashed across Pinliang's eyes as he spoke.

Mengyao was quite amused- this Yushu really did things for her own pleasure, did she not have any problems toying with people?

But she wouldn't stop her, since Pinliang was someone she disliked.

Pinliang, on the other hand, mistook Mengyao's silence as a silent yes! After all, Mengyao would've asked him to leave if she didn't like how things were going! Mengyao wasn't saying anything, so that meant only one thing… He had her blessing!

It only invigorated Pinliang with passion and decisiveness- he wondered which finger he should cut with Yushu's blade.

Yushu shot a quick text at Lin Yi during Pinlaing's hesitation. 'Calling Shield Bro! Pinliang's cutting his finger again, requesting backup!"

Pinliang gritted his teeth as he moved the blade along his thumb, as if he were making a very tough decision!

Lin Yi stood up slowly after seeing the text- that Pinliang really was cutting his finger again.. Couldn't he learn his lesson already?

"Out of my way!" Lin Yi moved Pinliang out of his way with a push.

Pinliang jumped upon hearing Lin Yi's voice- he thought the guy was about to send him flying again!

But Lin Yi walked right past him after that push, and that was it, much to Pinliang's surprise…

"Fuu…" Pinliang let out a breath of relief- the guy was probably in a hurry to get to the bathroom.

"Woah!!!" Yushu was point at Pinliang's finger, clearly very excited. "Little Liang! Your finger's spurting blood again!! Do you have some kind of power or something, is that the legendary vein sword of the gods?!"

Pinliang blinked, no understanding what Yushu was talking about- he lowered his head to see the piece of paper soaked with blood. His finger, on the other hand, had blood shooting out of it……

"Ahh!!!" Pinliang threw the letter away and ran back to his seat. "Fu, band-aid, band-aid!!"

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Yushu only put up a 'V' sign as Pinliang ran off, pleased. "Yay, mission success! Nice teamplay, Shield Bro!"

"......." Mengyao eyed her friend, unsure of what to say. She was sure now that Lin Yi was responsible for both instances of Pinliang's finger gun!

After all, the blood coming from Pinliang flowed slowly- it was only after Lin Yi had passed by that the blood started spraying out like that… It had to be Lin Yi.

Lin Yi and Yushu- they sure were the perfect duo, born for each other. Pinliang sure had a hard future ahead of him with these two around.

Mengyao felt a bit sour at the thought- born for each other..? Yet it was the truth that the two were quite similar in some aspects.... 

"Heh heh, how was that, Yao Yao! Nice, huh? Zhong Pinliang won't be writing you any more blood letters anymore!" Yushu asked as she turned to look at Pinliang, busying himself with band-aids… Clearly, it wasn't enough to stop the blood.

Helpless, Pinliang resorted to tape, finally stopping the blood from coming out. What was up with his finger? It only happened when he cut it himself, too……

Lin Yi came back to the classroom to see Yushu blinking at him, giving him a victory gesture. Lin Yi only smiled.

"Boss, where'd you go? You missed it!" Xiaobo looked at Lin Yi, thinking that it was a pity. 

"Missed what?" Lin YI asked with a smile upon returning to his seat.

"You missed Pinliang's blood spray, it happened again! He sure made quite the scene, too- I've never seen anyone bleed like that before……" Xiaobo said. "It was even stronger than yesterday's too, man, you really missed it!"

"Ah, is that so……" Lin Yi had heightened his blood pressure instead of just increasing the circulation speed, after all…

Lin Yi's phone vibrated again- it was another text.

'Yo, best partner! Nice going, heh heh.'

It was from Yushu- Lin Yi slipped his phone back into his pocket after reading it.

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