Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 325-326

Chapter 325- Ten Years Revenge

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"Because I admire him!" The cool girl was trying to sound cute, but had no such expression on her face- it felt off.

"Admire him?" Lin Yi curled his lips, amused. "I'm sorry, I really don't know him, but it doesn't seem like you actually admire or respect him? A girl like you coming to Blue Town talking about how you admire the Bluewater mafia boss, you think anyone would believe that?"

The cool girl's face tensed up for an unnoticeable instant. "Of course. What's else?"

"What else?" Lin Yi hmphed. "I'll tell you what else, there's a SUV that's been tailing us, do you know the people in there?"

"SUV?" The cool girl turned behind her after a pause, a brief instant of rage appearing on her face. "I don't."

"You don't? Alright then, I'll shake them off." Lin Yi switched up the gear and the sedan rumbled and charged with a burst like a wild horse- they were instantly a far distance away from the SUV when Lin Yi swerved into a smaller road, turning left and right and left and right again, making his way into an alley before the SUV even caught up to the first turn.

The cool girl stared at Lin Yi, completely taken aback. "How… Why're you so good at driving?"

"You sure have a lot of questions, don't you? You've been asking me non-stop the whole time, so what exactly are you up to?" Lin Yi got right to the point- he was getting impatient with this girl.

She'd looked familiar, and she was an Eastern girl like he was- he wouldn't have picked her up for a ride if he'd known about the trouble he'd get involved in. She'd been asking weird questions too, and there was no way she was just a regular tourist now that an SUV had been tailing her. Lin Yi wanted to have nothing to do with her as soon as possible.

"Who exactly are you? You're not a member of the Waterblue?" The girl realized that something was up as well- she'd seen how Lin Yi was a Bluewater member coming out from HQ, but that didn't seem like the case at all! The guy didn't even know the roads here, he'd only shaken the SUV off because of how good his driving skills were!

Lin Yi had driven the car into an alley, too- an alley with a dead end, with a junkyard in front of them. There was no way to run, and the place had evidently been abandoned… There was no way a local Bluewater would lack the geographical knowledge to get himself stuck in an alley like this.

There'd been chances for him to go left or right before he reached the dead end, but Lin Yi did no such thing- he just drove straight on, evidently unaware of the dead end ahead!

He said he didn't know about Kanha Hotel, either… Something was wrong!

"I'm not!" Lin Yi admitted candidly. "I was just buying a car, and the hat was a gift!"

"......" The girl didn't know what to say- she frowned in frustration. Was she really this horrible in the field?

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She'd gotten hurt when going on her first mission, and now that the injuries had finally healed she'd taken on a second mission only to have her family tailing her to protect her..?

On top of that was a failure that made her feel the worst- she'd mistaken someone else for a Bluewater member, spilling needless information to him!

The guy was now suspicious of her, and the chances for her mission's success were looking quite slim.

With that in mind, the cool girl's hand moved and a knife flashed right at Lin Yi's chest.

Lin Yi caught the hand with a smack.

"You-!" The girl wasn't expecting this at all- she was inexperienced, but still a top tier combatant in terms of physical ability! She wouldn't have been allowed on a solo mission by her family otherwise!

She was very confident in her abilities- as far as she was concerned, Lin Yi was defenseless and had been focusing on reversing the car.

And yet he'd managed to catch her hand under that distraction- she tried to pull her hand back after the initial shock, to no avail. Lin Yi wasn't letting her go at all.

"You- let go of me!!" The girl sent her other fist at Lin Yi's face as she spoke.

Lin Yi frowned as he tilted his head to avoid it. "Didn't you go read that story about Mister Dongguo after you went back? Were you even listening at all?"

The girl froze, pausing her attacks as disbelief filled her eyes. "Y-You… You… You're that guy who molested me??"

"I'm your savior!" Lin Yi corrected. "I saved your life, but look what you did? You tried to kill me! I even gave you a ride today, answering all of your questions for free, and here you are trying to kill me again."

"You……" Yang Qiqi's cool face looked upset and wronged- she was afraid that he'd ruin her plans, she had to have him killed! And it had been his fault for touching and looking at her body that other time, too, she wouldn't have tried to kill him otherwise!

Lin Yi had been observing this cool girl the whole car ride, trying to remember where he'd seen her face before… That knife she stabbed at him was what made him recall- this was that female assassin he'd met at the pharmacy back in Songshan!

"'You', 'you', 'you', stop saying 'you'!!" Lin YI frowned. "Get out before I count to three! Don't let me see your pretty face again, miss ungrateful. I won't go easy on you next time."

Lin Yi admitted that Qiqi was pretty, but having a murderous assassin around him was not something he was very keen on. Although, the jade would always warn him before she attacked him.

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Qiqi's looked pretty upset- she stared at Lin Yi angrily. "Fine, I'll get out! But I'll come back for you, even if it takes ten years to beat you!!"

"Try to stay alive that long first." Lin Yi replied casually.

Chapter 326 - My Bad

Yang Qiqi gave Lin Yi one final glare before exiting the car- he stepped on the gas and swerved away, leaving her alone in the junkyard. How was she supposed to get back with no one here?

She looked like she wanted to cry as she shouted at Lin Yi's car. "Lin Yi!! I hate you!!! Just you wait……"

Lin Yi only replied with the black smoke of his car…

Helpless, Qiqi took her phone out and called a number. "Grandpa Mubei…… You were tailing me, right…… No? Just admit it… I'm at the junkyard, I'm lost- can you come pick me up…… Okay, I'll wait……"

Lin Yi saw the SUV go in the alley just as he came out of it. He frowned- so the car was involved with the girl after all.

He asked for some directions and managed to get back to his hotel- the routes here were pretty straightforward.

Lin Yi was planning on making his move at night. He didn't have much to do for the day, so he parked the car in the hotel's parking lot, leaving the blue baseball cap in it in case someone would want to steal it.

He'd seen many other cars using the same method, too- it meant that the car was Bluewater property. No one would want to steal a Bluewater car.

He went back to his room and took a nap, resting himself for the mission tonight. He was going to just pull Xie Jinbiao out and bring him home to China directly.

At Kanha Hotels was Yang Qiqi, troubled as she sat beside an elderly man. Her face was quite flushed with anger. "Grandpa Mubei, that Lin Yi's such a bastard! I have to kill him!! He dumped me in a junkyard!"

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"Did you say Lin Yi?" Mubei paused at the name.

"Yeah… Why? Have you heard of the name, Grandpa Mubei?" Qiqi asked curiously.

"It's nothing……" Mubei shook his head. "Why don't I talk to the master for you, to have tonight's mission cancelled?"

"No. I need to kill that Charlandon!" Qiq shook her head. "I'll prove to my father alright- that I'm a competent assassin!"

"Alright then, Miss Yang, but do be careful!" Mubei said helplessly. "I'll keep sentry outside the factory, so make sure to call me should something happen!"

"I got it!" Qiqi didn't look too willing, but there wasn't much she could do to stop Mubei from watching over her- her mother must've sent him.

Night fell, and Lin Yi parked the car not far away from the factory. He put on the blue cap and walked towards the entrance.

The sentry there only raised his head to glance at Lin Yi before returning to his video game.

Bluewater members were the only people coming in and out of the factory- regular people wouldn't come to a place like this during nighttime. It didn't occur to the sentry at all that Lin Yi was here to cause trouble solo.

Lin Yi walked around with his head lowered, not drawing any attention- there were hundreds of other people in attire like Lin Yi's, minding their own business.

Lin Yi took it slow, surveying the area and imprinting the geography in his mind as he walked around. 

"You guys go to Mister Weinhart's casino- there's someone causing trouble there. Bring him over and have his family and friends bail him out with fifty thousand USD!" A rough sounding man barked at some of his Bluewater lackeys.

"Yes, sir!" The members then got in a couple of cars and left the factory.

The man was about to turn and walk away when the point of a knife stopped at his neck. "Don't make a sound, or I'll kill you."

Lin Yi had been looking for a leader figure as he walked about- not every Bluewater joe would know about the boss' whereabouts.

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Everyone had their own matters to attend to, after all, and Xie Jinbiao's thing wasn't too big a deal. It was something the Bluewater did often, and it was possible that even the boss himself didn't know about it.

Charlandon only looked at the mafia's final profits- he had other people working on the methods of getting those profits. 

Simply choosing some random Bluewater would only have a negative effect.

"You… What're you planning?" The man was just about to call for help when Lin Yi warned him not to- the knife pressed against his neck was cold and ready to pierce him.

"Where do you keep the people you take hostage?" Lin Yi asked. "Give me a straight answer without any bullshit. Do not lie."

"You…… Who're you looking for, just tell me the name- don't do anything rash! I'll tell them to let him go right now!" The man said carefully.

"Hmph." Lin Yi smiled coldly as he slid the knife across the man's skin, leaving a trail of blood on his neck. "I told you, no bullshit- are you deaf? I don't mind killing you and moving onto the next one."

"Don't, don't… I'll talk……" The man was thinking of using the person Lin Yi would name as a hostage against him, but the guy wasn't interested in that at all.

"Three… Two……" Lin Yi added some pressure to the blade.

"That basement down the stairs over there, in that building… Don't kill me, I told you where they are……" The man was starting to get scared. "It's right down those stairs… let me go……"

"One……" Lin Yi said as he ended the man's life. "My bad- didn't stop it in time."

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