Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 333-334

Chapter 333 - Please Don't Piss Him Off

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Guangbo frowned tiredly as the doorbell rang- was Jin Gubang here again? The guy just came yesterday…

He didn't want to meet him, but told the nanny to go open the door anyway.

But Mama Wang opened the door to a sight she never thought she'd see again…

"Y… Young Master..?" Mama Wang stared at the starved Xie Jinbiao, speechless with shock.

"Mama Wang!! It's me!!" Jinbiao had heightened emotions as well- Mama Wang had been so young that day he left! Her hair was all white already…

Guangbo had been on the sofa pretending to be sick when he heard Jinbiao's voice- he'd sprung up the next instant. "Son..? Son, is that you?!"

"Dad……" Jinbiao understood that moment that all his years of living the high life was nothing compared to home, to family.

"Alright, alright, save that for later. Where are my shares?" Lin Yi would be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little bit touched by the reunion- but there was no pity in there. 

Jinbiao had been nothing but a spoiled child- but that was his father's fault for not educating him properly. He never had the time to pull away from work, always thinking that it'd be fine if he could leave a fortune for his son, but…

He was overjoyed to see his son come back, but the thought that Lin Yi would take all of his shares made him hesitate- he'd have nothing left the moment he passed those to him.

He'd be fine without that wealth, but his son… Would he be able to live a life as one of the poor? He'd been prioritizing his son's safety above all else, but now that that had been settled Guangbo started placing value on money once more…

That was how it was- humanity is a greedy bunch, always unsatisfied, always wanting more. He didn't really want to give all those shares to Lin Yi anymore!

"Mister Lin… Would this work..? I give half of my shares to you unconditionally, and the other half to Jinbiao… I guarantee that he wouldn't support Jin Gubang……" Guangbo said after some hesitation.

Lin Yi frowned- so the guy decided that he'd go back on his word now? He should be thankful he wasn't robbing him clean of all his assets! What was he thinking? Lin Yi was just about to scold him when Jinbiao spoke up.

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"Dad, come on, what're you saying… Just give this bro what you promised him… Please don't piss him off, I don't wanna die yet……" Jinbiao said right after his dad's suggestion.

He'd witnessed firsthand the sort of godlike capabilities Lin Yi had back at Blue Town- he didn't want Lin Yi to just kill him because he was pissed.

"Jinbiao…… You……" Guangbo was stunned- he was putting his life on the line here to keep as much of the shares as possible for his son, but why didn't he want that?

"Dad, just give them to him… It's good enough that I came back alive!" Jinbiao understood exactly how scary death was after what he'd gone through- he'd really rather not have an existence scarier than that eyeing him all the time because he didn't get what was promised.

"Alright then, those shares aren't any use to me if you don't want them!" Guangbo nodded before turning to Lin Yi. "I'm sorry- I was greedy, Mister Lin. I was thinking that this old life of mine is free for you to take whenever you'd want, but- nevermind. I'll get the paperwork and write all of my shares to you!"

Guangbo went up and returned with a stack of share-transfer documents. He signed them and gave them to Lin Yi.      

"You guys keep the villa." Lin Yi said after one look at Jinbiao. "Alright, see-ya. Have fun with your reunion!"

He then walked out the house and looked for a public phone before dialing Pengzhan up.

"Hello?" Pengzhan had been as worried as Guangbo was the past two days- he couldn't even look at any documents with a calm mind. He wasn't in the mood to answer an unknown number when his phone rang, but did so anyway.

"Uncle Chu? I'm Lin Yi!" Lin Yi's voice sounded from the other end, a voice Pengzhan had been waiting for. He didn't care if the mission was even successful at this point as long as Lin Yi was fine.

But it was a Songshan number..? Was Lin Yi making a long distance call?

"Lin Yi? Are you alright? Where are you?" Pengzhan asked.

"I'm fine, just got back and heading to your company. Are you there?" Lin Yi asked.

"I'm here. Where are you? I'll tell Li Fu to come get you?" Pengzhan said, relieved that Lin Yi had made it back.

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"No need. I'll take a taxi."

"Alright, I'll wait for you at the office!" Pengzhan didn't insist- Lin Yi wasn't in as much danger anymore now that he was back.

Lin Yi stopped a taxi and reached Pengzhan Industries' main outer gate ten minutes later.

He'd been here a couple of times, and the security at the gates had a particularly strong impression of him. They greeted him with big smiles.

Lin Yi nodded and walked straight to Pengzhan's office. He knocked on the door, to which Li Fu responded a second later.

"Welcome back, Mister Lin. Mister Chu's waiting for you inside!" Li Fu was quite surprised to actually see Lin Yi in person- he'd heard from Pengzhan that Lin Yi had returned, but found that hard to believe. It hadn't even taken two days! Had Lin Yi brought Jinbiao back in just that short a time period? Or was the mission unsuccessful?

He didn't press Lin Yi with those questions- he was about to talk to Pengzhan about it anyway.

"Yi!!" Pengzhan stood up to greet Lin Yi, clearly putting a lot of value on him. "I've been worried, but it seems that you're fine."

"Ah…… Uncle Chu, didn't I say it was a piece of cake?" Lin Yi shrugged with a smile.

"Piece of cake? So you're saying that Xie Guangbo's son……" Pengzhan looked at Lin Yi, shocked. He'd assumed that Lin Yi had come back this early because the mission had failed, but that didn't seem like the case from Lin Yi's tone...            


Chapter 334 - New Shareholder

“Brought him back, and got him back home first.” Lin Yi said. “The guy’s got no guts, and really skinny and starved. Don’t want him dying on me on the road or anything, so I brought him back to his dad first…”

“Oh?” Pengzhan took the news happily. “He’s home already? That’s great news! Yi, you really are our lucky star- all my problems have been solved with ease ever since you came!”

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“Ah… Don’t lower your guard just yet, Uncle Chu. Jin Gubang’s really just a clown on the front stage- the guy behind him, that’s the problem we should be focusing on.” Lin Yi warned. “Even Li Cihua’s just a representative…”

“I understand that, but they’ve been plotting against my Pengzhan Industries for a long time now- they wouldn’t be able to pull any moves without an insider helping them. I’ll teach that Jin Gubang traitor a lesson later.” Pengzhan nodded- outsiders stood no chance if the shareholders were banded together.

“Alright, Uncle Chu. I’ll leave it at that.” Lin Yi wasn’t too interested in company affairs. “The thing is, Uncle Chu- you’re just too nice. I think you shouldn’t let Jin Gubang stay in the company anymore after this whole thing. Tell him to give his shares up and get out.”

“I’m not planning on holding back this time around.” Pengzhan sighed. “I’ve tried to be as lenient as possible for my father’s sake, but there’s no room for that anymore with the state the company is in. Don’t worry, Yi- Uncle Chu won’t be adding trouble onto your plate from now on…”

“It’s not really trouble…… My old man told me to come here to work for my employer…” Lin Yi smiled- He took this final mission quite seriously- he was quite looking forward to his retirement.

“What about Xie Guangbo? He wouldn’t be supporting Jin Gubang anymore, would he?” The core problem crossed Pengzhan’s mind then.

“Of course not- he gave all his shares to me.” Lin  Yi said before handing the share-transfer document to Pengzhan. “He transferred it to me, but I’ll put it under your name after we do the procedure.”

Pengzhan wasn’t expecting Lin Yi to actually have gotten Guangbo’s shares! He didn’t think much of it when Lin Yi mentioned it, since that old man Guangbo had his son to care for, even if he himself didn’t have those wants… 

As far as Pengzhan could tell, Guangbo would risk his life just to have something to leave for his son.

“He really gave you his shares?” Pengzhan was both stunned and surprised- he’d imagined the best case scenario as Guangbo teaming up with him against Gubang, but Lin Yi had brought him even better news. Guangbo wouldn’t double-cross him anymore, because he wasn’t part of the company in the first place! “But Yi- let’s leave those shares under your name. You’ve deserved them, you got it with your own ability. What right do I have to take that?”

Pengzhan rejected the shares with a wave of his hand.

“Me?” Lin Yi wasn’t expecting Pengzhan to give him the shares.

“Consider it part of your payment… Haha.” Pengzhan chuckled. “Alright, we’ll stop here- just keep those shares to yourself. But now you’ll have to cooperate with me- there’s something we have to do!”

“What is it?” Lin Yi asked. “Just give the order…”

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Lin Yi hadn’t thought of keeping the shares for himself- he knew who treated him well, and who treated him badly, after all. If he were dealing with Liu Tianyi’s family, he’d ask for a sum of money even if he didn’t take the shares, but there was no need for any of that with Pengzhan.

“Haha- you’ll have to participate in the shareholder meeting!” Pengzhan chuckled. “Li Fu, spread the word- we’ll introduce our new third largest shareholder!”“Understood, Mister Chu!” Li Fu nodded- even a solemn charcater like him showed a smile on his face, anicipating the sort of look on Gubang’s face.

Gubang was quite troubled- Pengzhan was starting a shareholder meeting all of a sudden! What was wrong with him, hadn’t he been avoiding the board meetings the past few days? What was he doing all of a sudden?

Had he dealt with Guangbo? Had he made new preparations? Guangbo shouldn’t be at the company today, since he was sick- how were they supposed to have a shareholder meeting when the third shareholder wasn’t present?

It was odd, but he made an appearance at the meeting all the same. He had to act the part.

The shareholder meeting had more particpants than one would find in a board meeting- even some of the smaller shareholders would take part in it. Gubang nodded to some of the shareholders he was associated with before seating himself to the left side of Pengzhan’s seat.

It had always been his seat- a symbol for his status as the second largest shareholder. The seat Pengzhan's right, on the other hand, was a seat for the third shareholder.

Gubang didn’t see anyone in that seat- he frowned. Was Pengzhan thinking of excluding Guangbo? How were they supposed to have this meeting when the third shareholder wasn’t here?

Time passed as Gubang sat in his seat, thinking. What the hell was Pengzhan doing?

Did he just call everyone out for fun?

The room quieted down all of a sudden, and Gubang raised his head to Li Fu walking in- it was something that signalled the arrival of Pengzhan. Li Fu would always set the documents and tea on the table one step earlier than the chairman himself…

Pengzhan walked in not long after, a young man by his side. No one else thought much of it, assuming it to be a new secretary, but Gubang knew better, his eyes freezing upon seeing him.

This was Lin Yi!! The man who’d ruined his plans last time- a man he wanted dead! What was he doing here??

Wasn’t he Chu Mengyao’s bodyguard? Was he protecting the chairman now?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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