Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 343-344

Chapter 343 - Blissful Troubles

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As conflicted as she was feeling, Tang Yin couldn't help but feel loved and in bliss… After all, Fen's boyfriend didn't even agree to lend her twenty thousand the last time her family needed it, let alone a hundred and fifty thousand…

As much of a flirter the guy had been, Fen was now in a horrible state all thanks to him.

Thinking back on it, she felt that Lin Yi never actually said anything sweet to please her, other than being a bit aggressive with her sometimes, and yet… He'd always been there reliably right when she was desperate and helpless.

On the other hand, Tang Yin felt that she was now even further indebted to Lin Yi, to the point where she couldn't pay him back anymore… There was no way she could give him one hundred fifty thousand in the next couple of years, nor was she expecting Wei or Dan to be able to……

Was her cousin right after all? Would she be his woman in the future, so that she wouldn't need to return it anymore? It sounded simple, but……

"That fast?" Mrs. Tang thought that her daughter had to go talk to Lin Yi in person about it, that she might have to offer something in return… After all, Mrs. Tang was a woman who'd seen some of the cruelest and coldest things this society had to offer. The thought that she was pushing her daughter into a pit came to mind, but it didn't seem reasonable from her experience with Lin Yi… The guy was different from Kang Zhaoming, he wouldn't just get bored of a girl and leave her, would he..?

Wei was the only boy from her mother's side- she couldn't just let him go sell his kidney, her father would never forgive her! The village she was from put heavy emphasis on boys over girls, after all.

What Mrs. Tang wasn't expecting, however, was how her daughter was able to borrow the money with one simple phone call! She was shocked, delighted, and also regretful. "Should've asked for fifty thousand more if I knew it'd be that easy, we could've let your father go through a surgery……"

"Mom!!!" Tang Yin frowned unhappily. Did her mother think Lin Yi was a gold mine they could just dig from??

"Why couldn't you have thought about that! You're just borrowing money once, couldn't you have borrowed more??" Mrs. Tang was thinking that she could've asked for more since she'd be paying some sort of price for the loan in the first place!

"Mom, what're you talking about!!" Tang Yin was panicking at this point. "If that's the case then I won't borrow anything at all, not a single cent!!"

"Fine, fine! I'll stop talking!" Mrs. Tang eyed her daughter, wondering why she wasn't quicker in her head. She should get as much money as possible when he still liked her! She'd at least still have money even if Lin Yi abandoned her one day……

Yet Mrs. Tang's mindset couldn't really be blamed on her- anyone who'd went through the things she had would more or less think the same way. 

She had long gotten tired of being poor.

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Love was important, but it was something that needed money as a foundation. After all, what was love without money? She would've left Old Tang long ago if it weren't for her love towards him, the same love giving her all this stress and bitterness!

But so what if she loved him? Old Tang wasn't the only one who'd gotten hurt in the factory… Exactly how many of the families in her situation had gotten a divorce already?

Money had taken priority in Mrs. Tang's mind- she felt that money was the only solid thing when owned… It was why she wanted Tang Yin to get money from Lin Yi.

Tang Yin, on the other hand, sighed as she looked at her mother's disappointed look. Of course she knew what was going through her mind, she simply couldn't bring herself to understand it- the hardships of life hadn't blunted her independent outlook on life yet.

"Tang Yin, what's wrong? Is one hundred fifty thousand not enough?" Lin Yi heard what Mrs. Tang had said himself- he had a smile on his face.

"No, it's nothing…… Don't listen to my mom……" Tang Yin realized that she was still in the call- Lin Yi had heard everything… She felt embarrassed and furious, finding her mother's greed quite humiliating……

Mrs. Tang took out a credit card from under her mattress- there was twenty thousand kuai in there.

"Yin, give me the phone….." Mrs. Tang said as she reached for the phone.

She didn't dare hand the phone over- who knew what she was planning to say? "I'll read the number to him!"

Mrs. Tang gave her the card, and Tang Yin was about to read the number to Lin Yi when he stopped her. "Send it to me by text- don't wanna lose the money to a wrong account….."

"Ah, I'll send it to you then!" Tang Yin didn't know that Lin Yi was teasing her with that- the transfer wouldn't be successful if the cardholder name didn't correspond with the card number.

Lin Yi dialed Guan Xuemin up after the numbers had been sent to him.

"Yi? Where have you been these two days, I've been trying to reach you!" Xuemin's voice sounded from the other end.

"Oh? What's wrong, Grandpa Guan?" Lin Yi wasn't expecting that.

"Liu Tianyi came over with Elder Liu yesterday- he wanted to thank you in person! He said that his body felt a lot lighter, that he had a larger appetite along with stronger steps, as if he were ten years younger!" Xuemin said. "Yi, I myself envy your medical prowess!"

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"They've come to thank me?" Lin Yi chuckled to himself- they were probably just there to get closer to him now that they'd seen his value. They didn't start off with very good terms, but the Liu's weren't idiots at all.

"That's right, they're going back to Yanjing soon, and the villa wouldn't be of much use to them anymore… They're thinking of giving it to you as thanks!" Xuemin said. "Just give me your ID number and I'll handle the procedure for you."

"Haha, they sure are generous." Lin Yi shrugged. "Although, money would probably be more useful now that I lack it."

"He did give you money- Tianyi packed a ten million kuai red packet to you!" Xuemin said with a chuckle. "Everything sure has been a surprise- I was still worrying over the company's starting funds, but you managed to gather a hundred million right away! Just this one patient's enough to start us off!"

(red packets are packets with money Chinese people give to each other during New Years or over some other thing worth celebrating)

"Can't help it there- I didn't want to charge them like that, but there are some unlikeable people in that family." Lin Yi said. "Well, Elder Liu's pretty nice, he wasn't putting on airs or anything..."

"It's not about that- he simply felt that associating with a miracle doctor like you was an extreme value to their family!" Xuemin said. "They wouldn't have given you a red packet this packed otherwise."

"Yeah. Help me tell them this, Grandpa Guan- I'll accept the villa and red packet, but I'm still charging them if they come to me for service next time- I'll consider letting them cut in line!" Lin Yi said confidently. The Lius should be quite delighted to hear that.

Chapter 344 - Thanks, Brother-In-Law

"Ah, right, Yi, I've forgotten- what did you call me for?" Xuemin remembered that it was Lin Yi who made the call.

"Ah. Grandpa Guan, I'm sending you an account number- can you help me transfer two hundred thousand over?" Lin Yi said.

"Alright. I'll have Xin Xin do that on the internet in just a minute." Xuemin said without asking any questions.

"Thanks, Grandpa Guan. About the medicine company… I have time these couple of days, so I'll come visit to talk about it sometime soon. I don't know anything about stuff like that, so I'll have to trouble you again." Lin Yi felt bad- he was leaving all the work for Xuemin while he only produced the recipe.

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"If you're not showing up for the meetings and everything then it's best to get a representative- I'm an old man, and while I can help you in terms of credibility and everything, it's better for you young people to take care of the business side of things." Xuemin said with a bitter smile. "To tell the truth, I myself am just an elderly scholar… I'm no better a businessman than you are!"

"Ah, I see……" Lin Yi hadn't thought about anything other than just using Xuemin's name and his recipe, but there was more to starting a company than just that, it seemed. The execution was critical as well.

"That's right. My younger son's a good candidate- Xin Xin's father, but I don't want him to be involved." Xuemin said. "If you don't plan on taking care of the management yourself than you'll have to get someone you trust to help watch over things."

"Grandpa Guan, isn't Guan Xin a shareholder of the company? She could help look after things." Lin Yi suggested.

"Haha, Xin Xin's a shareholder, but she's also a representative of mine. You'll have to find a different one." Xuemin said. "Oh- come over if you have time, there are some tests we need to run the medicine through before it can go on the market. There's paperwork we need to deal with, too."

"No problem- let's do that this weekend." Lin Yi was thinking that the birthday feast wouldn't take up too much of his time- he could visit Xuemin after that.

He still had some healing medicine on him, and there was the painkiller medicine he'd given to Huaijun from last time, the recipe of which Xuemin had. He should be testing them in the meantime.

Just two products should be enough for the early stage- too many might dampen the impact. He'd release more products after they'd gained some fame.

Guan Xin looked at the account holder and saw Tang Yin's name- she was a bit disappointed and even a little jealous, but sent the two hundred thousand over anyway.

Mrs. Tang's bank card was opened using Tang Yin's name- it had been for Tang Yin's red packet money and allowance savings, but Tang Yin offered all of that for her father when he got injured. Mrs. Tang didn't bother opening another account, and decided to just use Tang Yin's card as the family bank card.

A beep sounded from Kang Ju's phone that the card was bound to.

"Two hundred thousand?" Kang Ju said with surprise.

"Two hundred?" Mrs. Tang's surprise was followed by delight- she pulled the phone out of her husband's hand and looked at the number, repeatedly counting the zeros to make sure it really was two hundred thousand instead of twenty. "What did I tell you, Yin! Little Lin's a good man! See, he's sent you two hundred thousand when you asked for fifteen! Looks like he heard what I said!"

"......" Tang Yin didn't know if she should be happy with her mother or feel helpless- she was now even further in debt.

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"We have your medical fees now, Old Tang! Let's go to the hospital tomorrow!" Mrs. Tang said happily- now that her husband's disability problem could be handled she wouldn't have to work by herself anymore!

"Sis, is brother-in-law really a young master?" Wei was shocked as well- it was as if he were dreaming, there was no way he actually expected this much money to just come into their hands! It turned out that his sister meant much more to Lin Yi than he'd thought, now that an extra fifty thousand had come through!

"What young master??" Tang Yin glared. "He's not your brother-in-law, either! I have to return this money, alright?"

"Heh, don't be shy, sis!" Wei nodded with a smile. "I'll make sure to save up with Dan, we'll return the money for sure!"

"What do you know, you're just a kid!" Tang Yin hmphed aggressively before remembering that Wei was only half a year younger than her, much more experienced in the love department with his relationship with Dan!

"Make sure to thank brother-in-law for me, sis! Dan and I will thank him in person if he visits, so remember to tell us!" Wei laughed.

"Yeah, Tang Yin sis… We really need to thank him……" Dan was in disbelief as well- it wasn't that long ago when Wei was talking about selling his kidney.

Tang Yin felt a little uncomfortable as she looked at everyone's happy faces- had she made the right decision? Was this what was known as sacrificing herself for the good of the entire family?

She held her phone in her hands tightly and walked out the house and back into the yard, hesitating- Lin Yi wasn't calling back at all! Couldn't he treat the money with more value, at least calling to confirm if she'd received it! What if the two hundred thousand was lost in the transfer!

She dialed Lin Yi's number into the phone.

"Hello? Lin Yi?" Tang Yin tested after hearing Lin Yi's silence.

"Mm……" Lin Yi responded.

"What're you doing? Why aren't you talking?" Tang Yin asked curiously.

"Was drinking water, I'm done." Lin Yi said as he put the glass of water down.

"Oh……" Tang Yin was really speechless- the guy sure was calm and everything, as if the money didn't mean anything to him… But he didn't seem like that kind of guy, nor did he seem that rich- he drove a run-down old van, after all!

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