Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 363-364

Chapter 363 - Keeping The Good Stuff For Yourself

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Lin Yi's answer wasn't definitive- he didn't say to Fen blatantly that he'd be able to cure her for sure, only that it was possible! Yet that made Fen all the more happier, because if Lin Yi had said that she'd heal with certainty then she'd think he was consoling her… Lin Yi's words actually gave Fen confidence.

"Lin Yi, will you really be able to heal my leg?" Fen was both surprised and delighted- even Xiaobo was looking at Lin Yi in anticipation.

"Yes, but don't rush it." Lin Yi smiled. "It's not a problem at all."

Lin Yi had some medicine back home that stimulated the nerves, something the old man used to give him so as to stimulate his body's potential. He didn't need that kind of strengthening medicine anymore after starting his Art of Dragon Mastery training, so he'd just put it aside.

Since he didn't need it himself, he didn't see the point in getting into the research of that sort of medicine. Even if he didn't go back to his old home for the materials, he'd get the recipe all the same if he did some research of his own, or gave Old Lin a call.

"Yeah!" Fen nodded her head, excited. It was her dream, after all, to be able to walk like everyone else. She felt refreshed now that Lin Yi had given her hope again.

Xiaobo, on the other hand, was quite happy at Fen's change in attitude. He talked to her about the interesting things that happened at school, including Lin Yi's heroic deeds, his slaps and kicks on Ruoming and Pinliang.

"Yin Yin sure is lucky to meet your boss! He's nice, and treats her nice too." Fen was evidently happy for Tang Yin- her boyfriend was so many times better than that Kang Zhaoming!

"Isn't Xiaobo nice to you as well?" Lin Yi added.

"Yeah, I'm your follower, after all, boss! I've inherited your kind ways." Xiaobo said dramatically.

"Haha…" Fen giggled. "Inherited? He's not your dad!"

Tang Yin was in disbelief when she got on the car.

"Fen… you… you're so beautiful…" Tang Yin rubbed her eyes, not expecting Fen to look so beautiful- she'd been used to a sickly Fen all these years, after all…

"Stop joking around, Yin… I'll never be as pretty as you!" Fen was quite happy from the praise- she wasn't on the same level as Tang Yin, who was already beautiful even without makeup, but she was still very much above average.

"They say girls dress for the man they fancy- you're all dressed up for Kang Xiaobo, aren't you!" Tang YIn joked.

"Me? Yin… why aren't you in your school uniform today? That's a nice dress you're wearing, too- I've never seen you in it before." Fen shifted the attention back to Tang Yin.

"This dress... " Tang Yin's face reddened- it was the one Lin Yi bought her back at the night market, the one she'd kept tucked away in her closet out of her frustration towards Lin Yi.

Now that her relationship with Lin Yi had been fixed, there was no reason for her to avoid it anymore.

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"I gave it to her." Lin Yi said with a smile.

"Oh…" Xiaobo and Fen nodded understandingly.

"What! I gave you fifty kuai for it!" Tang Yin glared. "If you say it's a gift then when are you planning to give it back!"

"Haha…" Lin Yi knew that it was a joke- Tang Yin wouldn't really ask for that money back.

"Oh, right- boss, where's that gift you prepared?" Xiaobo asked all of a sudden.

"Here." Lin Yi pulled out a very exquisite looking box from his pocket- it was small. 

"Oh? What's this? It looks so high-end!" Xiaobo said curiously as he received it from Lin Yi. "Hm? Boss, what's this black pill?"

"Pill of Life Extension and Toxin Cleansing." Lin Yi answered with his original name.

"Pill of Life Extension and Toxin Cleansing?" Xiaobo repeated. "How come I've heard of this before?"

"A miracle doctor gave it to me- there's not much in stock." Lin Yi said. "It'll quickly cleanse the toxins from your body for the sake of extending your life- using it will give you somewhere between five to ten years of life!"

"Shit! That good..? Seriously, boss? Why give him something this amazing?" Xiaobo's words rendered Fen and Tang Yin a little speechless.

"Isn't he your second grandpa?" Lin Yi was speechless as well.

"Yes, but he doesn't treat my family very well these past years… Something like this… I'd rather use it myself, no, give it to Fen!" Xiaobo remembered Fen just after naming himself.

Fen was a bit moved, but rejected it. "We don't need this kind of stuff at our age, right?"

"Fen's right!" Lin Yi nodded. "You're young, so even if you wanna cleanse your toxins there won't be much to cleanse. It's extra effective for old people."

"So that's how it is!" Xiaobo said, enlightened. "But still, giving something this good to him is still a pity! Wouldn't it be better to just keep it for myself?"

"I still have some by the time you'll need it- I'm saving them for you." Lin Yi smiled. "We'll just give this to that second grandpa of yours, okay?"

"Okay…" Xiaobo looked at the pill a little regretfully. "Boss, you're not playing one on me or anything, right? Is this really that amazing?"

"It's not amazing or anything, it has scientific research behind it- the more toxins we accumulate the higher the threat they pose to our bodies! Especially people who are older, their bodies have more and more toxins piled up if they don't take precautions from when they were still young." Lin Yi explained. "It just removes toxins, that's all- it doesn't really do much other than that."

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"I see!" Xiaobo nodded. "Alright then, we'll just give this to him since he's my second grandpa."

Lin Yi then drove towards Donghai- it was a city in the province, only around three hours away from Songshan.

Lin Yi's van wasn't as fast as the other cars, so it'd be a four-hour trip for them. There wasn't much he could do about it, since pushing the car over its limits would result in it falling apart.

It was already six by the time they reached Donghai.

"Where do we go?" Lin Yi had no idea where he was after exiting the highway- he didn't know anything about Donghai at all.

"Wait, I'll make a call!" Xiaobo signaled for Lin Yi to park at the roadside as he dialed his parents up.

Chapter 364 - Shifu's Ex-Enemy

Xiaobo's parents had departed in the morning, not waiting for Xiaobo since he was taking his friend's car here.

Xiaobo's father picked up the phone. "Xiaobo, are you guys here yet?"

"Yeah, we just got off the highway! We're at Donghai's city entrance." Xiaobo said. "Dad, where are you guys living? We'll go to you?"

"We're at Moon on the Sea Hotel, but…" Mr. Kang sighed without saying anything.

"Dad? What's wrong?" Xiaobo paused at the sigh- something was troubling his father. "Dad, where are you?"

"I'm at the hotel your second grandpa arranged for us…" Mr. Kang said. "But, Xiaobo, you should go to another hotel with your friends. Go to a good one, don't affect their experience here…"

"Ah?" Xiaobo blinked. "Why, dad? Didn't they get us hotel rooms?"

Mr. Kang sighed. "They only left us three one room… We can't let you come live here alone, right?"

"Didn't you guys tell them I'm bringing some friends over?" Xiaobo was getting worried.

"I did, I did, but your second grandpa said he was too busy and forgot about it…" Mr. Kang sighed. "I don't know if he really did forget, but I don't want to dwell on that… It's just that your second uncle really doesn't know his way around words! He said that you could just throw your friends into some cheap hotel and he'd pay for it… Just listen to what he's saying."

"Isn't Moon on the Sea the one we stayed at last time? Didn't they book the entire resort? How come we can't even get two extra rooms?" Xiaobo felt very humiliated- Lin Yi, Tang Yin, and Fen could hear everything his father was saying! It angered him.

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"He said that there's VIP's and… Xiaobo, it's fine. I'll give you money, so bring your friends to another hotel. Find one that's good." Mr. Kang didn't want to dwell on the subject. "Remember not to neglect your friends."

"Alright…" Xiaobo hung up and raised his fist, intending to hit the car out of frustration. He managed to pull it back. "What the hell! This is so unfair!"

Kang Zhaomin had brought along a ton of his friends the last birthday feast, and all of them got to stay at the hotel, with many of them having a single room to themselves! Why did his friends have to stay at some random motel?!

"It's fine, Xiaobo." Lin Yi didn't mind. "We'll stay somewhere else."

"Boss, you don't know this, but Moon on the Sea is actually a resort, a really huge one! There's no way it's out of rooms!" Xiaobo said angrily. "They're just looking down on us!"

"Ah… Moon on the Sea, huh?" Lin Yi blinked. "Is that the name?"

"What's wrong, boss? You know the place?" Xiaobo asked curiosuly at Lin Yi's stunned look.

"Wait, I'll make a call." Lin Yi got out of the car after some hesitation.

He didn't want to use his old connections, but this was his last mission- he wanted a normal life after its end, and he was willing to commit even if it meant being the Miss' follower his whole life.

A life without bullets and fire, blades and blood… It held too much value for Lin Yi.

But just for this once, for Kang Xiaobo, his first and only bro after he'd entered this normal life… Lin Yi decided that he'd make an exception just this once.

He went to somewhere a little farther from the van and dialed up a number.

A pretty voice sounded not long after. "Eagle?"

"How'd you know?" Lin Yi paused.

"The call's coming from Donghai." The voice sounded like it was making a rebuke. "Currently. You're the only one operating on a more special assignment there."

"Oh? Still a princess of the hacker world, I see." Lin Yi smiled bitterly. "All-knowing of my location and everything…"

"Even if I didn't, your phone number's a Songshan number. I'd have been able to make a conjecture regardless." The princess hmphed. "Confirming your location is just that, a confirmation."

"Alright, I'll admit i suck with computers." Lin Yi surrendered. "Something I wanna ask you- is the hotel Moon on the Sea at Donghai under our people's control? I remember seeing that on my pocket PC once."

"Where's your pocket PC?" The princess asked without answering the question.

"My old man's using it for his games…" Lin Yi sweated helplessly. "He said my current mission isn't dangerous anyway, so I won't need it…"

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"Games…?" The princess was evidently quite speechless, but she didn't have the right to criticize Old Lin. She pretended that she didn't hear anything. "So, Moon on the Sea is under our control…"

"Yeah. Tell me how I can contact the one in charge." Lin Yi said.

The princess told Lin Yi the method.

"Alright. I'm hanging up then." Lin Yi said after writing it down.

"Don't you have anything else to say to me?" The princess asked.

"What..?" Lin Yi blinked.

"Bye!" The princess cut the phone off without waiting for Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled bitterly at his phone. What the hell was she up to again?

What Lin Yi didn't expect, however, was that the owner of Moon on the Sea was more than just someone on their side- he was an old rival of his shifu. He never met him before, but he did hear his shifu mention the guy more than once.

Lin Yi dialed his number up.

"Hello? Who is this?" The deep voice of a man sounded from the other end.

"Uncle Tian?" Lin Yi tested.

"You are?" The supposed Uncle Tian didn't know who this man was.

"I'm Lin Yi." Lin Yi said.

Uncle Tian was evidently taken aback by that revealation- he went silent, as if trying to digest the name. "Boss' inside pupil?"

"That's me." Lin Yi said.

"Please tell me your codename and codeword in the organization." Uncle Tian was quite evidently a cautious man.

"Eagle…" Lin Yi said before speaking the English combination password.

"My apologies, Master Lin- Just following protocol!" Uncle Tian sounded a lot more passionate all of a sudden. "Any instructions?"

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