Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 371-372

Chapter 371 - Another Slap

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"That brat, he hit me! Take him to the security room and beat him up!" Xiaozhang said incoherently as he held his cheek. "He's here to cause trouble!"

Zhu Xiaozhang was pissed- he'd been Zhaoming's lackey all these years, and so far no one dared to hit him! As the saying went, you needed to look at the dog's owner before beating the dog up! Of course people had to know it was Kang Zhaoming they were dealing with!

He was no idiot, too- he only asked the security to take Lin Yi away, leaving Xiaobo out of it.

At the end of the day, Kang Xiaobo was a Kang- he could humiliate him, but beating him up? That'd be big news, and it'd be difficult when Miracle Doctor Kang himself got involved.

Everyone knew how Miracle Doctor Kang was about his reputation and everything- it didn't matter what he thought of Xiaobo's family branch, the important thing was that it looked nice and healthy on the surface. He wouldn't be inviting all of Xiaobo's family over for his birthday if it weren't for that.

The captain Zhong Dingwei took a look at Lin Yi to size him up- the guy's clothes were low-class, and he didn't look like he had any connections or background. He didn't need to tread lightly with this one. "Causing trouble at Moon on the Sea, kid? You've got guts. Come take a walk with us, why don't you!"

"Lin Yi…" Tang Yin was getting nervous- she held on to Lin Yi's elbow, hoping he wouldn't have to go. He'd beaten all of the Big Four up at school, but that was school and this was real society! These guards were clearly a hostile party… Would Lin Yi be able to return if he left with them?

Lin Yi squeezed Tang Yin's hand softly and whispered in her ear. "It's alright- don't forget that I know their boss."

Tang Yin's soft whisper weakened Tang Yin's ear- her face reddened as she looked at him accusingly. He was still doing stuff like that to her in a time like this!

She was worried, but Lin Yi was right- he knew the owner here. There was nothing to be afraid of at all.

Dingwei wasn't very pleased- his face darkened as he whispered into the girl's ear, ignoring him. This was a provocation! He was provoking him!

"You're a big shot, aren't you? Can't you hear me talking to you?!" Dingwen went up to pull at Lin Yi's clothes, but it was just swung aside.

"What in the world are you barking about?! Are you retarded? Did you see me hitting him? He hit himself, I'm telling you!" Lin Yi smiled coldly, his eyes slowly moving to the first captain's hiding spot. "Right?"

The captain wanted to see Dingwei embarrass himself, but he didn't expect Lin Yi to pull him in for testament! He started sweating- he didn't want to piss Lin Yi off, but he did take Xiaozhang's money…

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Yet continuing in silence would piss both sides off without pleasing anyone!

The captain made a decision- he had beef with this Zhong Dingwei in the first place, what was the harm in helping Lin Yi out? He stood up and pointed at Xiaozhang. "I saw everything, he hit himself! Zhong Dingwei, you're the ballroom's security so why're you here messing with my job on the outside?"

"Ah?!" Dingwei paused- Xiaozhang hit himself? Seriously? 

He looked at Xiaozhang's poisonous eyes and understood immediately. Of course he didn't hit himself, who'd do that for no reason?

"Old Sui, this doesn't concern you, so do you wanna be witness? You know who Mister Zhu Xiaozhang is? He's Master Kang's…" Dongwei hadn't finished when Lin Yi interrupted him.

"Dog, right?" Lin Yi curled his lips.

"Hahahahaha…" Xiaobo started laughing- it felt really nice! Lin Yi was still joking around in a situation like this, it felt so good! Zhaoming had always been stepping on him, bullying him, but the tables have turned with Lin Yi's presence! The most miraculous part was that witness over there!

Xiaozhang's face turned red like beef, and Zhaoming wasn't looking too good either. He didn't know who this Lin Yi person was- how did he get that security captain to his side? He'd taken their red packet money!

"Who do you think you are!!! I'm not letting you get out of Moon on the Sea, you're not getting away!" Xiaozhang was going into a craze- when had he ever suffered humiliation like this??

He was here to humiliate Kang Xiaobo and Lan Fen, not get humiliated himself! How was he supposed to walk with his head raised in Moon on the Sea's upper society if he didn't do anything about this?

Another crisp slap sounded, but no one saw Lin Yi make the move this time around- it was Xiaozhang's right cheek that was swollen now, and the palm mark showed that it'd been a left hand!

Lin Yi's left hand, however, was holding Tang Yin's hand.

"You… You dare hit me again?! Captain Zhong, you saw that, right?! He hit me! Take him back, there's witnesses, he's not getting away with this!" Xiaozhang danced around angrily. "You guys make sure not to let him get away, I'll teach him a lesson after the party!"

Yet neither Zhaoming or Shubin said anything this time around… Dingwei, on the other hand, was quite stunned and at a loss as well- the first slap was from Lin Yi, but where did this second one come from?

Lin Yi's left hand was clearly holding Tang Yin's hand, everyone saw that! No one saw him make the slap!

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"What's with you guys?" Xiaozhang felt that something was off- Dingwei wasn't doing anything, and both Zhaoming and Shubin weren't saying anything, either!

"You really are a dog after all- you have a dog's IQ." Lin Yi looked at Xiaozhang with pity. "You're having delusions already- no one here saw me hit you, you're the only one who believes that. I don't think there's hope for you anymore. I suggest you buy some retard pills- going retarded might actually increase your IQ."

"HAHAHAHAHA!!" Xiaobo started laughing out loud- he'd never felt so good before! That look on Xiaozhang's face and the reactions of everyone else was an absolute relief for him! Even Fen started smiling as she wiped the tear stains off!

Only Tang Yin's eyes had a stunned shock in them- she didn't catch Lin Yi doing anything with her eyes, but she was sure she felt Lin Yi's hand loosen for an instant...

Chapter 372 - Nothing To Be Done

Tang Yin thought she'd imagined it, but as things stood that was clearly not the case. Lin Yi was the one who'd hit him, but his hand was simply too fast and deft- no one saw him move.

Tang Yin was both shocked and delighted- Lin Yi was so evil! There was nothing Xiaozhang could do about the slap!

"It's you, you're behind this!" Xiaozhang was convinced that Lin Yi had hit him- his two swollen cheeks were proof of that! "Captain Zhong! The tapes, check the tapes and see if it's him!"

Xiaozhang wasn't too dumb- as angry as he was, he still managed to remember the cameras.

"I'm sorry, but I'm in charge of the gate security- I must reject your request!" Old Sui had already decided to stick with Lin Yi's side- he had to commit to that decision. "Everyone here was watching, no one saw this mister hit you! Your request is very unreasonable. Are you saying that all of us are blind?!"

"I……" Xiaozhang wasn't saying that- he wouldn't say that aloud even if he did think that. He suspected that Lin Yi had used some method to catch their attention so as to cover his slap…

"Old Sui… so you're gonna help these people cause trouble?" Dingwei didn't have evidence, but he couldn't just let be what was happening here. He needed a different approach.

"I'm just telling the facts. I didn't see anything- neither did you, right?" Old Sui said faintly.

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"Alright, Old Sui- did you know that Mister Zhu and Master Kang are both VIP's of our resort? Li Bro himself told us to keep them safe! Something happened to Xiaozhang Bro on your territory, so let's see what Li Bro has to say!" Dingwei pulled out a walkie talkie and dialed in some numbers.

He was the same rank as Old Sui- both security captains. Dingwei had to get someone from the upper ranks to pressure Old Sui at this point.

"Do what you want." Old Sui was nothing but overjoyed- this was the best possible scenario! It'd be a lot easier if Li Yixun came over.

Dingwei assumed that Old Sui was trying to act tough- he smiled coldly as he spoke into the walkie talkie. "Li Bro, we have a problem at the ballroom entrance- someone's attacked our VIP guest, and Captain Sui is defending the offender… Alright, I'll wait for you!"

Dingwei looked at Old Sui gleefully, thinking he was fucked.

Yixun got on a scooter and started heading to the location immediately- a beating was something serious, after all.

But he spotted Lin Yi on the way- after some hesitation he decided to give Lin Yi a greeting first.

This was a man Mister Tian solemnly reminded him to take care of multiple times- that could only mean two things: he was either a really important person, or someone extremely close to Mister Tian.

"Mister Lin, what a coincidence!" Yixun walked over with quick steps, his tone polite as he held out a hand.

Lin Yi accepted the handshake casually. "I'm attending my bro's second grandpa's birthday feast with him."

Yixun nodded, his tone still polite as he spoke. "Alright then, Mister Lin- do just give me a call if you have any instructions!"

Yixun assumed that Lin Yi was just passing by and headed for the ballroom- he didn't think much of it, but everyone present only stared blankly, Captain Zhong Dingwei included.

He now understood why Old Sui was blindly and blatantly on Lin Yi's side- he'd known all along that Lin Yi was the real VIP of Yixun!

It was clear as day what the situation was from the tone Yixun was using with Lin Yi- Dingwen looked at that wide smile at Old Sui's face, very pissed off. He'd been set up!

He'd pleased Zhu Xiaozhang, but pissed Li Yixun off! Not a good trade in the slightest!

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"What's the matter, Lil' Zhong? Who's the attacker?" Yixun turned to Dingwei after greeting Lin Yi.

"Ah, Li Bro, so this what happened- this Zhu Xiaozhang guy or whatever said that I hit him, but I didn't, everyone here is a witness. But that Captain Zhong's saying that I did hit Zhu Xiaozhang." Lin Yi said faintly.

"Oh?" Yixun paused- he didn't expect for Lin Yi to be involved.

"I can testify for Mister Lin's words- everyone here was present. Li Bro, you can ask them yourself!" Old Sui said confidently.

Lin Yi did slap him the first time around, but there weren't a lot of people at the ballroom entrance, and Dingwei hadn't been there yet. No one would or could say anything as long as Lin Yi himself denied it!

But this second slap was different- there were other people spectating when everything went down, including Dingwei. Everyone could testify for Lin Yi- he never hit Zhu Xiaozhang!

"Zhong, what's the meaning of this?" Li Bro's face darkened- something felt off, but Old Sui's words were very believable. Nobody from the crowd was saying anything, as well- it seemed like Dingwei was lying.

"I… I…… Maybe I saw it wrongly…" There was no way Dingwei would still help Xiaozhang in a situation like this- it'd be crossing Yixun!

"Zhong Dingwei, I fucking gave you two thousand kuai! Saw it wrongly my ass!" Xiaozhang exploded- his cheeks were fucking dumplings and still nobody believed him! Was there anything more painful than this? Was there??? Was there?!!

"Ooh……" Laughter could be heard coming from the crowd- things would've been a lot better off if Xiaozhang hadn't blurted that out, since his face did look very swollen even if no one saw Lin Yi hit him.

Some were still suspicious of Lin Yi, but all that was gone the moment Xiaozhang revealed the bribe- it was now a fact that he'd bought Dingwei with money before slapping himself, so as to frame Lin Yi together!

Yixun's eyes were frozen on Dingwei's face. "Go back to the security room and write down what you did wrong. Get out of my sight!"

Dingwei ran off with his tail between his legs, leaving a furious Zhu Xiaozhang alone.

Zhaoming wasn't expecting Lin Yi to have a background like this- him knowing Li Yixun was completely out of his expectations! Everyone in Donghai's upper society knew who Li Yixun was- he may just be Boss Tian's representative, but there was weight to his words.

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