Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 389-390

Chapter 389 - Don't Forget About the Recording

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Yushu was blushing as she contemplated when Mengyao interrupted her. "You're not thinking of something unhealthy again, are you?"

"No, no!" Yushu shook her head after getting caught.

"Then why're you blushing?" Mengyao didn't believe her.

"I was just thinking that my old wish is kinda hard to come true… Hehe. But I've decided to make some changes to my wish!" Yushu said. "I've decided to marry the same man Yao Yao marries- that way we'll get to live together forever!"

"......" Mengyao sweated at the announcement, speechless. "Why are you still thinking about that wish..?"

An annoying visitor came to the villa right before dusk.

Lin Yi didn't think that An Jianwen dude would have the guts to come up their doorstep again- did he want to get beat up again?

One look at that wide smile on his face and Lin Yi even thought that he'd lost his memories from that beating!

"Little brother Lin! I'm sorry for what happened last time, we had to split ways so unpleasantly! It's this older brother's fault, to be sure- I've been away from Songshan so long I didn't even understand the current situation! But enough about that… Are you free tonight? You're quite popular, I've got a couple of bros who'd very much like to meet you! They'd like to have a drink with you in person." Jianwen said as he smiled at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi looked at Jianwen oddly. Was this guy thinking of getting revenge on him because of what had happened to him last time? What an impatient fellow, thinking about stuff like that right after losing face.

Lin Yi turned to Mengyao for her input.

Naturally, Mengyao guessed that Jianwen wasn't planning on doing anything nice for Lin Yi. If the guy didn't have a medical condition he should still remember how Lin Yi had messed him up! That plaster on his forehead was proof of that.

"Big bro Jianwen, could there be something wrong with your head?" Yushu had a surprised look on her face as she faced Jianwen.

"....." Jianwen blinked, unsure of what to say. "Shu, what are you saying… I don't understand…"

(So there's a lot of instances where 'sweated' is used. If you're confused it represents speechlessness most of the time, like in asian comics where there's three black lines on the side of a character's head when he or she is speechless at what's happening in a comedic situation. The author actually describes some of these situations using 'some black lines formed on Jianwen's head' sometimes.)

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"It's nothing, I just feel like you're... just asking for it." Yushu didn't care about Jianwen losing face or anything- she had no reason to respect him.

Jianwen was in quite a helpless position regarding Chen Yushu- as pissed as he was, there wasn't much he could say because of the image he had to keep in front of Mengyao, along with the fact that he couldn't afford to piss this woman off!

"Lil' sis Yao Yao, I'm here to thank my savior today- you wouldn't mind lending me your bodyguard for a bit, right?" Jianwen smiled at Mengyao as he placed the emphasis on the word 'bodyguard', implying to her that he'd learned of Lin Yi's identity already.

Mengyao frowned at that- Lin Yi being hired by her dad wasn't a secret in the first place, a lot of the people in the company knew about it. She wouldn't be able to hide it from him even if she wanted to, and it was too easy for Jianwen to find out if he actually tried asking around.

She wasn't saying anything about Lin Yi now that Jianwen was pulling that secret out. "It's nighttime- what he does isn't under my control."

Mengyao was actually pretty frustrated because of what happened this afternoon- it was a frustration she couldn't relieve herself of. Now that Jianwen was here to cause Lin Yi trouble, Mengyao would naturally welcome it.

Although it was pretty obvious that Jianwen would get messed up again, Mengyao didn't want Lin Yi to be all peaceful and relaxed- letting him do some work might just ease her frustrations a little.

"Haha, lil bro Lin, now that your boss is giving the green light, how about it? For my sake?" Jianwen started smiling at Lin Yi again.

"Fine, let's go then!" Lin Yi nodded- Now that Mengyao had spoken he might as well just get it over with and teach this kid another lesson. Shields should have a shield's self awareness, after all- he couldn't just take the salary for nothing.

"Then let's go! Follow me, Mister Lin!" Jianwen was overjoyed at Lin Yi's 'yes'- Mengyao and Lin Yi's guesses were right, he was indeed here today for revenge!

Lin Yi's little trick on him last time made him quite furious- it was a frustration he couldn't vent out, especially when the Li Cihua who beat him up was a business partner! There was no way he could do anything about that rage now, other than showing Lin Yi what he was made of- the guy would think he was an easy target if he didn't!

Naturally, Jianwen couldn't just go against Lin Yi out in the open- after all, he'd come here to ask Lin Yi to dinner fresh out of Mengyao's villa. One had to know who the master of the dog he or she beat up was, after all. Making it too obvious would make Mengyao think he was petty, too.

Jianwen's main idea today was to get Lin Yi back the same way, and that was to mess him up in a way Lin Yi couldn't do or say anything about!

Lin Yi stood up and walked out the villa with Jianwen when Yushu called out behind him all of a sudden. "Shield Bro, record it! Don't forget to record it!"

Lin Yi nodded, a bitter smile on his face as the Jianwen in front almost tripped himself- So Lin Yi even recorded what happened last time?! That meant that Mengyao saw it too, didn't it?!


It'd be such a humiliation if that was the case! So that was why Mengyao's eyes felt off when she was looking at that plaster on his head, it was because she knew what happened already!

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That bastard Lin Yi had hell to pay! This time around the one getting humiliated would be Lin Yi, however- since Yushu wanted a recording so much he might as well fulfill that wish and get her that footage!

Jianwen's heart relaxed a little at that thought, and a smile formed on his face, as if he didn't understand what Yushu was saying. "Don't worry, lil sis Shu! I'll get a professional photographer to record our beer battle!"

Yushu didn't reply, but frowned instead, waiting until both Lin Yi and Jianwen were gone before turning to Mengyao. "Yao Yao, doesn't An Jianwen look very confident this time?"

"Who knows? He looked confident last time." Mengyao curled her lips- compared to Lin Yi, she found Jianwen much more irritating and hateable.

"You're right. Let's hope Shield Bro surprises us this time too! Hehe, I wanna see what kind of mess An Jianwen gets into this time…" Yushu nodded.

Lin Yi had a pretty good idea what Jianwen had in store for him, judging by what he said. Beer battle… Did this guy want to get him drunk so he could do something to him??

But was getting him drunk even possible? Lin Yi smiled faintly to himself as he walked behind Jianwen.

"Mister Lin, since we're wasting ourselves tonight why don't you come in my car? You wouldn't be able to drive after drinking anyway, right?" Jianwen was worried LIn Yi might refrain from drinking too much if he had to drive back home- it'd mess up his plans.

"Alright then, I'll sit in your car." Lin Yi didn't mind- he could always get a taxi if he didn't have his car.

"Alright- I specifically got us a driver. Don't even have my own sports car today!" Jianwen was quite delighted to hear Lin Yi agree.

Chapter 390 - Getting Drunk Tonight

"We didn't get to have fun last time- there was a small interruption, but this time's different! This time we're getting drunk tonight!" Jianwen said as he pointed at a black Rolls-Royce. "Please, get in!"

Lin Yi nodded and seated himself in the car, and the driver waited for Jianwen to get in himself before starting it. It seemed like Jianwen had decided on and booked a place already, leaving only Lin Yi to say yes.

The destination this time was Starlight Hotel as well- Jianwen apparently wanted to get up where he fell down.

It was the same private room as last time, only housing more people today. Other than that Su Taizao was the feminine man, along with a Maitreya-looking fatty beside him. All three of them stood up upon Jianwen's entrance, evidently looking to him as the leader figure in their group.

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"Mister Lin, you're here!" Taizao came over and shook Lin Yi's hands passionately, but a quick flash of toxic rage could be seen in his eyes. He must've been finding it hard to swallow the rage from getting beat up with Jianwen before.

"Haha, what's wrong with your forehead, Su Bro? Hm? I saw a plaster on An Bro's forehead earlier too… You guys weren't playing some headbutting game, were you?" Lin Yi was starting to talk like Yushu, now that he'd spent so much time with her. Even he himself sweated at his creativity… He could imagine the two charging up with their backs bent and butting their heads together…

Taizao sweated at that as well, but was more pissed off than speechless- what kind of idiot would bump his head against another head for fun? The guy obviously knew what caused the plasters!

But they'd invited Lin Yi here today to drink- this wasn't the time to be breaking with him, and Taizao could only press down his anger with a smile. "Hit it on a door accidentally, haha… Let's not talk about that- Come, Mister Lin, get seated! I'll introduce you to these two bros!"

Lin Yi nodded and sat himself down as Taizao introduced the fat Maitreya and the feminine man. The feminine man was called Yang Ganglou, and the fat Maitreya was Su Taiwei. Ganglou's family did foreign trade, while Taiwei was Taizao's younger cousin.

"I'm really happy to meet you today, Mister Lin!" Taiwei said. "I heard you're Jianwen Bro's savior, too- I'm a bit older than you so I hope you don't mind if I call you lil bro Lin! So, lil bro Lin, how about getting drunk with us tonight?"

"Sure." Lin Yi nodded.

"Ah?" Taiwei blinked. According to Jianwen and Taizao's planning, it'd unfortunately take some effort to fool Lin Yi, since they were now enemies- he wouldn't just go get drunk with his enemies out of nowhere!

And so Taiwei had prepared a ton of persuasion words for Lin Yi while Jianwen and Ganglou helped. Yang Ganglou was the military advisor for the younger Su generation, after all, and was pretty smart. Getting Lin Yi's stomach upset today was his idea.

The group had decided to use the drinking as a gateway to get Lin Yi hospitalized; if it weren't serious enough to get him to the hospital they decided to have some exciting events planned for him…

But those were all plots hidden in the shadows- in other words, it wasn't an official revenge. 

As a result, even if Mengyao's side found out about this, nothing would be said at all. Jianwen was quite confident with his plot today.

But Lin Yi's reaction took everyone by surprise- it took just one word from Taizao and Lin Yi agreed instantly! No one was expecting that at all.

Taiwei felt like he had a fish bone in his throat- all of his preparations had gone to waste, it was a huge pity! He had planned on throwing mountains of rhetoric at Lin Yi after his refusal, but none of that had any use anymore.

Lin Yi only smiled at everyone's stunned expressions. "Haha, as you all know, I'm the Miss' follower- I don't get to drink in the house most of the time, so I'm kinda itching for it a little…"

Lin Yi's words enlightened the group- so that's what it was! It was true now that they thought about it. Lin Yi was hired as Mengyao's follower and given a salary by Chu Pengzhan! He couldn't just drink all day, that'd be ridiculous.

It was natural then that Lin Yi would grab this rare opportunity! With that explained, the group relaxed, assuming that Lin Yi really planned on drinking himself drunk tonight, and that he wasn't planning anything.

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"Ganglou, go get some crates of beer for us to quench our thirst- bring the vodka right after that!" Jianwen ordered Ganglou.

Drinking beer and vodka together got one drunk really easily- it was really damaging to the stomach as well, to the point where it could even cause internal bleeding and hemorrhaging. One had to admit that Jianwen was quite black-hearted to order a couple crates of beer to 'quench our thirst'.

But Jianwen's objective here was to make Lin Yi drink himself to death! If not death, then he had to at least get him drunk enough for some other plans! Lin Yi looked like he was quite a drinker, but that didn't worry Jianwen one bit. 

After all, Taizao, Ganglou, and Jianwen were all killer drinkers of alcohol! It was simply the case for the Songshan Young Masters; all of them had stunning tolerances!

The military advisor Yang Ganglou, as well- no one had to tell him to drink; he'd do it all the time when at home on his own! He'd always drunk a tall bottle of highly concentrated vodka before thinking up plots and schemes against other people, too.

A drunkard like that was simply abnormal.

Of course, if even the three of them failed to outlast Lin Yi, there was still the final line of defense, an ultimate killer- Su Taiwei! He was an abnormality of the Su's, an absolute alcohol tank! He had more than just a high tolerance going for him- he'd mastered a ton of dangerous drinking methods, like comboing wine with sprite, whiskey with cold red tea, beer with coke, or even wine, vodka, and beer all in one… The list went on to prove that these lethal combos had no effect on the monster!

Other people would probably be finished after attempting the combos, but not Su Taiwei- the guy had practically been raised in a wine tank! His own father was in charge of the Su's wine business, so it was only natural that Taiwei would be so accustomed to it.

What did Jianwen have to fear with a trump card like Taiwei on his side?

It wasn't long before Ganglou came back with a couple of waiters, who placed crates of beer on the floor that had foreign letters printed on them.

Lin Yi took one look and got a little angry- weren't these guys going too far? They'd brought in highly concentrated beer! If some other less knowledgeable person had been in his position they'd be sent to the hospital after tonight!

Jianwen called for some thirst quenchers, but the ones the waiters brought in with Ganglou were 'Tactical Nuclear Penguins'! They were highly concentrated alcohol!

'Tactical Nuclear Penguins' had six times the concentration of average beer, and while it wasn't much to Lin Yi, it was more than ample to get a regular person wasted!

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