Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 417-418

Chapter 417 - Seeing A Car Accident

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"......" Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say. She'd wanted to cause some beef between Pinliang and Lin Yi, but it turned out that the guy didn't dare do anything to Lin Yi in the first place!

"It's embarrassing to say it, but that's just what this is. In this school- no, even including the gangsters outside of school, I daresay that no one would be able to do anything to that Lin Yi! He's not even afraid of guns!" Pinliang explained himself concisely.

"Alright, if Pinliang's admitting all that I'll tell you about what happened to me, too!" Ruoming sighed and started complaining about his grievances. "In front of so many students, and even in front of the dean… Lin Yi slapped me, and I couldn't do anything about it! I couldn't beat him if I fought him, there was nothing I could do about his tyranny at all…"

Xiaoxiao was getting dizzy- she hadn't done enough research at all! Lin Yi was an absolute beast! What was she thinking, going head on with him? That was obviously not an option anymore, as beastly as she was herself. She was a merciless miss, but Lin Yi was much more savage than she was.

Xiaoxiao had no guarantee that she'd be able to do anything to Lin Yi at all at this point, after what Pinliang and Ruoming had told her.

"Does Lin Yi have no weaknesses at all?" Xiaoxiao frowned. "Do you guys know of anything we can use for leverage?"

"Leverage…" Ruoming thought about it, troubled. "I guess… Tang Yin? If you were to make a move on Tang Yin… Heh heh, lil sis Xiaoxiao, why don't you do something there and help get me Tang Yin? I'll do the rest for you!"

Ruoming still wasn't giving up on Tang Yin- his wishes didn't manage to come true last time, since Lin Yi ruined everything, but the fire to claim Tang Yin as his was still burning. He didn't believe that Lin Yi would kill him, so by the time he'd laid his hands on her there'd be no turning back, and Lin Yi wouldn't be able to do anything as Tang Yin had no choice but get together with him!

And for the sake of Tang Yin, Lin Yi might even stop giving him so much trouble!

"No!" Xiaoxiao rejected instantly. She wanted to cause Lin Yi trouble, but she wanted a scenario where Lin Yi had to teach her driving and fighting! If they did anything to Tang Yin then he wouldn't teach her at all- the two would become mortal enemies!

"Uh…. I'm out of ideas then…" Ruoming shook his head.

"No good ideas here either…" Pinliang had no idea what they could use as leverage at all- he'd have done it himself if he'd known instead of waiting this long.

Xiaoxiao cursed at the two for being trash quietly- asking them out was a complete waste of time! They were utterly useless!

Lin Yi was driving Tang Yin back to school- they were short on time, so he used the faster lane to the left, only to see a car coming in his direction at the viaduct bridge!

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Lin Yi frowned. He had cars to both left and right sides, so it was impossible to change lanes now, especially with how dangerous it'd be at the speed he was driving at. Even if he didn't care about his own safety he needed to think about Tang Yin's!

He turned on the high beam to ask the car coming to him to go back to the other lane, but it surprised him by not slowing down- it did what Lin Yi did instead, flashing its high beam at him! Those were modded hernia lamps, too- Lin Yi would've been blinded for a while if it weren't for his good eyesight.

There wasn't any choice left- if this went on the two would collide with each other. Tang Yin was starting to scream in terror, too, and Lin Yi swerved his wheel hard to the right, pulling the handbrake up as he stepped on the brake. The entire van screeched in a fine, circular angle before the back of the van hit the car's side.

Lin Yi had very minutely controlled the angle and power, but a loud bump sounded all the same… Tang Yin seemed fine, though.

Zou Tiandi had just gotten the new BMW these couple of days- his son got him a custom licence plate too, boldly reading 'sbsbsb'.

(shabi shabi shabi, meaning idiot idiot idiot. There's other meanings, you could google shabi if you're interested.)

Tiandi had originally opted for a licence plate with full eights, finding Ruogguang's licence plate covered in english letters a little awkward. It didn't have any eights or sixes, but Ruoguang told him that that wasn't 'in' anymore! Nobody wanted the '888' or '00544' plates nowadays.

(Some number combinations, when read out in chinese, form sentences or sounds that Chinese people consider prosperous.)

Licence plates now was all about personality, and only a plate with personality stood out when on the streets. The '888' and '666' plates weren't as in demand as they used to be- what people wanted now was the 'sbsbsb' plate!

Tiandi didn't think too much about it, but if his son called the licence plate cool and full of personality then it'd make sense to use it.

What he wasn't expecting, however, was how he really stood out when driving the car! Almost every single head turned around to look at that plate, and some were even taking pictures with their phones, full of envy! This charged Tiandi full of satisfaction and glory!

There'd been two drivers who even got so excited at seeing his licence plate they even collided with him! This gave Tiandi a sense of indescribable pride!

Even when he drove in the opposite direction of the one he was supposed to be driving in, all the cars would still let him pass! None dared to tough it out with him, but here today he'd met the first blind driver who'd hit his new car. Pissed, he jumped off the car and pulled Lin Yi's door open. "Get the fuck out! Are you blind? Don't you know how to drive?! How dare you hit a licence plate this cool!!"

Lin Yi blinked- where did the guy driving in the wrong direction come off talking so pridefully? He couldn't help but take a look at just what sort of plate was on his car, almost bursting out in laughter upon seeing it… What a plate!

"What're you smiling at? It's too late now, you little bastard, you wrecked my new car! Pay up, one hundred thousand or don't even think about leaving!!" Tiandi was having the greatest time cruising around for fun when this guy just straight up hit him! It'd be so long before he got to show his plate off again!

"You were on the wrong lane and you hit my car, why're you asking me for money?" Lin Yi looked at the man, speechless. The person looked familiar… Where had he seen him before?

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Lin Yi had good memory, but unimportant small fish weren't worth remembering, so the minor character couldn't come to mind right now.

"How much can that shitty van be worth? You think I don't know what you were planning? You hit me on purpose! Drifting? Who do you think you are? Whatever, as long as you don't pay up don't think you're leaving!" Tiandi didn't need the money, but he was quite pissed off, and messing with Lin Yi would help ease his rage. The guy deserved it for ruining his beautiful licence plate.

"Alright, stop with that- I won't ask you to pay for hitting my car, we'll just go our separate ways! I'm in a rush here!" Lin Yi got out the car and looked at his van. It seemed fine, but there was a dent at the back. He hit it with his hand a couple of times, popping the metal back out again.

"What are you trying to do? Trying to scare me with your strength?" Tiandi paused after seeing Lin Yi's actions- he decided to point at Lin Yi and continue barking.

Chapter 418 - Afraid To Do Anything

"Ha…" Lin Yi shrugged. "I'm just fixing the dent in my van's metal, how's that supposed to scare you?"

"Just you wait! Stay where you are if you have the balls!" Tiandi hmphed and pulled his phone out. "Ruoguang, where are you? I'm in the northern district on Golden South Road! Someone hit my car and the kid won't pay up, even using his fist to scare me! Alright, I'll wait for you, hurry!"

Lin Yi frowned. If the bastard insisted on taking things so far then he might as well settle the issue. He took his phone out and called Lingshan.

Lingshan found Lin Yi's phone call to be a pleasant surprise- she didn't think that Lin Yi would've been able to come up with a solution that fast! Delighted, she picked it up. "Lin Yi? Have you thought of something?"

"No. Someone was going the wrong direction on my lane and hit me, come over for a second…" Lin Yi said faintly.

"Hit you? Are you okay?" Lingshan paused- she had something to ask of Lin Yi, so if something happened to him now she wouldn't be able to save that person!

"I'm fine, but the guy's trying to con me. He's even calling someone to come threaten me." Lin Yi said.

"Why do you even need me for this? Wouldn't you be able take care of it yourself?" Lingshan was both a little annoyed and amused- why would Lin Yi need her for something so trivial? Wasn't he hot stuff?

"Alright then. I'll just crush his car a bit and beat him up." Lin Yi said.

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"Ah?" Lingshan smiled bitterly at the comment. "Fine, wait for me, I'll head over now…"

Lin Yi would only be getting himself sent to the police station if he did those things- it'd cause her trouble, so in the end she might as well help him and avoid it.

"Golden South Road." Lin Yi smiled. "If the other guy's backup arrives before you do I'll have to fight it out."

"Fine, fine, I get it!!" Lingshan hmphed. Worried that Lin Yi would get into trouble for the sake of messing with her, Lingshan helplessly added something more pleasing for his ears. "Calm down first, Miss Braindead's coming…"

(I guess Miss Braindead sounds a little sweeter in Chinese… It's not that serious a nickname. Then again I guess the english version is kinda fun too.)

"Ah, okay." Lin Yi finally discovered the cute side of Song Lingshan, the girl who was all brawn and no brain, a violent little savage. So she wasn't completely void of redeemable characteristics.

"It doesn't matter who you bring, let me tell you that you're fucked today! Without that one hundred thousand you're not leaving!" Tiandi pointed his finger, threatening rather confidently.

This was his new BMW, less than half a month new! Lin Yi hitting it and breaking the lights hurt him too much, and he needed to get back at him by making him suffer!

A roaring engine filled the sky, followed by low DJ music playing as a motorbike zoomed over, screeching to a stop between the BMW and the van.

Tiandi was joyed- his son was here, and the guy who'd hit his car was nothing but fucked. Absolutely fucked!!!

"Dad, what's wrong? Who hit you?" Ruoguang jumped off his motorcycle, his voice raised. "Crashing into someone and not paying up? I'll fuck him up!"

"It's that little bastard! Beat him up first before crushing his car! Make him pay up, one hundred thousand!" Tiandi smiled coldly as he gave the command, his finger still pointed at Lin Yi.

Tiandi was furious!! This was his new BMW, a BMW with a stunning licence plate! If he'd just let this shitty van go after it'd ruined everything he wouldn't be able to contain his anger for days!

Tiandi hadn't been in a good mood these last two days, too- he'd had his eyes set on a young girl in his company, and was inches away from claiming her when her boyfriend jumped out to mess everything up!

"Who? Which fuc- Wha?!" Ruoguong was about to teach this bastard a serious lesson when he saw Lin Yi, completely taken aback.

Ruoguang had better eyes that his old man Zou Tiandi- Tiandi couldn't tell that this was Lin Yi, but Ruoguang could see who he was dealing with right upon laying eyes on him! "How… How come it's you..?"

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Without waiting for a reply, Ruoguang pulled his father's arm and went to a side, whispering to him. "Dad, why'd you piss him off? I'm trying to hide from him and you pissed him off again! We're just looking for trouble like this!"

"Who? You know the kid?" Tiandi paused, along with the lackeys who had come with Ruoguang. They weren't sure why he was saying something like that.

"He's the guy who tossed you out from the hospital room!" Ruoguang smiled bitterly. "Dad, just apologize to the guy, it's not worth it! He's too much trouble, and strong!"

"Apologize? That can't do! He only has two hands, how's he supposed to fend off this many people? Look at the manpower we have with us, why're we scared of him??" Tiandi frowned. He was a celebrity, at the very least! Getting his new car ruined by someone on the streets and apologizing to some kid for it?! If word got out he'd have to hide in a hole! It'd be absolutely humiliating!

"Then you'll need to get someone else, dad- I don't wanna die yet!" Ruoguang shook his head- Lin Yi had left him with a trauma after last time, and even mustering the thought of crossing LIn Yi couldn't come up.

"You fucking dirt! Trash!" Tiandi hmphed. "Your brother's got more balls than you! I'll ask your little brother to bring men over and take care of this next time!"

"......" Ruoguang only kept quiet, his head lowered. He really didn't dare do anything to Lin Yi- it wasn't a joke, he simply was just too afraid to mess with Lin Yi. As a result, he ignored everything Tiandi was saying to him right now.

"Trash!!" Tiandi was furious! He was about to say something else when a police siren sounded some distance away, followed by a police car that stopped with a creak beside the BMW, sirens flashing.

Lingshan let out a breath of relief- everyone involved were still unharmed. She'd barged past all red lights on her way here, worried that Lin Yi would go and cause trouble for her! Fortunately, it didn't seem like Lin YI had done anything yet.

"Everyone to the police station!" Lingshan had been anxious the whole trip, so all this was starting to turn into fiery frustration. She pointed at everyone to get that frustration out a little.

Tiandi frowned at the sudden appearance of a cop- he hadn't called the police, so why was this cop here? Passing by? She sure was butting into other people's business!

"I say, young comrade, I have friends in the traffic police- you can move on now, we'll settle this on our own!" Tiandi pointed a straight finger right at Lingshan's face, waving her away. From what he could see, Lingshan was really young, and a female cop, too- she had to be a new recruit without influence, and that meant he didn't need to treat her seriously.

She was rather pretty, though, and that figure… But Tiandi wasn't so stupid that he'd hit on a policewoman- he didn't want to have his meals in prison.

"You going, or not?" Lingshan asked, not interested in what Tiandi was saying.

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