Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 435-436

Chapter 435 - Exquisite Thought

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"You're right. You have to treat me to a meal then! Or I'll go to Yao Yao and tell on you." Yushu said as she looked around.

"Sure. What do want to eat?" Lin Yi asked.

"I wanna eat shark meat. When will you bring me shark hunting again?" Yushu still hadn't forgotten about that shark meat.

"Uh… When we get the chance, I guess…" Lin Yi sweated- shark meat wasn't even good, why was this girl so obsessed with it?

There were no classes the next day- the entire graduating class was participating in the tree-planting event.

Other than big group activities like the spring field trip and Art Day, the students didn't have a lot of extra-curricular activities anymore after starting the twelfth grade. Most students were actually quite looking forward to this event because of that.

Naturally, Lin Yi couldn't be seen too close with Mengyao and Yushu. He handed the willow tree saplings to them and reminded them of a couple of things to look out for before going to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin's was an elm tree sapling, one of the easiest trees to raise and grow, much like Lin Yi's willow tree.

Tang Yin was rather happy when she saw Lin Yi walk over, but felt hesitant at the same time- she'd accepted Lin Yi, but being seen with him by so many students at school still embarrassed her.

"Let's… Let's go there, it's less crowded…" Lin Yi pointed at a less populated space.

"Alright." Lin Yi nodded and went for Tang Yin's hand.

Tang Yin jerked a little, as if to escape like a rabbit as she moved her body- but she was also worried that it'd upset Lin Yi. She moved her body back and looked around carefully, making sure no one was looking before offering her small hand to Lin Yi.

"Ah…" Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a little amused at how shy Tang Yin looked, but it made him want to protect her. She was a cute girl, after all.

"Let me hold that for you." Lin Yi took Tang Yin's shovel and sapling from her and held them. They weren't very heavy to him, but they were  considerable burdens to Tang Yin.

They went to a less crowded place, and Lin Yi put the saplings down on the ground as he prepared to start digging.

"Wait… I think this place is Zou Ruoming's territory, he always planted his trees here and kept other people away…" Tang Yin said to Lin Yi after looking around.

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"I was wondering why no one was coming here. Alright, let's do it here then." Lin Yi thought that it was perfect if it was Ruoming's territory.

Tang Yin couldn't help but start laughing at that- she muffled her laughter with her hand as she remembered how afraid she'd been of Ruoming, barely managing to escape him, let alone get near him… And here she was, intruding on his planting area!

"Ming Bro, isn't that your territory? How come someone's using it?" Sapling in hand, Yun Lingxi raised his head to see their land being conquered.

"What the hell? What do they think they're doing, that's my territory! We'll dig their saplings out." Ruoming was very pissed off after hearing Lingxi's words. He started running over, but stopped abruptly after running half the distance. "Wha?? It's Lin Yi?"

"Ugh… Do we still get them to leave..?" Lingxi asked carefully.

"Leave my fucking ass! We're going over to help!" Ruoming, naturally, was long past the point of pissing Lin Yi off. He put on a smile instantly and waddled over. "Boss Lin Yi! Planting trees with sis-in-law?"

"I heard that I'm intruding on your place? I could go somewhere else." Lin Yi said faintly after looking at Ruoming.

"Boss Lin Yi, come on! What're you saying? This is school territory, why would it be mine? I did plant a couple trees nearby, but it isn't mine as well… Plus I'll plant more trees next year, and the year after that! I'll encircle your tree with sis-in-law's, and protect them!" Ruoming said, trying to please Lin Yi.

"Oh, you've planted quite a lot of trees- You've been studying here for so many years!" Lin Yi said with some mockery.

"Ha, that's right! Look at that view, I'm the one who planted many of those trees!" Ruoming said proudly. "I'm planning on planting a fruit tree this year, and there'll be fruits to eat next year! Will you come back with sis-in-law for some, Boss Lin?"

"Maybe one day." Lin Yi was quite speechless- exactly how long was this Ruoming planning on being in high school? Was he even planning on graduating anymore?

Tang Yin, on the other hand, was shivering with laughter- it went well with her small, stunning face, quite captivating to look at.

Ruoming caught himself staring as well- he quickly pulled his gaze back in, aware that today's Tang Yin was no longer the same as the old Tang Yin he used to tease. He couldn't' even imagine the consequences if he still lusted after Tang Yin now.

"Lingxi, come! We're helping Boss Lin Yi dig the holes!" Ruoming took out his shovel and started preparing for work, work that he'd always get some workers to do for him. 

But today was different- he had to do this personally!

What he wanted now was to ease Lin Yi's anger as quickly as possible- it'd be a shitfest for his family if Lin Yi decided to just go up to their doorstep one day. 

Even Uncle Yan wasn't an opponent to Lin Yi- Ruoming understood that he was just shit in Lin Yi's eyes.

"Alright, you don't need to do that- go somewhere else." Lin Yi couldn't help but frown at Ruoming's clumsy movements. "Just stay away from me and Tang Yin from now on and everything'll be fine! Don't worry, I don't usually bother with small fry."

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"Yes, yes… I'll be going then…" Ruoming was absolutely delighted to hear that- he now had a safety guarantee! Lin Yi saw him as small fry, true, but even if it'd take being treated like an ant for Lin Yi to leave him alone Ruoming would still gladly accept and admit it.

After Ruoming had left, Lin Yi swiftly dug out two holes in a couple of movements- this was a task as easy as it got for Lin Yi, much easier than it was for someone like Ruoming.

Tang Yin's eyes reflected her surprise as well- she'd understood at this point that Lin Yi was no young master. He was the same as her, someone who'd been through tough times… The success he had today was all a result of his own efforts!

But that was precisely why Tang Yin felt insecure- Lin Yi was too excellent, too perfect. It didn't make her feel safe at all! It made her worry that Lin Yi would one day dump her, and pursue some other love.

The only thing Tang Yin had some confidence about was her good looks, but what use was that? Wasn't Guan Xin pretty, all the same? Her grandfather's Guan Xuemin, too, a huge contribution to Lin Yi's career… Lin Yi being with Guan Xin was obviously the choice that'd make most sense…

Tang Yin sighed and shook her head slightly, shaking away the thoughts. Lin Yi wouldn't grow tired of her or anything, right…

A girl's mind was delicate, and filled with worries and emotions… She'd wanted LIn Yi to stay away from her before, to stop troubling her, but that had now turned into a fear that Lin Yi would leave her...

Chapter 436 - Lonely Feng Xiaoxiao


Xiaoxiao was a far distance away, her eyes and expression cold as she looked at Tang Yin and Lin Yi. She seemed to be in deep in thought.

"Lil sis Xiaoxiao, when should we blast Lin Yi?" Pinliang asked as he rubbed his hands together.

"You don't even have the stuff ready, what am I supposed to blast him with?" Xiaoxiao glared. "Will your plan even work? We can't let Lin Yi notice!"

"I don't think he will! Plus, we'll light it up when we're sure it's on him- we'll blast his butt open and shame him!" Pinliang said as he fantasized getting Lin Yi's ass red from the firecrackers and humiliating him in front of the whole school- it was his dream!

"Alright, but when will your Firetree Silverflower stuff arrive?" Xiaoxiao asked as Pinliang spaced out.

"Anytime now! I've made a couple of phone calls already." Pinliang said. "It's being shipped here in a plane- it's an Eskimo tree!"

"..." Xiaoxiao looked at Pinliang oddly- you'd have to be as crazy as him to ship a tree over by plane. "Then you have fun- I'm going back."

With that, Xiaoxiao turned and started walking back to the school building. She may seem in control, ordering around the second and third Big Four despite being the fourth… it made her look strong and powerful.

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But Xiaoxiao was a lonely person- she didn't have a real friend, a genuine friend. She'd always see Mengyao hanging out with that crazy Yushu, and Lin Yi with that Xiaobo… Xiaoxiao couldn't help but feel jealous that she was the only one without friends while others did.

Friends? I don't need friends! Xiaoxiao said to herself. I don't need friends, and I don't need friendships! I'll be fine on my own, as long as I'm happy. Saves me the trouble of crying when I have to say goodbye…

"Liang Bro, I feel like Feng Xiaoxiao's in a bad mood?" Xiaofu asked curiously as he watched Xiaoxiao's solitary figure disappear into the distance.

"She got soaked in Lin Yi's pee! Would you be in a good mood after that?" Pinliang curled his lips, as if stating the obvious. "Just focus on the plan tonight with the Firetree Silverflower. You really think Chu Mengyao will like this lighting up the night sky?"

"I think so!" Xiaofu thought about it. "Liang Bro, maybe you should write love notes to Chu Mengyao and fold them into a heart shape to stack on the tree! You can hang it on the tree, and when Chu Mengyao sees it she'll be happy for sure!"

"Yeah, that makes sense. Get some paper then, help me write it!" Pinliang nodded- it was a good idea, especially since he didn't have anything to do right now. Might as well write some love notes.

"Uh… I don't think two people are enough. We need more help!" Xiaofu said. "But I guess we'll have a lot of helpers if we just give out some money."

"Alright, I'll leave it to you!" Pinliang dug out a thousand kuai for Xiaofu. "You take care of this first- I'll go make my presence known!"

With that, Pinliang walked over to Mengyao. He wanted to let her know first and tell her to come see his confession to her tonight…

"Shu, why aren't you digging anymore?" Mengyao curiously looked at Yushu rubbing her hands as she sat on the ground.

"Oh. I'm tired...." Yushu had tossed her shovel aside a long time ago- she thought tree-planting was fresh and interesting, but after just a while of digging it got too tiring. She decided that she'd just not dig her hole and wait until Mengyao finished with hers- they could plant their saplings together in one hole. "Yao Yao, let's put our saplings together and plant them! What do you think?"

"I don't like it very much. Why're you always trying to laze around? Stand up! Come dig with me!" Mengyao rolled her eyes, pissed. Yushu was treating her like a laborer!

"But Yao Yao… I'm tired… You're the big sister, you're older, so you need to pamper me a little…" Yushu wasn't willing to stand up.

"That Lin Yi, still busy hitting on girls! Can't he come help out??" Mengyao couldn't do anything about Yushu, so she gritted her teeth and continued the digging, sweating as she cursed Lin Yi's name non-stop. "That bastard, I'm cutting his salary! Doesn't he know how to be a follower at all? Doesn't he know this is the time to be helping??"

"Uh… Should I go bring Shield Bro over to help?" Yushu felt that it was a little inappropriate for her to be sitting around while Mengyao did all the work herself.

"Bring him? Forget it! He's preoccupied with his girl, we're the least of his priorities!" Mengyao hmphed. "What's so good about Tang Yin anyway, our Shu's so much prettier, and cute, too…"

"Oh. You're pretty too, Yao Yao! Why don't you go seduce Shield Bro, let him have a taste of you! He'll probably come slave for you if you do that, right?" Yushu suggested.

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"Why don't you go do it, if it's such a good idea? You're the one with the boobs, perfect for seduction!" Mengyao glared.

"Alright then, I'll give it a try next time…" Yushu nodded her head, as if she'd understood something.

Mengyao was about to educate Shu a little more when she heard her cry out happily. "Yao Yao! We have a helper coming! He'll come work for us!"

"Hm?" Mengyao paused and raised her head to see Pinliang walking over with quick steps. She turned to Yushu and whispered. "You're not talking about Zhong Pinliang, are you..?"

"Hehe, yeah! He's a free laborer! It'll be a waste if we don't use a resource offered for free." Yushu started waving to Pinliang as she spoke. "Liangy! Yao Yao's calling for you!"

Pinliang was delighted to hear Yushu call him 'handsome'- he did put on a flashy suit today for the big show tonight, and assumed that Yushu found him attractive because of it. He waddled over quickly. "Yao Yao, Shu, what can I do for you?"

(Liangy sounds like handsome in Chinese)

"Yao Yao, you're tired, aren't you? Go rest on that bench over there, I'll dig the holes!" Yushu took Mengyao's shovel from her, making eye contact with her and raising her eyebrow.

Mengyao was amused and feeling helpless at the same time- this Yushu was always so retarded when with her, but whenever an outsider was involved she turned calculative as hell all of a sudden… She wondered if she was just acting…

Yushu was most likely getting her away so she could scam Pinliang, since Mengyao would be too embarrassed to have Pinliang dig the holes for her if she were with them. With her gone, however, Yushu could use Mengyao's name to get Pinliang to work for them all she wanted…

"Then I'll go rest a bit…" Mengyao didn't want to let Pinliang help, but she did exhaust herself from all that digging- it was time for some rest.

And so, Mengyao acted as if she didn't know what Yushu was up to, deciding that she'd let Yushu take care of it. If Pinliang wanted to be a laborer so much then he could do whatever he wanted- it was Yushu asking for her in the first place, not her. 

The thought comforted Mengyao's heart quite a bit as she went for a break...

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