Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 51-53

Chapter 51 - Basketball Murder Case (Part Two)

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"What? Lin Yi?! Here? Where?!" Pinliang lifted his head, hastily looking at where Naipao's finger was pointed and searching for Lin Yi's fucking face. It was indeed Lin Yi- and he was strolling peacefully to the school gates!

"Fuck! This fucking shit's pretty relaxed, isn't he!!" Naipao spat, very displeased at Lin Yi's strolling face- the fucker almost gave him a concussion yesterday, and there was still a huge bump on his head!

"Liang Bro, should we go?" Xiaofu asked subconsciously.

"Go? For what? You think you can take him all of a sudden now, huh?" Zhong Pinliang snapped a glare at Xiaofu, annoyed. Think you're a tough guy... Didn't you just get one-shotted yesterday?

Xiaofu blinked in realization- they'd only be asking Lin Yi to fuck them up again. He decided to settle with a glare, and not approach him.

The three were looking at Lin Yi when he stopped- Zuo Ruoming had ordered him to retrieve his ball for him; things were looking interesting.

"Nice, Lin Yi's gonna get fucked!" Xiaofu spat joyfully.

Zuo Ruoming was a merciless man, backed by a gangster brother; Lin Yi wouldn't come out unscathed if he clashed with someone of Ruoming's level- Pinliang didn't even need to do anything at this point.

"Knowing Lin Yi, there's no way he'll just listen to Ruoming command him." Naipao commented happily. "Zuo Ruoming's quite the fighter, too- show's getting good."

Pinliang was as interested as his lackeys were- it'd be nice for Lin Yi to get beat up before Heibao came with the real deal.

"Ah? Wait, what? When did Lin Yi get so weak??" Xiaofu's jaw dropped as he stared at the weak-willed guy. How was this Lin Yi?! Xiaofu couldn't believe it- he wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that Lin Yi had a twin.

"This fucking Lin Yi!!" Pinliang cursed, his fists clenched tightly. "So even he knows to weigh his opponent's strength, huh, obedient as a dog when it's Zuo Ruoming!! So Zhong Pinliang isn't scary enough for you…!! Dammit, dammit! You'll fucking pay, I'm never letting you go!!"

Naipao and Xiaofu were choking with anger and humiliation, as well- it was a barefaced taunt. Were they really that much weaker than Zuo Ruoming, in Lin Yi's eyes?

The three were gritting their teeth when the basketball destroyed Ruoming's hands and face, sending him to the ground with blood spilling everywhere.

"Fuck, seriously?" Naipao exclaimed, his mouth wide open.

"I knew it, there's just no way that shit would be so submissive." Pinliang breathed out in relief. Lin Yi's meekness towards Ruoming had hit him hard, and Pinliang felt very uncomfortable and pissed off at that… Ruoming had been taken down, however, fucked up just like he was yesterday! The guy had it even worse than what he'd been put through by Lin Yi back at the balcony.

"Zuo Ruoming got unlucky this time, jesus… It's his fault for messing with that little shit- the guy's fucking crazy!!" Xiaofu was a little gleeful as he watched Ruoming have his ass handed to him, remembering what Lin Yi did to them yesterday.

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"Looks like Heibao Bro's the only one who can deal with him. We're not on his level at all." Pinliang had been unwilling to admit inferiority to Lin Yi's strength, convinced that luck was involved, at least to some degree. The scene before them today, however, established what he'd been doubting- Lin Yi was a monster, of an extreme calibre. The guy used a basketball to knock someone out, and from that distance, too!!

"Seems so…" Naipao nodded in agreement. "We probably shouldn't be messing with him anymore. Guy's violent as fuck."

Naturally, Lin Yi didn't have a clue as to whom he'd just beaten down- Zuo Ruoming of the Big Four. Lin Yi, however, wouldn't have given any more shits than he did, even if he did have that knowledge.

Lin Yi reached class five, and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" The homeroom teacher's voice came from behind the door- it was Ms. Liu's math class right now.

"Ms. Liu, sorry I'm late." Lin Yi said politely as he pushed the door open. He'd have the dean talk to her personally already, but he wanted to avoid using his connections against her. This teacher was the one handling him directly, after all, not Mr. Wang.

The dean had talked to her about it before, and Ms, Liu didn't see the need to say anything much, only nodding in response. "Okay, go have a seat."

Yushu stared at Lin Yi in surprise, who was walking to his seat quickly and healthily. "Yao Yao, doesn't he look completely healed already? Wasn't that a bullet that hit his leg??"

"Who knows." Mengyao curled her lips as she glanced at Lin Yi. "Probably got freshened up from all that steamy action yesterday." Mengyao said saltily, the scene of Song Lingshan 'helping' Lin Yi out yesterday crossing her mind for some reason.

"Song Lingshan, that horny fox!! So much for acting high and mighty!!" Yushu recalled the scene as well, irritated. She remembered her brother chasing after her, and got even more pissed off as a result.

To Yushu, Lin Yi wasn't bad. Looking at him objectively, the guy was a pretty good looking boy, and strong, as well. While that may be the case, Yushu felt that Lin Yi was lacking when compared to her own brother, and she couldn't let go of the fact that Song Lingshan had chosen Lin Yi over him.

Lin Yi, naturally, didn't realize that the two misses were having a discussion about him. He pulled out his math textbook and flipped to the page Ms. Liu was on..

The semester's teachings were over, and it was that time of the semester where all the classes were revision lectures. Lin Yi never went to school, but he'd familiarized himself with high school and even college studies under Old Lin's nagging. Lin Yi, as a result, found himself following Ms. Liu's lessons with no difficulty at all.

He wasn't a genius or anything of the sort; he just had a better memory than the average person. There was the internet, as well, with all the information and classes he'd need. Self-study was not a problem in the least.

Lin Yi looked towards Zhong Pinliang's seat, noticing that the three were all absent. Could he have beaten them up too heavily yesterday..? Lin Yi turned back to his textbook, not paying them any more thoughts. Whatever, it's a good thing. Don't wanna see their faces.

He never expected for the three to be plotting against him at that very moment…...

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Chapter 52 - Heibao Bro

The class was halfway through by the time Lin Yi arrived, and it didn't take long before the bell rang. Ms. Liu made sure to assign the students homework before leaving the classroom.

Kang Xiaobo turned around to look at Lin Yi, his tone somewhat complaining. "Jeez, boss! You scared me, I thought you weren't coming today!"

"What, Zhong Pinliang and his friends giving you a hard time? Aren't they absent?" Lin Yi said with a laugh. It was true- Xiaobo didn't stand a chance against them without Lin Yi here. It was only natural for him to worry.

"Absent? They were here this morning, and Naipao's face was all swollen, with band-aids and everything!" Xiaobo said. "But they left after taking a look around, maybe because you weren't here?"

"Oh? They came to school?" It was outside of Lin Yi's expectations, but it didn't really matter to him if they left after coming, or if they'd come at all- it was all the same. "Let them do what they want."

"I guess, but boss, they might go get someone after realizing how much stronger than them you were!" Xiaobo warned, worried about his boss.

"Get someone? What do you mean?" Lin Yi asked, not catching on to what Xiaobo was trying to say.

"I'm talking about them asking for outside, gangster help, getting them to deal with you since they can't do it themselves!" Xiaobo explained. "Boss, you gotta be careful!"

"They even know gangsters?" Lin Yi frowned- Zhong Pinliang was cocky, but the kid was a student, at the end of the day. He never considered the possibility of Pinliang going so far as to get gangsters to beat him up, after failing to do so himself.

"Of course they do, one of our Big Four, Zuo Ruoming- his very brother's a gangster!" Xiaobo said. "There was that time when he clashed with the boss of Songshan's Second School, and he even involved his brother in the whole thing! His arms were bare, and thick, with a huge tattoo on his body and everything! His followers even had iron pipes and machetes, and Songshan's Second's boss knelt on the ground to plead for mercy before the fight even began!"

Lin Yi only frowned at the story- these students were getting out of control, well out of his expectations. Perhaps he wasn't cruel enough with Zhong Pinliang yesterday?"

"Let's go, it's exercise break." Xiaobo stood up after the class emptied itself.

They sat at the very back of the classroom, and had to wait until almost everyone was out before they could leave.

"What do we actually do during exercise break?" Lin Yi asked- he hadn't yet participated because of Zhong Pinliang's antics yesterday.

"You didn't go yesterday? Oh, yeah, I don't think I saw you." Xiaobo thought about the question for a bit before speaking up again. "Exercise break is basically something like organized gymnastics, with a P.E. teacher at the front leading everyone. Really easy to learn."

Xiaobo brought Lin Yi to class five's area on the field. He was a tall guy, and so he stood at the far back of the line. Lin Yi was pretty tall himself, as well, standing right next to Xiaobo.

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Zhong PInliang's eyes lit up as he finally saw Heibao Bro at the school gates.

A bulky, bald-headed man got out from a white Nissan van, and two similar looking followers came out after him.

"Master Zhong!" The baldy greeted.

Pinliang nodded in response before turning to his own followers. "Go on, Heibao Bro is here!"

"Heibao Bro!!" Naipao and Xiaofu greeted in unison.

"Master Zhong, where's this guy you were talking about? I'll get rid of him quickly- still need to get back before boss finds out about this." 'Boss' here, naturally, referred to Pinliang's father. Heibao understood that the boss didn't take well to Pinliang causing trouble like this, and had to take the long way to avoid getting found out.

"Right over there, it's exercise break right now!" Pinliang answered.

Heibao Bro nodded curtly, cigarette in hand as he walked into the school. A guard stopped him. "Hey, what are you doing here? This is a school, you can't just come in as you please!"

Heibao Bro looked back at the guard disinterestedly. With a glare, he blew out a smoke ring at his face. "Old shit. Stay where you are if you wanna live."

One look at the gangster's face and the guard understood- this wasn't someone an old guy like him could afford crossing. He backed off and pretended not to see the group- there were teachers with the students during exercise break anyway.

The entirety of the school was currently on the field for exercise break when six unfriendly figures walked over. Zhong Pinliang, Zhang Naipao, and Gao Xiaofu were three of those six, albeit much less intimidating than the three gangsters behind them.

Heibao Bro was absolutely uncaring of the gazes as he marched onto the field.

"Where?" Heibao Bro asked.

"Right there, there's our class. Lin Yi's gotta be with them!" Pinliang wasn't able to see for himself, but he was sure that Lin Yi would be present for the exercise break.

"Boss, it's Zhong Pinliang! He's brought backup!" The group's target was obvious- all six of them were clearly looking for Lin Yi.

Lin Yi had already noticed the six- they were on the field, after all- everyone could see them.

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It didn't take long before the six reached class five's area, and Pinliang spotted Lin Yi at the back right away. He pointed at him on sight. "That's him, that guy in the uniform at the far back."

Heibao Bro only nodded, making his way to Lin Yi with quick steps. It was true- the kid was just like any other normal student out there. Tall and skinny, not a fighter's build at all. Heibao Bro sighed- was this really worth him dealing with personally?

The kid was kinda handsome, but that's it- Heibao Bro was unable to identify any more traits to the guy. He was no fighter, just a poor student!

But the young master had made his request, however, and Heibao Bro decided to end things quickly- he needed to get back as soon as possible.

"You're Lin Yi?" Heibao Bro asked as he gazed at Lin Yi, cigarette in his mouth.

"Yeah." Lin Yi replied dully.

"Know why I've come for you?" Heibao Bro didn't take well to Lin Yi's attitude.

"No idea." Lin Yi said with a frown, a little impatient. "Stop blocking me, I'm trying to do gymnastics here! I can't follow the people in front of me!"

Chapter 53 - T'was An Intense Battle (Part One)

"The fuck?! You've got some fucking balls!" Lin Yi's attitude took Heibao Bro by complete surprise. Enraged, he reached out his towards Lin Yi's throat.

Lin Yi's left hand shot out in response, gripping onto Heibao's right arm. His right hand then pinched Heibao's cheek, a finger flicking the cigarette into his throat.

"Gck-!!!" Heibao Bro called out as the cigarette hit his throat, blistering it with a burn.

Lin Yi's left hand then shoved the stunned Heibao to a side.

Heibao Bro had his mouth wide open as he fanned at his throat, panting like a dog under a scorching summer sun.

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