Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 55-56

Chapter 55 - T'was An Intense Battle (Part Three)

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"He's got a gun!!!" Zhang Xiaohua called out in shock.

The other teachers turned their heads to Heibao, as well- the guy was holding a gun at Lin Yi!!

"We can't go over there, we need to call the police!!" Wang Zhifeng was starting to panic as things spun out of control; this was not something the school was able to contain. He'd never expected the thugs to go so far as to draw a gun in a school- this was not something a mere dean could take responsibility for- even the principal would be dragged into the whole thing should the worst take place.

Lin Yi wasn't expecting the move, as well. The guy pulled a freaking gun out after losing!

"What's wrong, you little bastard? Hot stuff, aren't you? Take a good fucking look at what's in my hand, bet you've never seen this shit before!!" His entire body was in agony, but a wave of pleasure washed over him regardless. He loved putting people beneath him.

"Isn't that just a gun?" Lin Yi replied dully after a glance at Heibao's gun.

Heibao Bro's lungs puffed up with rage- what the fuck was this kid saying, 'isn't that just a gun'?! Did he think the gun was a fucking toy? Heibao was pissed. He could end Lin Yi with a slight movement of his finger, but he preferred to have Lin Yi wetting his pants in fear.

"That's right, it's a fucking gun! Die, you shit!!" Heibao's eyes were gleaming with hate as he pulled the trigger.

The sound filled the entire field up, and all the teachers and students froze in shock.

They had never expected for any shots to be fired!! Those in the most panic, however, were six individuals……

Mengyao was squeezing Yushu's hand, her palm completely covered in sweat. She'd been terrified ever since the moment Heibao Bro pulled his gun out.

Her heart hadn't beat this fast even when Lin Yi stood up to face a gun in her place, but now… Her emotions were intensely heightened, and she didn't want to admit it, but- she didn't want anything to happen to Lin Yi……

Yushu was in total panic mode as well- things had developed beyond her imagination. It hadn't even occurred to her that Zhong PInliang would go to such extreme lengths, to even get someone murder Lin Yi!!

Zhong Pinliang was taken by surprise, as well. What was Heibao Bro doing, firing his gun in a school?! Despite it all, he was still a student at the end of the day! He'd never planned to go as far as have Lin Yi killed, he'd never get away uninvolved if Heibao just killed Lin Yi in broad daylight, under the gaze of the entire school!!

Kang Xiaobo and Zhang Naipao were very worried for Lin Yi, as well, but it was above them to do anything at this point, not when a gun was involved.

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The one most concerned, naturally, was the dean. He had never expected the guy Zhong Pinliang brought in to be this insane, firing a gun in a school..!

"AAGGH!!!" Heibao Bro screamed from the pain and shock as he stared at the fingerless right hand of his, bloody and destroyed.

The gun had backfired.

It was no coincidence- the gun wouldn't have backfired that easily, even when the gun wasn't genuine. Lin Yi had bent the gun's barrel with a kick the speed of lightning, and even Heibao himself had failed to notice the sabotage.

Lin Yi wasn't done yet. He'd decided that he was going to do either nothing at all, or everything until the end. He lifted his leg, and slammed it down on Heibao's three remaining limbs, crisp snapping of bones ringing in everyone's ears as they shivered from the violence. Heibao's wails grew weaker with every destroyed limb.

Zhong Pinliang's legs were on full wobble mode as he hid behind a basketball pole along with Naipao and Xiaofu, getting as far as he possibly could from the monster…

Zou Ruoming's thoughts were conflicted- it was an indescribable sensation. He'd been filled with surges of admiration and panic the instant Heibao pulled his gun out; his brother was as much a gangster as Heibao was, but Ruoming had yet to touch a gun before.

"Ming Bro… He has a gun……" Zou Ruoming's lackeys were pointing at Heibao Bro with their jaws wide open in shock.

"I have eyes! I can see for myself!!" Ruoming glared as he held his breath, annoyed at the needless interruption. He wasn't involved in the matter, and he only had a spectator's perspective, unlike Zhong Pinliang- Whatever happened to Lin Yi was no direct concern of his.

An explosion followed the gunshot, but Lin Yi was completely unscathed, not lying in a pool of blood as Ruoming had anticipated- It was Heibao Bro who was screaming in agony, only half a palm left on his right arm.

"Fuck, seriously? Ming Bro, I think the gun backfired!" Ruoming's lackeys commented with wide open eyes.

"We're not gonna fuck with that kid again…" Ruoming stated as he watched Lin Yi break Heibao Bro's limbs one after the other, his entire body going cold from the scene. "The guy's fucking insane!!"

Ruoming wasn't willing to announce something like that in front of his followers, but it was a necessity- his lackeys pissing that monster off was not something he wanted happening. He'd be fucked if Lin Yi set his sights on him!

Ruoming understood his place very well- what chance had he if even Heibao Bro couldn't do anything? Admitting that, however,  would put him in an awkward position. As a result, Ruoming added an extra 'The guy's fucking insane!!' to clarify things. Labelling Lin Yi a crazed maniac justified his conceding to him- after all, normal people shouldn't be compared to crazy ones. He'd still manage to save his face, despite Lin Yi's overwhelming demonstration of strength.

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Though his lackeys didn't need their boss clarifying that up: they feared Lin Yi enough already; the man had destroyed a full-fledged, famous gangster that they themselves were no match for in the first place!

"Hmph, this assho- this idiot's pretty good." Mengyao was about to call Lin Yi an asshole when she realized the vulgarity of the word, changing it to 'idiot' at the last second.

"I told you! Shield Guy's really strong!!" Yushu said happily, a smile appearing on her face once more.

Kang Xiaobo, on the other hand, was the most excited of them all. There was a high he could not describe when he watched Lin Yi break Heibao. He was thinking about adding a couple of kicks in himself when he saw the teachers closing in. Gritting his teeth, Xiaobo charged over to where Lin Yi and Heibao were and kicked Heibao's crotch as hard as he could. "Fuck! No one messes with my boss!!"

Chapter 56 - It Was Self Defense

"Gaa….aaahhh……" Heibao wailed softly as his eyeballs bulged. Xiaobo, however, seemed to still be unsatisfied- he swung his leg once more, and Heibao collapsed, unconscious.

Lin Yi shook his head at Xiaobo's actions- that area was a particularly vulnerable part of the human body, and continuous impacts like that could very well be fatal. Lin Yi came off as a bit of a merciless guy, but he'd made sure to avoid any fatal areas when giving Heibao his punishment.

He didn't want his first bro at school to get sent to prison for murder charges. "That's enough, he can't take any more."

"Ah.." Xiaobo blinked himself awake from his hot-blooded passion upon hearing Lin Yi's words. He looked at Heibao Bro in disbelief, who had fainted from his kicks.

Kang Xiaobo had always been part of the meek- he'd never been the type to get in fights, but had always longed for a time when he could go all out.

He had his regrets about not ever being in any, as a man and all… But now he'd done it! He'd been in a fight this very day! Xiaobo breathed heavily as he tried to calm his excitement.

Two sirens sounded, and a couple of police cars drove into Songshan's First School.

Song Lingshan was in low spirits- why was Songshan so active when Captain Yang wasn't around? First a bank robbery, and then some gangsters shooting their guns in a school!

An armed thug had his gun pointed at a student, according to the reports. Lingshan was on utmost alert- this was a case of great proportions, and she issued orders for all armed men to march onto the field the instant they arrived.

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"You have all been surrounded, put your weapons down!" A megaphone sounded from one of the policemen, sending a warning under Lingshan's orders.

Lin Yi frowned at the announcement. Who called the cops here? Lin Yi didn't want things to spiral into a huge deal, and he really preferred to not see Lingshan again this soon, the awkward incident from yesterday still fresh in his mind.

Lin Yi raised his head up helplessly only to see a worried Song Lingshan looking his way. He sighed, and followed it with a smile at the girl. They're here anyways- might as well go with the flow.

Song Lingshan's heart froze and her face reddened upon spotting Lin Yi here. She pressed the embarrassment down instantly, however, putting on a solemn expression to replace it. She never expected the thug to be Lin Yi! The bloody guy near death at his feet and the shocked and terrified expressions of the crowd only meant one thing to Lingshan's subconscious: Lin Yi was the gun-wielding gangster from the report!

"Don't move! Put your hands up!!" Lingshan commanded as she pulled a gun out at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi froze as he stared at Song Lingshan- What's she doing, is she trying to take her revenge on me?! After some hesitation, Lin Yi decided that it'd be best for him to put his hands up first.

There was no chance that the bullet could hit him from that far away, and he was even confident that he'd be able to put her down. There were other cops armed with guns as well, however, and assaulting the police was not something he wanted on his plate right now.

"Take all of them with us!" Lingshan said as she pointed her finger at Lin Yi and the people with him.

"But Mrs. Cop! These guys were the ones who attacked Lin Yi, it was just self defense!" Xiaobo explained as the police marched toward Lin Yi, intending to take him back to the station.

Song Lingshan didn't expect anyone to be speaking up for Lin Yi, but the words 'self defense'* took her even more by surprise, instantly reminding her of the scene from yesterday. The profound Chinese language… Lingshan contemplated as she shook her head- how could two completely different meanings have the same pronunciation?

(*Self defense has the same pronunciation as masturbate in Chinese.)

Lingshan regained her composure an instant later before turning to Xiaobo. "We'll be the ones to decide that. Take them!!"

Lin Yi smiled gratefully as he whispered to Xiaobo. "It's okay. This chick has some beef with me- she's trying to get me in trouble for revenge."

Kang Xiaobo paused in startlement as he looked at Lin Yi. He'd never expected Lin Yi to have history with Song Lingshan! He was about to say something when Lingshan herself came walking over, her beautiful eyes glaring at Lin Yi, evidently having heard what Lin Yi said.

Using police authority for personal interests was something she loathed the most- Lin Yi's words had crossed the line. Did the asshole think he'd have gotten away in one piece if Lingshan really was that kind of person?

The anger was reaching her head at that point, and Lingshan grabbed tightly onto Lin Yi's shoulder, her voice was cold as she looked at Lin Yi. "What are you muttering about, trying to get your stories synched for questioning? You can talk when you're in the interrogation room!"

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Lin Yi only curled his lips as he glanced at Xiaobo, as if to say: 'See?'

Lingshan wanted nothing more than to give Lin Yi a big, fat, kick, but managed to suppress her anger nevertheless. It wasn't worth risking her job for. She was about to move on when Wang Zhifeng and Principal Ding Binggong reached them.

Ding Binggong had been relaxingly making plans for the school's future in his office. The board of directors had invested yet another huge sum of money in the school this year, and Binggong had intended to upgrade all school facilities with it, so as to get chosen as the model school of the whole country.

The principal was quite the able man- he'd never have held his position in a school like this otherwise. The board of directors looked for ability when it came to principals, as well- everything else was secondary, and the principal stayed as the principal as long as the school advanced.

As such, it went without saying that the leaps and bounds of the school's growth were mostly credited to the principal's efforts.

A loud explosion sounded and interrupted him just as he were making plans. He frowned in response, assuming that the students were disobeying school rules and playing with fireworks again.

Ding Binggong could only sigh- the rich kids were a major thorn for him, always playing around and never giving a shit about studying. Like the other teachers, however, there was little the principal could do- he'd be thanking the gods if these problem students didn't influence the others into their ways, let alone getting them to study!

There was an incident a while back, where the students were launching fireworks in school during New Year's- It enraged Binggong to the point that he swore to expel the problem students who had zero regard for school rules!

Further investigation, however, discouraged Binggong immediately- it was class five's Zhong Pinliang who had started the whole fireworks incident, and the one who had egged him on to do it was none other than the scariest girl in his class, Chen Yushu!

If Zhong Pinliang's family background were to fail in halting the principal's determination, then Chen Yushu's would cancel the entire notion altogether. She was a girl that Binggong dared not touch…

It puzzled him- why would a pretty, tidy young girl such as her convince Zhong Pinliang into doing something like that? The reason surfaced after looking a little deeper into the matter- it turned out that Chen Yushu had never held any ill intentions at all…...

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