Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 57-58

Chapter 57 - The Glorious History of Chen Yushu

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Yushu was bored one day, and decided to tell Zhong Pinliang that Mengyao wanted to see some fireworks. It took half an hour before Pinliang came back with Xiaofu and Naipao, box after box of Five Million Blast fireworks being carried in by a couple of workers.

The quiet school was then bombarded with the sound of fireworks, and classes stopped, for nobody could hear a single word the teachers were saying. Everybody opted instead to flock to the windows for a better view, and saw a Zhong Pinliang smiling very gleefully as he stood nearby the fireworks with his group.

As the name suggested, the fireworks were the loud and long-lasting type, and the entire school was filled with explosions throughout the morning classes until Ding Binggong himself called the fire department- the teachers couldn't near the powerful launching area at all.  It took a firetruck with high pressure water jets to finally put the fireworks out, putting an end to the ridiculous incident.

The event hadn't caused any damage to school property, and the students were all unharmed- it didn't take long before everything was covered up by Binggong. The board of directors never even knew about it because of that.

But there was a limit to how many times he could cover something like that up! Binggong was raging as he walked over to the window, and his jaw dropping upon witnessing the scene taking place on the field.

It would've been difficult to spot what went on in a field this big, under normal circumstances. The students, however, had formed a large circle, immediately directing the principal's attention to Zhong Pinliang and his gangsters in the center.

Binggong jumped in startlement, almost falling out the window as his hands slipped.

It wasn't fireworks- it was a gunshot!! The principal couldn't believe what Heibao had in his hand. He took a closer look, breathing in relief upon realizing that it wasn't a student who lay on the ground. He decided to stop thinking about it, darting out the office as he grabbed the phone on his desk.

Gangsters shooting their guns in school was a big enough deal that even Ding Binggong himself couldn't take responsibility for- he'd be leaving the school if it got bad enough! This was no time to be thinking about China's model school title!

It didn't seem like anyone had gotten hurt as of yet, relieving Binggong even if just by a little. He bumped into Wang Zhifeng on the stairs. "Mr. Principal! We've got an emergency!"

"I saw it, what's the situation?" Binggong asked, waving away the dean's bullshit and going straight to the point instead.

"It's Zhong Pinliang- he brought in a couple of gangsters to school to go after Lin Yi! Though, Lin Yi did manage to beat one of the gangsters down- he's still unscathed." Wang Zhifeng explained briefly.

"Lin Yi?" The principal seemed to have heard the name somewhere before.

"The student recommended by Mister Chu……" Wang Zhifeng reminded.

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"Ah, him!" Ding Binggong's heart skipped a beat as he remembered the student- thank god the kid was unhurt. The consequences of anything happening to Lin Yi were unthinkable. The gangster Lin Yi had put down, on the other hand, didn't concern Binggong much- society's scum like him deserved a good beating. What mattered were the students' safeties.

Song Lingshan was dragging Lin Yi away into a police car by the time the two arrived. A man of Ding Binggong's position, naturally, knew who the woman was. He put on a smile as he walked forward in greeting. "Captain Song, has my student done something?"

Ding Binggong wasn't afraid of the vice-captain, but Lin Yi getting sent to the police station like this would have negative effects to the school's reputation. As such, he made sure to approach the matter as negotiably and friendly as possible- the kid was sent in by Mister Chu himself, after all, and he had to tread carefully here.

"Principal Ding, this student's involved in a case of violent brawling, we need him for questioning." Lingshan responded coldly.

Lingshan's tone made it clear that she wasn't about to negotiate anything with the principal- in fact, she wasn't very respectful towards him at all. With that in mind, Binggong changed his tone in response. "Captain Song, I myself know your captain personally, should I give him a call?"

"You could, but the captain's on a plane right now- he won't be able to answer it." Lingshan replied as she pushed Lin Yi into one of the police cars. The police then departed, vanishing from view moments after.

Binggong was very displeased- he was quite renowned and respectable in Songshan, and had even interacted with multiple high-level leaders, let alone Song Lingshan. There was no kid who didn't attend school these days, and his was a private establishment under direct control of the board of directors, completely uninvolved with the government. There wasn't a limit to the types of powerful figures the principal was involved himself with; Binggong never expected that Song Lingshan to look past all that! She was outright disrespectful!

The principal wasted no time in dialing Yang Huaijun up, but the captain's phone wasn't on- Lingshan wasn't lying, apparently. Huaijun would never have his phone turned off unless it was absolutely necessary.

Yang Huaijun had boarded a plane due back for Songshan first thing in the morning- he'd been invited by a colleague who had a hard case on his hands, but news of the bank robbery brought him back. He was needed back in Songshan.

Heibao Bro's two lackeys were brought along as well, whereas Zhong Pinliang and the others got away, as expected. Heibao Bro, on the other hand, was sent to the hospital directly.

"You're pretty tough aren't you, Lin Yi? Getting in fights right after a gunshot to the thigh yesterday?" Lingshan asked, irritated as she noticed Lin Yi's nonchalant attitude- people were usually depressed when pushed into a police car like this, but Lin Yi-! The guy didn't have a care in the world!!

Lin Yi glanced at Lingshan before turning his head away… He had to admit- the girl was very pretty, especially when in uniform……

"I'm talking to you, what's with that attitude?" Lingshan only grew angrier- the guy was ignoring her!

"You know, I never listened to that myth about girls with big boobs being stupid, but you…" Lin Yi commented as his eyes darted about Lingshan's curvy body.

"That again?! Explain yourself!" Lingshan retorted uncomfortably as Lin Yi scanned her body with lustful eyes. "Who're you calling stupid with big boobs?!!"

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"You know who." Lin Yi said, curling his lips. "Anyone with some form of intelligence could tell that these dudes were the criminals who barged into the school- I'm obviously the hero who put them down. Good job taking me in, miss."

Lingshan understood the situation, that went without saying. Regardless of who the criminal was, however, slaughtered body of Heibao demanded explanation! They weren't even sure if the guy would survive, at this point- taking Lin Yi in for questioning was reasonably within protocol.

That, and the fact that Lin Yi was too much of an asshole- she needed to scare him a little, and teach him a lesson: he couldn't just beat people up like that, what if the victim next time wasn't a criminal?

Chapter 58 - It's Him...

"Are we supposed to just take your word for it? We see your point, but the fact here is you're sitting happy and unharmed while Mr. Heibao Bro's dying at the hospital!!" Lingshan paused for a hmph before continuing. "We can't be sure if it was self defense until further investigation, you might very well have initiated the attack on him, for all we know."

"Whatever, do what you want!" Lin Yi understood his place in Lingshan's eyes- the girl didn't like him, that much was clear, along with the fact that Lingshan wanted to lecture him with her identity as policewoman. It was clear to the both of them what kind of person Heibao Bro was, but it was also clear that the entire thing was more or less connected to the incident yesterday.

It had never crossed Lingshan's mind that she'd use her authority for personal business one day, but further thought justified her actions- it didn't matter who the victim was, the most fundamental point here was that Lin Yi had broken Heibao very badly. It wasn't wrong for her to lecture and educate the violent kid a little bit, not at all.

The car was the type that split into two sections- there was only Lin Yi and and Lingshan at the back, isolated from the driver in front. It was also why Lin Yi spoke so daringly, talking about boobs and the sort to a police officer.

Lingshan hmphed at Lin Yi, who had his head turned away from her, when her phone rung.

"Song, it's Huaijun." The captain's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"Cap', you're back in Songshan?" Lingshan said, relieved- she wasn't getting any leads on the bank robbery case, and was starting to panic. Yang Huaijun's presence would practically guarantee the case's resolvement.

"Yup, just got here. I'm on my way back to the station, anything happening over there on your side?" Huaijun asked.

"The man people call Heibao Bro on the streets fired a gun in Songshan's First School. I've just taken care of it." Lingshan reported briefly.

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"What? Heibao Bro, firing a gun at school?!" Huaijun jumped up in surprise- it hadn't been two days after he left Songshan, how'd things get so active around here?

"There weren't really any casualties, except Heibao Bro himself, who's packing a couple of very serious injuries, caused by a student from the school- he's been sent to the hospital, and the student's with me, on the way back for questioning." Lingshan said as she glared at Lin Yi instinctually.

"I see. I'll see you at the station!" Huaijun breathed out in relief- glad that no students were injured.

The police cars moved through the streets, arriving at Songshan Police Department not long after. Lingshan was brought down from the car by Lingshan personally, the other officers handled the lackeys.

Another police car drove into the yard at that moment, and Lingshan recognized the licence plate immediately- it was Yang Huaijun's car!

A tall and slightly tanned man jumped off the car, making his way to where Lingshan was with quick strides.

Lin Yi's pupils contracted upon sighting the man. It's him… He lowered his head down quickly as Huaijun walked over.

"Captain!" Lingshan waved happily.

Lin Yi really wanted to give this Miss Song a kick- captain my ass, what happened to the interrogation room?! Get me in the interrogation room! Lin Yi turned his head away so as to avoid Huaijun's eyes.

"What a coincidence!" Huaijun smiled as he nodded at Lingshan. He then noticed the student beside her. "This is the student who beat Heibao Bro up?"

"It is!" Lingshan answered with a nod. She turned to look at Lin Yi, who was completely silent and obedient with his head lowered. What the-? So it's fine to play around when it's me, huh- all nice and submissive when it's the captain?! Lingshan was really pissed at that point- the guy was clearly looking down on her! "Hmph, Lin Yi, what are you doing? Raise your head for Captain Yang!"

"Song, what's with you, you seem frustrated- he's just a student, be nice!" Huaijun frowned at Lingshan's behaviour. After all, it was only natural for him to think that Lin Yi wasn't a bad person- the kid was wearing a school uniform! With that, he stepped forward and patted the kid's shoulder gently. "What's wrong, young man? You can trust this bro, tell me what happened!"

"......" Lin Yi was speechless, his head still lowered. Bro? Who's your bro? Yang Huaijun recognizing him was the last thing Lin Yi wanted happening- he lowered his head even further in response, not bothering to say anything at all.

"Captain Yang's talking to you!!" Lingshan couldn't take it anymore- why the hell was he being so obedient?!

"Oh… It's actually nothing……" Lin Yi mumbled softly.

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"It's nothing..?" Huaijun frowned at the answer- couldn't the kid show some respect, what was with his attitude? He had planned to sort things out without official papers or procedures, so as to not taint the kid's record. The kid, however, wasn't being very cooperative, or very understanding of his kindness at all.

"They were coming at me for trouble, so I beat them up in self defense……." Lin Yi was starting to get really pissed off- what was with Huaijun all of a sudden, couldn't he just mind his own business, like always?"

Yang Huaijun stayed silent for quite a while after the reply, and Lin Yi felt the captain's fiery gaze staring right at him- it was very uncomfortable.

"Could you lift your head?" Huaijun was amused at what he was asking- there really were too many similar people in the world… There was no way the kid was him, it had to be a similar voice, the kid was a student after all……

"It's not a pretty face, and I'm not girl or anything, so……" Lin Yi sighed internally. The captain noticed something after all- it was no surprise, it was Yang Huaijun he was dealing with here! The guy was famous for how perceptive he was.

Lingshan was getting very confused at the scene before her- why was Lin Yi acting like that, and why was the captain still being so surprisingly nice about it?! Lingshan was about to yank Lin Yi's head up herself when Huaijun started leaning down for a look at Lin Yi's face…

It was him! There was no mistake about it, it really was him!! Huajun was ninety percent sure about it- this person before him was someone he'd been looking for all this time! He didn't understand why the guy was a student all of a sudden, but his eyes didn't lie.

"Arno..?" Huaijun prodded testingly as he tried to contain the excitement bursting in his heart.

"W-what?" Lin Yi was cursing as hard as he could inside, but maintained a confused face regardless.

"Eagle, is that you?" Huaijun was thoroughly analyzing Lin Yi's expressions, but the result disappointed him- Lin Yi didn't react in the slightest when he spoke the man's English name…...

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