Chapter 7: How Lin Yi resolved the problem

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“Young mistress. Mr. Chu said that Mr. Lin Yi is a very talented man. Not only is he strong, he is also smart. He should have no trouble being merely a shield……” Explained Uncle Fu.

In order not to worry Chu Meng Yao, her father concealed a lot of things from her. He even ordered Uncle Fu to not tell her anything. Lin Yi may have been asked to care of Chu Meng Yao studies and life, but there was a hidden agenda which was related to a promise made by the elders in the family….

If they decided to find a study buddy for Chu Meng Yao all of a sudden, she would most likely disagree. Fortunately, Chu Meng Yao was having trouble coping with the guys who wanted to date her. So she went to Chu Peng Zhan to ask for someone she could use as a shield to discourage the others from approaching. Thus, Lin Yi was recommended to Chu Meng Yao.

Now….Uncle Fu was starting to regret not giving Lin Yi a complete makeover before coming over. Uncle Fu had seen Lin Yi’s photo and Lin Yi looked really energetic in it. The only problem was his current outfit, it is just too….

“Him?” Chu Meng Yao found it hard to see what was so special about him. Don’t tell me he was one of the construction workers who was employed by his father?

On the other hand, the girl beside Chu Meng Yao was giggling nonstop while covering her mouth. Because of Lin Yi’s current outfit, she too found it hard to believe that he was capable of being Chu Meng Yao’s shield.

“Xiao Shu, what are you laughing at?” Snapped Chu Meng Yao as she stared at her. Initially Chu Meng Yao was already very angry with her father. When she saw her best friend giggling, she got even angrier.

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After receiving a scolding from Chu Meng Yao, Chen Yu Shu stuck out her tongue and shut her mouth. But that did not stop her from gazing at Lin Yi curiously.

“Uncle Fu, ask him to get off the car. I don’t want him.” Chu Meng Yao frowned. She did not want to argue about this issue anymore.

“Young mistress, President Chu is very confident that Lin Yi is capable of performing the task. He has already signed the contract……” Basically, Uncle Fu was trying to hint to Chu Meng Yao, that Chu Peng Zhan had already made up his mind, and there was nothing she could do to change that.

“Ah?” Chu Meng Yao blinked her beautiful eyes as they started to become teary. ‘What was father thinking? If it had to be him, I would rather not have a shield. It is just too embarrassing to have him around.’

Originally Chu Meng Yao was planning to declare to everyone that the shield was her boyfriend if he looked decent. That would have been the best method to shoo those annoying flies away. But, from the looks of it, it was not going to happen.

‘Even if I claim that this bumpkin is my boyfriend, no one is going to believe me. In fact, Zhong Ping Liang is going to laugh his head off.’

Lin Yi got a serious headache when he heard their conversation!  “Shield?! Don’t tell me this girl is really looking for a boyfriend? No wonder the conversation with Chu Peng Zhan was so weird. Is he looking for a son-in-law???’

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“Alright, that boy has been constantly pestering me. You will pass my test if you can teach him a lesson.” Chu Meng Yao rolled her eyes, and made a plan. If this person could not solve the problem, she would be able to use that as an excuse and get her father to fire him for being incompetent.

“Him?” Lin Yi nodded his head. He left the car, and walked towards Zhong Ping Liang.

“Chu Meng Yao, why does she reject all my attempts to invite her to a date. If it was some other girl, she would have already accepted long ago” Grumbled Zhong Ping Liang to his lackey.

“Zhong Jr (Zhong Ping Liang), Chu Meng Yao is not just any girl. She is the young mistress of the <Peng Zhan Group>.It is normal that asking her out is difficult!” Said one of the Zhong Ping Liang lackey.

“Of course I know that, you don’t have to remind me!” Zhong Ping Liang waved his hand and said: “I must persevere…..” But before Zhong Ping Liang could finish what he had to say, he spotted a poorly dressed young man walking towards him.

Lin Yi hurried over to Zhong Ping Liang side. Without saying anything, he lashed out his leg and it came into contact which Zhong Ping Liang’s ass. The kick sent Zhong Ping Liang crashing forward onto the ground. Lin Yi then turn and returned to the car.

Zhong Ping Liang was happily sharing his experience of his pursuit for Chu Meng Yao with his lackey, when someone suddenly kicked him in the ass causing him to fall face down on the floor.

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“Who? Do you have a death wish?! ” Zhong Ping Liang struggled on the floor for some time before he stood up and started shouting.

“It was a worker …..” Replied Gao Xiao Fu immediately.

“What are you guys waiting for?? Chase after him!! ” Zhong Ping Liang was shouted furiously: “Catch him and beat the crap out of him!!”

“Zhong Jr, he is already long gone …..” When Zhong Ping Liang got kicked, everyone was too worried about him to notice that the worker is no longer there.

“Fck!” Cursed Zhong Ping Liang: “I remember what he looks like, we will make some posters and get people to look for him at the construction side. A mere worker dares to kick me. I am so going to kick him out of Songsan City!! You better watch it!!!”

“Yao Yao, did you see that?? This Lin Yi is quite fierce. He even dares to kick Zhong Ping Liang ” Chen Yu Shu was staring out from the car and saw the whole incident happen.

“He is just a lunatic!!! ” Even Chu Meng Yao didn’t expected Lin Yi to do that, she even thought that is was an ingenious move. Regardless of that, Chu Meng Yao had already made up her mind about kicking him out. No matter what he did, he was still going to fail.

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“Yao Yao, why don’t you just let him stay?” Advised Chen Yu Shu.

“Xiao Shu, whose side are you on???” Chu Meng Yao stare at her and asked: “Don’t tell me you have fallen for that worker??”

“No!!” Chen Yu Shu shook her head and said: “Yao Yao, I am pretty sure that is you!”

“If you didn’t fall for him, then why do you want to let him stay? To embarrass us?” The puzzled Chu Meng Yao shook her head.

“No!! Think about it, no one dares to defy Zhong Ping Liang in the school. Now there is a person who is not afraid of him. Don’t you think that things will start to get interesting? ” Chen Yu Shu explained cunningly: “If the two of them are busy fighting, then Zhong Ping Liang will not have time to pester you anymore!”

“Fight? Did you think Zhong Ping Liang is someone he can mess around with?? ” Chu Meng Yao went straight to the point: “He is a worker! Zhong Ping Liang is going to kill him! ”

“Yao Yao, why are you so stupid?? If you want to hit a dog, you also have to first know who its owner is. Do you think Zhong Ping Liang will dare to do anything if he knew you are supporting him??”

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