Lithium, 16th Chapter: The Guild Exam

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Just introduced this novel to an avid reader A. It was much appreciated. Cooking the details at the moment.

“—Then, although you will be given further explanation on the membership contract, is there any question you have in particular?”
“Ah, no… it’s fine, probably.”

“Shin, if there’s anything you wanna know about, ask right away. Neil may look like she is putting on airs, but that’s just because she’s shy.”
“S-stop it!”

Neil, who had previously been standing on ceremony, looked flustered at Frey’s words.
That kind of appearance felt so humanlike.

Things like a Guild contract were not that troubling to Shin.
He was aware as to what a Guild member was supposed to be: someone who accepted work and would receive reward for it. When someone was registered as a Guild member, they would be self-employed—that is, financially independent.

A Guild member also seemed to be exempt from taxes.
More accurately, the tax would already be accounted for in the reward.

The Kingdom collected the taxes of a township from its respective lord. However, in the case of Vander’s Royal Capital, only people conducting business authorized by the Kingdom would be taxed.

In simpler terms, if someone worked in the royal capital they would be taxed; if they did not, they would not be.

‘Just like the progressive taxation in historical Japan,’ mused Shin.

“Ahem! Yes, then next would be Shin-sama’s class…”

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For Guild members, there existed a class system. The higher one rose, the higher the rewards would be or so it was said.

Alternatively speaking, you would receive risky work which was fitting for the high reward. Different strokes for different folks.

Unlike the collapsing seniority system, whereby you would receive handsome income for passing days leisurely, it was a transparent skill based commission system.
The classes from top to bottom were: A, B, C, D, E and F. These were subdivided further into three grades from 1 to 3.

There also seemed to exist an exceptional class—Class S. However, it was a class awarded only to those who rendered extraordinary services to their country. In the days bygone, those who ascended to Class S went on to become their country’s leader.

As for how the classes were further subdivided…

“You may have already been enquired in the self-assessment, still; you don’t use Mana Calculus, you use a weapon and you have vast experience in combat. Is that about right?”

If you could use Mana Calculus, but you only had so much to show for your battle strength, you would be assigned Class D3.

If you further excelled at using a weapon, you would be registered initially as Class D1. Potentially, you could also be registered as Class C3.

For reference, Frey was a Class B2 Guild Member. From the explanation just now, it could be inferred as to just how much she had been endeavoring.

“Later, Shin-sama will receive a test for martial arts from a Guild official in a special room. After which, your class will be officially decided. Once your class has been decided, you will be issued a proof of Guild membership. Until then, please wait.”

The explanation proceeded without any interruption.
Shin, although he felt a tinge of unease, entrusted himself to the flow for the time being.

“Ah, I’ll guide him from here, so it’s fine.”
“W-well then… I wish Shin-sama good luck.”

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As Neil attempted to lead the way to the exam hall, Frey obstructed her. Abruptly saying “here,” she guided Shin.

Neil momentarily looked perplexed. However, as if she was familiar with her temperament, she accepted Frey’s offer. Going by the manual, she offered a few businesslike words to Shin and returned to filing.

“To not be able to use Mana Calculus is painful, but you should fare well in martial arts with the level of your ability. Later, I’ll teach you how to use Mana Calculus, so it’s fine.”

Advancing down the corridor on the first floor, Frey whispered this in Shin’s ear as a gleeful smile floated on her face.

“Can I use magic? Although I don’t have a clue, I am interested in it.”

Back when he was on earth, the Force Hacker member who had developed the space-time relocation program, would always toot the horn of a mysterious power called magic.
Although shin was not particularly interested in what it was, he was curious if you put it in ‘what is the underlying principle?’ kind of way.

Walking by Frey’s side, he arrived in front of a massive door. While saying “I can only go up to here,” Frey beckoned him ahead.

Apparently, beyond the door was the exam hall.

“No one but the examinee is allowed in the hall, which is why I can’t follow. I’ll see you later; and good luck.”
“Yea, I’ll do my best.”

Saying this, Shin waved his hand and left Frey behind.


The interior was spacious. The similarly colored white floor, that was made from uniform stones, was polished so much that you could see a dim reflection of yourself.

‘A predecessor?’ Shin thought to himself. In the room stood a girl holding some kind of cane.
Like Neil, she had blue hair extending to her shoulders. As for her height, she reached Shin’s chest, so she was about 150 centimeters tall.

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No sooner could the girl been seen rooted in place, cowering; a youth emerged from another door in front, whistling. His hair was emerald green and his body clad in the same scarlet uniform as Neil.

“—Oops, did I keep you waiting? My bad for making such a cute girl wait… Luna=Lanford, huh? You’re a Mage, Luna-chan?”
“U-um, yes! I am, I’ll be in your care!”

“Haha, you don’t have to be so humble. I’m your examiner, Highlight=Shigue. I will now be assessing your ability. Would you be fine without any weapon?”
“Y-yes! Um… I can envelope my body in Mana… to manifest it…”

“Ah, it’s fine. I know it well.”

The girl who was talking flusteredly, and who had livened up for some reason, was Luna=Lanford.
Calling herself a Mage, she started explaining to the examiner as to what kind of power it was. However, she was stopped by the examiner Highlight immediately.

Although she might be another one about to be registered with the Guild, she apparently had yet to see the world outside.

Mages were indeed rare. Nevertheless, in this age when the usage of Mana Calculus was widespread, they were not that special.

‘Trying so excitedly to explain it, maybe this girl is a ‘bumpkin’, too?’ mused Shin.
Even though he might have entertained such an idea, he was ‘from another world’.

‘It’s not a collective exam, is it…’

“Alright then, shall we see your power? You can shoot your best.”
“Eh, but…”

Upon Highlight declaring that so nonchalantly, Luna looked perturbed, which anyone would be. Although he knew she was a Mage, he had no idea of the extent of her capability. Trying to get hit regardless, what exactly did he have in mind?

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Perhaps it was because he had expected Luna to think this as well?
However, for the examiner Highlight to declare such a thing so lightly, he must be confident of parrying that power.

“It’s alright, anything is fine. Go ahead.”
“…O-okay. Then I’ll use my strongest, Water Mana.”

“Arara, you can’t reveal that. Giving your information away may prove fatal in a real battle. Well, it’s fine to tell your friends though… Okay, fine. Come on now.”

Shin more or less agreed with Highlight’s comment.

It wouldn’t matter that much if your opponent were a beast or an insentient being. However, if your opponent were a human, revealing your strength would be akin to suicide.
On Earth, where information was interconnected to an objectionable level, Shin had experienced it with his own body.

Information is power; it is all that matters.
The one who sprang into action first was Luna. Pulling herself together, she stopped moving and assumed a concentrating stance.

“O Mana…… Light Arrows of Water!”

In an instant, a mass of water materialized over Highlight’s head. Transforming into god knows how many arrows, it poured down on Highlight.

Witnessing one person single-handedly conjuring this number Water Arrows, which the men back in Wide Town had shot individually, Shin was awed at the existence called Mage. However, what unfolded right after was even more awe inspiring.

“That, how…!?”

‘How exactly did he do that?’

Without sparing a glance to the mass of water above, the examiner Highlight hoisted his hand up. The moment those Water Arrows shot down, they were completely erased.

Witnessing it vanish- rather, getting sucked into Highlight’s palm, the girl named Luna felt the same as Shin; she was just standing there awestruck.

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