Scientist to God

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Extracting the blood of the mutant

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“You better let your other brother not find trouble with my girlfriend, or I don’t know what I will do.” John staring coldly at Mystique, put a little effort on his hand, Mystique suddenly felt her hand bones creaking, and the pain was like a knife.

Mystique quickly nodded and said: “I know, I know, Burton! Stand by, don’t act!”

Burton is the third mutant, he is lurking in the control room of the Osborne building, through the underground garage. The camera, he looked at the situation in the garage clearly, although the heart was anxious, but after receiving Mystique command, he could only stand by and watched Gwen safely sit in the elevator.

Soon, Gwen came to the second floor of the building. When she saw, John hold a beautiful woman in his hands, she frowned. “John, what happened to this lady?”

John smiled and pointed to the direction of the saber-tooth tiger. “You look over there!”

Gwen saw the tragic situation of the saber-tooth tiger and screamed: “What happened?”

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John said with a smile: “Don’t worry, everything is under control. Do you know Magneto? The two are the puppets of Magneto. They originally wanted to take me to do research for them, but they are unfortunate. They don’t know that I am their brother, hehe!”

Gwen still worried: “This thing, It’s a big trouble, here is the camera, your identity is exposed.”

John does not care: “Even if exposed, don’t worry, I have my method.”

Mystique smile: “You two people can rest assured that I will let Burton delete the video recording here, and definitely will not expose Dr. John. However, Dr. John is worried about his situation and can join our Mutant Brotherhood, which is a mutant. No one will reject you or afraid of you …… ”

John interrupted: “I live well, and I do not want to participate in the anti class career now. I told you, I just like science, If anything strange is their to research, we can cooperate.”

“Okay, I will report your words to the leader.” Mystique nodded. “So, Dr. John, can you let us go?”

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“Of course.” John smiled and took over the syringe from Gwen’s hands and said: “As long as you give me a little blood.”

Mystique face suddenly changed color, said: “What do you want to do?”

John slightly stunned, and did not expect her to react so much, think a little, understand. If the X-Men series has happened in this world, then the government has been studying mutants. Even Mystique have been arrested and imprisoned. As a guinea pig, they have been tortured and seen many mutant brothers and sisters like this. As a white mouse, she suffered all kinds of horrific experiments, so she hated humans very much, and her behavior was very extreme and justifiable.

After all, she is also a poor woman.

John’s heart raised a sympathy and couldn’t help but sigh: “You can rest assured that I am a mutant, as a member of the mutant, this is a fact that cannot be changed, so you don’t have to worry about my experiments with the mutants. I am only interested in the mutant human genes and do some basic research. Maybe I can study the mystery of the mutants and let humans evolve into mutants. Everyone, regardless of each other, is a mutant brother and sister. There are disputes now, huh, huh!”

Finally, John smiled, his rhetoric can only be a joke, even if all human beings become mutants, there will still be disputes, human beings will always be aggressive creatures.

Mystique calmed down and dismissed: “You have seen a few books little boy, and dare to say that you are studying mutants. Many human scientists have studied hard for half a century and have no results. You think you can?”

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“You believe it or not.” John smiled slightly, inserted the syringe into the arm of Mystique, and saw that the syringe was slowly filled with blood, and his heart was excited.

After getting the blood of Mystique, John flashed to the side of saber-tooth tiger, pulled him out from the wall, and shook with his arm. The saber-tooth tiger woke up, threatening with a roar like a tiger. After all, his nickname is a saber-tooth tiger.

“Reassured, little tiger, I just want a little blood!” John smiled lightly.


Saber-tooth tiger screamed and waved two arms to strike. John just put his hands together and held his two arms firmly, no matter how he struggled, and pinched him under his arm. He look at Gwen’s face.

“Gwen, help me pump some blood.” John smiled at his girlfriend.

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“Okay.” Gwen was a little bit afraid of this saber-tooth tiger who is like a beast, and she couldn’t get into the syringe.

Finally, Mystique grabbed the syringe and smashed it into the blood vessels of the saber-tooth tiger’s arm. After the blood was exhausted, she angrily looked at John. “Now, can we go now?”

“Of course, You can Go!” John throws out the saber-tooth tiger.

Two mutants quickly got into the car and fled like a smog.

John was excited to see the blood of the mutants in his hands, and he could merge the genes of the mutants.


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