1. Scum Dad Who Isn’t Scum (1)

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Wei Mingyan walked slowly out of the gate with his worn clothes. His hair was a mess, but he didn’t lose his handsome appearance one bit. He turned to glance at the prison gate and left without turning his head.

[World Mission: Guarding Qiao Panpan and become a good father. At present, the level of completion of the task is 0. Please complete it as soon as possible. ]

Another guardian mission?

Wei Mingyan draws the general outline of this world. It was a very abusive story. Its main content was all about the misfortune of the female lead who became his daughter in this world.

The main character; Qiao Panpan, was born in a small mountain village. At the age of one year, her father Qiao Chengqing said he wanted to do business, but he never returned home.

Everyone said that the man had left her and her mother. Around that time, the hardship of a woman raising a child single-handedly was not something anyone could easily imagine.

But Qiao Panpan’s mother still insisted not to remarry. She stubbornly raised Qiao Panpan by herself. Qiao Panpan grew up beautifully. However, she was coveted by many, powerless to do anything due to her poor family and weak mother.

She refused many people who wanted to support her it; Qiao Panpan insisted on being independent. But when she was at her first part-time job, she was harassed by a guest. He was a drunk second-generation rich student. One night, the student thought Qiao Panpan intentionally played coy, she was toyed with fervently.

Qiao Panpan is an orphan girl with no one to depend on. Her only mother is still in the hospital. She can’t call the police. The man had a naked photo of Panpan in his hands. Finally, when her mother became seriously ill and needed a large amount of money for operating expenses, she held back the shame and became the student’s mistress.

After a series of events, Qiao Panpan; who had not yet graduated from university, was forced to drop out of school because of pregnancy and married the cruel man under his threat of disposing her mother.

Living in the shadow of the man all her life, raising his children.

A typical sadomasochistic affair.

After reading the outline, Wei Mingyan took over the memory of his new body.

Qiao Chengqing’s life was very simple.

At adolescence, he became an orphan. He went to middle school with a pretty good score. He met a beautiful and gentle woman; Qi Ya, and had a little daughter. After learning that Qi Ya was injured during childbirth and could not give birth again, he deceived all the savings of his family with sweet words. He left his wife and daughter and went to Hong Kong to do business. Of course, he did not intend to come back.

After several years of venture, he was tricked into losing his money and arrested for impulsive fighting. At that time, his sentence was very severe. A mere brawl delivered him a sentence of ten years behind bars.

Wei Mingyan swept the memory of his original body, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he had thoughts in his heart.

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To be a good father, he couldn’t use this body’s original experience.


A few years later

Qiao Panpan entered the dormitory, where there was a young girl eating cake. Seeing her enter, the girl immediately covered the cake with a lid as if afraid that her cake will be snatched away.

Panpan has long been used to it, this person is her roommate; Zhu Yun. Like usual, because of Panpan appearance, she is looked down on by Zhu Yun. After their first meeting, this person was nervous as she feared Panpan would steal something, she also specifically bought a padlock to lock the cabinet under the bed.

But actually, Qiao Panpan was well-dressed. Only her trousers were a little pale because they are washed too often.

Seeing Zhu Yun putting the cake in the cabinet and locking it up, Qiao Panpan just shrugged her shoulders and began to read.

“You don’t need to pay attention to her. She intentionally did it to upset you. I already asked around, Zhu Yun did that because on the first day her boyfriend glanced at you one too many times. She is just jealous because of your good looks!”

Lu Lin, another roommate; could not bear to ignore and comfort Qiao Panpan.

“It’s okay, she just glares at me.” Qiao Panpan looked up and smiled at her roommate. “I’ve been used to it for a long time.”

“That’s good, … Eh, Panpan, Summer vacation will start soon. Have you found a part-time job yet?”

Everyone in the dormitory knew that Qiao Panpan’s family was poor, so she usually takes advantage of the absence of classes to take part-time jobs, not to mention summer vacation.

Lu Lin admired Qiao Panpan, who came from a poor family but never wants to live off of her looks. If she was as beautiful as Panpan, he definitely won’t be able to withstand the lure of money.

“I’ve sent my resume online and I have several interviews tomorrow.” Qiao Panpan has long been preparing for part-time jobs on summer vacations. Taking advantage of this summer vacation, she plans to get money to give her mother better medicine. The current medicine is ineffective.

Thinking of her mother whose health has not improved at all, a flash of sorrow crossed her eyes. Lu Lin did not see it and kindly suggested, “I have found a very good part-time job. The things you’ll learn there are good, not to mention the salary. Besides, this is a big company and I’m not afraid of getting scammed.”

She said, raising her notebook and pointing to the information on for Qiao Panpan, “You know, Nanya Group; a large company in our country. I heard that the market value is more than 1 billion. This company has a good reputation. I have already asked. They want to recruit a group of students for the summer. I registered, I hope you come too!”

Qiao Panpan looked at the tall buildings in the photo hesitantly. “But we are only freshmen. Aren’t these companies recruiting summer students, all of whom are seniors?”

“Ah ah, what are you afraid of. We’re only signing up, there’s nothing to lose. Come on, come on, if we’re lucky! The monthly salary is big!”

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The beautiful girl looked at the monthly salary and thought of her mother who needed money to buy medicine at home. She didn’t hesitate anymore. “Okay, I’ll register too.”

However, as Lu Lin said, even if she wasn’t accepted, it wouldn’t hurt.

“Great! If accepted for an interview, let’s go to Nanya together and look after each other!” Lu Lin was very happy and laughed nonstop.

Zhu Yun, who happened to come back; immediately heard this sentence after she entered, she rolled her eyes. “Come on… why should a big company like Nanya accept both of you?”

Lu Lin’s happy face immediately sank, and he snorted, “It’s better than someone who only eats and sleeps at home. Oh, no … besides eating at home, don’t you still eat your boyfriend? Right, Panpan?”


Poked at her weak spot, Zhu Yun immediately grew angry. “The likes of you want to go to Nanya, dream on!”

Seeing her angry, Lu Lin winked at Qiao Panpan proudly. “Don’t worry about her, She’s only good at yelling. The next time you see her, ignore her.”

Qiao Panpan nodded quietly. Actually, she did not want to retaliate, but these years of experience made her often think– living is better with fewer problems.

After all, she could only rely on herself.

Qiao Panpan had no classes in the afternoon. After reading a book for a while, she went to her part-time job. Even though she is tired, but at least, the hourly salary is high. At seven in the evening, she hurried back to her dormitory. She ordered a bowl of soup and steamed bun, ate it casually, and began to review her notes.

Then he took a shower and slept at eleven o’clock. Even so, with the care of her mother on her mind and frowning all night, she can’t sleep well.

If this part-time job is not good, she would have no choice but to work in a bar. Qiao Panpan knew that places like that were dangerous. But her mother’s illness hung over her head like a knife, so she tried her best to make money as soon as possible.

Early in the morning, the girl who hadn’t slept all night finally slept soundly. Lu Lin’s joyous voice was heard in her ear, “Panpan! Panpan! We were accepted! Nanya group asked us to come in for an interview!”

“I’ve checked, it turns out that if their company calls you for an interview, it’s as good as accepted!”

Qiao Panpan opened her eyes suddenly, her face full of happiness, “Really?!”

“Really! They told us to go to the company at 10 in the morning. Get up and get done quickly!”

Lu Lin didn’t expect this small possibility to happen to them. After wakening Qiao Panpan, she happily chose the right clothes to wear. Only Qiao Panpan sat on the bed, and her beautiful eyes glittered with hope.

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If she is accepted in Nanya, her salary in two months will definitely be enough to support medical expenses!

Two young girls showered and changed clothes. They left the dormitory and went to Nanya Group before 9 o’clock.

Nanya Group is the largest company in the city. The high-rise building used for office work is spectacular. Qiao Panpan and Lu Lin stood downstairs, their eyes filled with hope for the future.

“This place is very big and looks good. If only I could work here for a long time after finishing my studies.”

Only after they arrived, they found that there were around 20 summer students at this interview. They are basically recruited to work on a number of chores, and most are senior students who are about to graduate.

Lu Lin sat next to Qiao Panpan and whispered, “I heard that the CEO is among the interviewers. He is the big boss. It’s said that he is only in his early forties, very young.”

Qiao Panpan nodded. The interview is a round of five people at a time and their turn arrives soon.

Panpan walked in, there was a large round table with several people sitting around it. At the center sat a handsome man wearing gold-rimmed glasses. His eyes are warm and soft, and he looks like he has a good temper.

Wei Mingyan looked at the beautiful girl who walked in reservedly. His eyes flashed and he asked the people around him.

“Does this group of students have management expertise?”

“There are, two on the left, but they are only freshmen.”

“It is okay.” The man gently pushed his glasses and whispered, “Assistant Liu will be back in two months. Only for a while. No need to be so demanding.”


They are the last batch of interviewees. After the interview, Lu Lin pulled Panpan outside. She patted her chest nervously. “Huh! Just now I was so nervous; I thought I was going to die.”

After complaining, she got excited again. “Did you notice earlier? The handsome man sitting in the middle is the CEO. He built a big company from scratch. That’s a super legend, you know!”

Qiao Panpan was also nervous. She listened to Lu Lin and walked to the end of the corridor. A man came over with a stack of documents in his hand. The girl unconsciously wanted to avoid it, she turned and almost fell.

Oh no!

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Only one sentence struck Panpan’s mind.

She’s wearing a skirt today!


At Lu Lin’s bewilderment, the girl was strongly supported by the handsome man behind her. Seeing her finally able to stand up, the honorable man; Wei Mingyan, withdrew his hand and looked at Qiao Panpan with soft eyes and a warm voice said.

“Be careful next time.”

“… Thank you.”

Qiao PanPan stood with a blank stare, Lu Lin rushed to help her. The handsome man smiled and nodded at her, then left the corridor.

Seeing the man’s tall and straight back, Lu Lin’s eyes were bright, “Chief Wei is really cool!”

“Mr. Wei is only good to women your age.” The employee who had just hit Qiao Panpan apologized, squatted down and began packing up the documents he had dropped on the floor. When he heard Lu Lin’s words, he casually replied.

“Ah? Why?” Lu Lin looked back and asked excitedly, “He’s not a ‘wolf’ right? Ah no, the ones who like younger girls this age!”

(Wolf = pervert.)

Because of this though, the impression of a handsome man she just got of him immediately turned into disappointment.

Qiao Panpan also frowned and looked over. Wei Mingyan’s eyes were very gentle, she was sure that there were no bad intentions.

“No.” The employee stood up with the documents in his hand and explained, “Mr. Wei has a daughter who died young, and if she is still alive, she should be around your age. That’s why he is so kind and considerate toward young girls. He says that seeing them is like seeing his own daughter.”

“Ah … What a pity …”

Lu Lin’s voice was heard beside her, Panpan’s heart also felt bitter and guilty. One side she sympathized with Wei Mingyan’s loss, on the other hand, the mood was rather complicated.

Why can some people get the love of a father, while others can leave their wives and daughters?


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