Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: Makoto


If we say that Ding Luxin used to own the momentum, it was really just netizens following the trending posts to watch the fun, and along the way, sympathize with her. Then, with this live food broadcast actually revealing that the host is actually Ding Luxin’s son, all those things before were shaken off as his revelations was enough to make netizens boil.

Now, both sides hold their own opinions. Before, everyone sympathized with the weak Ding Luxin, who through her pitiful and crying act won a lot of attention. However, after her son, the legendary rich boy, revealed his even more pitiful and miserable childhood, people’s hearts switched sides again, especially after listening to the ‘Orphan Food’ story.

Wei Mingyan had a very good reputation on the Internet. Despite his wide fanbase, he insisted on ad-free content, and he often gave fans small gifts and food sweepstakes made by himself. This was enough to make people have a good impression of him.

Of course, there were those who would ask, ‘Isn’t this just because Wei Mingyan’s family doesn’t need that kind of money at all? Even if he doesn’t advertise, he is still a rich man.’

But there are those who ask themselves, ‘If it were them, who wouldn’t want to make more money?’

On top of that, the videos Wei Mingyan made before were all tutoring lessons. At that time, because of his effective teaching methods, some people even recorded them and sent them to other students. It was said that even high school teachers would download it for their students.

In China, good looks alone is enough to attract a lot of attention, not to mention good looking educators. Coupled with the huge fan base Wei Mingyan had, rumors about Ding Luxin’s lies spread everywhere on the Internet.

Soon, this incident attracted the attention of some local media company. After all, this is a story of a mother wanting to sue her ex-husband, causing the son to break off his relationship with her, a story that was sensational in every sense of the word.


Soon, a reporter was able to find the neighbors who had been there before the Wei family moved in.

“Old Wei is a good man. Previously, my husband and I were busy at work, and we weren’t at home at all. My mother-in-law took care of the child alone at home, and she also had to buy stuff for daily use. Sometimes she couldn’t carry them along. Then, when Old Wei came back from work, he would help carry our child to the apartment. We would thank him by giving him some stuff, but he never asked us for anything.”

“Do you have any impression of his wife?”

“His wife is no good.” The middle-aged woman waved her hand, looking disdainful, “Since they moved here, day after day we would see Old Wei very busy. He needed to go to work, and still took care of his child. But then, all his wife did was to play mahjong every day, playing all night and not going home. She only comes to find her husband if she loses money. We all despise her.”

“I heard that she followed a big boss and ran away, leaving Old Wei and the child alone. How cruel is this? She doesn’t want her husband, and even abandoned her child.”

The reporter listened to the lady’s seemingly dismissive comments, still keeping a dedicated look on her face, “So, may I ask. Have you ever seen Mr. Wei beat his wife?”

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“That’s not true. Old Wei spoils his woman. You tell me, when the woman does nothing but play around all day, and he still gives her his salary, how would he be willing to beat her?”

“You have been their neighbor for so long, have you really never seen Mr. Wei hit his wife? Even once?” The reporter asked again.

The middle-aged woman thought for a moment, “Once, the woman locked her son in the house for three days. Old Wei came back very angry and took him away. Later, she didn’t show up for several days. By the time I saw her again, she was bruised and swollen. But I don’t know if she was beaten by Old Wei.”

“Anyway, it wasn’t long after that when she followed that man and ran away. After two years, she came back to get a divorce. Old Wei was devastated, and he lost his job. Later, he moved with his son.”

She made everything she knew clear, and then looked at the reporter with a face of gossip. “Hey, little girl, why are you interviewing me about his family? Did Old Wei have an accident? Can I be on TV?”


Wei Mingyan sat on the sofa, and watched the news on his mobile phone. He lightly touched his lips, and then put the mobile phone aside.

“Come. Have some soup, finish it and get some rest.”


Xuan Lele came out from the kitchen and carefully put the soup on the table. Mingyan got up and smiled gently at his girlfriend. “It’s okay. I didn’t stay up very late last night either.”

“How can it be all okay? You followed Uncle to check the accounts until late at night. Is the hotel okay now?”

“No problem. I gave my Dad a few of the recipes I worked on earlier. Now the hotel is almost full and very busy with business.”

“Ah? Which recipe is so popular?”

Xuan Lele, who was concentrating on the soup, looked up and asked curiously.

“It is not really about the recipe. It’s just that most of the customers are fans of my live broadcasts. I heard that there are still people on the Internet who are organizing groups to support me.”

Wei Mingyan sat down and took a sip of the soup, enjoying the mellow taste in his mouth, and squinting with satisfaction, “Lele, this soup of yours is truly a masterpiece.”

“Aren’t I just putting in the same ingredients you prepared last time?” Xuan Lele also sat down with a smile. “So, is Uncle’s hotel okay?”

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“It’s okay now. It’s just a lawsuit.”

The guy spoke soothing words to his sweetheart, “Don’t worry, this time, whether it is public opinion or reality, our side has an absolute advantage. You haven’t had a good rest these days. After drinking soup, go to sleep first, and I’ll wash the dishes.”

“I’ll do it. You’ve been working so hard these days and I haven’t been of much help.”

Xuan Lele only wanted to spoil her boyfriend even more now. She thought it was strange when Mingyan didn’t reveal that he was a rich second-generation, but she was too busy taking care of her grandmother and trusted her boyfriend without asking deeply.

But after watching that impromptu live broadcast, she realized that the seemingly cheerful Mingyan in front of her who appeared flawless and unblemished had suffered so much as a child.

No matter how poor her family was when she was young, her grandmother would never intentionally starve her.

The more she knew, the more distressed Xuan Lele became.

The secrecy of his past was nothing in front of such a fragile and vulnerable sweetheart, who needed to be taken care of.

“I’m fine, at least, I’m an adult man now. How could I be so fragile? But you still stayed up late for me these days. Lele, thank you.”


The more he downplayed the situation and the more he acted as if nothing had happened, the more Xuan Lele only felt worried for him.

When they had finished their soup, for the first time, she used a very stern attitude and forced her sweetheart back inside the room to sleep.

She always felt unsettled. She didn’t know whether that woman, who didn’t deserve to be called a mother, would have any more tricks up her sleeve.


How could Ding Luxin have any other tricks? She herself wasn’t really big in the brains department, and her previous comments and actions were all performed according to a script provided to her. From how to cry and what posture to take when crying in to help her appear more pitiful, it was all choreographed, and she had to perform it three times before it was recorded. 

In the beginning, when she went online and saw the cursings toward her ex-husband, she was secretly pleased in her heart. However, in the end, it turned out that the day after, almost everyone was cursing her instead.

Ding Luxin went to see Wei Mingyan’s video. She didn’t care about the first one, but the second one had a record at the police station, which made her uncomfortable.

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She tried desperately to remember what happened at that time. She was trying to remember if there was a criminal record or not, but all she could remember was the moment when she was beaten up by that crazy woman and fainted.

When she woke up in the hospital, that useless waste of a man was still taking good care of her, even though he was obviously suffocating.

Ding Luxin only remembered how her ex-husband took care of herself, and how Wei Mingyan, who was still young, came to her hospital room after school with his homework and helped her with her tea and water.

As for the other things, she couldn’t remember.

Within a few days of the wound healing, she met her current husband and left with him. How could she remember if she had left a criminal record?

The memory was vague, and Ding Luxin couldn’t recall it. When Ding Luxin herself couldn’t say whether she had or hadn’t, her husband gloomily came to ask about the offense.

“Tell me, did you enter the police station at that time?!”

His face is very terrible. Ding Luxin was already afraid of him, but now she was terrified at the sight of his gloomy face. She anxiously covered up the truth that she didn’t know, and vowed, “No, honey, how could I sell my body? It was all made up by Wei Mingyan. Maybe, it was his father who deliberately framed me, so he took it seriously. Don’t believe him!”

“Since it’s not true…” Her husband’s eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness, “This time you must get me the Wei family’s money. Otherwise, even if I die, you’ll have to pay for everything!”

Ding Luxin’s eyes flashed unwillingly for an instant, but she nodded meekly. “Honey, don’t worry. We are husband and wife of one heart, we can definitely get through this difficult time.”

Watching the man leave, her face darkened.

In fact, she was reluctant to attack her own child. After all, she gave birth to him. Although Wei Mingyan didn’t respect her very much, if she was in trouble in the future, he would have to give her a hand.

But this time, she needed too much money. She hadn’t even reacted to the fact that her family’s very well-run hotel had been losing money. The husband she is now married to inherited the hotel and doesn’t really manage anything. He usually likes to play cards, and Ding Luxin didn’t mind at first. Didn’t she like playing mahjong too?

Her casual acceptance of her husband’s hobby ended the moment she knew how much was involved when they played.

She grew scared. She didn’t make any money herself, but she didn’t dare to advise the man. Only, when she needed money for her credit card, she would ask her husband for money. Apart from that, she couldn’t really say anything else. Ding Luxin realized that although this family looked glamorous on the surface, it was rotten on the inside.

Now, a debtor had wrecked their hotel, and she was found to be infertile. Thus, the couple planned to take advantage of this opportunity to get money from the Wei family to make up their own mistakes.

They have now thrown all the cash they can move into it to generate publicity. Things have been going well for a while, but why, in the end, did they come to this?

When she thought about what people on the Internet were saying about her, Ding Luxin gritted her teeth with hatred.

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If she had known he was a debt collector, she would never have given birth to him in the first place!            

(TNote: calling a child a ‘debt collector’ = metaphor; for saying that your child will bring you the karma you deserved. It usually means bad karma.) 

Now, she would have to rely on her husband to get through this.

Ding Luxin’s current husband was also a ruthless old man. His idea was simple. If he wants people to doubt Wei Mingyan’s words, then the first step was to discredit him as a person, right?


Overnight, a lot of negative news about Wei Mingyan was released, creating a lot of waves.

Most of them were fabricated. There was even a gorgeous woman who came forward and claimed that Wei Mingyan had once pursued her. After she refused, he deliberately drove a luxury car in front of her to show off.

Of course, she hid the fact that Wei Mingyan, who was pursuing her, looked poor. After all, she looked more noble rejecting a rich second generation than a poor man.

“He drove a luxury car, held the newest kind of cell phone, and deliberately showed me his wallet with a particularly arrogant expression. Anyway, I didn’t like him at that time. I felt that he, the rich second generation, who had nothing but money at home, really didn’t deserve me.”

“And really, don’t just look at his good looks. He is a particularly wasteful person. He usually wears famous brands and drives a sports car. I heard that…” She didn’t hesitate to repeat the words from the person who gave her money. “Among his friends, there are even drug addicts!”

This statement both discredited Wei Mingyan, and couldn’t be clarified. 

After all, she is talking about his friends, not Wei Mingyan himself. How could this be proven?

As soon as this statement came out, the first ones to come forward were the dorm brothers from Wei Mingyan’s University.

They didn’t say anything, they just posted all the pictures they usually took in their dorm room.

[We are his friends. Look at our faces. Do we look like drug addicts?]

[Oh, come on… She said Wei Mingyan is addicted to luxury. Let’s take a look at what Wei Mingyan looks like on a regular basis.]

[I swear here that if I say a word of falsehood, I’ll cut off my own d*ck!]

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