Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: Makoto


Wei Jin was on the road when he received the phone call. When he arrived, he saw the familiar robe with the man’s back turned to himself. He then hurriedly walked over, but before he reached his father, he heard the man’s magnetic voice speaking unhurriedly as if he had eyes behind his back.

“Granddaughter’s name is not suitable for you to name. I’ll do it.”

“Dad…” Wei Jin first looked anxiously at the operating room, and he said helplessly, “Miaomiao and I still don’t know whether the child is a boy or a girl.”

When he received the call, his father only said that his wife was giving birth prematurely. He didn’t know what had happened before that. He was worried about whether his wife would be fine. Suddenly he remembered the phone call between Qian Miao and himself and quickly looked at his father.

“Miaomiao said that you told her that the baby would be born tonight. How did you know?”

Wei Mingyan sat upright, with his back straight and leisurely replied, “Calculated.”         

(TNote: a little explanation: In Chinese mythology, divinations are usually done by calculating dates; ex: date of birth according to its Feng Shui. So, the words divination/fortune telling/ calculate, would and could be used interchangeably.)

“Hey, don’t joke at this time!”

Wei Jin knew from an early age that his father would tell fortunes, but he didn’t believe this. After all, he watched his father calculate with his own eyes. In truth, he couldn’t even calculate when it would rain. 

“I also calculated that when this child is born, it will be raining heavily outside.”

Wei Jin couldn’t help but hold his forehead. He just saw the weather forecast today. There wouldn’t be rain for a week now, okay?

Forget it, this was how his father is. He was used to it anyway, and right now, the most important thing was his wife and child.

“Please let the mother and child be safe!!” Just as he mumbled that, his father opened his mouth again.

“It’s mother and daughter. Do you want me to calculate for you?”

Wei Mingyan spoke calmly as he pulled out a turtle shell from inside his wide sleeved robe.

Without caring about the time nor place, he slid down on top of the chair and said, “I have long said that you two are incompatible. Now, the child is born in the middle of July, when the Ghost Gate is wide open, with a body that is weak and vulnerable…”


Wei Jin, who was deeply worried for his wife and child, felt helpless. “Miaomiao is giving birth prematurely. Isn’t it normal for the child to be weak?”

His voice was low as he spoke. Hearing that, Wei Mingyan glanced at his son with his dark and brooding eyes. Meeting his gaze, Wei Jin had chills all over his body, and he unconsciously shut his mouth as he wondered why he suddenly felt intimidated.

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It must be because of his father’s authority, he thought as he tried to comfort himself. He looked at the operating room in a panic. “I don’t know if she will give birth smoothly. Everything was fine before. How could it suddenly be born prematurely?”

“Smooth is sure to go smoothly. Just, this child symbolizes your water and fire misfortune. Within three days, there would be a bloodbath.”

“Dad, stop it will you?! Miaomiao is giving birth inside. My heart is already uncomfortable. So, don’t say that… “

If anyone else had said that to him, Wei Jin would have been furious. But who told his own father to say it?

Seeing the anxious concern on his son’s face, Wei Mingyan put the tortoise shell away in his robe, “Believe it or not…”

“If it weren’t for my granddaughter, I don’t care if you live or die.”

He seldom said such childish things. Despite his anger, Wei Jin felt it was funny, but it made him worry even more about his wife. It almost drove him insane. 

He and his wife had known each other since school. They were deeply in love, and they have supported each other this whole time. Now, they were looking forward to the arrival of a new life happily. How could it be born prematurely?

Wei Jin felt like worms were crawling around in his heart. He paced outside the operating room, seemingly unable to settle down for even a moment. 

She must be okay. Even if there is something, Miaomiao has to be fine!

He didn’t know how long he had been compulsively pacing outside the operating room over and over. Suddenly, he could hear the sound of raindrops hitting the window. Not even 5 seconds later, it began to rain heavily outside. The rain showered onto the window as it crackled and splattered.

Wei Jin froze, didn’t the weather forecast say there wouldn’t be rain this week?


“My granddaughter is born.”


Wei Mingyan, whose eyes had been closed, opened his eyes and looked around the front operating room doors. Followed by the ominous smell of fresh blood, he took out the Bagua mirror from the table before.


“Ah? Dad?”

Wei Jin has long been accustomed to his father’s ‘term of endearment’. He was just in a daze, looking at the heavy rain outside and subconsciously responded to his father’s call.

“Come here.”

Wei Mingyan watched his son come over obediently and said in a light voice, “Give me your hand.”

The confused young man handed over his hand while asking.

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“Why do you want my hand… Hiss!! Dad, what are you doing?!”

Wei Jin’s body jolted with pain and subconsciously tried to pull his hand back. But even with all his strength, he couldn’t pull his hand away from his seemingly weak father.

Wei Mingyan took back the needle stuck on his son’s index finger, and showed no pity for his son’s screams. He abruptly squeezed a drop of blood out and dropped it on the Bagua mirror before releasing him.

“Dad, what are you doing!?”

Wei Jin covered his finger, clearly showing a small wound. He usually wouldn’t even frown, but now the pain made him grimace, “Hiss… it hurts!”

“Bear with it.”

Wei Mingyan didn’t move his expression at all. His brow didn’t even frown as he poked his own index finger. The blood also dripped on the Bagua mirror. Almost immediately, this drop of blood, together with the blood from Wei Jin before, trembled slightly. Then, it sank into the mirror, as if being swallowed up, and disappeared without a trace.

Wei Jin’s face twitched up in pain, but before he could return to his senses and see such a scene, his eyes widened violently and he sucked in a breath of cold air.

“Dad… Dad… This mirror…”

“Hang this Bagua mirror around your wife. Do not take it off for a few days. it can help her block disasters.”

Wei Mingyan took out a red rope from his sleeve and tied it on the Bagua mirror before throwing it to his son.

Wei Jin caught it in a hurry, looked at it all over, and stammered, “Dad, don’t use props to coax me…”

“That blood… How did it disappear?”

The man in the Daoist robe, who was still sitting upright, glanced over, and Wei Jin was sure he saw a look of contempt in his eyes.

His father, as usual, despised him.

But this time, his father didn’t look at him with a look of ‘you mortal, you don’t deserve to listen to my explanation’ and stay silent. Unexpectedly, he started explaining impatiently in a tone as if he was talking to a fool. “Can’t you see? It was absorbed by the Bagua mirror.”

“With my blood in it, it can expel bad luck. If you don’t want to become a widower, you should hang it on your wife.”

Wei Jin’s brain was still in the midst of a pause, “What about… What about my blood? Could it also expel Qi?

“Ah, no.”

Wei Mingyan waved his sleeves and stood up slowly. “Your blood is useless.”

Looking at the young father, Wei Jin looked confusedly at the Bagua mirror. “Then why did you want my blood?”

“I just don’t want to hurt alone. Also, I’m saving your wife, not mine.”

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Dressed in Daoist robes, the man with an immortal air justifiably said so. He looked at the operating room, “All right, your wife is coming out.”

“Remember to give her the Bagua mirror if you don’t want to become a widower.”

“I’m leaving. Name your daughter Wei Qi Qi. The seven from one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.”

(TNote: [七七] Qiqi = seven seven.)

“Eh? Dad? Dad… Isn’t that name a little sloppy, Dad?”

Wei Jin looked at the closed operating room door, then at the long sleeves fluttering, as his father disappeared quickly into the corner of the corridor. He then looked down at the Bagua mirror in his hand.

Too clean. He didn’t see any blood on it.


As the operating room door opened, Qian Miao was pushed out, and Wei Jin quickly greeted her. He busily looked at his wife’s pale face, appearing clearly exhausted. However, instead of feeling relieved from seeing her husband waiting for her, she looked like she was still trying to find someone.

“Where’s Dad?”

“Dad, he…”

“Congratulations, you have a lovely little girl. Although she’s premature, she is very healthy.”

“She was born at exactly 10:15 p.m. on the 15th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, August 25 of the 2140th year of the Chinese solar calendar.”

Qian Miao’s breathing quickened, and she thought of what her father-in-law said to her.

That’s-that’s impossible.

Not a second less.

Wei Jin looked at his daughter, then at his wife, then at the pouring rain outside, and hurriedly hung the Bagua mirror on his wife’s neck.

“What is this?” Qian Miao looked at that mirror in disbelief, her face pale with exhaustion.

“Dad gave it to me, saying that it can block disasters.” Wei Jin stammered out words he would never have said before.

“I just saw this mirror with my own eyes…”

“Let’s not talk about it and go back to the ward.” Qian Miao stopped her husband from continuing, although she herself was confused.

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“Dad said that when our daughter was born, it would rain heavily. He also said that she was born on the day of the Ghost Festival, and she would be weak. We both are incompatible with each other, but now that we gave birth to her daughter, there will be a bloodbath, and this Bagua mirror is needed to stop the disaster…”

When they were left in the ward, Wei Jin hurriedly explained everything his father said earlier. Qian Miao, now lying in bed with her daughter next to her, persisted through the feeling of weakness from giving birth and the looming sense of lethargy to hastily ask, “I have the Bagua mirror. What about you? Did Dad give you anything to stop the disaster?”

“No. Also, he named our daughter Wei Qiqi. Qi from one, two, three, four, five six, seven.”

This name…

Although Qian Miao now completely believed in her father-in-law, she really suspected that he didn’t think thoroughly about naming her daughter. 

“Miaomiao, I really thought about this. Dad, why did he suddenly become so powerful…”

Qian Miao also felt it was strange, but this time, her father-in-law was really accurate.

“Don’t think about it. You both are a father and son, so he wouldn’t hurt you.”

Qian Miao turned to hold her daughter, but she struggled to move. Seeing this, Wei Jin hurriedly hugged the baby girl forward, so that his wife could touch her baby’s tender red face.

Feeling the warmth from this little baby, her eyes filled with love and satisfaction. “Anyway, it’s good that the child is all right.”

“Qiqi. Mom’s darling Qiqi…” 


The heavy rain kept falling, and all the pedestrians walked in a hurry. Only a man wearing a robe walked forward with a black umbrella. Strangely, despite the water puddles that filled the ground, his black shoes weren’t wet at all.

Not knowing how long he walked, Wei Mingyan stopped in front of the door of a low-rise dwelling. His slender fingers flexed as he knocked on the door.

“Coming, coming…” An elder’s voice sounded.

After a while, the door opened, and an old lady dressed in cheap clothes stood in the room. After seeing the face in front of her, she was pleasantly surprised.

“Master Wei, why are you here?”

“Granny Zhao.” The handsome man put away his black umbrella and flashed a smile at the old woman.

“You don’t have to drink the water I gave you.”

The old lady’s facial expression changed, and she asked in fear, “Yes? What am I doing wrong? Didn’t you say that I only needed to drink it for 49 days? I have been! It’s only been 9 days. Am I not sincere enough? I’ll drink for 9 more days, just 9 more days… My old husband is very uncomfortable every day and I want to cure him. Master Wei, please help me. If the amount I drank wasn’t enough, I will drink two to three bowls every day!”

Wei Mingyan inclined his head to look at the transparent old man who was standing beside the old lady with a worried expression, trying to reach out to help wipe her tears, and gave a light smile as he said, “No, there is another solution.” 

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