Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: Makoto


Bloody… A bloody misfortune?

Fu Yunyun’s brain was first confused for a moment, then she stammered and quickly asked, “Then, is there any way to solve it?”

Wei Mingyan teased the baby in his arms and answered slowly, “Don’t worry. You don’t have much bad luck, at most, you would be disfigured but you won’t die.”


If Fu Yunyun was still confused just now, then by now her whole body was awake.

There were no girls who didn’t cherish their faces, especially those who had good looks.

“Uncle, I don’t want to be disfigured. Do you have any way to solve it for me…?”

The pregnant woman from before sat on the bed with her belly in her arms, looking at this scene curiously and doubtfully.

Why did they still have feudal superstitions in this age?

Moreover, this man who didn’t look very old at all, was called uncle by a girl like Fu Yunyun…

This pregnant woman just moved in today. Although she had a good time chatting with Qian Miao because of the cute Xiao Qiqi, she didn’t really understand their specific family matters.

She was a curious person, and while lying down slowly, she carefully looked around Qian Miao’s hospital bed nearby.

“Dad, she is my best friend. Can you help her…?”

Qian Miao saw her friend’s frightened look, and couldn’t help but speak up.

Wei Mingyan slowly withdrew his eyes from his granddaughter. His eyes shifted to his daughter-in-law. With a light tone, his words were very reluctant.

“You can’t even protect yourself, so why do you care about her?”

That familiar tone. Every word was full of ridicule.

Qian Miao couldn’t help but hold on to the Bagua Mirror in her hand, completely missing the fiery temper that she used to speak with when talking to her father-in-law before.

“Dad, I used to be wrong. I didn’t respect you enough, and I didn’t believe in your… work. I apologize to you.”

Wei Jin looked at his wife who had just given birth, and at Fu Yunyun who was almost so scared she could cry. His expression was reluctant.

He took a deep breath and called out, “Dad…”

“All right. “

“You guys are making so much noise, my granddaughter will wake up.” Wei Mingyan said coldly, but gently and carefully gave the baby back to Qian Miao.

The slender, white, completely unlike a 45-year-old man’s hand, patted the baby. He looked at the baby sleeping peacefully, and his lips rose slightly.

Wei Mingyan’s voice was in no hurry, very magnetic and pleasant to listen to. People couldn’t help believing his words. “If I help her avoid disfigurement, the wound would be transferred to other places.”

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“Since they are all injuries, the blood shed is almost the same, and the scars that are made are just as big. What difference does it make if they fall on their face or wherever? “

That’s a big difference!

Fu Yunyun subconsciously covered her face, her eyes were red with fear. “Uncle, I really don’t want to be disfigured.”

“So that’s why. You guys are just too much.”

The handsome Daoist priest withdrew his hand that was gently patting on the swaddling clothes, slowly raised his head and made a swirling gesture in front of the girl’s smooth white face, “In another 20 years, you will have wrinkles on this face.”

“Age spots at 35 years old.”

“No better than dried orange peel at 50 years old.”

“It’s just a dry bone, and even the flesh is gone at 100 years.”


“Since it would be lost sooner or later, why should we care about this 20 years?”

Seeing that Fu Yunyun seemed to be fooled by what he said, Wei Mingyan smiled, “Now, do you still want me to help you?”

“I, I…”

The girl covered her face, her thinking nearly turned around. Seeing the man in the Daoist robe getting up to leave, she hastily shouted out.

“I don’t have a boyfriend yet, so I need this face!”

Wei Mingyan’s footsteps stopped, but he still didn’t turn back.

Fu Yunyun gritted her teeth and shouted, “And it’s really convenient to look good. Uncle, you look so good, you should be able to understand it!”

She spoke her mind completely subconsciously, and as a result, she felt chills once she shouted it out.

She! Was! Done! For!

She actually told a real master that he was good-looking…?!

Isn’t this a given? Masters never boast, especially about face!

Fu Yunyun’s mind is full of, ‘flattering on a horse’s leg’, ‘the bloody misfortune would happen today!’         

(Tnote: flattering on a horse’s leg = flattering someone when, not only is it useless, but you get kicked.)

The man wearing the Daoist robe slowly turned his body, his beautiful eyes narrowed, and they fell upon Fu Yunyun. Fu Yunyun discovered that this ‘Uncle’s’ pupils were dark brown, so when she was looked at, it was no less than being targeted by a snake.

Coupled with her own imagination, she was on the verge of going soft with fear.

Fu Yunyun was in a cold sweat, almost thinking that this was her last day.


Wei Mingyan raised his eyebrows slightly, and his handsome face showed a little smile of appreciation. “You have a good eye.”


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With a wave of his sleeve, he dropped a rattle in the foolish Fu Yunyun’s arms.

Her eyes widened in stupidity, and in her ears, was the man’s slow voice, “For the sake of your good aesthetics, take this with you.”

“Ra… rattle?”

Fu Yunyun hesitated to embrace this little toy that was just held by the man to amuse his granddaughter. Isn’t this just an ordinary rattle? 

There was a label on the handle: ‘5 yuan’.

Although Fu Yunyun hasn’t paid attention to this aspect before, weren’t all those charms in TV usually paper and such?

A 5-yuan rattle… Can it really… work?

She didn’t have Yin Yang vision, so of course she couldn’t see it. As the rattle was held in her arms, the black aura that almost covered Fu Yunyun’s whole head began to get absorbed a little bit, like a filter, and then it transferred the faint black aura to her legs.

Wei Mingyan hated seeing this silly appearance the most. His eyes were full of disgust. His eyes rested on the sleeping granddaughter’s face to clean his sight. His mouth faintly said, “Don’t stare at it and just take this with you.”

“According to your face, although there would be misfortune, and disfigurement, but for you, this is a good thing.”

“At least, you will never regret it.”

Fu Yunyun didn’t really believe Wei Mingyan’s words.

Disfigurement, a good thing?

If she really was disfigured, she would definitely cry to death!

However, she saw with her own eyes how accurate the person in front of her was. Thus, she felt like she had to keep this rattle well.


Fu Yunyun went home after staying in the ward for a while. Tomorrow was her day off. According to habit, she would go to have a good stroll first, then lie in bed and watch TV, and sleep until she wakes up naturally before continuing to go out and stroll.

But tonight, not knowing if it was because she was foretold that she would have a misfortune, she was upset all the time, didn’t feel like watching the TV series, and she didn’t care to praise her favorite male idol as usual.

She just held on to the rattle tightly all night, as if holding some lifesaving treasure. 

The next day, she decided to stay at home all day.

Fu Yunyun, who had been playing games all day, eating potato chips and drinking cola, received a phone call from her mother.

“Yunyun, I just picked up your brother from school and bought some things to visit you. It’s too much stuff, so come down and pick it up. We’re just downstairs at the corner supermarket.”

Fu Yunyun broke free from the game, changed clothes in a hurry, was about to go out, then remembered something. She returned, picked up the rattle and held it tightly.

With the rattle in hand, she can safely go out.

The community where she lived was relatively remote. Fortunately, there was a small supermarket not far from the lower floor. It was quite convenient to get daily meals. Fu Yunyun didn’t like cooking, and her mother always bought food for her. When she was free, she would go to the supermarket to buy some food for her to eat.

It was just shopping, just buying a little more. In addition, Fu Yunyun’s younger brother just started kindergarten and needed someone to take care of. Every time she bought some more, she asked Fu Yunyun to come down and pick it up.

She wore her slippers, and rushed out of the door. She was not far from the supermarket, just in time to see her mother’s figure.

The shopping bag seemed to be broken, and her mother was squatting on the side of the road, picking things up and putting them into another smaller bag.

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Strange. Why didn’t she see her brother? 

Was he still playing in the supermarket? The little guy liked to walk around.

Fu Yunyun had a good relationship with her younger brother. When her mother got pregnant unexpectedly and tried to abort the child, it was Fu Yunyun, who was still at school at that time, who stopped her.

At that time, her mother was pregnant at an advanced age, and if she wanted to abort the child, she would suffer no less damage than if she gave birth. It was uncertain if it was for that reason that the little guy was close to her since he was little. Because of their age difference, Fu Yunyun also spoiled him, and the sister and brother were very close.

The thought of that little elf pouting for her to tell another story, Fu Yunyun’s face couldn’t help but carry a smile. Her feet accelerated a little more, and she was about to continue in the direction of her mother, when the rattle in her hand suddenly flung out for some reason.

Her heart panicked, this was the ‘magic weapon’ that could save her face!

Strangely enough, Fu Yunyun walked forward with the rattle, but it fell toward her back. She subconsciously turned to pick it up, but saw a scene that made her eyes open wide.

On the road, a little boy ran up with a sweet smile. His mouth was open. Fu Yunyun couldn’t hear his voice clearly, but it could be seen from his mouth that he was calling ‘Sister’.

The reason why she couldn’t hear the sound is that behind the boy, a big truck was roaring and there was no sign of it braking.


Fu Yunyun had no time to think about anything. All she saw was the little boy.

Mother Fu finished picking up the stuff with satisfaction, “Longlong, when you see your sister later, be good. Don’t always pester your sister to tell you stories…”

She turned around, but she didn’t see her youngest son at all.

Harsh brakes sounded as Mother Fu subconsciously looked back just in time to see her eldest daughter holding her younger son as the two fell backwards in disarray.

Fu Yunyun’s brain was blank. Her hands grabbed her younger brother tightly until she heard her mother’s cry of panic. Then, she felt the pain in her calf.

In her eyes, it was all blinding bright red.


A man got off the truck. His hair was messy, he was wearing gray clothes, and he actually wore a hat in this heat. His expression was panicked as he ran over.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry!!!”

“I didn’t mean to, I didn’t mean to hit you guys…” He sounded more flustered than his expression, which could be completely described as being shocked.

The truck was too high, and the Fu younger brother was only a small child, so it was understandable for him not to see it. Fu Yunyun came to her senses and was about to speak, but she saw that the man in front of her looked back like he was sneaking around and bowed heavily.

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry!!”

After saying that, under her stunned eyes, he abandoned the truck and ran away.

No, the attitude of admitting wrongdoing was so good. Why did you run away?

There was surveillance around there. What’s the use of running away? The truck is still here!

Mother Fu stumbled and rushed over, looking at the long blood mark on her daughter’s calf. She was so scared that her hands were shaking. She tried to stop the bleeding in a panic. 

Fu Yunyun wasn’t afraid at all, holding the hand of her brother who started to cry because he was so scared, thinking her pain didn’t matter at all.

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If she hadn’t reacted quickly just now, she wouldn’t have this brother anymore.

If she really had to choose her own face and her brother’s life, Fu Yunyun would of course choose her own brother.

It turns out that this was a good thing.

She crouched down, holding her brother’s soft little hand tightly.

Sure enough.

She had no regrets at all.


At night, the hospital began to light up.

There was an abrupt sound of a cane hitting the ground. The handsome man in a Daoist robe supported by a cane in the dark light, walked forward with unhurried steps.

“Good day, Uncle!”

The crisp young child’s voice sounded. Wei Mingyan stopped, tilted his head slightly, and looked at the boy sitting on the bench. His magnetic voice faintly said, “Call me Grandpa.”

The boy nodded obediently, “Good day, Grandpa.”

“Good boy.”

Wei Mingyan stretched out his cane, nodded at the boy and said in a warm voice, “Go on to your next reincarnation. Your mother will wake up tomorrow and your father will make up with her.”

The little boy nodded obediently. His eyes were unwilling, looking at the open door, where his mother laid.

The boy gradually disappeared, and the handsome Daoist priest walked on until he reached the door. He pushed the door slightly and went in.

Wei Jin was carefully holding his daughter to change her diaper. When he heard the noise, he looked up and suddenly smiled. “Dad, you came so late.”

Wei Mingyan glanced at his son with disgust and responded indifferently, “Hm.”

“Dad, why are you holding a cane? Aren’t your legs and feet healthy?” Wei Jin looked anxiously at his father’s legs hidden under the robe. “Do you want to see a doctor?”


Wei Mingyan glanced at the bed next to him. He heard someone coming in, and straightened up to look at the young man. He had the slightest blue aura on his head, which had the face of a widowed woman.

“Do you really not have to? Dad, you are also old, no better than before. Last time, I saw a healthcare product on TV, do you want…”

Wei Jin put down his daughter and came to the door, caring for his old father. Suddenly, the ward door was pushed open again, and he was caught off guard. His leg was smashed.


Hearing his son’s scream, Wei Mingyan handed over his cane.

The handsome old father showed a gentle smile, “Dad has long prepared it for you.”

Watching Wei Jin dumbfoundedly take it, Wei Mingyan withdrew his hand with satisfaction.

He’s such a good father.

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