The news of the fire at the downtown building quickly spread throughout the city, not because there were too many deaths and injuries, not because there were so many people, but because there were signs of arson in the hallway.

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Every floor of the building had surveillance. In the elevator, in the corridor, and at the top of the stairs, but because few people take the stairs these days, the staircase monitoring was in vain, vandalized and unnoticed.

The middle layers that were being monitored, is where the damage started, and identified as Ming oil.

Ming oil is a fuel used in China to replace gasoline, and it’s also cheap for health and environmental protection. But when it ignites a fire, it must be put out with high-pressure water guns.

Ming oil flowed all the way down the stairs. Everyone knew that in case of fire, they couldn’t take the elevator, but the staircase was splashed with clear oil, and the fire spread instantly. So, the staircase became a fiery path, while being on such a high floor made it impossible to jump out of the window to escape. This artificially spilled Ming oil, cut off the lives of all the occupants from the middle floor up.

As soon as the news came out, there was a lot of excitement on the Internet.

Those were human lives, and at least ten people died in the fire that day. There were many people who jumped onto the life-saving mat and hurt their arms and legs, not to mention the burns of some middle-layer occupants who came running out.

If it was an accident, it would be fine, but it was man-made?!

If the killer wasn’t caught, who knew if he will look for other buildings to spill oil in, as he did with this building? They were just normal people sitting at home, and suddenly disaster fell from heaven.

Because no one climbed the stairs, they relaxed their vigilance. Various communities were on alert and sent people to check the stairs three times a day. As a result, another phenomenon was found.

Some residents below the tenth floor would take the stairs, mostly people who wanted to exercise. While those who go above the tenth floor would choose to directly use the elevator because their floors were too high.

In other words, the killer had observed the people’s habit of taking the stairs in that building before deciding to splash the oil.

It’s insane!

“Eh, look at this. The analysis is quite correct. “

Pan Gang was sitting around watching TV when his teammate leaned over to show him the news on his mobile phone.

“I remember later the fire was extinguished, we went in to rescue at the scene. The fire started from below, and there was no path to walk on. This person wanted to burn half the building alive. “

Pan Gang frowned and glanced at it. “As long as the Ming oil was burnt dry, there would be no trace left. According to this splashing method, if the fire hadn’t suddenly become smaller, we couldn’t put it out at all. When half the building was burned down, the Ming oil would be burned dry, and the surveillance would long be destroyed. No one would know that the fire was started on purpose. “

“Yes, I heard from the chief that Ming oil needs to be artificially ignited. Looking for people who entered and left the building during the time of the fire is accurate. I heard that the police were already investigating it. “

“If the fire hadn’t been put out, the guy would have been able to hide it. I wonder what kind of scum could do such a beastly thing. “

“Yeah, who would so such a thing …”

Pan Gang looked at the picture of the building on the news. The stairs were blackened and there were various gauze-covered occupants.

He thought of the baby he had rescued. At that time, there were no adults at home, and the baby was locked in the house alone.

What kind of situation would it take to lock up a child so young?

He felt that he should report the abnormal situation to the higher ups.


“Quanquan said he wanted to eat snacks, but there was nothing left at home, so I had to go down and buy them for him. As a result, the supermarket downstairs was closed. I took a long detour and went to the supermarket on the other side of Lin Road to buy some. “

Bai Yumu had a helpless look on his face and asked Zhao Xi anxiously, “Xiao Xi, why don’t you believe me? The baby is my own child, how could I harm him?”

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Zhao Xi was indeed hesitant. Bai Yumu didn’t like Quanquan very much, but the baby was his own child.

But holding the baby in her arms, the 17-year-old girl clenched her teeth. “I’m relieved that you told me you would take good care of the baby. But now, this has happened… “

“If I didn’t look after the baby, would you be willing to go to the hospital?!”

Bai Yumu sighed, “Didn’t you see it at that time? I also happened to come back. Could it be that you thought that the person who the news said deliberately set the fire was me?”

“Although we have had arguments during this time, don’t you know who I am? You know that I almost drowned myself in order to save the Quanquan.”

The expression on Zhao Xi’s face became hesitant. Bai Yumu saw the look in her eyes, his eyes darkened slightly, and reached out his hand to take the child from her arms.


The girl, who had just relaxed, suddenly stiffened. She picked up the baby and stared at the helpless and gentle look on Bai Yumu’s face. “No, I can’t give you the baby. “

“Go away. I’m going to break up with you. “

The man sat by the bed, and the other hand behind his back clenched sharply, but his face was still gentle. “Xiao Xi, stop it. You’ve taken a year off from school for this child, and now you’re not well. How else could you go to the doctor and school if you don’t give me the child to take care of?”

When he finished, Zhao Xi still refused to let go. He sighed again, “Okay, take care of your health and I’ll try to find time to come over and help. “

As he passed by Zhao Xi, he glanced at the pale girl and a shadow was casted over his heart.

The baby suddenly began to cry, and Zhao Xi quickly turned around in the ward and kept coaxing, “Good boy, mommy is here, don’t cry, don’t cry. Baby is good, mommy is …”

While coaxing, her tears couldn’t be controlled, and fell on the face of the baby in her arms.

She wiped it off quickly and carefully, but the more she wiped it, the more blurred her eyes became.

“I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry…”

Zhao Xi choked up and finally couldn’t hold back, hugging her child and crying out.

Although there was no evidence, but inexplicably, she just thought that Bai Yumu didn’t like the child.

Well, this was her baby…

Even if his father didn’t want him, she would protect him well.


“Step aside. “

A faint voice sounded behind Fu Yunyun, and she quickly moved away and watched the handsome man gently pick up the baby.

“That’s a loyal dog, it won’t hurt anyone. How many times do I have to say it?”

Fu Yunyun whispered trembling, “I… I’m scared…”

This was the first time she encountered this kind of paranormal creature. As long as the thought of her hand falling in the air that time, her body would shiver.

“Uncle, when can I not see those… those things ah…” 

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As she spoke, she glanced carefully around the ward, as if a demon would pop out the next moment to frighten her.

Wei Mingyan glanced at her already faded golden aura, “it’s about tonight. Who told you to run into him? “

Fu Yunyun was confused, “Huh?”


The handsome Daoist pointed to the stupid son who was massaging his wife’s arm, “Him. “

With a puzzled look on his face, Wei Jin pointed to himself even more confusedly than Fu Yunyun, “Me?”

“Didn’t I tell you?”

Wei Mingyan picked up his granddaughter and held out his hand to tease. He didn’t even look at his son, who look like he was saying ‘what does it have to do with me?’. In a soft voice, he said:

“You have the merit I hung up on your body. The girl touched it, and she got Yin Yang eyes. “

Wei Jin was completely confused, “Merit … Dad, why did you hang this on me? What is it for?”

Wei Mingyan looked up and glanced at his stupid son, “Special treatment for mental retardation. “

“Don’t worry, you won’t be so stupid in the future. “

“Dad has worked so hard to get you meritorious deeds. What should you do?”

Wei Jin, who didn’t understand, scratched his head and hesitated, “Thank you, Dad…?”

“Good boy, who told me to be your father? “

The handsome Daoist came forward, took the crutch from Wei Jin’s hand in one hand and handed over his granddaughter in the other. “Don’t be so polite next time, father and son, why say thank you? “

Wei Jin subconsciously hugged his daughter and said, “Thanks. Thanks Dad. “

Watching his father turn around with the cane, he was stunned for a second and quickly shouted, “Dad, didn’t you give that to me?”

“Oh, this. “

The handsome man glanced back at his son’s leg. “What do you need a cane for when you’re all right? “

So many merit weren’t wrapped up in vain. Not to mention that Wei Jin was supposed to stand in the way of his injured leg.

“Yes, I’m all right. ” Wei Jin was easily persuaded. “Dad, be careful on your way. I heard that our city hasn’t been peaceful recently. “

“I know. “

So many people have died, could it be peaceful? 


“Help!!! Help!!!”

Bai Yumu was walking back to school when suddenly a girl’s scream sounded. He walked on the left, so he changed the lane to the right, walking on as if he didn’t hear it.

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“Woof, woof, woof!”

A dog barking sharply sounded out, followed by a man’s cry of alarm, and the sound of something falling to the ground. Bai Yumu footsteps halted, and he subconsciously looked to the left.

A man in a sweatshirt was kicking out, a dog jumped on him and bit him. The man let out a terrible scream.


He waved his hand to hit the dog, but his hand missed. Finally, he opened his eyes in horror and could only watch the yellow dog tearing out blood from his body.

“Help!! Help!!! Help me!!”

The man struggled to climbed forward, crawling, and saw Bai Yumu standing on the right side of the road. His eyes suddenly lit up with hope, covered in blood, he rushed to him with an extended a hand.

Bai Yumu took a subconscious step back, with fear in his eyes.

That, that dog …


“Don’t be scared. ” A gentle magnetic pleasant male voice rang out. A cane thumped on the ground, and then, from the alley came the slender figure of a man wearing a Daoist robe.

He lowered his eyes slightly, looked at the man on the ground and spoke in a warm voice, “The soul can only bring damage to the soul, you won’t have a single injury on you. “

“Even if you go to the hospital, you couldn’t be cured. “

The man on the ground covered in wretchedness opened his eyes wide in fear, “No, please, I know I was wrong, please let me go …”

“Don’t worry, I am a very tolerant person. ” the Daoist revealed a shallow smile.

After a flash of hope in the man’s eyes, Wei Mingyan continued, “I’m not going to kill you. You’ll be dead after another 50 days of pain anyway. “

“When you die, the souls that had been harmed by you would swarm up and tear you to pieces. “

“No, no…”

“Don’t you feel something?”

The handsome Daoist’s gaze fell on the man’s shoulder, “The child you killed, aren’t they sitting on your shoulder the whole time?”

He showed a smile, obviously with handsome features, but to the man on the ground, he looked no different than the most fearsome demon in the world.

“She’s been waiting for you. “

The man trembled and felt the weight on his shoulders. Over the past few years, he really felt that his shoulders were so heavy and uncomfortable. He went to the hospital several times to no avail.

He trembled and turned his head.

— A pair of blood-red eyes looked at him with hatred. It belonged to an infant child, but also to the dead.

“Uncle, I’ve been waiting for you.”

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— “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”

Yellowish urine came down the man’s pants. The yellow dog jumped off of him in disgust, even though it couldn’t touch it.

The handsome Daoist waved, and the yellow dog obediently followed him.

He took off his long Daoist robe, slowly approached the alley and covered the young girl whose clothes were ripped off her body.

Watching her look over in fear, Wei Mingyan touched her head and said in a warm voice, “Grandma will get better soon, and you will get a scholarship. So, you don’t need to come out so late for a part-time job. “

“Be good, go home. Grandma is afraid to sleep and has been waiting for you. “

The young girl stood up with red eyes and weak legs, “Thank you …”

“Go ahead.”

Wei Mingyan, on his cane, watched as the young girl, draped in his own Daoist robe, stumbled out the alley, stopping abruptly when he reached the man who had been scared to death.

The Daoist squatted down and covered the yellow dog’s eyes. “Don’t look. “

The young girl picked up a stone and smashed it hatefully between the legs of the man who had tried to drag her into the alley to dishonor.

— “Ow!!”

The man screamed and covered his lower part.

The young girl turned back, bowed at the Daoist priest in the alley, threw the stone at the man and stumbled in the direction of her home.


The yellow dog barked questioningly, and Wei Mingyan slowly let go of his hand.

“Okay, let’s move on to a certain someone. “


He curled his eyes slightly and his eyes fell on Bai Yumu, who was looking at him with his eyes wide open.

He had plenty emotions on his face. Shock and horror and trepidation, blended together into an ugly grimace.

The yellow dog took one step forward and Bai Yumu took one step back.

Until there was no turning back.

“What should I do with you? “

Wei Mingyan clicked his cane in some distress, “It’s really rare to find someone with no conscience like you. “

“Because of the lack of conscience, you don’t feel guilty. “

“What if we get our conscience back?”

The cane fell to the ground and the Daoist revealed a smile, soft, shallow and pleasant to look at, “It’s hell, isn’t it?”

“Your own, personal, hell. “

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