Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: (Unedited)


“No, you lied to me, these are illusions! These are not true, your lying to me …”

Bai Yumu almost went crazy mumbling, “If she really was waiting for me after all these years, how could I be okay?!!!”

He seems to have caught a big flaw, with bloodshot eyes. Instead of the usual handsome man, he looked more like a ghost than an actual ghost.

“Ha ha ha ha your lying to me, I know you are lying to me!!” Bai Yumu stared with wide eyes, every word was like being squeezed from his throat, pointing to the woman on the ground with his finger. “This is the evidence!!”

“The fact that I’m still alive and well is proof!!!”

Wei Mingyan looked faintly at the person in front of him. HIs cane slides across the floor, along the uneven ground, skimming over the holes but still looked clean from dirty water, and finally, to the corner.

The black cane landed there, with just a gentle tap and the back of a woman appeared there.

She had long flowing hair, and dressed in goose yellow. She was smiling while holding a child in her arms and coaxing.

“Xiao Mu don’t cry, Xiao Mu don’t cry, the pain will go away after taking the medicine. Come on, Mom will feed you the medicine …”

“Mom, it hurts, it hurts …”

“Darling, Mom is here. Let the pain come to Mom. Xiao Mu don’t cry, good boy …”

Woman gently coaxed. Her beautiful slender fingers patted the child’s back, watching him close his eyes, eyelashes wet with tears. The way she looked at him was full of love.

The child closed his eyes and promised with a childish voice, “Mom, when Xiao Mu grows up, I will build you a big house to live in. “

“Mom doesn’t need to live in a big house. Mom wants Xiao Mu to grow up well and study hard. In the future, Xiao Mu will have his own children, and Mom will help you take care of them. “

The child’s small hands dependently grabbed the woman’s beautiful black hair, his eyelashes trembling, while he sank into a deep sleep.

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Bai Yumu’s eyes were full of red blood. He looked at the scene in front of him and almost to collapsed. “Why did you show me this? I don’t want to see it, go away, go away!!!”

He stretched out his hand to swing and hit, but this scene didn’t let his hand pass through as before. It was only a light hit, and the beautiful young and gentle mother disappeared like a puff of smoke.

Bai Yumu was stunned in place as he stared blankly at the corner of the wall where there was nothing, his face blanched and fell.

Just, just like that?

He hasn’t seen her for years.

Such a gentle and beautiful her…


The sound of the cane landing came, and Bai Yumu quickly took back the expression on his face. His eyes were dim, and his voice had already sounded hoarse. “Who are you, why do you want to show me this!?”

“You should ask, why is it your mother that you wanted to see most in your heart? “

Wei Mingyan brushed off the dust that didn’t exist on his body, and looked into Bai Yumu’s eyes with a hint of pity.

“That’s not what I wanted to see!!”

This almost crazy man was screaming, his neck was red, and all the veins stood out. At the moment, he was more like a monster than a person.

“I don’t want to see her, I want her dead, I’ve wanted her dead for a long time! When she died, I almost laughed out loud, how could I want to see her …?!”

“Because you know, she loves you. “

Bai Yumu’s eyes stopped.

He stiffened his face, little by little, and turned his head to look at the handsome Daoist master who was towering over him with a cane.

“It is the uniformly inferior nature of humans, to take it out on those closest to them. You would vent your dissatisfaction at school and among friends, to your mother.

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Isn’t is because she loves you? “


“No, it’s not. She’s annoying and always quarrels with me. If she loves me, she should have die by herself, not drag me down!”

“I was so young, why would I want to serve a medicine guzzler? Do you think it’s fair? Huh??!” 

The yellow dog crouched beside the Daoist priest, with a pair of big watery eyes calmly looking at the man who was about to collapse.

“Ah, yes, after your mother died, you left this house, just took some clothes, and flew away from here like a free bird. You worked part-time, studied part-time, supported yourself, and never thought of coming back here for a visit. “

“Of course, you don’t know what she did for you. “

The man stepped forward, step by step. The red-eyed Bai Yumu retreated step by step. He retreated to the bed and watched Wei Mingyan reach out and open the small cabinet near the bed, where an embroidered scene quietly laid.

He unfolded it, stroking the stitches on it. The fine threads weaving together to form a large picture that could have covered almost two beds.

“More than a decade ago, such a picture was very rare …” The slender and white fingertips lightly skimmed every character, and whispered under Ba Yumu’s incredible gaze.

“Selling this, your tuition and living expenses in the next 3 years, would have all been taken care of. “

“Unfortunately. “

The handsome Taoist master’s hand stopped at a gap and said with some regret, “Before it was finished, the person who embroidered this, had already died. “

He turned around. A pair of beautiful eyes without joy or sorrow, fell on Bai Yumu. But it was like a red-hot iron hitting his body, and the pain made his whole-body tremble. 

“After she was ill, you didn’t take the initiative to care about her again. 2 years, she embroidered this for 2 years, day and night. When you came back from the Internet café and stayed up late, you saw her sitting on the bed to embroider this picture. Did you ever ask her?

Reluctant to take good medicine, can’t afford to go for treatment, holding on to her sick body and taking care of you. Do you think she doesn’t love you?”

Wei Mingyan sneered, “You’re lying to yourself. “

“You don’t want to bear the responsibility of killing your mother, and you don’t want to face the fact that you lost the only person who loved you. So, you told yourself that she didn’t love you, and she sucked your life like a leech. In fact, the leech was simply yourself. “

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“No, it’s not like that …”

“Just half a month more, she would be able to complete this picture, sold it, in exchange for your future. As for her own future, naturally, to leave quietly and peacefully. “

 “It’s you, yourself, who ruined your life. “

“No, it’s not, it can’t be like this…” Bai Yumu’s face was grim. He didn’t understand his emotions, but tears slid down his face like a waterfall.

His appearance had long been ruined by the ugliness hidden underneath, and at this moment, this appearance was worse than a toad.

“You are lying to me, you want me to regret, I won’t regret! These are all made up by you. It’s not true, no …”

Wei Mingyan raised his eyebrows. “Yes, you don’t know, and I don’t know. How would you know these things, and how did I find out?”


Bai Yumu suddenly raised his head.

Behind the handsome Daoist priest, stood a woman.

Her face was white, her hair was yellow, and her eyes were full of sadness.

“Xiao Mu …”

His entire body froze, his hands trembled, and he walked over in a trance, “Mom …”

–“Xiao Mu, let’s eat. Come on, Mom will feed you for dinner …”

–“Our Xiao Mu is so good. Mom will teach you. In the future, Xiao Mu will be a scientist, or an engineer. Be the most powerful person …”

–“Don’t cry, don’t cry. Mom is here. Mom is with you; your grades don’t matter. Mom knows you’ve worked hard …”

–“Why are you bullying my Xiao Mu?!”

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–“Who bullied my son!? I will fight with anyone who dares!”

–“Xiao Mu, don’t work part-time. Mom can support you as an embroiderer …”

–“Xiao Mu, Xiao Mu. Mom is thirsty…”

–“Xiao Mu …”

Bai Yumu’s hand fell on the woman’s cheek, cold and rough.

But, he felt it.

“Mom …”

He muttered with tears falling down.

“I, I thought I’d never see you again …”

“I miss you so much. I regret it. I miss you …”

The woman, with eyes full of bitter tears, had a happy smile on her face, “Mom knows that Xiao Mu is a good boy. “

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry Mom …”

He trembled, “I know I was wrong. Mom, don’t go. Stay with me. After you left, I was alone … it was very hard …”

“I regret it, I regret it, Mom …”

“Mom, I beg you to forgive me, I beg you …”

The woman shook her head slowly under her son’s pale face for a moment, and softly said, “Mom doesn’t blame you. “

Bai Yumu froze and looked at his mother, and for a moment, tears fell like rain.

“Mom …” 

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