Zhao Xi walked on the road to school in a hurry. She had to take a year off from school. These days, she had to find a nanny to take care of her children. Fortunately, when her parents died, Zhao Xi only took her share, and kept her younger brother Quanquan’s share properly. She planned to give it to him when he grew up.

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Originally, she was a little girl who needed the protection of her parents. After her parents died and she became a mother, she grew up a little bit.

Thinking about the children at home, she kept walking at a faster pace, walking and hearing familiar names in her ears.

“Is Teacher Bai really the arsonist? No way, he usually looks so gentle.”

“Really, I saw him being taken away with my own eyes. Teacher Bai seemed like he had aged, and he didn’t resist when he was taken away.”

“Why is that … what’s the reason? Why did Teacher Bai set the fire? Doesn’t he usually look normal?”

“I don’t know. Anyway, Teacher Bai admitted it, but didn’t say the reason …”

Zhao Xi paused in her tracks, watching the two girls leave, laughing and joking.

She closed her eyes, hid the tears in her eyes, and kept moving forward with her feet.

But mentally, nonetheless, in a trance.

Bai Yumu, he really wanted to kill his own child …?

“Be careful –“

She was reminded by someone from behind, Zhao Xi was stunned for a second because she was thinking about Bai Yumu. She actually walked onto that rock by the school lake and looked like she was about to fall.

“Ahh …”

Because she lost balance, her body tilted down, and Zhao Xi’s heart flashed with panic. The lake of the school had always been surrounded by railings, but only this rock wasn’t enclosed, because it was too high.

And she couldn’t swim…

There were couples around, chatting by the lake, and they reminded Zhao Xi. Seeing this, they all stood up and ran over in panic.

The imagined sound of falling into water didn’t ring out.

The girl standing on the stone maintained the movement of leaning forward, and little by little, slowly, lowered her feet onto the ground.

 “God …” the girl among the couple covered her mouth. “She’s a dancer. Her balance is really good.”

Zhao Xi’s feet stood firm, but her whole body was stiff.

She could feel something behind her, pulling her back little by little.

Obviously, no one could see it, but Zhao Xi just knew.

That’s her Da Huang.

“Da Huang, is that you …?”

She asked trembling. Then, she felt her cold hand gently licked by an animal’s tongue.

Just like in the past, when she was unhappy, Da Huang was like this. He nestled at her feet and licked her hand once, to comfort her.

“Da Huang, Da Huang ….”

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The couple behind her looked on with confused faces, as Zhao Xi crouched down and cried.

“Why is she crying? Didn’t she not fall?”

“Is it scary? You go up and comfort.”

“I’m a guy. How could I be any good at comforting? You better go up there …”

“Okay then, I’ll go up to … eh, where did she go?”



Zhao Xi could feel that Da Huang was walking in front of her, and although she couldn’t see, he must have been looking back at her, with his beautiful almond eyes.

Zhao Xi followed forward. She couldn’t see or hear him, but she just knew that Da Huang was ahead of her. 

Walking all the way down a side street, because it was noon and there was no shade on the streets there wasn’t much of a crowd. Zhao Xi saw a small box in front of her with a whimpering puppy crying inside.

She quickly ran and saw a puppy inside. It looked so small that it seemed like it still needed to breastfeed. It was crawling and whining with difficulty. 

This was a discarded puppy, the key point was, it was yellow.

Zhao Xi’s hands trembled as her fingertips fell on the puppy. As if it felt someone’s touch, the puppy whimpered quietly.

A childish distress-like cry.

“You should have guessed how Da Huang died.”

A faint magnetic voice sounded behind her. Zhao Xi turned slowly with tears and saw a handsome Daoist priest wearing a robe.

Her lips quivered slightly. She affirmed, “Bai Yumu. “

” A half-right guess. “

Wei Mingyan’s hand stroked the cane slowly, lowered his eyes slightly, and looked at the little life in the box.

“When you were 8 years old, Da Huang came to your home, stayed with you and grew up with your brother. In your eyes, he was a friend, but in his eyes, you’re all children who needed to be protected.”

“That day, your brother fell into the water. Da Huang jumped in and saved him. When he wanted to climb ashore, Bai Yumu knocked him down with a bamboo pole.”

Zhao Xi’s turned red, and her fists clenched, “And I thought it was Bai Yumu who saved Quanquan.”

“I appreciate him, treat him well, and treat him like a benefactor.”

“Da Huang, it’s obvious that he saved Quanquan …”

In Wei Mingyan’s eyes, the yellow dog wagged his tail and carefully circled around his master, trying to comfort her.

—Don’t cry, Da Huang isn’t hurt.

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–Don’t be sad, if Quanquan is well, Da Huang will be happy.

He couldn’t talk, he could only whine in a low voice, trying to rub his master’s hand.

“It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have believed Bai Yumu and bring him home. Otherwise, Da Huang wouldn’t …”

“It’s not your fault, but you also need to make up for it.”

“See the dog behind you? He is Da Huang.”

Zhao Xi’s eyes lit up little by little.

“Da Huang …?”

She looked back in surprise and disbelief and looked at the little puppy squirming in the box. “Is he, is he Da Huang?”

Wei Mingyan looked at the yellow dog that was wagging its tail and tilting its head to look obediently at its master, and lied without changing his expression, “Yes, he is Da Huang.”

“He is reluctant to leave you.”

The Daoist priest didn’t say anything else, but Zhao Xi could already connect the dots.

Her Da Huang came back to find her.

The girl carefully picked up the whining puppy in the box. Her face was full of hope for the future.

Bai Yumu, the father of her child, were all thrown at the back of her mind.

This time, she must take good care of Da Huang.

“Thank you, thank you.”

Watching the girl leave with the puppy held in her arms gently, Wei Mingyan looked at the yellow dog squatting beside him.

“You’re a liar too. You obviously can’t even reincarnate, and you’re still lying to her that it’s you.”

“Do you regret not going to reincarnation for them?”

The yellow dog shook his tail and let out a bark.

–No regrets.

He’s a good dog, a very good dog. So, he must protect his master.


Wei Mingyan reached out and touched the head of the yellow dog. “If you don’t reincarnate, don’t reincarnate. I’ll open the back door for you. When Zhao Xi’s life is up, you can send her away.”


The yellow dog was happy, wagging his tail happily, following the Daoist priest and bouncing a little.

“Let’s go, I’ll go take you so see the show.”

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“It should be, a big show.”


Bai Yumu was locked up. There is no death penalty in China, but his crimes were enough to be locked up for the rest of his life.

He almost had no feeling for the outside world now.

Every minute, every second, whether he closed his eyes or open his eyes, he could recall the way his mother disappeared little by little.

Clearly it was his fault.

He was the one who failed to save his mother, he was the one who killed her with his own hands, he was the one who carried the debt of killing his mother.

But in the end, it was the victim, his mother, who paid the debt for him.

In order to protect him, she didn’t enter reincarnation …

Twice a day, every time, very painful …

She looked forward to seeing him become an honest and kind-hearted person. She curled up in that hut for over 10 years until she disappeared. She still felt that her son was a good person …

That’s how she was. But now gone, disappeared …

Never, ever again …

The sound of a cane hitting the ground from afar came near. Bai Yumu eyes staring at the ceiling listlessly, as a man in a Daoist robe appeared in front of him in the night.

A yellow dog squatted on the ground and looked up at Wei Mingyan.

“In fact, the eighteen layers of hell are only effective in this world. Do you know why?”

The man stretched out his slender hand, gently touched the yellow dog, and put a faint smile on his lips. “Because people who really need hell will be torn into pieces by creditors around at the next moment of death. There will be no chance to go to hell.”

“So, hell is on earth …”

He stood under the moonlight, smiling slightly. His eyes were full of tenderness, and his beautiful facial features looked good under the meager light.

In Bai Yumu’s eyes, it was no different from an evil spirit.

“Drowning twice, being crushed alive by inescapable pliers once, burning twice. And now, it’s time for you to pay your debt …”

He will be pulled into a deep dream, where the pain was real, and the injury was real. The repetition of drowning, dismembering, and fire is non-stop.

You can’t live, you can’t die.

Until the end of life, at the moment when the soul comes out of the body, it would be torn into pieces by the bad luck gathered around it.

This is the real, Hell…           

(TNote: *starts praying in every language I know* Dear God this is scary…)

“Want to see it?”

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“Bark Bark Bark!”

“I don’t want to see it too; such a thing pollutes the eyes. Let’s go, I’ll show you my little granddaughter.”


Wei Jin and his wife had just been discharged from hospital today. Because of their father’s request, they moved back to their home. Just after washing their daughter’s diapers, they were mopping the floor when the door opened.

He got up with a confused face and looked at his father holding a leash.

One end of the leash was in Wei Mingyan’s hand, and the other end was floating in midair.

“Dad? What are you doing?”

“Can’t you see it?”

Wei Mingyan untied the leash for the yellow dog and rubbed his head. “I have a dog.”

“A dog …”

Wei Jin looked at his father’s hand touching the air, and then at the empty leash. His hand went weak, and the mop fell to the ground.

“Forget it, next time it’s better to walk without a rope. No one can see you anyway, no fines.”

(TNote: In China, if you walk your dog without a leash in major cities, you will be fined. I have no clue about other areas.)

Qian Miao was teasing her daughter when she saw her husband come in and whispered, “Is Dad back? I heard him say he had a dog.”

“Yes, Yes.”

Wei Jin pulled out a smile, “Dad has a dog …”

“Dad really likes cats and dogs at this age? Hey, I have a classmate who runs a pet shop. I’ll call her to buy some toys and food for the dog. Dogs are the most loyal. When raised well, it can protect the owner …”


Looking at his cheerful wife, Wei Jin’s smile grew stiffer and stiffer.

“The dog is a bit special.”

“Special? Breed? It wouldn’t be a Tibetan mastiff … right?”

“Breed, breed…”

Wei Jin couldn’t say. He couldn’t even see the dog’s shadow. How would he know what breed it was?

Wei Mingyan led Da Huang to pass the doorway, “The breed is, Hellhound.”

“Stupid, I’m going out for a few days. You take care of my granddaughter. Qian Miao, I hired a nanny. They’re going to come over this afternoon.”

“Ah? Where are you going, Dad?”


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