Guo Renyi slept at home today. At noon, he took a nap. When he woke up, a woman who was carefully feeding her son asked, “Did you sleep well?”

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“Not bad.”

Guo Renyi was very satisfied with the quietness at noon today. There was a big lawn under their building, and usually there were always some cats and dogs playing on it. Some were raised by others in the villa area, while others were simply wild cats and dogs. Guo Renyi didn’t feel like there was a problem before, but he was melodramatic. Once, he inadvertently looked out through the window and saw the dogs and cats, and always felt that they were yelping that day. He was annoyed with these animals. Especially when he saw those people hugging cats and dogs like some kind of treasure, to talk to them. He thought they were simply sick.

At first, Guo Renyi started kicking the cats and dogs when he encountered them on the road. But later, he accidentally kicked a cat into the lake. The cat was injured and couldn’t swim at all and drowned in the lake.

Guo Renyi’s heart suddenly had a feeling of unrestrained pleasure. The kind of having control over a life. If he wanted them to live, they would live, and if he wanted them to die, they would have to die with pleasure. It almost got Guo Renyi hooked on this shenanigan. However, there was quite a lot of monitoring in the villa area, and there were also many rich and powerful people. After observing several times, he didn’t dare to do anything blatantly, so he simply secretly bought medicine that could kill cats and dogs online, put them in sausages, and threw them out. Every time he saw those dogs and cats eagerly swallowing the sausages as if they had been given something rare, imagining that they would soon die without a sound, Guo Renyi’s heart was filled with perverted excitement.

Today, when he drove out, he made an effort to throw some spiked food out of the car window again. Presumably, some animals would die again.


The fat man took the soup served by the nanny contentedly. He always felt that he was a man of status, so he had to take good care of himself. Usually, he had to drink a bowl of soup before meals. As soon as the lid of the soup bowl was opened, Guo Renyi looked at the contents and his face turned dark.

“What’s going on here? Who put the sausage here!?!”

In response to her husband’s almost thunderous yell, the woman who was carefully feeding her son raised her eyes in confusion. “What are you talking about? Isn’t this just pigeon soup? What sausage? “

Pigeon soup… How can this be?

Guo Renyi looked back again and clearly saw that there was sausage in the bowl. From the looks of it, it should be stuffed with medicine. He asked almost everyone, but all the answers he got were the same. How can it be pigeon soup? He’s not blind.

“Honey, stop it. Hurry up and eat. Don’t you have to go to a business meeting this afternoon?” The woman had long been accustomed to her husband’s moodiness. She picked up the child in her arms and touched his head. “Go and play.”

The child went to the kitchen happily. After a while, he came back and took his mother’s hand. “Mom, help me with a pot of boiling water. I saw an ant nest down in the yard yesterday.” This was his game, looking around for ant nests and destroying them by any means possible. His favorite thing to do was to use boiling water and watch the water flow. The ants that just crawled around were burned alive, and the surviving ones struggled to crawl. This always made the child happy. He was too young to lift a pot of boiling water, but because his mother was very supportive of this recreational activity, he was able to do so every time.                     

(TNote: Mom’s guide on how to raise a psychopath…)

The youngest child cheekily pulled his mother away, not even looking at his father’s frowning in frown. Guo Renyi was annoyed by the sound of his playful laughter, his gaze unkindly glared viciously in the direction where his son left.


Useless. What good is it to play with things like ants? They can be trampled to death with one foot. Looking at the soup bowl in front of him, Guo Renyi pushed it away with a dark face. He really couldn’t figure out what was going on. Although everyone said it was pigeon soup, he still didn’t dare to eat it. The fat man pushed the bowl far away elsewhere and clamped his chopsticks onto the roast pork. In view of the previous experience, he used his chopsticks to bring the braised pork to his eyes, and looked at it carefully before putting it into his mouth.

But when it entered his mouth, he felt that there was something wrong with the taste. This meat, why did it seem like it was moving? Guo Renyi frowned and vomited the meat in disbelief. But after seeing what he was eating just now, he couldn’t hold his nausea and kept throwing up on the table. In his eyes, a green-headed fly was covered in his saliva and kept rolling over and struggling on the table. He almost ate a fly just now …

The beautiful and delicate little girl sat on the sofa with her chin propped up, looking at the man who kept vomiting from a distance. Her eyes revealed some happiness at the success of the prank.

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She was light on her feet and kept up with Guo Renyi.


To outsiders, this was just a fat middle-aged man. But in Xi Liu’s eyes, he was followed by a long line. Cats and dogs follow silently, with bloodshot eyes full of hatred. There were also cries of babies who had been abandoned before they were born. All these were Guo Renyi’s debts.

The difference was that, before, they could only follow in vain and couldn’t do anything.

Guo Renyi began to have nightmares. As long as he closed his eyes and fell asleep, even if it was only for a second, he would fall into a deep dream. At first, after dreaming of turning into a cat, eating sausages and falling to the ground in convulsions and being run over by a passing truck, the cold sweating Guo Renyi woke up and went to see a doctor clutching his painful stomach. Nevertheless, of course, nothing was found. The greasy, obese man could only reluctantly cover his stomach and take the painkillers back home.

Immediately after that, these incidents repeated endlessly.

In his dreams, he was sometimes a dog, sometimes a cat, or even a baby. All these creatures had one similar characteristic: they all died very miserably. Guo Renyi not only experiences the pain from his dreams, but wakes up with the same pain as what he felt in his dreams. Pain, despair, and torture, all followed Guo Renyi’s side like a shadow. He went to western doctors, Chinese doctors, and psychologists, but no one could find out what was wrong with him.

Guo Renyi, who was originally a big fat man, lost weight at an unbelievable rate. His face grew pale, his under-eyes were full of bruises from lack of sleep and high levels of stress. Every day, he struggled to keep himself from sleeping and experiencing extreme pain. He hasn’t been to the office for a long time, not even to his usual favorite place to relax, let alone drive to the school gates to fish for those young and beautiful minors.

“Next, line up, line up!” Xi Liu walked on her little red shoes, weaving through the cats and dogs, “Don’t you cut in line. I see you! Bad dog!” The Chihuahua who was called out took a step backward with a whimper.

“Next. Right, right, that’s you, come here …” With the girl’s crisp voice, a cat entered Guo Renyi’s dream, and it would return the pain it had suffered in vain to this man. After that, there was no obsession, it could go reincarnate.

Guo Renyi can’t see these things. In just 1 month, he was as thin as a stick, hiding at home every day with trepidation,  afraid to even see the sun. On this day, he fell into a dream again, with the familiar sausage right in front of him. Guo Renyi was on his knees in the dream, crying out in pain and pleading. “I know I’m wrong, I really know I’m wrong, please don’t torture me anymore…”

What he dreamed of most was this spiked sausage. When it entered his belly, first of all, his abdomen would be in pain, then the stomach. After that, all his internal organs felt as if it was covered with sulfuric acid. The pain was so great that he couldn’t even yell out. He could only lie on the ground in tears, waiting quietly for death.

Once, twice, three times…


No one could understand what it was like to die repeatedly in severe pain. The lives that were once harmed by him have returned that pain. Xi Liu also changed from being cheerful and excited at the beginning, to doing things robotically.

She held out her little hand with some boredom, “Next…”

There was no reply. The little girl looked up and looked around. She found that all the souls who couldn’t be freed and trapped in hatred were all gone. She jumped up excitedly and skipped off to Wei Mingyan for a compliment.

As for the man who was tortured by his dreams for this whole month behind her, who didn’t even look like a man but wasn’t quite a ghost, Guo Renyi?

Who would want to see him!?

Grandpa Wei said that his punishment was yet to come. 

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Guo Renyi almost cried excitedly when he woke up in the morning. He didn’t suffer from a nightmare last night. Could this inexplicable disaster finally be over? The man who had become as thin as a bamboo pole, stepped outside for the first time this month. He couldn’t wait to announce that he was completely healed.

Guo Renyi supported himself against the wall and walked weakly down the long corridor. As he was walking, he suddenly heard a woman groan intermittently. This voice, which he was familiar with, was his wife, the woman he hadn’t touched since the birth of his son. Due to her old age and his disgust for her, she was discarded by him. Guo Renyi followed the sound and saw a scene that made his mind boil in rage.

His wife was naked, lying under another man.

“The doctor said, if this continues, Guo Renyi will definitely be dead in less than a month.”

The man who moved above his wife spoke while lowering his head and kissing the woman beneath him, “I’ve been looking forward to this for so long. I’m finally looking forward to his death. We won’t have to hide for much longer either. You had to take advantage of him going out before you dared to come over every time.”



Guo Renyi shivered with anger, desperately waving his hand as he rushed over. However, he forgot that after being sick for so long, he was no longer the man who could slap someone’s mouth and make them bleed.

There were screams, the sound of a vase breaking, and the appearance of a woman wearing her clothes in panic.


Guo Renyi woke up again in a narrow space. He opened his mouth but found that he couldn’t make a sound. 

Those two b*tches! How dare they do this to him! He must torture them to death!

“Haohao, what are you doing?” It was the nanny’s voice.

Guo Renyi’s eyes lit up. He struggled to make a move, but found himself weak, not to mention moving, even his voice was gone.

“I’m looking at the ants on the cabinet.” His son’s voice! He was close.

His voice seemed to have come from nearby. That was to say, he was trapped in the cabinet by the pair of ‘dogs’. They don’t have the guts to kill anyone. They must be stealing his money and running for their lives right now.

“Auntie, where’s the oil?”

However, the joy of being saved in Guo Renyi’s eyes faded away, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

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“Dad told me last time that it was no fun to douse ants with boiling water. It’s more fun to burn them.”

The little boy’s voice was still very immature, but in Guo Renyi’s ears at the moment, it was no different from the hiss of a demon. If his son burned this cabinet, what about him? He was in the cabinet!

The voice of the nanny who had always been despised by Guo Renyi was a little hesitant, “Haohao, the ants are alive and well. Let’s not disturb them, okay?”

Hearing her words, Guo Renyi was relieved and never felt so grateful to a person like this moment. But immediately afterwards, the son’s voice sent Guo Renyi back to hell again.

“I just like to play with them! My Dad also said burning ants was fun, and he even showed me how. If you don’t go get it, I’ll tell my Dad and have him fire you!”

The sound outside turned to clattering. Guo Renyi’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth in desperation, trying to utter a cry for help.


“–” Help, help me!

Golden yellow oil began to drip down the cabinet door, with some even dripping on Guo Renyi’s face.

He listened to his own son muttering outside, “Where’s Dad? Where has he gone? I also want him to accompany me to watch ants burn. It’s what he taught me.”



The lighter was ignited, and the fire instantly spread. The little boy clapped his hands and looked at the scene in front of him happily. The smell of burnt meat was scattered in the air. Guo Renyi stared wide-eyed, eyes full of blood, rigidly opening his mouth, and feeling the flames licking his dry, thin body.

It hurts–

It hurts so much–


–“What’s the point of using water? Next time, you should just pour oil directly and burn them. The ants would all burn all at once, it’s more fun than this. Dad will take you to play next time.”

It turns out that being burned like ants was so painful —

Guo Renyi’s face was gradually licked by the flames as well. His eyes widened in pain, awake, taking in the flames.


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“I heard that Chief Guo was discharged from the hospital. After recuperating for such a long time, although his life was saved, he was almost crippled. He’s making a fuss about suing his wife.”

Wei Jin looked at the gossip sent by his former colleagues and was surprised for a moment, but didn’t take it seriously. What he cared about now was his father, who left with an empty leash. He supposedly went to travel, but his father had gone for so long and hadn’t returned. 

Zhong Hua patted him on the shoulder from behind, “Ah Jin, let’s have a meal at your place in the afternoon. I’ll bring my own vegetables.”

Wei Jin smiled helplessly, “When have you not had a meal at my place?”

Xi Liu could write now, and she would communicate with them on the sand box every day after finishing her homework. Yesterday, she said, don’t let Brother Huahua buy new clothes again. She has enough clothes. Dad bought some, Mom bought some, Brother Huahua bought some. Xi Liu’s small closet isn’t going to hold them all.

“Hey, is that a sensible thing to ask? ” Zhong Hua smiled happily, “You’re a big shot now, I’m just rushing to curry favor with you.”

“You’re teasing me.”

Although it had been a week since his promotion, Wei Jin was still shy and embarrassed.

“How could this be teasing? I’m praising you.”

As they were talking and laughing, Wei Jin’s cell phone rang. He picked it up, and Qian Miao spoke happily, “You remember to ask Zhong Hua to come over for dinner. And before you come home, tell President Li that Grandma Gu went shopping with her old sister, but President Li didn’t answer her call. Tell him, don’t let him be surprised to come home to an empty house.”

“Grandma Gu went shopping? Where’s Xuanxuan?”

“Xuanxuan is playing with Qiqi. Both of them can’t talk, but they look happy babbling and playing together.”

Qian Miao hung up the phone and turned to look at them. On the floor covered with mats for children to play on, the two little ones were having a lot of fun with each other. Qian Miao went up and touched the little guys’ head, and then touched the little guys’ hand. The smile on her face never came down.

Just as she was happy, her phone suddenly rang with a text message alert. She looked down and casually clicked away.

[I’ve earned a house. Someone will come to hand it over tomorrow. Your father.]

Qian Miao opened her eyes wide and quickly made a phone call.

“Ah Jin, just now…”

Behind her, the two little ones somehow got their hands pulled together. 

The bigger boy, Xuanxuan called out. “Eh yah!”

The white skinned, big-eyed little Qiqi also answered back bitterly. “Yah!”


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