Lan Xue was pushed and shoved by them, but her hand still grabbed the woman. Wei Mingyan had been secretly punched, but as if he didn’t feel it, he quickly untied the swaddling clothes wrapped on the child.

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The child inside was exposed, and the red mark on his thigh was conspicuous.

When Lan Xue saw this, she immediately shouted, “stop her! That child is the one lost in the hospital!”

“She’s a human trafficker!”

This sound seems to have stirred up a thousand waves, and there was a loud sound from the onlookers around. Recently, because Dean Lan spent a lot of money to buy a news slots to put in the news about the search for the child, coupled with Weibo reposts, many people present knew about the loss of the child in the hospital.

Some people felt that it was none of their business, and quietly retreated; Some people still had a heart and came forward to help. Coupled with the staff, soon, the child was snatched into Lan Xue’s hands.


After so much commotion, the child didn’t wake up, and Lan Xue felt a little uneasy. Her hand was on the child’s forehead. Sure enough, it was very hot. Looking at his body, there was some rashes already. If he hadn’t been breathing shallowly, she could hardly see that he was still alive.

Children of this age could burn their brains to a large extent if their fever wasn’t reduced in time, so they must go to the hospital immediately.

“That’s my baby! She’s a human trafficker! You can’t let her go!”

The woman was still shouting hysterically. Lan Xue, holding the baby in her arms, was stopped and explained in a trembling voice that the child had to go immediately, but she got an awkward answer.

They had to wait here for the police to deal with it.

Lan Xue had never seen anything like this before, holding a feverish, closed-eyed, trembling baby, her mind went blank.

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She almost felt the passing of the child’s life in her arms, unable to walk away, and could not stop her tears from falling.

“If he has a birthmark, he is the child lost in the hospital. We can’t be late in reducing the fever. Why should you believe what a human trafficker said?”

“The two of us are together. I am a doctor in the First Hospital. This is my badge. You can call for confirmation and let the child see a doctor first. I will wait for the police here and take your people with me. The child was born five days ago. Now he has a fever and a rash. He must be treated immediately.”

Wei Mingyan was scratched by the woman several times, and his refreshing white shirt was messed up. He stood beside the girl crying with the baby in her arms, spoke calmly to the staff, took out his handkerchief and handed it to her.

“Don’t cry. I just called the Dean, and he’ll take care of it.”

Dean Lan, as the Dean of the First Hospital, has been operating for so many years, but he still had some connections.

As Wei Mingyan spoke, he took the child from Lan Xue, with a little unskilled posture, he probed the temperature on the child’s forehead and turned to ask the onlookers, “does anyone have non-ice mineral water? Can I borrow it?”

“I– I have one.

The crowd was a mess, the handsome, calm-looking, Wei Mingyan was a breath of fresh air. As soon as he asked, a young girl immediately stood up and handed him a bottle of mineral water, which was still unopened.

Wei Mingyan held the child in his arms and looked at the red-eyed Lan Xue, beside him. “You pour water on the handkerchief and put it on the child’s forehead. If the handkerchief feels hot, you change it. Don’t stop along the way. We can drop the temperature a little bit.”

Lan Xue hurriedly and obediently took the water handed over by the girl, carefully wrung it out, and laid it on the child’s forehead.

While they were just waiting for the car, there was a call from Dean Lan. The staff confirmed their identity and released them, and the ambulance came just in time. They rushed to the hospital.

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When the child was properly sent to pediatrics, the two were sweating together.

She didn’t feel anything before, but now when she thinks about it, Lan Xue felt afraid. If she let that woman run away, then they wouldn’t have been able to find the child anymore.


Zhao Han was on the streets. When he saw a person coming, he stepped forward looking straight at them, pointing at the child in the picture and asking, “Have you seen this child? He’s five days old, there is a red love birthmark on his leg …”

Passersby generally shook their heads, and then left with pity.

He knew that this method was stupid and useless, but this was the only thing he could do. On the way, when he saw a child begging with an adult, Zhao Han couldn’t bear looking at them, thinking, could this be his child?

These days he was frantically looking for his own child and torturing himself by searching online for what those traffickers would do after they stole a child.

Boys are better. Most of them are sold to couples without children, but girls are difficult. Most of them will be sold to mountains where the network can’t reach. They will be forced to give birth at school age.

Zhao Han’s child is a boy, but he is still desperate. There are too many uncertain factors. His child is his treasure, but he is only merchandise in the hands of traffickers.

They won’t coax him when he is crying, nor will they always care whether he is sick or not. His son is still so young. Will those people take the child to travel far away?

Will he be able to bear it, will he get sick…?

Zhao’s wife wipes her face with tears every day. She should be in her month of confinement by now and have a good rest, instead of being afraid to sleep, dragging her wounds for the sake of her child.

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(Month of Confinement = a full month worth of rest for women who recently gave birth. Not going out, not touching cold water, or doing house work. To avoid getting sick and unable to give birth a second time, etc etc.)

She told him in sign language that as soon as she closed her eyes, she heard their baby crying. She didn’t dare sleep. When she fell asleep, she would face the child lost by them.

They miss their child like crazy, but where is he?

Suddenly his phone lit up, and with a ring, a picture of the baby sleeping soundly came out.

Zhao Han answered the phone.

“Mr. Zhao, your child has been found and is now in the First Hospital.”

Zhao Han rushed to the hospital like crazy. My child, my child!


The child was deprived of oxygen and was put in an incubator.

Zhao Han greedily pasted himself onto the window and watched the child open his eyes slightly and looked around with his bright black eyes.

He kicked his calf, and his little hand curled up into a fist gently. As the father looked at the baby, he shed tears of happiness.

The child is okay, he may have suffered, but in the end, he returned to his parents who loved him.

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“Dad will take good care of you in the future….”

Through the window, Zhao Han promised in a hoarse voice.


Lan Xue looked at the thin man’s back with a relaxed smile on her face. She looked down at her handkerchief and thought of the handsome man who seemed like he was never dazed or confused, clenching her hands slightly.

What to do? She liked him more and more!

“You did it kid! You outwit human traffickers, now this matter has spread all over our hospital!”

After getting the child back, and nowhere to go, Wei Mingyan went back to the office and was asked by his colleagues who had come to watch and boasted about him to high heaven.

Although he got along well with the people around him during this period of time, the man still could not understand this kind of warm scene. He stood there quietly and let everyone praise him. He seemed calm and steady, but his ears quietly turned red.

The director came in, holding his big tea mug and saw Wei Mingyan’s eyes were at a loss. He looked like he was still pretending to be calm. He coughed softly, “all right, all right. What are you all doing around him? It’s better to go out and do your rounds with this kind of spirit.”

Seeing the young doctor looked at him with some gratitude, the director smiled with encouragement on his face, “Mingyan did the right thing, you just saved a family of three. It’s a good thing.”

“I didn’t do anything. If it weren’t for the quick response of the nurse who always came to our office to deliver documents, that woman would have ran away with the child in her arms.”

“By the way, I heard that you two found the baby in the subway together. When did you get so familiar with each other?”

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