In the remote mountain village, Wang Tie and Wan Youlan got up early in the morning.

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Wang Tie went to the fields, while Wan Youlan wanted to sit in the yard and sew clothes. A few years ago, she was so tired that she couldn’t do rough work, and her waist ached a little too much. All the heavy work in the family had to fall on her husband, Wang Tie. She took on some work of making clothes in town and peddled on a sewing machine in the yard every day.

The two were less than fifty years old, but both had pale temples and sallow faces.

Their early savings were spent on searching for a child, they could not live in the city any more. So, they had to go back to the village. In addition to going to the field, Wang Tie would also go to the town to work as a coolie. Although they did not earn much money, both of them were frugal and saved money, so they hoped to spend the money on a newspaper notice.

But the child was too young when he was lost, and there was no special mark on his body, only a mole on the back of his neck, but it was so common that he should be 25 now, after so many years of searching.

Wan Youlan, who was stepping on the sewing machine pedal, thought of her son, and her face showed a bit of sadness as soon as she stopped her feet.

(TNote: pedal sewing machine = they are antique sewing machines that are operated by gears, you turn them on by moving your feet/foot back and forth. Usually looks large and bulky, attached to a table.)

What she was afraid of was not that she could not find the child, but that the child had suffered somewhere she could not see. When her son was first lost, Wan Youlan had nightmares every night, dreaming that her child was crying for his mother.

He was so young and well-behaved and had just learned to speak; But every time he saw her coming back, he smiled and wanted to hug. Wan Youlan worked hard in the city at that time. As long as she thought of the child in her hometown, she would be refreshed again.

She thought of working hard, to make money, to settle down in the city before her son goes to school. To bring her mother-in-law and child here, and how good it would be for a family of four, such a beautiful family.

But it’s gone, there’s nothing left…

Wan Youlan stepped on the pedal all day, and her back hurt so badly that she put a pillow on her back and went on until it was a little dark. Wang Tie, who had finished his work and went to town, returned excitedly.

“Youlan, someone called me to say that he saw a man under the bridge in S City who looked like our son. Look, there’s a picture here.”

As he said that, Wang Tie handed over the old mobile phone. There was indeed a man in the picture who looked like he was in his twenties. He was bowing his head and she couldn’t see his face clearly. He had lost a leg and was wearing shabby clothes. He was eating the steamed bun in his hand. The parts exposed was thin and dark, and he looked very embarrassed.

“The man said that he was abducted and trafficked when he was a child. He only remembers that his father’s surname was Wang, and he had a mole on the back of his neck. He is the right age.”

Wan Youlan looked at the man in the picture. He only has one leg, which made her body feel cold.

Whenever she thought that the man who seemed to have suffered a lot would be her own child, she felt as if she was going to be torn up.

“He, could he be…”

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Wan Youlan is looking forward to it, but also hoping for a ‘no’.

She wanted to get her child back, but she didn’t dare to think about how much he would have suffered if it was really her son.

“I’ll go there now. If it’s our son, I’ll bring him back.” Wang Tie made a quick decision.

They have been looking for their child for more than 20 years, and during these 20 years, there has been no news. When they get there, it’s often a false alarm, but the more they look at the numb expressions on the faces of the abducted children, the more he couldn’t give up.

It’s not that no one advised them to stop looking. The original child is now an adult. Even if he was found, after 20 years or separation, there was no kinship to speak of.

But Wang Tie is reluctant to give up!

He remembered the last time he saw his son; The little white-faced child was still smiling at him. He had just learned to speak and called him inarticulate and vaguely:

“Da da…”

The little child was held by his grandmother, and he waved to his father in a childish and milky voice. “You have to come back soon!”

Wang Tie remembers that he sat in the last row of the bus with his wife and was reluctant to look back. The child was held in his grandmother’s arms and looked over with his eyes wide open.

“I really don’t want to give up…”

Wan Youlan looked back and sighed.

“Put up with it a bit longer. We’ve almost saved enough money, and then we won’t have to split up… ”

After that, what happened….

When he received the news, he rushed home in a daze, facing his mother’s dying body.

The neighbor told him that before she left, she kept shouting for her son to come back and get her little grandson back.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Tie has been searching for more than 20 years…

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He took all the money in the family and left the house under his wife’s hopeful eyes.

No matter who his child is or what it has become, it is his child.



“You just finished the test and ran outside without telling me, do you still have my father in your heart?”

“No, I’m not talking to you.” Facing her grumpy father, Lan Xue hurriedly appeased him while holding the worried boyfriend’s hand while talking.

She gently patted Wei Mingyan’s hand as if she were coaxing a child, then pulled the phone away and whispered, “it’s all right, my dad is like this.”

Wei Mingyan’s eyes were still red, his slightly red eyes were more conspicuous on his white face, and the sadness he gave off from his body made Lan Xue feel continuing heartache.

She volunteered to accompany her boyfriend to find his family, taking care of her boyfriend along the way, always calm and reserved; But now the rarely weak Wei Mingyan simply made her unable to help but want to protect.

Dean Lan felt that he was really going to explode, “tell me? What’s the use of telling me now that you’re going out? Say, are you dating that kid Wei Mingyan? I told you Lan Xue, it’s absolutely not allowed to have s*x before marriage. Don’t think that I agree when I don’t object. I have to investigate!”

“No, I have business with Mingyan. I don’t know now. When I’ll be back…

— Ah!!” The girl’s scream burst out.

Lan Xue was talking while looking out of the window and saw a bus running a red light and looked curiously. The next second, the bus collided with a large truck and two behemoths fell to the ground.

Dean Lan was angrily stuffing dried sweet potatoes into his mouth. As soon as he put it in, he heard her scream and almost bit his own tongue. “Lan Xue? Lan Xue, what happened to you? What’s the matter?”


Wei Mingyan also saw the scene, although he knew that it would not crash on to their car, but the scene of the impact still made him subconsciously pull Lan Xue, who was still on the phone, into his arms, to protect her.

Lan Xue looked stiffly at the scene in front of her. She had just seen a man fly out of the bus. Their car was not far away, so she could clearly see the man crashing into the ground, convulsing several times and showing blood under his body.

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She faced the scene of an accident for the first time, especially when she watched the bus driving well one second, but fell apart on the next. She was shaking all over.

“Lan Xue?! What happened to you??!!”

Dean Lan listened, there was no movement on his daughter’s side. On the contrary, people screamed in disorder. He suddenly stood up, anxious to fly to his daughter’s side.

Just then, a man’s slightly hoarse magnetic voice came from the other end of the phone. “Hello, uncle, we’re all right. There was a car accident in front of us.”

Knowing that it was not his daughter’s accident, the Dean first breathed a sigh of relief, and then became angry.

Who’s your uncle? Who’s your uncle?!

No… Wei Mingyan doesn’t seem to know about his relationship with Lan Xue.


What car accident? Where was the accident? Is it serious? Is it in their city? Should we send an ambulance?

Before Dean Lan could think clearly, Lan Xue has already answered the phone. “Dad, I can’t talk now. They may need some help over there. Mingyan and I will go and have a look. ”

Lan Xue is still a student at school. Although she has excellent grades, she has no experience. Fortunately, there was Wei Mingyan, although he is not majoring in surgery, he isn’t far behind because of his all-round study.

The most important thing now is to save people.


Wang Tie felt his eyelids jumping from the moment he went out, and he was still a little happy, wondering, is it a sign that he would find his son?

It went smoothly all the way. He got on a bus and paid 10 yuan more because it was night time.

Wang Tie sat in the front seat, and there were a lot of people on the bus, and then people came one after another. He was a little tired. He got up at five o’clock today and didn’t stop until now. Now he is sitting in his seat, listening to the noise around him. He was a little sleepy.

He was about to close his eyes when he suddenly felt that there was something on his back. Wang Tie looked back and saw that it was a seat belt.

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In fact, he never wears a seat belt on the bus, but looking at it, he suddenly thought of the first book he bought for his son. He pointed to the picture of the seat belt on it and taught his child: ‘This is a seat belt. It will keep you safe if you fasten it while on a car.’

Wang Tie was surprised that he could still remember that time in the past, and the white and lovely child nodded obediently as if it were yesterday.

He was a little sad and turned to fasten his seat belt.

Wearing a seat belt, he squinted to sleep for a while, and when he woke up looking out of the window, he saw the driver’s face sticking on the other window.

The driver hung his head slightly and his eyes closed, as if asleep.

Before Wang Tie realized it, the bus was heading straight for a big truck.

He felt tight, the luggage at the top of the car crackled down, and a sack of sweet potatoes fell heavily on him.

Wang Tie only felt a sweetness in his throat, blackened in front of his eyes, and then lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, the bus was empty and there was a harsh sound outside. Wang Tie moved his arms and found that he could not move at all. He looked out with his eyes wide open and saw many people lying on the ground. Someone was rescuing them, there were cries everywhere, and there was a terrible silence in the bus that was turned over.

Wang Tie was a little short of oxygen, his face flushed, coughed a few times, and struggled to pull his hand.

Someone outside saw it with a sharp eye and came over in surprise. “There’s someone inside, there’s someone else!”

He was drowsy and felt that the window beside him had been smashed open. A man climbed in and painstakingly took off the sack on his body.

Wang Tie opened his eyes and saw a handsome young man in his twenties, wearing gold glasses and looking like an intellectual.

Seeing Wang Tie awake, Wei Mingyan’s unfastened his seat belt and told him.

“Your leg is crushed. Don’t push yourself too hard for a while. I’ll carry you out.”

His biggest hobby is reading, and he really has no advantage in strength, but at least he is a young and strong man. He turns around, carries Wang Tie on his back, and walks out of the window with a little difficulty.

Wang Tie leaned over his back, his leg was hurt, but he couldn’t feel it, staring at the back of the young man’s neck.

There’s a small mole up there.

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