Wan Youlan hung up the phone, her heart was so excited and didn’t know what to do. She listened to her husband’s words in a daze and wanted to rush to S city.

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On the phone Wang Tie said vaguely that he was in the hospital right now and the child was there. He asked her to take a bus to the city tomorrow morning, but Wan Youlan had been looking for the child for so many years. Obviously, it took a long while to bear it. This was only a one-night wait, but it was impossible to bear it.

She wants to go now and see her child with her own eyes.

How is he doing, without food and clothing …

What did he look like? As a child, the lovely appearance of jade like snow was never forgotten. Wan Youlan regretted many times that she had not taken him to take photos at that time. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have to look for him by just relying on the small insignificant mole.

Wan Youlan couldn’t help it. She really couldn’t help it.

She wanted to see her child with her own eyes. At that time, he would sweetly call her ‘mother’. She promised to bring toys home for him.

Although it is not very late right now, it’s was still so dark. How could there be a bus for her?

Wan Youlan has never troubled anyone in her life, but now she was anxious and might just plug in wings and fly to her own child, whenever she thinks about the child who had been lost for over 20 years.

At home for a while, Wan Youlan rummaged through the cabinet, gritted her teeth and took out the rest of their money, putting it in her pocket and went out the door.


Daliang village is not far from the county, it used to be difficult to walk on mountain roads, but the patrons had a little value. When the roads were clear, the young people had already gone out to work, leaving only the old people and children at home. It was considered a poor but well known small mountain village.

Wang Yulin is one of the few young people in this small mountain village.

He used to work outside and earn some money, but he didn’t move to the city. Instead, he bought a car and returned home, saying that he wanted to open an online shop and sell the grain from the village online. In the eyes of the old-fashioned elders in the village, he was a young man who stopped his own progress to earn money.

Every day, he stayed in the house and typed on the computer, but when he came home, he seldom went to work in the fields. It so happened that his parents were also spoiling him. They believed everything he said and just let Wang Yulin fool around.

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It was not that Wang Yulin didn’t hear the gossip of the villagers, nor did he mind. He had already anticipated it when he came back anyway.

After replying to several buyers, Wang Yulin turned to start packing. These days the online shop was just opened, and his advertisement was only ‘pure green and pollution-free’. However, a small number of people are willing to try something fresh. Plus, he has good shipping, and sold more than 20 pieces in one day today.

This sum of money is not much, plus postage, he earned very little, but Wang Yulin didn’t care, not losing money at first is good, making money is good.

The insects outside began to chirp as soon as it was dark. All kinds of noises were mixed together and it sounded nice. Wang Yulin was humming a song. He felt like he was listening to music.

If there is anything unusual about returning home from the city? Working and relaxing.

When he was in the city, the street was brightly lit even at 11 or 12 o’clock in the evening, and the passers-by were walking up and down the road. Now, when he returned to the countryside, there was no sound in the village at 8 o’clock, apart from a few dogs barking and insects chirping.

Huh? Dog barks?

Wang Yulin realized that it was his own dog that’s barking. He got up and listened. It turned out that someone was knocking at the door.

His mother, who was sitting in the house watching TV, opened the door. Although the folk here were simple and it was late at night, Wang Yulin was still worried. He opened the door and went out to see who was visiting late in the evening.

“Yulin, it’s your Aunt Wan who wants you to drive her to S City.”

Wang Yulin heard this sentence as soon as he went out, and subconsciously wanted to refuse. Although he usually does some driving work in the village, he really doesn’t want to drive that far at night.

Seeing her son’s refusal, his mother asked Wan Youlan, who was hoping to go, to put in a good word, “the police came over and said that your aunt’s child had been found. Right now, he is in S city. She has been looking for him for so many years. This is a happy event. Please help.”

“Yulin, I know it’s inconvenient this late at night. I’ll give you three times the price, just take me there.” Wan Youlan looked longingly at the young man for fear that he would not agree.

Three times the money is too heavy. Although Wang Yulin didn’t see Aunt Wan very often when he was a child, but as long as she came back, she would give him sugar. For Wang Yulin at that time, Aunt Wan was simply the best person in the world.

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What’s more, it is known in the village that she and Uncle Tie have been looking for their child for over 20 years, and now there is a rare chance, he must help her with this big thing.


Wang Yulin drove the car. Afraid of dozing off on the road, he chatted with Wan Youlan who sat behind him completely refreshed and not sleepy at all.

“Auntie, what does brother do now?”

He was half a year younger than Wei Mingyan, and although his family said they used to play together, Wang Yulin could not remember clearly.

For as long as he can remember, Uncle Tie and Aunt Wan have been looking for their child all over the place. They work hard in order to have money to find their child. They seldom come back to visit the grave of their old mother.

The children in the village like them best, because they buy a bag of sugar candy every time they come back and when they see the children they would give some out.

At that time, Wang Yulin only thought the candy was delicious, but thinking about it now, seems like they were thinking about their own child.

“The police said that he was a doctor and worked in City A. I heard that he works in the first Hospital.” Wan Youlan’s mind was full of excitement that the child had found. When she heard Wang Yulin ask, she answered without thinking.

“A doctor is good, doctor is good…”

Wang Yulin was boasting, but he was worried.

Although people said that a child should not be disrespectful to their mother and children should not be disrespectful to their families, he didn’t grow up with his family since childhood. If he was poor, they will not abandon their sons. However, he is a doctor. This profession does not make much money but is absolutely decent. If a pair of parents suddenly appear, can he accept it?

Wang Yulin was not too optimistic for another reason.

S city is not very far from the village, but it is definitely not close. If parent and child recognized each other, why should the sick mother rush over? From this point of view alone, this brother, who was kidnapped by traffickers when he was a child, might not attach much importance to his parents.

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While Wang Yulin was thinking like this, Wei Mingyan finished his seventh operation.


He has been standing beside an operating table for nearly six hours without sleep. Although these hours are nothing to the doctor, he keeps examining new wounds, performing various types of sutures, without any rest. How can he not be tired?

The same nurse standing at the operating table has changed from unfamiliar to admiration. She has seen doctors who have operated for a long time, but doctors like Wei Mingyan who keep changing patients without even shaking their hands are really very rare.

“Scissors.” The man always maintained a calm and steady magnetic voice, she hurriedly handed it over and looked at Wei Mingyan who was cutting off the excess thread cleanly, finally a sigh of relief followed.

“Doctor, right now all the urgent patients have been processed, you should go rest.”

Wei Mingyan nodded in silence and went out to take off the surgical gown. The white shirt inside was wet with sweat, and the back had a large wet spot.

After washing his hands, he rubbed his tired eyebrows with his slender fingertips, frowning slightly and dragging his heavy body outside.


Lan Xue has been waiting for a long time. Seeing her boyfriend come out, she walked up to him with an expression of joy and planned to tell him the surprise.

“Listen …”

She opened her mouth and was about to tell Wei Mingyan about Wang Tie’s presence in the hospital when she saw the man in front of her take off her hand from his arm at an extremely fast speed, taking a step back, as if he was standing far away in isolation.

Seeing his slightly reddish ear tips, Lan Xue certainly didn’t think this was her lover’s aversion to her. She looked curiously at the slender and clean white hands, even his nails were trimmed, “What’s the matter? You didn’t wash your hands?”

“No.” Wei Mingyan hid his hand behind his back slightly awkwardly. It was Mingyan’s cold voice that forced Lan Xue to recognize some of his embarrassment. “Sweat.”

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Sweat? What’s wrong with sweat?

Seeing his girlfriend was confused but also wanted to be close him, Wei Mingyan white face blushed, he repeatedly took a step back, standing in the distance, where he thought was safe, and whispered, “smelly.”

Although he usually doesn’t seem to care about anything, as a man, he really doesn’t want people he liked to smell his stink.

Although he said it in a low voice, Lan Xue could still hear it clearly. In a distressed situation, she took hold of the man’s arm in spite of the man’s small rejection and deliberately sniffed around him.

“There is no smell, sweet, not smelly.”

She was telling the truth, Lan Xue’s knowledge of men comes from her cousins. These exotic creatures who can persist in not washing their hair, not bathing, not changing socks and playing games for one night, even after playing basketball all afternoon with smelly sweat, gave Lan Xue a very bad experience.

However, on Wei Mingyan’s body, what she sniffed was always the fragrance of fresh grass.

Holding her boyfriend’s arm, Lan Xue said, “Mingyan, I saw your father!”

“He is here to find you, you didn’t miss the chance!”


The girl gently patted him, “you are not abandoned, they never give up looking for you.”

Just now, the young doctor, who was embarrassed because his girlfriend was close to him, froze.

Five minutes later, he came to the door of the ward.

Wang Tie, who looked excited on the sickbed and had tears in his eyes, was in his line of sight.

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