Lan Xue and Wei Mingyan were the first to be injected.

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In addition to the fact that Lan Xue was in critical condition, there were also reasons for Wei Mingyan being injected first too.

“How did you come up with that, I thought different majors were like crossing the Atlantic?”

Even though the disease was cured, the blood spit out by the body could not be recovered completely. Lan Xue lay weakly on the bed, her pale face and eyes bright and full of admiration.

It was only after she awoke that she learned from her father that the reason the formula had been worked out so quickly was because Wei Mingyan had reported his theory to the board. The experts researching the vaccine tried it as a last resort, and as it turned out, the result was successful.

Batch after batch of medicine were distributed and people were treated, regardless of whether they have yet to show symptoms, or did show symptoms and were dying.

Lan Xue was still physically weak, but this didn’t prevent her from communicating with her husband.

It truly was a miracle; Mingyan obviously didn’t specialize in this field, but he still paved the way to find a cure out of it.

“You think this was a miracle?” Wei Mingyan had also been injected with the medicine. Right now, he hadn’t slept well for several days, but his face had regained a faint smile.

He carefully lifted his beloved, brought a cup to her lips and watched her drink it carefully.

“It really feels like a miracle!” Lan Xue finished drinking the water, sipped her lips and looked up, pleasantly surprised at the tired but still handsome faces right above hers. “Sweet!”

“I put honey in the water, so you can’t drink too much of it, but it’ll sweeten your mouth.” The man put down the glass and gently held Lan Xue in his arms. “This is to compensate for some of the glucose, to avoid getting dizzy from the surprise.”

Lan Xue liked sweet things best. Wei Mingyan once worried that eating too much sweet and greasy food wasn’t good for her health. Now that she was in an even better mood after drinking the sugar water, she listened to her beloved’s words and asked, somewhat confused, “Surprise?”

Could it be that Mingyan’s commendation had been awarded already?

The man’s warm hand fell gently on her flat lower abdomen, softly, as if afraid it would crush her.

“Ah Xue, you’re going to be a mother.”

Lan Xue was confused at first, then her eyes widened in disbelief in an instant. Because she lost too much blood, her pale and cold hands were unconsciously placed on her belly.

“I… I am pregnant?”

She and Wei Mingyan have been married for some time, but her stomach hasn’t moved. They were both healthy and haven’t thought about any contraceptives. In addition, both parents didn’t worry and never urged. Wei Mingyan also said that he didn’t worry. Lan Xue hadn’t thought about it at all since, except for when she first got married and wondered if she’d ever get pregnant.

But now, she was pregnant?

After the surprise, it was the aftermath, “The baby, will the baby be affected…”

She had a terrible illness, her body had lost too much blood, wouldn’t it seriously hurt her fetus!?

“No, I asked. Doctor Zhao from obstetrics and gynecology said that it was a very healthy and very brave baby.”

To be honest, the contrast between Wei Mingyan’s serious face and his retelling of this sentence was still too great, but Lan Xue had been used to living with him for so long and didn’t feel anything strange.

“It’s like a dream.”

With her hand gently touching her stomach, she spoke to her husband.

Wei Mingyan gently held her hand, “So is this dream a beautiful dream?”

“Of course, it is.”

Lan Xue smiled with happiness on her face and leaned into his arms in dependence. “If this was really a dream, I never want to wake up.”

The man bowed his head and kissed her hair.


Lan Xue’s pregnancy was not spent in the hospital, even though her body was weakened after all this time. With the pregnancy, she had to take a long vacation at home, as they waited for the pregnancy to come due.

After the vacation, the hospital colleagues attended funerals.

Yes, for those doctors and nurses who died on duty.

The disaster, although it came and went quickly because Wei Mingyan found a cure and didn’t result with any serious consequences for the country, the medical staff of the First Hospital lost nine of their colleagues.

These numbers may not be a lot for an average patient who passed away, but they were all otherwise healthy people. Except for three who were infected before they were discovered, the remaining six suffered infections whilst trying to save patients at the First Hospital.

No matter how happy they were for another chance at life, Lan Xue silently put down the flowers at the graves, listening to the low sobs of the relatives of the medical staff.

In her eyes, these people were all heroes.

Her shoulder was gently touched by a slender hand, and she turned back and gazed at the man’s eye.

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“Let’s go.”


Lan Xue’s pregnancy was generally uneventful and happy.

In addition to being a doctor, she loved painting. And now that she no longer went to the hospital every day, she began to focus on picking up a paintbrush and painting the images that she had wanted to paint but had been delaying in doing so because she didn’t have time.

Wei Mingyan fully supported his wife in this endeavor and hired a cleaning aunt who usually helps out around the house.

The cleaning aunt has good cooking skills, and Lan Xue finally lived the little life of having tonic soup every day and being replenished with a rosy complexion.

The day before she went into labor, Lan Xue was still diligently painting at her workbench.

As she was doing the most crucial part, she thought about admiring how the fans bellowing at the bottom of the page were stuck, and decided to wait until tomorrow to continue drawing the rest as suddenly, her feet began to swell and ache again.

She shrugged it off, not quite as distressed as she had been the first time her feet were hurting.

Although Lan Xue had a serious illness before, she didn’t know whether she recovered fully or not during her stay at home, but she didn’t suffer much. Most of her pains were just leg and foot pain.

She didn’t suffer much foot swelling or squeezing up to a cramp. At first it was a little uncomfortable, as it was sore and painful at night.

Although she wanted to be strong, she had to say that Wei Mingyan protected her so well that Lan Xue, who had hardly suffered at all since her marriage, quietly hid under her blanket at night and cried.

It was as if her heart was suffocating, making her especially want to cry out loud. Lan Xue never imagined that conceiving a child would be so hard, that she would have to sit down carefully to go to the toilet, and that she would have to ask her husband to help her take a shower.

Her stomach became ugly and her feet swollen, which was terrible for Lan Xue, who was pregnant for the first time.

Although very uncomfortable, she still remembered that Wei Mingyan had to work tomorrow, and couldn’t disturb him. It had been hard for him and he was trying hard to help her share the burden, as a husband, he was doing a really good enough job.

But after enduring for half a day, the crying just couldn’t be contained. So as not to wake Wei Mingyan, Lan Xue was also particularly clever enough to open her mouth and take small breaths after her nose was blocked.

Wei Mingyan still found out.

He was simply overwhelmed by the fact that his wife was crying.

He immediately sat up and took the heavy Lan Xue into his arms, “Ah Xue? What’s the matter?”

He turned on the light. Lan Xue looked up with tears in her eyes, and could only vaguely see the stiff movements and cautious expressions of her beloved. 

“My… my feet hurt…”

She whimpered and cried, obviously not suffering from anything, but it was still inexplicably hard.

The man gently leaned down and slowly massaged her feet, “How about this? Would it make it better?”

“Well, um…” Lan Xue wiped her tears, feeling embarrassed, “Much better. Go to bed. You have to go to work tomorrow.”

“It’s okay, it’s not like you don’t know me. Come on, lay down for a while, and I’ll give you a massage. It won’t hurt as much if I massage you. “

Wei Mingyan carefully helped his pregnant wife lie down, watching her trembling uneasily and looking at him with wet eyelashes. He raised his lips and chuckled and said, “Do you want to hear a bedtime story?”

Lan Xue was a little afraid that he would see her swollen eyes. She became ugly after she was pregnant. Sometimes she couldn’t help feeling inferior when she saw her husband’s good-looking appearance. Right now, she hid in the quilt and asked curiously, “What bedtime story?”

“Once upon a time there was a mountain, and on the mountain, there was a temple, and in the temple, there was…”

She couldn’t help but giggle. “Is this a bedtime story?”

“That’s right.” Wei Mingyan was massaging his wife’s feet, sharing hardship with her, “I’ll keep on talking and talking and you’ll surely fall asleep.”

“Well, I’m not feeling any more pain, so come to bed quickly. You have work tomorrow.”

“It’s okay, I can switch with someone. ” The man smiled and looked over, his eyes full of tender love, as when he was in love. “You’re suffering for the sake of our child, how could I sleep alone? Go to sleep, I’ll sleep when you’re asleep.”

“Come, go on with the story, once upon a time there was a mountain, and on the mountain, there was a temple, and in the temple, there was an old monk…”

With Wei Mingyan’s nice, mellow, reassuring magnetic voice, Lan Xue gradually closed her eyes and lay down under the freshly sunbathed, soft blanket, and fell asleep.

Wei Mingyan kept massaging for half an hour, looking at her white, soft and swollen feet. He gently pulled down the quilt and covered it.

Coming to his wife’s side, seeing her sleeping sweetly, even with a sweet smile on her lips, the man lay down and gently placed his hand on her waist.

The guardian position.

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Lan Xue’s life has been smooth sailing, even the birth of her child went smoother than others.

It was really painful, but because of the quick birth, there was only numbness afterwards.

Without knowing why, as she glanced sideways slightly at the nurse holding the baby and cleaning it up, Lan Xue suddenly had the urge to cry. Even though the baby was considered to be safe in her belly and everything was going well, she still desperately wanted to see her own child.

She so badly wanted to make sure that he was healthy and was born whole by her.

Lan Xue wasn’t quite sure why she was thinking about this, but she just wanted to see it.

She was a little tired and wanted to sleep. Before going to sleep, the nurse showed her the cleaned child. Lan Xue took a look at him. Although she has been mentally preparing for a long time, she still felt he was ugly for a moment.

The child didn’t have much hair on his head, his eyes closed and his face red. He really looked like a little monkey without hair.

The moment that metaphor came to mind, Lan Xue quickly threw it out of her mind.

No, no, how could she think of her child like that? Mingyan is so good-looking, and this child will not be any worse in the future!

The fact that the child was ugly completely made Lan Xue, who was worried that he might not be able to find a girlfriend in the future, forget about the thoughts that had just inexplicably come up.

Lan Xue didn’t want to think about it, so she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

She reassured herself in her sleep that it was okay. Babies are born ugly, and he was pretty cute without his hair, kind of like her dad.


Lan Xue gave birth to a child and was hospitalized in the hospital. This undoubtedly became a topic of discussion among nurses in the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Of course, most of their comments were out of envy.

“When Doctor Lan gave birth, Dean Lan, Doctor Wei, and Doctor Wei’s parents were all outside keeping watch. And then when the baby came out, several people came visiting Doctor Lan, and Dean Lan quickly picked up the baby. What a real difference from that bed 21 just now.”

“Speaking of bed 21, I’m angry for the mother. Her husband and her in-laws just looked after the child and ignored her. They didn’t even need to push the wheelchair anyway, it’s just a matter of concern. The mother was sweating with pain at that time, and she was still awake, but when she came out, she didn’t even get a proper look from them. They were both parents, how could there be so much difference?”

“Yeah, it’s really irritating, I don’t want to get married when I see so many people in the obstetrics and gynecology department who have kids but don’t want their wives.”

“Isn’t there a positive example like Doctor Wei? I still remember that before Doctor Lan found out that she was pregnant, Doctor Wei even wanted to die for her. I heard that the nurses who went to that ward cried at that time.”

“I heard about that when I first started, but I’m not sure. What happened that time?”

“I’ll tell you …”

Unaware that people were talking about her, Lan Xue opened her mouth and was being fed spoonful after spoonful of tonic soup by her husband. The delicious, tongue-melting soup went down her throat and warmed her up all the way to her stomach.

“Don’t feed me, I can use my own spoon now, can’t I?”

Although her heart felt very sweet and Mingyan was considerate, she was still embarrassed to be fed soup in front of her in-laws.

Lan Xue has always had a good relationship with her in-laws, but she had heard from her married girl friends that she should never show her love in front of her in-laws, or else, she would be waiting for the house to fall apart.

Before, Lan Xue always went to visit her in-laws with Wei Mingyan. Wan Youlan looked after her as if she were her own daughter. She had never been entangled with the relationships between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

At that time, it was nothing, but a few days ago there was a shortage of beds. She was in a ward with several female in-patients. She was in the same ward as several women in labor and had witnessed several unpleasant encounters between in-laws, and was apprehensive that her mother-in-law would have a problem with Mingyan taking care of her.

Wan Youlan just changed the baby’s diaper and quickly put her little grandson beside her daughter-in-law. Seeing her say so, her face had brought out some disapproval.

“Ah Xue, you can’t take it lightly just because your body feels better. A woman who is in the month of confinement, must be taken care of carefully. Otherwise, a lifetime of suffering would come. Besides, you were pregnant and gave birth to a baby in October, what’s wrong with Mingyan feeding you some soup.”     

(TNote: Month of confinement = a woman who has recently given birth should stay in confinement for a month. Staying away from the wind and anything cold, or it would result in an illness taking root, and having a hard time conceiving in the future. It being October, the cold weather is certain.)

Her expression was very serious, anyone could see that she really thought as such. Seeing that, her daughter-in-law, with a face filled with gratitude and happiness, said, “Wait until these chickens finished eating, mom to get some more, this is all from you after pregnancy to raise the native chickens, especially the old hen, nourishing, after you drink, the body will certainly be able to raise well.”

Hearing that, and seeing the approval on Wei Mingyan’s face as well, Wan Youlan’s heart felt as sweet as honey.

She was lucky to be able to find her son again. And she also had such a good daughter-in-law who was good at everything and filial to the old couple. She just felt like she was so lucky. She didn’t even spend time to spoil them, how could she be willing to instruct them? 

The smile on her face grew even bigger when she thought of her little grandson, who was clever and not too troublesome.

This is true happiness. 


Lan Xue was discharged from the hospital on a beautiful sunny day. It was just perfect. She was driven home smoothly and laid down on her bed with a big fat boy by her side.

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The big fat boy had big black eyes, his face still a little red, with his little hands and feet tossing restlessly, as if he was trying to explore his surroundings.

Lan Xue couldn’t help but laugh as she watched him. She touched her son’s little hand softly and tenderly. The softness of the touch simply made her want to give all the best things to him.

How could there be such a lovely creature in the world?

It’s her and Mingyan’s child.

The baby’s small soft hands closed together, as if grasping his mother’s fingers. Lan Xue smiled even more sweetly and nudged his little nose.


The big fat boy’s name had been decided beforehand. When the name was given, several adults who had used up all their brain cells in naming others were scratching their heads and couldn’t really think of anything.

Wang Tie, who had been reluctant to participate in the naming process because he felt he was uneducated, was less worried about choosing a name for the baby now. He asked Wei Mingyan cautiously.

“An An… is it really okay to name him An An?”

Wei Mingyan thought for a second, nodded under his father’s apprehensive gaze and smiled, “An An, let’s call him An An.”

Wang Tie’s wrinkled face smiled for a moment with contented joy.

An An is a very common and generic name, but it is a name that represents the expectations from loved ones. 

(TNote: An An [安安] = Safe and sound/ Safe.)

Plain An An.

Not looking to get rich and famous, just plainly to grow up peacefully, An An.

After a nightmarish twenty years, all Wang Tie wanted was for his little grandson to be well and safe for life.

The big fat boy’s name was decided to be An An. 


When Lan Xue had finished her month of confinement, Wang Tie and Wan Youlan returned to their little mountain village. Wei Mingyan tried to get them to stay, but he was rejected as before.

They weren’t used to life in the city, and preferred to spend the rest of their lives in the place where they grew up. But of course, wherever they were, they were happy in their hearts at the moment.

Because they knew that their child cared and remembered them.

An An, who had left his grandparents’ care, wailed at the top of his lungs for a while the first night, and Wei Mingyan had to let him video call his grandparents.

At the sound of his grandparents’ familiar voices, the fat boy stoically stopped his tears for a good night’s sleep.

Wang Tie and Wan Youlan were thrilled that their grandson would actually miss them, and the couple happily spent the night talking under their covers.


When Wan Youlan was fifty-five, she loved nothing more than patrolling the plum trees she had planted.

Seeing a bug on a tree could make her feel nervous for half a day, calling Wang Tie to come and catch it.

When An An grew up, not only did he look like Wei Mingyan, but he also had the exact same taste.

Wei Mingyan loved sour plums, and so did An An. Lan Xue felt her teeth sore every time she watched them, father and son, eating one plum each.

Wang Tie and Wan Youlan aren’t sour lovers either, but that didn’t stop them from planting plum trees for their sons and grandson.

When An An was two years old, Wei Mingyan used his own savings to build them a new house in the village, complete with all the necessary furniture.

It could well be called the only one as such in the village.

After Wei Mingyan once accidentally mentioned that the geology of the village seemed to be very suitable for growing plum trees, Wang Yulin, who was still working hard to open his own small online shop, was enlightened, and after discussing with Wang Tie, he tried to list the plums on his online shop.

Although not sold particularly well, it definitely exceeded expectations. These plums were all prepared for their son to eat, and absolutely meticulously cared for. For the first time, Wan Youlan also felt the joy of making money from planting trees at home for An An quietly.

Of course, they didn’t sell too much, only the leftovers from what their children didn’t eat.

But this also gave Wang Yulin a new business, he decided to introduce plum trees to his home, incidentally, with other villagers who had plum trees in the village. In the beginning, the money they earned was not much, but it was good that they didn’t lose any.

More and more people started planting plum trees, but over the years, the Wang Tie and Wan Youlan’s remained as the best.

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She had just finished examining the plums that were bearing on this tree and smiled as she thought of her good grandson munching on them.

“Grandma!! Grandma!”

Young child’s voice sounded in the distance. Wan Youlan looked back in surprise. She saw a handsome little boy running up to her. Behind him, Wei Mingyan and Lan Xue, standing together, were looking at her with a smile.

“An An! Grandma’s lovely grandson!”

A healthy child ran into Wan Youlan’s arms and said sweetly, “Grandma, I miss you. Dad said he would take me back to see Grandma and Grandpa when I got first place in the exam, so I tried my best to study and then I got first in the exam!”

“Good! An An is really good, come on, grandma will pick plums for you to eat.”

The gray-haired old woman smiled with wrinkles. “Your grandfather went fishing, how about cooking fish soup for An An tonight?”

“Yes!!! Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa, An An loves you the most!”

The little boy stood on tiptoe and smacked a loud kiss on the stooping old woman’s cheek. 

Wan Youlan smiled even more happily.

“Grandma also likes our An An the most.”

“Grandma, are you happy?”

“Happy! Grandma is so happy!”

The big hand took the small hand and walked in front. Wang Tie was putting his fish basket in the bright room when he saw them coming. His face suddenly showed a surprise smile.


After a very long time, Lan Xue grew old, her teeth gone, and her hair white. Nevertheless, she didn’t stop asking for dessert even though she was in a hospital bed.

“Just give me a little bite, just a little bite.”

She was obviously an old woman, yet she was still acting spoiled toward the handsome old man.

“No way,” the old man sternly looked, “You don’t want the last of your teeth, do you?”

“Well there are dentures anyway, give me a bite, Mingyan, husband…”

Eventually, that dessert made its way into Lan Xue’s mouth, and she smiled like a cat who’d stolen fish. At this age, she was becoming an old child.

At the last bite, she asked, “Do you want some?”

The old man took it and ate it with a straight face.

He didn’t like sweet food, but thinking of decreasing Lan Xue’s share, he hadn’t stopped digesting sweets over the years.

“Okay, okay, come to bed… Hurry up and go to sleep, I don’t know why, I keep feeling so sleepy today…”

“If you want to hear a story, I’ll tell you one.”

Wei Mingyan lay beside the old woman and coughed twice, “Once upon a time there was a mountain, and on the mountain, there was a temple, and in the temple, there was an old monk…”

The person next to him had her eyes slowly closing, her breath slowly stopping.

He turned sideways and kissed her forehead, “Have a good dream, my love.”

[Task Completed, Please Select, 1. Vacation, 2. Continue Task]

[Continue Task]



Wei Mingyan shook his head and opened his eyes, around him were students in school uniforms. He was holding a book.

This time, was he a teacher?

Oh no, it’s the perverted teacher.

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