Editor: Makoto

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Qi Jingshu was not spoiled when she was a child, but no matter how busy her mother was, she always spared some time to go home and cook, so her childhood life was completely carefree.

When she was just promoted to junior high school, her parents died, and her brother was busy with graduation. Although he gave Qi Jingshu money to buy food, she was sensible enough to start cooking by herself.

Over the years, her cooking skills got better day by day.

Her little niece was also a sensible girl.  Usually children her age didn’t like to do housework, not to mention playing around a lot, but Qi Jiayu had been a good girl since she was little. Now even more so, she can help Qi Jingshu with household chores.

The aunt and niece sat together at the table in the courtyard to peel beans.

Thinking of what Wei Mingyan said to her, Qi Jingshu carefully looked at her niece who was seriously looking at the food in her hand, and bit her lips while peeling it.

“Jiayu, if Auntie told Mom and Dad that you should transfer to another school, would you agree?”

The little girl looked up in surprise, her eyes full of joy. 

“Can I not go to this school? But didn’t Mom and Dad already pay for it? If I don’t go, will it be a waste…”

Seeing her excited and timid, Qi Jingshu’s heart cooled down.

How could such a lovely child suffer such a thing …

She raised a smile on her face. “Don’t worry, the money will be returned. Does Jiayu want to go to other schools?”

“Yes! Auntie, can I really transfer?”

Qi Jiayu’s beautiful big eyes were full of hope, fearing that her aunt was just saying that.

She really didn’t want to stay in that school anymore.

Everyone didn’t like her, they laughed at her, and Liu Momo would bully her. Every night, when she lied under her quilt, she couldn’t help but secretly cry.

Several times, Qi Jiayu couldn’t resist and wanted to tell Mom and Dad about it.

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But she was afraid to say it.

Mom and Dad were so happy when they sent her to that school. They also said that as long as she could go to this school, it didn’t matter if they were bitter and tired. Her Aunt was tired of taking care of her every day, so she can’t make any more trouble.

The small child has learned in her heart to not cause trouble for her family by keeping it to herself.

Compared with other children, Qi Jiayu, was the one with the most psychological maturity for her age.

“Of course it’s true. Your Mom and Dad listen to your Aunt most, don’t they? If I tell them, they will surely agree.”

Qi Jiayu looked at her niece’s clever and sensible appearance, her heart ached when she thought of what she had experienced.

At the beginning, when she was in high school, she almost committed suicide when she was bullied. However, because her family was powerless, she could only watch the perpetrators transfer schools and leave.

From that time on, the cheerful Qi Jingshu changed.

She began to learn to endure, and will only endure when she encounters things, because she knew that even if she really stopped enduring and made a scene, the one who will benefit in the end will definitely not be herself.

“Okay, the beans are done being peeled, so go inside and watch TV until they come back and I’ll talk to them, okay?”


Qi Jiayu nodded her head nicely, “Thank you Auntie.”

She got down from the chair and went back to the house with cheerful steps.

Qi Jingshu looked at her back, only to realize that the smile on her face hadn’t been as big since Qi Jiayu entered the school.

So, has it happened since long ago? 

It was her fault for not being careful enough, otherwise Jiayu wouldn’t have suffered for so long.

Qi Jingshu blamed herself and began to appreciate Wei Mingyan. After all, if it wasn’t for him, she wouldn’t have known for how long Jiayu would continue being bullied by those people.


When it was just getting dark, Qi Jingye and his wife came back.

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Qi Jingye is nine years older than Qi Jingshu, and he was already over thirty this year. He was still young, but his black hair has been mixed in with little white strands. 

Compared to ordinary people, his work was very dangerous, and he had to deal with criminals every day, although his salary was not much higher. But who made him want to be a good policeman like his parents?

Sister-in-law Qi is two years older than Qi Jingye, and looked much younger than her husband. She had a fair complexion, delicate facial features, sharp short hair and a spirited look.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Qi Jingshu serving food. She immediately smiled and went up to help her sister-in-law serve food. “How is it today?”

“Still can’t find one.” Qi Jingshu’s face visibly relaxed towards her loved ones, and she shrugged her shoulders, a little lost, “I even wondered if I was looking in the wrong direction, obviously the major was right, and the examiner reacted quite well during the interview, but in the end, I still didn’t get the position.”

Qi Jingye also came in and encouraged her while moving the stool. “That’s ok, even if you really can’t find a job, we will support you.”

“Yes, Jingshu is so good at her craft, it’s good to stay at home.”

Seeing her brother’s and sister-in-law’s unified voice, Qi Jingshu was touched, “Don’t worry, I’m not limited to big companies anymore, I’m sure I can find a job. “

“Jiayu, come out for dinner.”

The family of four sat in the narrow courtyard, eating the food cooked by Qi Jingshu, although the days were uneventful, but at least their hearts were sweet.

When the meal was over, Qi Jiayu looked at her Aunt with some apprehension, and she sent her back to her room to watch TV.


“Someone bullied Jiayu?”

Qi Jingye’s face changed almost the next second after his sister said it.

Sister-in-law Qi’s face didn’t look very good either. 

“Jiayu’s teacher told me. I also met the other’s parents today. It’s not a good idea to mess with her.”

“And because the student is young, even if we call the police, there wouldn’t be any punishment.”

Qi Jingshu looked at the expression on her brother and sister-in-law, feeling angry and distressed.

Their daughter was bullied at school, which parent wouldn’t feel heartache, but it so happened that they couldn’t do anything.

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Qi Jingye clenched his fists, his teeth almost crushing each other.

This is the second time, this is the second time!

His loved ones were bullied wantonly, but he couldn’t do anything but get angry.

The impact of school bullying on a person wasn’t small, but as long as the other person was a minor, they can easily escape punishment.

Even their parents wouldn’t think that their children were at fault.

Previously, his sister almost left him, but the real culprit was still at large, which was a disgrace to Qi Jingye’s life.

Now, the same thing happened to his daughter.

“Transfer, let Jiayu go to an ordinary school, this school is not as good as it seems. Jiayu’s academic performance is not much better, that money, just think of it as lost.”

Of course, she lied to her niece when she said that they could refund the money when she transferred to another school. Now the most important thing was Qi Jiayu, not the money that you weren’t born with and won’t take with you when you die.

Who made them have no ability?

If they can’t afford to be provoked, can’ they afford to hide?

Qi Jingshu has been through too much to be able to see past this kind of thing, but Qi Jingye really couldn’t convince himself to just let the student who bullied his daughter go.

Is it okay to be young and have nothing to fear?


At night, Sister-in-law Qi hand fell on her husband’s chest and whispered, “Can’t sleep?”

Qi Jingye opened his eyes and didn’t speak. Behind him was his wife’s voice. “We were wrong at the beginning. Sending Jiayu to the best school also means that there will be all kinds of rich and powerful children there. If something happens, we can’t help it. Just like Jingshu said, send her to a normal school and it will be easier for both sides to communicate.”

“I just can’t get over my anger.”

Qi Jingye turned and hugged his wife, his voice hoarse. “When Jingshu had an accident, I couldn’t protect her. Now Jiayu is …”

“Didn’t Jingshu understand? It’s a good thing nothing much happened to Jiayu, we’ll just transfer schools. Don’t think about it, go to sleep quickly, we have to continue to investigate that case tomorrow.”

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Qi Jingye’s frown tightened as he thought of the case he was investigating.

Recently, three children have been continuously missing in the city, which made people panic. The higher-ups have asked them to solve the case as soon as possible, but how can they solve the case, when they don’t even have a clue?

“Go to sleep, we have to go to the south of the city in the morning.”

“I heard that there is a child lost over there, with some surveillance left behind, and the chief told us to check it out early.”

Qi Jingye’s mind was in a mess, thinking about his sister, daughter, wife, and the missing three children, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.


In the next room, Qi Jingshu was still not asleep.

She looked at the names of big companies recorded in her notebook and sighed.

What was wrong with her, her grades were fine and she had successfully graduated, but why was it that all the students around her had gotten jobs but only she had no company willing to accept her?

On the other hand, Wei Mingyan hurried past the lottery station with an umbrella, holding a book.

He took a quick glance at the words above, as he closed his umbrella and walked in.

The boss greeted him with a smile. “Is it still the same set of numbers?”

People who bought lottery tickets came and went, often holding a set of numbers for a few years, and it just so happens that Wei Mingyan was one of them.

The handsome man nodded with a smile.

He came out of the lottery with an umbrella, and the woman who was drinking coffee in the coffee shop across the street suddenly opened her eyes wide. “Husband! That’s him! Today, he beat me and Momo!”

The fat-headed middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and looked across at the side face of the man who was slowly walking away with an umbrella, and snorted, “It’s just a little teacher, I’ve made inquiries with the principal, spend some money and made sure he doesn’t even know who did it when he gets beaten up.”

Another look at the lottery station Wei Mingyan walked out of, he snorted disdainfully, “Still trying to win the lottery, wishful thinking!”



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