Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: Makoto



“Kid, don’t meddle in things you shouldn’t meddle in. This master’s knife is real, not a prop!”

The ruffian was so angry that he simply chased after him with a knife.

The original owner was cautious in doing things, so the ruffian didn’t recognize that this was his employer. Now, he was angry, and he planned to scare the boy away first as he was outnumbered.

College students are as timid as rats nowadays anyways.

“Lele, don’t be afraid. I’ll call the police. You run to the school first and let the guard come and help …”

However, the timid male student ignored his warning and immediately defended the female student against him.

The gatekeeper wasn’t far away, and he’d be finished if anyone came and interfered.

The ruffian gritted his teeth, turned tail and ran off.

Looking at his departing back, Xuan Lele felt relieved. Now, knowing that she was safe, her tears just couldn’t stop falling. She could feel her body shaking, nothing else felt right.


“Lele, is your foot bleeding?”

The worried voice of her boyfriend brought Xuan Lele back to reality, and she looked down absentmindedly, only to realize that she was barefoot.

It seemed that while she was struggling to escape earlier, her shoes that were originally too big were thrown off. 

“I’ll take you to the hospital.”


Xuan Lele had only calmed down before becoming agitated again. She grabbed her boyfriend’s clothes and panicked. “Don’t go, don’t go.”

She was now disheveled and covered in wounds. If she went to the hospital, those people will know that she was almost r*ped.

Xuan Lele was brought up by her Grandmother since she was a child, and she had also deeply clung to everything her Grandmother taught her. In her eyes, a girl’s virginity is very important. Although that man failed in his attempt, if word got out that she was like this, people would definitely spread rumors.

She pinched her boyfriend’s clothes and pleaded, “Mingyan, can you take me to a place where no one is around? I’m… I’m afraid I’ll be seen.”

Wei Mingyan hugged the girl tightly, took off his shirt and put it on her. “Lele, you sit here first, and I’ll look at your feet. “

Xuan Lele was dazed from his actions, and obediently sat on the worn-out oil tank behind her. Wei Mingyan carefully raised her feet to check the wound.

The girl’s feet, initially white and soft, almost markless, were now covered with blood. Wei Mingyan looked at one of the bleeding wounds, and then looked around and saw the broken glass and rusty nails lying on the ground outside the alley.

“No, you must go to the hospital for a tetanus shot right now. If it was really a tetanus infection, you’ll be in trouble.”

“I can’t… I can’t go …”

Xuan Lele cried and her body shook. “If they see me like this, they will definitely talk about me behind my back…”

Her Grandmother told her that her Grandmother had a young daughter before, and there was no bathhouse at that time. She was peeked at by an idle man in the village when she took a bath at home. She hit him with something in a fit of anger, and the idle man spread rumors all over the village afterwards about her Grandmother’s youngest daughter’s fleshy figure. Even though she was clearly the victim in that incident, she was still despised by the villagers.

Men looked at her with obscene eyes, while women were unwilling to associate with her, and even secretly scolded her for seducing men behind her back.

At last, she couldn’t stand the foul words of others and threw herself into the river. When she died, she was only sixteen years old.

Xuan Lele was still young at that time, and she was so scared she cried after hearing about this incident. Her Grandmother, who always loved her, rarely didn’t coax her. However, when she cried that time, her Grandmother only told her seriously that she must protect her body.

It was okay for a woman to lose her innocence, but the rumors and gossip from it could kill.

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Xuan Lele only had her grandmother as a relative, and she would certainly keep her words in mind. Besides, the villagers still talked behind her back because of her Younger Aunt that died young.

Even if her aunt had already died, she still couldn’t escape the strange gazes of these people.

These thoughts were deeply rooted in Xuan Lele’s heart, and the plot didn’t say what happened after she disappeared. Regardless, it was easy to imagine that she, who cherishes her innocence so much, will not end up with a better fate.

Wei Mingyan listened to the girl’s cries that adamantly refused going to the hospital. He held out his slender hand and gently wiped away the tears that kept falling out.

“No, if you don’t say anything, and I don’t say anything, who will know? Lele, you’re the victim, the people won’t talk about you.”

“They will, they definitely will…”

Xuan Lele was confused now. Listening to the gentle voice of her boyfriend, she grabbed his hand in fear. “Mingyan, don’t take me to the hospital, please. They’ll definitely see through it right away! Even my clothes are torn…”

Wei Mingyan looked at the girl’s blouse. Indeed, because of the cheap workmanship, from just rolling on the ground to avoid the attack, her blouse was now in tatters. The white shirt that was on the outside was even worse, simply torn into strips.

He looked at his pants again, but luckily, they were denim. Although they were dirty, they were not torn.

“Lele, let’s do this. Go hide in there and take off the clothes inside and put on my shirt, and then tidy up your hair. I’ll push a rented bike to take you to the hospital, and they won’t be able to tell since you’re wearing a shirt outside and your hair is clean.”

Xuan Lele’s brain was confused. She nodded subconsciously and was held tightly in the alley by Wei Mingyan.

Wei Mingyan placed her on a broken table that had been thrown away by someone. “I’ll be right back. You hide behind this and change. No one will see.”


Seeing that her boyfriend was about to leave, Xuan Lele was afraid and hurriedly stopped him.

“I, I’m afraid …”

She was still a girl after all. Even if she was usually strong, how can she not be afraid of being alone now?

In case, in case that man comes back …

Wei Mingyan stepped back and took the girl’s hand. “Then, you can put on the clothes now. The nearest clinic is quite close. I’ll carry you there.”

After that, he turned and turned his back to Xuan Lele, so that he wouldn’t see her change clothes, “Lele, quickly change.”

Xuan Lele, seeing her man’s tall and straight back, felt like bursting into tears as her heart filled with gratitude. With a shaky hand, she removed her clothes and put on the white shirt.

“I changed.”

Listening to the girl’s timid voice behind him, Wei Mingyan turned around and held her in his arms in a standard princess carry.

Xuan Lele hugged her boyfriend’s neck, her eyes locked onto him since the time she changed clothes. Suddenly the tag from a black vest flashed by her eyes.

“If you are afraid, turn your head and bury your face in my arms. No one will know who you are.”

The voice of her boyfriend carrying her was steady. Xuan Lele obediently stuck her face in his arms. She didn’t know what the material of the black vest was, but it was very comfortable on her cheek.

Wei Mingyan usually didn’t exercise much, but because of his ‘wonderful’ hobby, he went to various places to work part-time since high school, and even stayed at a construction site for a month during summer vacation.

You could say he worked really hard to maintain his facade.

He carried Xuan Lele all the way to another street. The sound of people talking was heard, and some people saw the bizarre duo and looked over.

Despite facing the glares of so many eyes, Wei Mingyan didn’t so much as change his expression, and only looked as if he was holding a big cabbage instead of a barefoot girl.

Xuan Lele, however, wasn’t so calm. After hearing the story her Grandmother told her, she was most afraid of people talking about herself, especially after what had happened just before this. Right now, even a little bit of trouble could scare her.

She buried her face in her man’s arms, not looking outside and not letting anyone see her. Xuan Lele just kept her eyes closed and felt her boyfriend moving forward with her in his arms.

When she deliberately ignored outside sounds, Wei Mingyan’s heartbeat sounded louder, especially when she was held so closely.

This was the first time she heard another person’s heartbeat, so strong, powerful and steady.

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This reminded her of the first time she saw Wei Mingyan. She was trying to move some heavy items but couldn’t when he came out of nowhere to help. Without saying a word, he smiled and did the job, and later told her she could call him next time she couldn’t manage.

Xuan Lele cherished every kindness received, and good feelings were all that remained from that time.

She believed that such a kind-hearted person, though not rich, would be nice to her in the future.

The reason why a little kindness was so cherished was still because of Xuan Lele’s family.


Xuan Lele was born in a poor mountain village. It was true that the poorer someone was, the more ignorant they were. At that time, Xuan Lele’s father was an orphan in the village, and her mother took a fancy to her father’s honesty and ability. Thus, she married her father and he became the live-in son-in-law of their Xuan family. Therefore, Xuan Lele took her mother’s surname.

When they first got married, there weren’t many people in the village. According to her Grandmother, because her younger daughter jumped into the river, her Grandmother was devastated by the loss of her daughter and called the police.

At that time in China, perverts could be put to death. The idle man who wandered in the village was put to death, but his family was discontent. After that, they made trouble at her Grandmother’s house. Even those villagers, who obviously watched the 16-year-old girl grow up, also concurred that her Grandmother didn’t do the right thing.

“It’s just a little bit of gossip, isn’t it? No one in the village took it seriously either.”

“That’s right, this old lady in the Xuan family is too unkind. Her daughter committed suicide, what does it have to do with others?”

“There’s no man in the house, and it’s easy to go astray without a man. You see that in all three women in their family, except the old lady, all of them look like harpies, how many men’s souls have they seduced. Isn’t that always the truth?”

“Save your breath. If she really is a vixen, why did she jump into the river?”

“Knowing shame.”

“I say, can you bitches stop being like that all the time? She’s a nice person, what has she done to you?!”

“Bah! Are you speaking up for them? Are you sleeping with anyone in their family?” 


The men in the village didn’t dare to speak up for fear of being gossiped about by their families, while the women were dissatisfied with the Xuan family sisters whose looks were leagues better than theirs.

Ironically, their discontent didn’t stem from the way the men in their family looked at the sisters.

Beauty could sometimes really become a sin.

Xuan Lele’s Grandmother stared fiercely at these people blocking her door, saying that if they ever blocked her house again, she would call the police, and all those who spoke back earlier would die along with the idle man.

The villagers were then scared away, but the Xuan family was completely shunned from the village from then on

Later, a deeper hatred between the Xuan family and the village sprouted.


Xuan Lele was born in a disastrous year. Her mother could not produce milk that year, so her father left to catch fish for his wife. It was the middle of winter, and somehow, he slipped and fell into a hole in the ice.

That river was the one where people washed clothes and fetched water. Even though it was winter, the number of people passing by was definitely not low. Xuan Lele’s father knew how to swim too, but because the heavy cotton-padded jacket couldn’t move in the water, he struggled to hold on to the ice and asked for help from passers-by on the shore.

However, no one, not a single person rescued him.

People shouted and stood by the river, taunting, swim up by yourself.

Aren’t you a good swimmer?

Father Xuan choked on some water, floating and sinking, and could barely keep his body afloat by holding onto the ice, but he didn’t have the strength to go ashore.

Mother Xuan was in her month of confinement. She looked at her little daughter, thinking that her husband said he would make fish soup for her to drink. Then, she heard someone outside laughed, and ran over.

They said they heard someone fall into the river, and it was the vixen’s husband. 

They said, everyone is watching, so let’s join in the fun.

Grandma Xuan had gone to the city to buy fabric for her recently born granddaughter, and Mother Xuan was so shocked that she rushed out of the house and saw her husband struggling in the river.

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She couldn’t swim and screamed for those people to save his life.

They only kept smiling and laughing. Don’t worry, they said, he can swim, and he’s the best swimmer in our village.

This winter, people with heavy cotton jackets were still cold. Not to mention how dangerous this ice hole is. Who wants to go down?        

(TNote: can I burn this whole village down?)

Mother Xuan scrambled around looking for tools and finally found a bamboo pole and walked over to her husband so he could come up.

Father Xuan held out his hand, but before he could reach this life-saving bamboo pole, he sank.

Mother Xuan tried to save him and fell in.

At this time, the villagers began to panic, and they cried out for help, but no one was willing to go down.

Nevertheless, the elderly village chief came back from an errand outside the village. He jumped into the river and could only retrieve the bodies of the two people.

Grandma Xuan happily returned home with fabric to make new clothes for her granddaughter, but she was then confronted by a crying baby and two cold corpses.

In the eyes of the village children, Grandma Xuan was a very gloomy old woman who only looked at the children passing by with a dreadful expression on her face every day. Her eyes were dark and gloomy, with everyone not knowing what she was thinking.

All the parents also told their children to never play near Xuan’s house or follow Xuan Lele.

They didn’t want to admit their guilt, so they put all the blame on the Xuan family, as if that meant they were innocent.

They said that the old lady of the Xuan family had a sullen face every day, planning how to take revenge on the villagers.

First, she lost her husband, then her younger daughter, and then she lost her eldest daughter and son-in-law, leaving herself and her baby granddaughter alone. How could Grandma Xuan be happy?

They also said that when Xuan Lele was born, her parents died. She must be a disaster bringer.

But what could a little baby do?

People clamored to drive them out, but the village chief stopped them. If the old woman and the young child were driven out of the village, how could the two of them survive?

Xuan Lele was never treated well by the villagers since she was a child, which caused her to be somewhat gullible and reclusive. As a result, when anyone was a little nice to her, she would gladly return the favor a thousand times over.

She wasn’t as beautiful as her Mother and Aunt, but she is also charming and lovely. Although she didn’t like dressing herself, and she barely had any beautiful clothes, she is still a beauty that could make people smile. Otherwise, the original Wei Mingyan wouldn’t have a crush on her.

However, Xuan Lele didn’t feel much for her appearance. She had seen her Mother’s photo once, realizing how beautiful she really was. If only her Mother was born ten years later, maybe her life wouldn’t be so short.

Xuan Lele was happy when Wei Mingyan confessed.

She knew the situation in her family, and that’s why from childhood, she rejected all the boys who confessed to her.

She was afraid of being rejected, because she was afraid that they would reject her once they knew of her family history.

Wei Mingyan was different.

In Xuan Lele’s eyes, although he was poor, he was hard-working and could endure hardships. Every time she asked Wei Mingyan, these wages could obviously let him eat a good meal. Even if it is not a big fish or meat, it was fine to eat three meals a day. Why did he want to eat so little every day?

The man’s response was that he was saving this money.

For other girls, this answer may be somewhat unsatisfactory. After all, in this society, there was no promise in saving money. But for Xuan Lele, this was proof of Wei Mingyan’s diligence and thriftiness. 

Besides, Wei Mingyan looks were really popular.

His mother was a beautiful woman in the first place, or else she wouldn’t have been taken away by a rich boss. His father’s looks shouldn’t be far behind either, or else he wouldn’t have managed to embrace the beauty.

It’s just that the appearance alone won’t bring food to the table. After living a poor life, Wei Mingyan’s mother ran away with the ugly rich boss.

Back to the topic, that is to say, Wei Mingyan, whose parents’ genes were very bountiful, looked quite outstanding no matter which party he inherited it from, not to mention that he picked up the best aspects from both sides.

The handsome features, the masked gentleness, and the equally destitute but hard-working background all made Xuan Lele’s already less-than-sturdy heart waver.

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She liked this hard-working man more and more. Therefore, after Wei Mingyan confessed, almost without hesitation, Xuan Lele agreed.

After that, she had been carefully caring for this relationship.

She earned all her living expenses from her part-time job. She used to eat a steamed stuffed bun every day. Since she was with Wei Mingyan, when she called him, he always said that he didn’t eat it in the morning, only had a bun for lunch, and didn’t eat it in the afternoon.

Xuan Lele was worried that her boyfriend would starve, so she saved her own rations to buy food for him. She also worried that he would not buy water, so she bought him water to drink.

But she didn’t know why, Wei Mingyan’s attitude towards her had gotten colder and colder recently. Xuan Lele didn’t know how to save this relationship, so she tried her best to be nice to him.

As soon as Wei Mingyan asked to meet today, she immediately rushed out.

Unexpectedly, this happened.


Xuan Lele couldn’t help but cry at the thought of that drunken man on top of her, with that disgusting smell. She held Mingyan’s neck as he placed her on the hospital bed, and still refused to move her face away.

“Here, Lele, let the doctor give you some medicine.”

Wei Mingyan’s gentle and patient attitude made Xuan Lele feel a little at ease. Her hands then slowly put down, revealing a pair of good-looking eyes, already swollen from crying.

The doctor in the white coat walked over and asked, “What happened? Where does it hurt?”

As she said so, she looked suspiciously at the girl with disheveled hair and was sobbing. Xuan Lele became even more flustered from her look and couldn’t help but grip her boyfriend’s hand, as if seeking shelter, and ducked behind him.

“We fell at the bottom of a slope on our bikes. My girlfriend rolled a couple of times and got up and hurt her foot. I’m afraid of her getting a tetanus infection. Please let her get a tetanus shot later.”

Wei Mingyan’s distraught expression from appeasing his girlfriend successfully made the female doctor put down her doubts. She checked the wounds briefly and went to get the medicine.

When she left, Wei Mingyan sat by the bed and gently helped his girlfriend tidy up her messy hair. “Look, I said it was okay.”

“Nowadays, people can’t even manage themselves. How could they have time to manage others? Stop crying. After the injection in a while, you sit here for a bit, I’ll go to that shop outside and buy you a new dress to wear.”

Although she had suffered great psychological trauma, Xuan Lele didn’t forget that her boyfriend was poorer than herself. She nodded and took out money from her pocket. “Don’t buy a dress, don’t buy anything too expensive.”

Her boyfriend sitting next to her smiled and pushed her money back. “You look down on me too much. How could I not even have money to buy clothes for my girlfriend?”

Xuan Lele looked at a confident Wei Mingyan, opened her mouth and closed it again.

But… He couldn’t even afford to buy food to eat…

She was worried that her boyfriend was saying this to comfort her. She was about to say something when the doctor came in to give an injection, and she had to close her mouth.

Forget it. If Mingyan can’t eat, she would give him food every day.

After the injection, Wei Mingyan carefully helped her lie down inside and left wearing a black vest.

The female doctor was looking at the medicine list with her head down. Before, she accidentally caught a glimpse of Wei Mingyan coaxing and helping his girlfriend with her hair, thinking that the couple really loved each other.

As she was thinking about it, she heard the glass door open, and when she raised her eyes, she could only see Wei Mingyan’s back. On the nape of the black vest, the emblem made of white thread glinted dazzlingly.

She always thought something looked familiar and thought carefully before she clapped her hands together. Isn’t this the vest that had just been featured in the magazine?

How many zeros did the price have again?

Xuan Lele felt pain all over her body, and she painstakingly took out all the money left in her pocket, which should be enough for her and Mingyan to live for a while.

She still needed to find a part-time job when her foot was healed.

Otherwise, they may really starve to death in the future.



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