Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: Makoto


Wei Mingyan donated things?

Yang Qing’s face was full of disbelief. Wei Mingyan was so poor that he couldn’t even eat. How could he have money to donate?

She thought to herself, and heard the man with his back to her answer in a gentle voice, “It’s nothing, as long as the children are fine. I’m not busy today, and I saw the information you guys posted on the web, so I stopped by to help out.”

“Thank you very much. You can go to the small courtyard on the left. All the volunteers are there.”

“Okay, excuse me.”

Wei Mingyan nodded politely, and went to the left courtyard.

Yang Qing watched the man’s back gradually move away from her line of sight, gritted her teeth and stood out from behind the hiding wall. She took out her wallet and walked past.

“Hello, Miss. You are?”

“I want to donate some money to the children here.” Yang Qing squeezed out a smile, “Who is that man just now? I heard you say he also donated something?”

“Mr. Wei did donate something to our orphanage, and he has donated money before. He is really a kind person.”

“May I ask when he donated?”

After Yang Qing said that, the girl opposite thought about it, looking a little unsure. “It should be last year, but it has always been anonymous before. Last time, we recruited volunteers in our institute, and Mr. Wei came. After checking the information, we realized that he had always made donations every month. A few days ago, he donated a batch of supplies, so that the children could have new clothes.”

Last year it was…

According to what Yang Qing found out, Wei Mingyan has been poor since he entered school. He has been looking for opportunities to work part-time since he was a freshman, and always borrowed money from other people.

However, his character of borrowing money wasn’t bad, as he borrowed money and paid it back, and his reputation on the boy’s side was also very good.

Yang Qing always thought that Wei Mingyan obviously worked part-time, and even if he couldn’t eat fish and meat, he wouldn’t starve to death, but deliberately made himself look miserable. Isn’t that just to attract the sympathy of that silly girl Lele?

As it turns out, he supposedly donated all his money now.

Her father once said that if a person is willing to do charity, no matter what the outside evaluation was, as long as the money really goes to charity, then he has done a good thing.

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Those who do good deeds and not publicize them are definitely good people.

Yang Qing’s impression of Wei Mingyan is starting to get muddled, where’s the supposed scum who mooches off people? 

“That… excuse me, but how much money did this Mr. Wei donate in total?”

“I don’t know, but the materials he had donated would cost thousands.”

“Miss, what’s the amount of your donation? We have a procedure over here that you can read…”

Yang Qing regained consciousness and her hand reached into her pocket and pulled out the money, her eyes in a daze, “I, I’ll donate 1000…”

Yang Qing didn’t react until the money was given out. She really just donated all the living expenses her Father had just given her…


Xuan Lele was reading a book seriously when the door opened and Yang Qing walked in, “I’m exhausted, my feet are sore!”

Xuan Lele looked back at her friend in disbelief. “Where have you been?”

“I went to…” Yang Qing waved her hand and was about to say that she went to the orphanage. She thought about how she followed Wei Mingyan and quickly changed her tune. “I’m on a diet, aren’t I? Went for a few laps along the river.”

“Hurry up and study, don’t you have to take the exam?”

Xuan Lele didn’t think her friend would lie, so she said casually, “I’m going to be working part-time after my exams, and my injury is almost healed anyway.”

“I’ll go with you. I’m so poor …”

Yang Qing was lying in bed, her heart was bleeding when she thought about her 1000 yuan. It seems that the only way for her to survive the week was to work part-time.

“Well, it just so happens that Mingyan found a better one, so you and I can go together.”

Yang Qing turned a blind eye and waved her hand repeatedly. “Don’t, don’t, don’t. What’s the point of bringing me along as a light bulb. I’d better find one alone. It’s just to get through the week anyway.”

(TNote: light bulb = someone unwanted hanging around/ a distraction/ a third wheel.)

As soon as she finished speaking, the dorm room grew silent. Those who were reading books stopped reading, and those who were busy applying masks stopped applying them, and all of them set their eyes on Yang Qing.

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Yang Qing felt uncomfortable being looked at as such by her roommates, so she asked, “What are you all staring at me for?”

“Yang Qing, are you ok? Didn’t you always dislike Lele’s boyfriend? And a light bulb. Didn’t you want to shave your head and shine and stick it in between them before? Why did you change your mind so quickly today?”

“What do you mean I don’t like Lele’s boyfriend!” Yang Qing was all over her roommate and reiterated for the umpteenth time, “I’m worried that he’s not good for Lele, he ate and drank from Lele before, didn’t you guys despise him too?”

Xuan Lele was a little shocked by her friend’s change, but now when she heard she said boyfriend, she was busy explaining for him, “Mingyan was too busy during that time. I was afraid he didn’t eat before, so I bought him some food. When he finished his work, didn’t he always take me out to eat lately?”

In her eyes, of course, her boyfriend was a thousand times better.

When Yang Qing saw Xuan Lele defending Wei Mingyan, she had an impulse to roll her eyes. But at this moment, her expression was calm. “Anyway, if you two haven’t broken up after graduation, there will be a long time to be together in the future, so tell him to plan more for you.”

It’s a good thing to donate money to the children in the orphanage, but you can’t just donate all the money. You also have to think for yourself.

“Okay, okay, I’m exhausted, I’m going to sleep.”

“You’re not going over your homework?”

“Let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

Looking at Yang Qing, who was quickly laying down in the quilt, Xuan Lele was a little happy.

Yang Qing can be said to be her best and most valued friend. Before that, she always hated Mingyan, and Xuan Lele, caught in the middle, couldn’t say anything. But today, it seemed like she didn’t hate Mingyan as much anymore.

Was it because she was injured these days and Mingyan was so kind to her?


The exam was over quickly, and a miserable cry rang out in the dormitory. They were all impromptu victims, except for Xuan Lele, who had stayed up all night studying before and was still wide-eyed when she arrived at the exam room.

Yang Qing shouted especially bitterly. Her Father said before, if she failed, she shouldn’t even think about getting living expenses next week, and she just donated her living expenses for one week.

If she doesn’t find something to earn money, she was really going to eat dirt these next two weeks.

Xuan Lele, who has been ‘eating dirt’, was very experienced with this.

She did well in the exam this time, but she really didn’t have much cash on her. If she didn’t work part-time, she wouldn’t be able to hold on.

Before, Mingyan told her that he had found a good part-time job. Xuan Lele wondered if it was something like handing out flyers and dolls. Although this part-time job was tiring, the salary was pretty considerable.

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As she was thinking, her boyfriend called and said that he had arrived. Xuan Lele was happy, grabbed the key on the table and ran out.

“I’m going to work part-time!”

Listening to the girl’s cheerful voice, Yang Qing lowered her leg against the wall and sighed, “The sour smell of love.”

After abandoning her prejudice against Wei Mingyan, she discovered that she might have misunderstood Wei Mingyan before.

This man really treasures her best friend. Some time ago, when Xuan Lele’s foot wound wasn’t healed yet, he appeared downstairs on time according to the schedule, regardless of the wind or rain, and went to class with Xuan Lele on his back.

In the middle of the night last time, because Xuan Lele said that she was tired from studying, he bought food and sent it to the dormitory building.

The two of them stood so close together that they could blindingly shine without having to speak.

To have such a man who takes her best friend as a treasure and loves her, she was relieved.

It seemed that she was really wrong before.


“Yang Qing seems to have suddenly opened up recently, and she smiles when talking about you.”

Xuan Lele was also talking about her best friend here. She sat sweetly in the back seat of the bicycle, holding her man’s waist, and the two appeared really handsome and beautiful, attracting the attention of many passers-by.

“It’s good she got over it, and you don’t have to think about her all the time.” Wei Mingyan looked forward and chuckled. “If Yang Qing wasn’t a woman, I’d be jealous.”

“What are you talking about?”

Xuan Lele laughed and punched the man lightly, curiously asking, “Mingyan, where are we going to work part-time?”

“Internet café.”



Ten minutes later.

The two stopped at the entrance of an internet café, and Wei Mingyan took the hesitant Xuan Lele to walk in and opened a private room.

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There were two computers in the private room, and a hint of cigarette smell, which must have been left by the previous private room user. Xuan Lele has never been to such a place, so she hesitated when he stepped into it.

She watched as Wei Mingyan skillfully fiddled with the computer, pulled out the books from inside his bag, put on his headphones, and waved to her.

“Come on, you sit here.”

“Just watch how I do it in a minute, and I’ll let you try it later.”

Xuan Lele sat down carefully. She didn’t know what her boyfriend was doing, and how to work part-time in the Internet café.

“Hello, everyone, today we will continue to broadcast the high school course. You can open the book in your hand, the fifth page of the math book.”

She was startled by her boyfriend’s sudden voice, and looked at the computer quickly. It’s still dark in there, but there were a lot of pop-ups on the screen.

[Teacher, you are late today.]

[I can’t believe I remembered all the questions I was taught yesterday. It’s rare. It’s rare!]

[You’ve had a hard time teaching. Here’s a rocket launcher.]

[Deep water bomb comes first!]   

(TNote: Rocket launcher and Deep-Water Bomb = an icon that represents a certain amount of virtual currency that’s usually used in rewarding net-influencers in China. Different icon’s/images, represents different amounts, with different special affects on screen.) 

[Teacher, you have such a nice voice. Show your face!]

Wei Mingyan just ignored the teasing comments on the screen and continued to keep his voice calm as he began to address the topic.

Xuan Lele watched the increasing number of pop-ups on the interface and the constantly bouncing money icons. Though she was confused, she seemed to understand something.

She sat and listened for a while, and found that Mingyan’s way of giving lectures was quite special, which was different from other teachers, and the content was interesting. it was more like teaching, but after sitting and listening for a while, the memories of high school, which were a little fuzzy, actually became clear.

Is this the part-time job Mingyan was talking about?

Giving lectures on the internet?

This part-time job… is so nifty…

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