T/N: Than you Lan, Wildzivia, Luoyuan, and HewerG for the ko-fis! We manage to get through the long first part of the final 2 chapters.

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Note: trigger warnings of blood, kidnapping, & assault this chapter! 


A raging flame burned his body, confusing his thoughts as they tortured his five major organs.

Memories of the past gradually overlapped with present day reality.

Open wounds, gushing blood, being imprisoned…

Xu Xinghe saw the man’s sarcastic smile and indifferent eyes through his blurry tears.

Same as back then.

He remembered.

In that early summer two years ago, after resolutely cutting his own glands, he didn’t really escape the clutches of that man.

He was captured and imprisoned, and that dark time began…

When Xu Xinghe opened his eyes, his vision was blinded by pure white.

It was as if a piece of flesh had been gouged out from the back of the neck, and the slightest movement would be excruciatingly painful.

A strange man’s voice sounded in his ear. “Glands are the most troublesome to treat, not to mention that his glands are very special. I have tried both the therapeutic apparatus and the quick-healing agent, but they are basically ineffective. That is to say, we can only rely on his own body’s healing to slowly recover.”

“How long will it take?”

“Two or three weeks at least; it will take a month to fully recover.”

“But the master can’t wait that long.”

“Then go for it directly, the rest will depend on luck.”

“In case the wound reopens…”

“We can stitch it up.”

During the conversation between the two, Xu Xinghe opened his eyes.

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“Yo, are you awake?” The doctor in the white coat squinted at him, then fiddled with the instruments at hand, and began to examine his whole body. “How do you feel?”

Although the doctor was asking about his condition, his voice was flat. And those eyes were indifferent, as if assessing an object up for sale.

Xu Xinghe was slightly taken aback. “Is this the hospital?”

He resisted the pain in the back of his neck and struggled to get up, but found that his limbs were tied to the hospital bed and he couldn’t move.

Xu Xinghe was horrified, raised his eyes and looked at the doctor in horror.

“Of course not.” The doctor sneered. “Welcome to the laboratory. I hope you can live longer than the last omega.”

Only then did Xu Xinghe realize that this strange white room with three white walls and a single glass window resembled a laboratory more than a hospital.

There is no clock in the laboratory, and no view of the outside world.

Xu Xinghe didn’t know what time it was, what year or month, and he didn’t have the concept of day and night.

He was tied to the bed most of the time. In the beginning, no matter how much he struggled, abused himself, or tried to worsen his wound, the doctor would just walk in with a blank face and give him a sedative.

Then he would fall to sleep, and when he woke up, he found himself in the same place, not knowing what day it was.

He refused to eat a mouthful of food or drink a mouthful of water, so the doctor could only rely on forced infusion to maintain his life.

His entire being quickly became haggard, yellow-faced, skinny, and scrawny, and he spent every day in a daze.

Xu Xinghe didn’t know how long he had been trapped here. He only felt that he was lying all day long in a vast snow-white world, lonely and alone.

There were not many people who had appeared in front of him, only the doctor and two assistants.

Until, he saw that man again –

Norman Wells.

A man in a suit and leather shoes appeared in front of him, facing Xu Xinghe with his unmasked appearance for the first time.

But the scorching and sinister pheromone, like a fire snake, made Xu Xinghe recognize him at once.

Despite Xu Xinghe’s desperate and powerless struggle, the man easily controlled him, pressed his head down, and bit his neck…

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The fragile wound opened again.

Blood spurted out, and a salty taste smeared the man’s mouth.

Norman frowned and straightened up.

The smell of blood almost covered the floral omega pheromone.

Xu Xinghe didn’t feel the pain in his semi-conscious state, and was still struggling and twitching weakly.

“When will his injury heal?” Norman stood up, a hint of displeasure flashed in his gray-brown eyes.

The doctor replied embarrassedly: “It may be a week…”

“Heal him before I leave this planet.” Paranoid and crazy fire flashed in the man’s eyes. “I want to mark him here.”

In this way, the man never gave up marking him.

He didn’t even plan to give him time to heal slowly.

He toured Capital Star in full bloom during the day, and returned to the laboratory at night to torture his prey.

As soon as the wound at Xu Xinghe’s gland scarred over, it was torn apart by the man again and again, with blood flowing everywhere.

Later, whenever he saw Norman, he would subconsciously start to turn pale and tremble.

He didn’t know how long this torture lasted, and had no concept of time at all.

Gradually, he no longer struggled. Like a dilapidated doll discarded on a hospital bed, his eyes opened in a daze, seeing nothing.

His face was filled with a dead air of despair, so much so that the assistant couldn’t help but ask, “Can he survive until then?”

The doctor replied indifferently. “Don’t worry, his body is better than expected. He can stand the toss, and won’t die so soon.”

For a moment, Xu Xinghe longed for his own death.

The wound was torn, healed, and torn again and again…

His body was getting worse and worse, and there was no more light in his black eyes.

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He could see no hope, not even the end of despair.

In that dark laboratory, one could not survive, nor could one die.

Until that day came.

The man smiled and appeared in front of him, holding a vial of injection in his hand, with a morbid twist in his eyes.

“I’m leaving this planet tomorrow,” Norman said.

Xu Xinghe was quietly staring at the ceiling in a daze, and finally had a reaction when he heard the words.

He turned his head stiffly to look at the man, his increasingly dull thinking began to slowly run, and finally a bit of movement appeared on his numb face.

He knew that the matter would soon come to an end, and the man wouldn’t take him away this time.

Instead, he will be killed, turned into a corpse, and disappear silently in a corner of this planet…

But that’ll be a relief.

“I thought about it all the way, whether to end you directly or bring you back to Jindi Star.” Norman walked to the hospital bed and looked down at Xu Xinghe condescendingly.

“The best choice should be the former. However, your taste is really special. I’m a little unwilling to not mark you… very unwilling.” Norman said, holding up a needle. “Or else, let’s do a little experiment, shall we?”

The needle pierced Xu Xinghe’s skin, and the liquid slowly flowed into his veins.

“I’m a little curious. Your usual smell is so fragrant, what will your estrus look like?” Norman laughed deeply.

“Take a gamble. If I can mark you successfully this time, I’ll take you away. Otherwise, you can stay here forever.”

Xu Xinghe’s body suddenly jolted.

A strange feeling that he had never felt before swept through his body.

Numbness, itching, tingling, fiery…

The intoxicating fragrance of flowers wafted out of his body, filling the entire laboratory in an instant.

Norman’s pupils shrank, and an invisible fire suddenly ignited around him.

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His eyes became blurred and eager, as if he had been fatally tempted, and he rushed towards Xu Xinghe’s glands regardless.

Xu Xinghe let out a whimper.

His gland was bitten again, but this time, he didn’t feel any pain.

Norman gnawed at Xu Xinghe’s glands contentedly, and his eyes became more and more crazy.

He ignored the other party’s desperate struggle and found the most suitable position for his mouth.

Then his eyes darkened, and he began to inject his own pheromones little by little…

That’s the feeling…

The moment their pheromones blended, Norman’s body trembled.

This is the bliss he seeks…the man thought he finally got his wish.

Oh, he can gradually feel the other’s emotions…

As the marking progressed, the two began to communicate.

Overwhelming hatred and unwillingness came over Xu Xinghe.

Norman sneered in his heart, not caring.

It doesn’t matter, when he completes this mark, he can start to affect the other party’s emotions.

He will guide him, control him, dominate him…

His pheromone has a different influence on omega than ordinary people. This is a gift bestowed on him by God.


Norman is a twisted f*ck.

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