T/N: Thank you Wildzivia for the ko-fis, and kickstarting the extra releases (at the end of this week)!

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Xu Xinghe has never been a crybaby.

Even if he was wronged and bullied when he was a child, he would just flush and glare angrily at his peers who were much taller than him, or simply rush up to hit them with his fists.

Even two years ago, when he was locked in that dark laboratory, he never shed a single tear.

But at this moment, being held by Ling Changfeng in his arms, Xu Xinghe didn’t know why, but the tears couldn’t stop at all.

It was as if he was about to pour out all the grievances and sorrows he had endured for more than 20 years.

Once upon a time, it wasn’t that he didn’t want to cry. It’s because he knew that tears wouldn’t wipe away his pain, but make others laugh instead. So even if his eyes reddened, he held back the tears and hid them in his heart.

Until he met Ling Changfeng.

The salty ocean pheromones surrounded him, temporarily calming the heat in his body.

Xu Xinghe regained a moment of sobriety amid the confusion and heat, and finally caught a glimpse of his own heart.

His tears were not only for his past experiences, but also for their reunion just now.

When Ling Changfeng first received the news from Xu Xinghe, his mood was very complicated.

Angry, fearful, worried… and even a little annoyed that he hid things from him and took risks alone.

But when he saw his little spouse, these emotions were all forgotten.

His beloved omega is crying in his arms; he couldn’t care less.

His only choice was to open his arms. Catch him, comfort him, kiss him.

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Xu Xinghe didn’t cry for long, nor was it the right time to sit down and talk.

He finally raised his head from Ling Changfeng’s arms, looking at his big cat with red eyes, and asked, “Are you okay?”

Ling Changfeng’s heart softened when his lover cried out. Shaking his head, he said warmly, “I’m fine.”

Then he patted Xu Xinghe on the shoulder: “Wait a moment, I’ll take care of something.”

After speaking, he let go of one hand and looked up at Norman.

In an instant, Norman only felt a dark wave passing in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, turbulent waters broke out from beneath the ground, and the tsunami devoured everything around it with a thunderous force.

Norman seemed to have sunk into the deepest seabed all at once, covered in icy sea water, unable to move.

Fear and suffocation enveloped him.

For the first time in his life, he felt that the little flame he radiated was so vulnerable in the face of true power.

Fear of death outweighed any fascination with omega pheromones. For a moment, Norman couldn’t even smell the flowers in the air.

He looked at Ling Changfeng with a pale face, his brain almost fell into a state of death, and murmured: “How is it possible… I watched you get shot…”

If it wasn’t for this, he probably wouldn’t have risked this trip tonight…

At this point, Norman suddenly realized: “You did it on purpose?!”

He thought that he had lured Admiral Barron to attack Ling Changfeng and create chaos, so he could take Xu Xinghe away.

Unexpectedly, after the mantis caught the cicada, the oriole was waiting. Both he and Barron both fell for Ling Changfeng’s trick.

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This man wanted them to take the risk!

He deliberately pretended to be shot in front of everyone, giving them hope and the courage to make trouble.

In the end, he could justifiably exercise military control over the Capital Star, and can even catch them all in the name of hunting for traitors!

In the face of Norman’s terrified question, Ling Changfeng didn’t plan to answer at all.

He looked at Norman like he was looking at a dead man.

Norman completely panicked seeing his look, and began to speak incoherently: “It’s a mistake, a misunderstanding… Don’t get excited, there must be a misunderstanding… It’s Barron! He did it all… kidnapping you twice before and after. He’s the mastermind behind it! He tried to force me to form an alliance with him in this way… If I need to, I can identify him in court!”

Norman knew that everything was over now, and only had one purpose now – to survive.

He can grovel and kneel, beg for mercy, and even give up his dignity… as long as he can live.

As long as he is alive, even if he is sentenced for life, there is still hope of escape and having his sentence reversed, as well as hope of making a comeback.

“You and my grandfather fought side by side on the frontier battlefield. Grandpa often mentions you to me. I’m sorry for these misunderstandings. Please let me confront Barron, so I can explain things clearly.” His tone turned earnest and humble. “In addition, as the General Secretary of the Nine-star Council of the Lambda galaxy, I have diplomatic immunity…”

He tried to put all his interests on the table in the shortest time, but Ling Changfeng only coldly spit out four words: “A bunch of nonsense.”

After that, he raised the gun in Norman’s terrified eyes——


With a gunshot, Norman fell straight back.

The bullet was right between the eyebrows. One shot KO!

Ling Changfeng’s action was so sudden, even Xu Xinghe in his arms was also startled.

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The cry was stuck in his throat, and it took a long time for him to regain his senses. He pointed to the corpse on the ground and asked, “He… is dead?”

“He’s dead.” Tossing the gun away, Ling Changfeng turned to face his little spouse. “Are you afraid?”

Xu Xinghe shook his head, and his eyes were a little lost. “Not afraid. Just a little surprised, and a little in disbelief…”

He doesn’t know how to describe his current feelings.

Staring blankly at Norman’s body, it was as if he watched the huge nightmare slowly dissipate before his eyes.

From now on, he no longer has to be afraid of dark nights, nor of eyes staring at him in the dark.

Xu Xinghe turned his head to look at Ling Changfeng, suddenly thought of something, stretched out his hand and grabbed the other’s collar, and looked inside.

Ling Changfeng: “…”

Unaware his roguish actions were like a scum teasing a virtuous lady, he checked his cat from beginning to end, then raised his head and asked, “Are you really all right? They said you were shot.”

Ling Changfeng opened his arms generously, and asked, “Then do you see a wound?”

“No…” Finally relieved, Xu Xinghe asked, “What happened?”

“Cooperated with them to play a show and threw some bait. Otherwise, with these guys hiding in the dark, it will be troublesome if we want to clean them all up… I’ll explain when we go back.” As he spoke, Ling Changfeng took off his military jacket and put it around Xu Xinghe, and then walked out with him, leaving two agents behind to clean up the scene.

Xu Xinghe looked back at the corpse lying on the ground, then turned around and asked Ling Changfeng cautiously, “Gu Nai is also an unlucky person… Can he be buried?”

Glancing at his little spouse, Ling Changfeng pursed his lips and said nothing.

In the end, Xu Xinghe had to change the topic: “Norman is the General Secretary of the Nine-Star Council, and has diplomatic immunity… Will it be troublesome if he dies here like this?”

“He caused me more trouble, kidnapping my spouse three times.” Ling Changfeng’s voice was a little deep, as he looked down at Xu Xinghe and explained. “This kind of person can’t be kept. Although it’s a bit too cheap for him to die like this, if he doesn’t die, as long as he’s alive, he will always be a hidden danger.”

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“As for diplomatic immunity, this kind of rhetoric can only deceive someone like you.” Ling Changfeng reached out and rubbed Xu Xinghe’s head. “Don’t worry.”

Xu Xinghe asked again, “Then how will we explain this to Marshal Wells?”

Marshal Ling looked at his little spouse speechlessly. “Do I have to apologize to his grandfather? He’s the one that kidnapped my spouse, cooperated with the rebels, and finally suffered the consequences.”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

“Marshal Wells has more than a dozen grandchildren. One gone is nothing in his eyes. He didn’t educate his family well, so don’t blame me for helping him educate them.” Ling Changfeng snorted coldly.

“However, in order to save some trouble in the future, Qin Yuan suggested that he ‘died from the accidental injury from the rebels’…” Ling Changfeng changed the subject. “I rejected this suggestion. Why, do you want me to give him a grand funeral? Impossible, I want him to be destroyed and ruined.”

He rarely showed such an almost willful side. Xu Xinghe blinked – he could already imagine Adjutant Qin’s angry and helpless appearance.

“So, you never planned to leave Norman alive when you came?” Xu Xinghe asked.

“Of course.” Ling Changfeng nodded.

“Oh, by the way, I also have evidence that he and that Barron were suspected of raping omegas. If it’s helpful, I can send it to you later…”

While they were talking, the two returned to the ground floor. Feeling the cold winter wind on his face, Xu Xinghe wrapped his coat and muttered softly, “If only I could have remembered everything earlier, I wouldn’t have made this trip…”


The villain is dead!

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