T/N: Final release for SMM! Thanks so much for reading and a special hand to the many ko-fi supporters who helped us speed through this story!

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Hungry for more? Check out ABV, which I’ll be upping the release cadence for in the coming weeks. Or, SABL (chapter 1), a new ABO I picked up with an cold but sticky alpha (when susceptible) and independent-minded omega (similar to XXH).

You can find a list of my projects (completed and ongoing) under “About Me” on my ko-fi page.

Until next time!



Different from the meticulous thoughtfulness at work, Xu Xinghe loves to gamble when playing cards. Between taking a gamble to be the first or reaching runner-up stably, he usually chooses the former, taking risks instead.

In the end, he ran into Ling Changfeng, who had a novice buff bonus and had a lot of luck with his cards, so he lost nine out of ten bets, and his cards were repeatedly blocked.

Right now, he dismantled his bomb, and was going to clear the cards in one go. To put it bluntly, he was betting that other people wouldn’t blow it up, and he could finish this hand in one go.1bombs in Chinese card games are like trumps in bridge; can ace all other card sets

Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his head, he saw Ling Changfeng frowning on the opposite side, as if he was considering whether to bomb it or not.

Xu Xinghe’s heart instantly rose to his throat.

At this moment, the mismatched pupil faintly swept over, as he said unhurriedly: “Why don’t you bribe me, so I’ll consider letting you go easy.”

Hearing their blatant and brazen collusion, Chu Yufei immediately became furious: “Cheating! You guys are cheating!”

Mother Xu also echoed: “Everyone for themselves in cards! If you want to bomb it, hurry up! Don’t let him go!”

When Xu Xinghe heard this, he rolled his eyes and winked at his husband.

Then stretched out one foot, and lightly rubbed Ling Changfeng’s calf under the table, obviously flattering him.

Only Lily, who was watching the game beside her second brother, was still carefully analyzing the game with her small face in her hands.

She glanced at the cards that had already been played on the table, then at the cards in her brother’s hand, frowned and shook her head. “That’s not right, Brother Changfeng won’t bomb it again.”

Her words awakened the dazed Xu Xinghe. Seeing Ling Changfeng’s leisurely yet determined expression, he realized that he had been fooled, so he changed direction instantly with his foot, and stomped hard on his lover’s instep.

Then he flicked his cards neatly: “Come on! Bomb it if you have the ability!”

In this way, several people played the entire afternoon away. Seeing that it would be too late if they didn’t start preparing dinner, Mother Xu reluctantly ended the game.

In the end, most of the dinner prep was handed over to the housekeeping robots.

Xu Xinghe and Ling Changfeng made a few dumplings together symbolically.

Although Chef Xu’s cooking is delicious, he is still a novice in making dumplings. The ones he and Ling Changfeng made lay unsteadily on the tray, so ugly that they were comparable.

Seeing this, Marshal Ling squinted and asked, “Didn’t you say that you wrapped well before, and offered to teach me?”

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Xu Xinghe asked back without blushing, “What, I didn’t wrap them well?”

Naturally, Ling Changfeng couldn’t say it looked bad.

Seeing his spouse’s upright appearance, he fell silent for a moment, and compromised unprincipled: “It’s well wrapped.”

At around seven o’clock in the evening, the family had just finished dinner and was about to turn on the TV to watch a show when a few lights suddenly flickered in the yard.

Vehicles from the military landed at the gate one after another to pick up Ling Changfeng for work.

Xu Xinghe sent Ling Changfeng to the courtyard, only to see Adjutant Qin, who was dressed in military uniform, get off the leading vehicle. Military cap in hand, he stood in the snow and greeted them with a smile.

“Happy New Year!”

“Happy New Year!” Xu Xinghe waved to Qin Yuan, then turned around and straightened Ling Changfeng’s collar. “Go early and come back early.”

Ling Changfeng looked down at him. “I’ll come back as soon as possible, you…”

He originally wanted to say: “You go to bed early, don’t wait for me. “

But before the words came out, they were blocked by a fragrant kiss.

Xu Xinghe stood on tiptoe, pecked his lover’s thin lips, and then said with a light smile, “I’ll make supper, and wait for you to come back.”

Seeing this, Qin Yuan consciously looked away. The other soldiers in the yard also adhered to the principle of “see no evil”.

Fireworks bloomed across the sky one after another. Ling Changfeng looked at his lover’s face shining under the fireworks, and suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

He has experienced countless lively new years, but each time he walked alone through the hustle and bustle of people and the lights of thousands of houses.

All alone.

Seeing the vast expanse of snow fills one with the feeling of being in a world so vast, they don’t know where to go.

But now, someone stood at the end of the lights of the thousands of houses and said to him, “I’ll wait for you to come back.”

Suddenly, the heart has a path forward and a place to call home.

“Okay, I’ll be back soon.” Ling Changfeng lowered his head and deepened the kiss again.

As the New Year’s bell drew closer, more and more fireworks filled the sky.

Fireworks almost covered the entire sky, illuminating the Nebula City like daytime.

After Ling Changfeng left, Xu Xinghe went back to his house to watch the live holiday programming with his family.

Sounds echoed over the city as midnight arrived.

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After saying Happy New Year to his mother, and sending his sleepy siblings to sleep, he returned to the living room, nestling on the sofa to wait for his lover to come back.

He slept well during the day and didn’t feel sleepy at first.

But after lying down on the sofa, an inexplicable sleepiness hit, and he fell asleep without knowing it.

Half asleep and half awake, he smelled a cool sea breeze.

Xu Xinghe moved his body, looking for the familiar smell like a baby animal instinctively looking for a heat source.

He muttered indistinctly: “You’re back.”

The next moment, a piece of cold medal was pasted on his warm cheek, which made him tremble and wake up in an instant.

When he raised his eyes, a pair of familiar dual-colored eyes came into view.

Ling Changfeng had just returned from the icy and snowy world outside, and his body was still wrapped in a circle of frost, making the medals on his chest as cold as ice.

He lowered his eyes, looking at his lover with incomparably gentle eyes.

“En, I’m back. Go back to sleep.”

Marshal Ling easily carried his lover back to the bedroom before even changing out of his uniform.

He very gently put Xu Xinghe on the bed, and kissed him lightly between the brows. “Go to bed first, I’ll come back after I wash up.”

Xu Xinghe lazily responded, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, but felt the sleepiness slowly receding.

When Ling Changfeng came back after washing and changing into pajamas, Xu Xinghe was completely refreshed, and was staring at him with his big eyes open.

“What are you looking at? Still not asleep.” Ling Changfeng lifted the quilt and lay down.

“I’m not sleepy anymore.” Xu Xinghe turned over, lying on his lover’s chest in a bored state, and whispered warmly into his ear: “You looked handsome on TV tonight.”

Ling Changfeng looked at Xu Xinghe, who suddenly approached, speechlessly for a moment.

In the dark night, his lover’s dark eyes are bright and moving.

After a while like this, Marshal Ling suddenly said, “Aren’t you sleepy?”

“Huh?” Team Leader Xu sensed a hint of danger, so he retracted very consciously, and quickly changed his words: “I’m a little sleepy, going to sleep now.”

After finishing speaking, he obediently covered the quilt, turned his, pretending to be asleep.

The eyes behind him followed like a shadow.

Ling Changfeng looked at the piece of soft flesh exposed on the back of Xu Xinghe’s neck, endured it again and again, and finally couldn’t hold it back, and approached him calmly.

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Xu Xinghe suddenly turned around and stared at him, angrily said: “Why are you so close? Stay away from me!”

Marshal Ling lowered his eyes and voice: “I just came back from outside, it’s a bit cold.”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

He gritted his teeth: “Don’t come here, you can turn up the temperature instead.”

Ling Changfeng continued to pester him, and suggested in a low voice: “Let’s do something to keep warm.”

“No.” Xu Xinghe refused sternly. “Haven’t you heard that you have to go to bed early and get up early on the first day of the New Year?”

“No.” Marshal Ling shook his head with a very frank expression.

Xu Xinghe refused to give in. “Let’s talk about it tomorrow! It’s too late today, go to bed first!”

A light flashed as Ling Changfeng’s eyes as he glanced over with disappointment and helplessness, as he et out a barely audible sigh. “Okay.”

Although Ling Changfeng agreed to relent, his eyes were still glued to Xu Xinghe’s body, and he couldn’t tear it off.

Unable to resist the gaze, Xu Xinghe closed his eyes. Out of sight, out of mind.

After a while, he quietly opened his eyes again, only to find that Ling Changfeng was still looking at him.

Xu Xinghe sighed inwardly, and suddenly reached out and poked Ling Changfeng under the quilt.

He finally convinced himself that his big cat just wanted to keep warm…

What’s the problem?

“Come on, let’s do something that will make each other feel warm.”

So on the first day of the new year, neither of them got up.

When Xu Xinghe woke up, his waist was sore.

He lay on the bed and looked up at the sky, feeling a little regret that he gave in too easily last night in his half-awake state.

In contrast, Marshal Ling, who was well-fed last night, was full of energy.

Such a stark contrast made Team Leader Xu a little irritated.

So he wanted to start finding fault.

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It’s a pity that Marshal Ling was more self-conscious after a full meal, so he even took the initiative to go downstairs to drink tea with Mother Xu and feed the two cats. There was nothing he could find fault with.

After eating brunch, the pair sat on the sofa watching TV.

The program was rebroadcasting the scene of Marshal Ling’s speech last night. Seeing it, Xu Xinghe touched his chin suddenly, and then turned his head with a serious face. “I just remembered something.”

“What?” Marshal Ling looked sideways, and was a little taken back to see Xu Xinghe’s provocative gaze filled with a little scrutiny, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

“I saw an interview you had before we married.” Xu Xinghe said quietly. “When the media asked you when you plan to get married, you babbled and said ‘what’s so good about getting married, it’s a waste of time’.”

Ling Changfeng: “…”

“Tell me now, what’s so good about being married?” Xu Xinghe propped his chin and smiled slightly, with the attitude of “If you can’t answer, don’t even think about coming to bed for three days”.

Unexpectedly, Ling Changfeng didn’t panic at all, and replied after a pause: “You must not have finished the interview.”

“Huh?” Xu Xinghe looked at him questioningly.

Ling Changfeng stirred the tea in the cup with a silver spoon, and said unhurriedly: “I said at the end of the interview that I would rather dedicate myself to the galaxy2Xu Xinghe’s Xinghe are the same words as galaxy. forever.”

Xu Xinghe was slightly taken aback.

Ling Changfeng turned his head, with a faint smile on his brows and eyes.

“Now I really dedicate myself to Xinghe3translated to his name to keep the meaning.”

The silhouette of his lover reflected in his eyes, like the new moon greeting him after passing through a long night alone.

Being stared at by such eyes,  Xu Xinghe immediately lost his temper, and asked hesitantly, “Forever?”

“En, forever.”


…and that’s a wrap!

Thanks so much again for reading. Hope you enjoyed the story with XXH, LCF, and their pets and friends.

Want more ABO? If you haven’t already read them, check out BATCFO (interstellar mecha ABO), AAPCFO (shameless alpha MC), TWE (interstellar sentinel/guide) or SABL (which just started).


Want to support SMM or my other projects? Get faster updates by buying a ko-fi~ Progress towards add’l releases, and to see other ongoing projects, are tracked there too.


1bombs in Chinese card games are like trumps in bridge; can ace all other card sets2Xu Xinghe’s Xinghe are the same words as galaxy.3translated to his name to keep the meaning

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