When Xu Xinghe saw the short words sent by Ling Changfeng, his whole body instantly became energized.

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He sat up quickly, and continued to send emails to ask: [Why are you here??]

Ling Changfeng replied through a door: [Come to chat with you]

Xu Xinghe: […]

He didn’t mean that.

He glanced in the direction of the door, and began typing with a tangled mind. [No, no, I originally wanted to chat with you online. I won’t disturb your rest so late, you go back first]

After typing the long paragraph, his finger paused when he was about to press send.

When he closed his eyes, what appeared in his mind was the horror scene from the movie. Xu Xinghe wrapped the quilt tightly, and suddenly felt a little annoyed that he was too cowardly.

He had to admit that on such a silent night, he actually misses Ling Changfeng’s pheromones a lot—it makes him feel unreasonably at ease.

He stared at the screen for two seconds, and finally decided to ask Ling Changfeng to come in and chat.

But just as he was about to get up, his finger touched the send button on the screen.

Xu Xinghe was shocked. Immediately, he jumped out of bed like a carp, and then trotted all the way to the door in slippers, and threw the door open.


He wasn’t standing firmly, and almost threw himself out with the door’s inertia.

Outside the door, Ling Changfeng was standing in dark gray silk pajamas listening to Xu Xinghe rushing over. When he opened the door, it almost hit him.

“Be careful.” He calmly stretched out his hand to support his little partner and whispered, “I’m not leaving, why are you in such a hurry?”

After a pause, he said again: “This door can also be opened by voice control, you don’t need to run over in person.”

Xu Xinghe: “…” He forgot in the rush.

He stood firm with Ling Changfeng’s help. Straightening up, he patted his pajamas, and whispered, “I replied to the wrong email.”

Ling Changfeng made an “en” and said softly, “I see. “

His voice is deep and magnetic, but when he speaks softly and slowly, his tone is surprisingly gentle.


Xu Xinghe raised his head, only to see Ling Changfeng’s pair of eyes that were cold and bright, and didn’t look sleepy at all.

On the contrary, Xu Xinghe yawned uncontrollably.

Fear is real, sleepiness is real.

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Originally, his fear was greater than his sleepiness, so he tossed and turned and had trouble sleeping.

But after seeing Ling Changfeng in person, Xu Xinghe felt that he was suddenly less afraid.

Ling Changfeng stood there fixedly, like a tree standing above the sky, making him feel at ease even without his pheromones.

As a result, the drowsiness intensified. Xu Xinghe felt that his eyelids were much heavier, and the sudden rush of energy from Ling Changfeng’s visit drained out.

It was nearly three o’clock in the morning, and the entire mansion was silent.

The two husbands stood at the door, staring at each other, speechless.

In the end, it was Ling Changfeng who spoke first: “Are you cold?”


Xu Xinghe: “Ah?”

Ling Changfeng: “It’s cold at night, go in and talk?”

Xu Xinghe: “Oh.”

He turned sideways and obediently gave in, “Come in.”

Ling Changfeng felt that Xu Xinghe was a little slow at the moment.

He recalled a night not long ago when his little spouse was very sleepy. It seems like he will be dumbfounded and easily confused when sleepy.

He asked Xu Xinghe, “Are you sleepy?”

Xu Xinghe climbed back onto the bed, but instead of going straight into the quilt, he leaned against the head of the bed with a small pillow, and yawned again. “Of course, I’m sleepy. It’s already three o’clock in the morning.”

Ling Changfeng stopped two steps away from the bed and didn’t come forward.

His eyes floated to a certain plush creature on the bed. “Why is Xiaoqi on the bed?”

Xu Xinghe glanced sideways at Ms. Xiaoqi, who was sleeping soundly. “I picked her up, wanting to find a bed partner.”

Ling Changfeng’s thin lips pursed slightly at his words.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly said, “Next time, you can find me directly.”

Startled, Xu Xinghe turned his head to look at over, as if he didn’t understand what he was saying.

Ling Changfeng stood where he was and looked back quietly.

After a few seconds, Xu Xinghe suddenly withdrew his gaze and lowered his head silently.

Ling Changfeng sighed silently in his heart, but then he suddenly saw Xu Xinghe move to the middle, vacating space beside the bed, and said in a muffled voice, “Sit.”

Marshal Ling’s eyes flashed slightly.

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From his vantage point, the little hedgehog on the opposite side drooped its fluffy head, making him want to rub it.

He readily accepted the other party’s proposal, stepped forward, and sat down next to Xu Xinghe.

As soon as he was seated, Xu Xinghe asked, “Why can’t you fall asleep?”

Ling Changfeng hesitated for a second before deciding whether to tell the truth or not. But when he saw Xu Xinghe’s dazed look, he couldn’t help but want to tease him first-

“I was already asleep, but I was woken up by someone’s message.” Ling Chang said calmly.

Xu Xinghe was stunned for a few seconds, then whispered: “Sorry, then you should go back to sleep soon.”

Ling Changfeng: “…”

He suddenly felt like he was shooting himself in the foot.

“Just kidding, I thought someone might not be able to sleep right now.” Ling Changfeng looked at him and said in a low voice.

Xu Xinghe was so sleepy that his reaction was a few beats slow. He still didn’t understand the cause and effect after hearing those words. “So?”

“So, I didn’t sleep either.” Ling Changfeng cast his eyes out the window. “I was wondering if you… need someone to accompany you.”

Xu Xinghe blinked: “Oh, thank you then.”

Ling Changfeng: “…No need.”

The conversation seemed to develop in a harmonious and strange direction all of a sudden.

Xu Xinghe leaned against the head of the bed with a small pillow, tilted his head and asked Ling Changfeng, “Aren’t you afraid?”

“What are you afraid of?”

“Ghosts, demons, blood, and bones…”

Ling Changfeng shook his head and whispered, “I’m not afraid of this.”

“That’s good.” Xu Xinghe said with some envy. “You don’t seem to be afraid of anything.”

Then he confessed: “I’m actually still afraid.”

Ling Changfeng looked at him sideways in surprise after hearing him admit the truth and stared at him for a long pause. “You are actually quite brave, why are you afraid of such things?”

Xu Xinghe frowned and thought for a while: “Maybe watching a horror movie in junior high school gave me a psychological shadow… I was too young and easily frightened back then.”

There was a hint of crying and laughter in his eyes as he said helplessly, “Yet you still watched one this time.”

“I thought it’d be alright after so many years.” Xu Xinghe muttered.

He put down the pillow, put his hands around his knees, and rested his chin on his knees. “It seems that those bad memories really take a long time to be forgotten…”

Hearing him say this, Ling Changfeng remembered something. His eyes darkened in the night, but he still nodded and said, “Yes, but no matter how bad memories are, they will always be washed away by time.”


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The warm orange glow sprinkled on the head of the bed, making tonight’s night extraordinarily quiet.

Ling Changfeng suddenly realized that although the two of them held hands and shared a pillow, it seemed like they had never sat on their knees and chatted like this in the dead of night.

Xu Xinghe was already drowsy, but his mouth was still talking: “Although I’m a little scared, I’m still curious about the ending of the movie…”

Seeing those eyelids fighting drowsiness, Ling Changfeng suggested: “Then when you wake up tomorrow, let’s fast-forward it to the end to see the ending?”

Xu Xinghe shook his head like a rattle. “At the end when facing the BOSS, there will definitely be a super bloody and violent horror scene… I can wait until the sun comes up to watch the coded version of the video explanation.”

Ling Changfeng: “…”

He doesn’t understand such interests well, but still nodded. “Okay, do you need me to watch it with you?”

Xu Xinghe closed his eyes and replied, “No need, my ability to bear is not that bad.”

Ling Changfeng looked at him. “Are you going to sleep?”

Xu Xinghe flexibly slipped into the bed like a snake, only showing his head: “En.”

“Are you still awake now?”

Xu Xinghe yawned again with his eyes shut. “Of course, I’m not drunk.”

Ling Changfeng nodded and got up slowly: “Then go to sleep, I’ll go back first. Good night.”

But before he could leave, a hand suddenly grabbed the corner of his pajamas.

Ling Changfeng turned around in amazement, only to see Xu Xinghe’s open eyes. The pair of dark fawn-like eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog under the sleepy confusion. “Although I know that it may be a bit excessive-”

He opened his mouth, hesitated for two seconds, but finally let go: “Forget it, I won’t disturb your rest, good night.”

Ling Changfeng felt like he was hooked in place by that small pull, unable to move.

He asked Xu Xinghe: “What did you want to say?”

Xu Xinghe said, “It’s nothing, that is, I’ll be afraid again later…”

Ling Changfeng asked reluctantly, “Then what should I do?”

Xu Xinghe’s eyes were a little dodgy. “It’s late, you should also go rest.”

After that, he closed his eyes.

After a while, he felt that the person next to him hadn’t left yet.

A reassuring faint pheromone continued to surround him. It was originally a good medicine to help him sleep, but now it exudes a sense of presence that cannot be ignored.

In the quiet night, Xu Xinghe opened his eyes again, and suddenly said, “You can take Xiaoqi down.”

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Ling Changfeng stood at the head of the bed and looked at him quietly. “Huh?”

Xu Xinghe whispered: “It’s too late. It’s inconvenient for you to move around back and forth… So, why don’t you sleep here tonight?”

For a moment, Marshal Ling suspected that he could no longer control the corners of his mouth that began to rise up.

But in the end, he was still very calm and steady. He first carried Xiaoqi, who was sleeping in the center of the big bed, off the bed. Then he opened the corner of the quilt in a polite manner, and lay down properly.

“I’m here, don’t be afraid.” He said to Xu Xinghe. “Good night.”

Xu Xinghe finally closed his eyes with peace of mind. “Good night.”

He slept for a long time.

When Xu Xinghe woke up from his sleep and opened his eyes again, he found that it was still dark and the room was still dark.

“Woke up?”

A familiar voice came into his ears. Xu Xinghe followed the voice and turned his head to see that Ling Changfeng had already woken up and finished dressing, sitting on a small sofa not far away, using a portable tablet computer to read documents under the lamp.

Xu Xinghe was stunned, and gradually recalled everything that happened last night.

He said dryly: “Morning.”

After that, he felt that something was wrong. The room is too dark – what time is it now?

Ling Changfeng raised his eyelids and said, “It’s not very early. I saw that you were sleeping so deeply, so I closed the curtains.”

Once the curtains with strong shading properties were opened, a bright sunlight streamed in, illuminating the entire room.

Xu Xinghe blinked: “It’s noon?”

Ling Changfeng nodded: “Yeah.”

Xu Xinghe stretched, lifted the quilt and got out of bed: “Wait for me to wash first…”

His voice came to an abrupt end.

He suddenly looked at the big sun outside the window, and his body froze: “What day is it today?”

Ling Changfeng: “Tuesday.”

Xu Xinghe sat dumbfounded for a moment, and suddenly let out a wailing voice: “Ahhhh, today is a working day!!”

He hurriedly raised his hand and turned on his smartphone – he muted it while watching a movie last night, but forgot to call it back. His phone was probably blown up by now!

But contrary to expectations, the full screen of missed calls did not appear, and his call log was actually calm.

How is this possible? No one discovered he was absent from work??

Ling Changfeng saw his reaction and knew what he was surprised about, so he explained, “I asked for a leave of absence for you.”

Xu Xinghe turned his head to look at him in confusion: “Ah?”

Ling Changfeng put down the screen, and said unhurriedly, “Come and eat.”

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