Xu Xinghe vaguely smelled an aura that made him feel uneasy and restless.

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Most of the time. Ling Changfeng’s pheromones are calm and accommodating, like the boundless deep sea under the sun, which can accommodate hundreds of rivers without end.

But at this moment, an undercurrent was surging under the calm sea. There is even a hint of an oncoming tsunami, with the wind and rain picking up.

Xu Xinghe struggled uncomfortably, but the more he struggled, and the tighter the arms around him were…

He sighed, and simply gave up the struggle, leaning in Ling Changfeng’s arms without moving.

The surrounding guards lowered their heads to avoid watching this slightly ambiguous picture, allowing the two to embrace quietly in the harsh environment of violent rain, lightning and thunder outside the window.

Xu Xinghe was silent for a moment, and asked in Ling Changfeng’s ear, “Where are her other two children?”

Ling Changfeng straightened up and replied, “The little one is taking a nap next door. The older one is not here, maybe he went out; I’ve already sent someone to look for him.”

Xu Xinghe nodded and fell silent again.

Ling Changfeng saw his preoccupied look, and took the initiative to say: “Don’t worry, I’ll arrange their affairs. Your face is very bad now, go and rest first.”

Xu Xinghe raised his head and asked, “What are you planning?”

Seeing that his little spouse couldn’t let go of this matter, Ling Changfeng replied, “It’s not difficult to arrange a place for them. It depends on you. Do you want to bring them back to the capital?”

Xu Xinghe lowered his head and said: “If I can, I still want to take them out of here. The conditions on Pelpa are significantly poorer than Capital Star. She would rather drag her disease until her death, and leave them a little money… This is her last, and I want to make her feel more at ease.”

Ling Changfeng nodded and said solemnly. “That’s easy, I’ll arrange it. You…”

He looked at Xu Xinghe’s face and asked, “Is there anything you’re worried about?”

Xu Xinghe shook his head: “There’s nothing to worry about, it’s just…” He raised his head and glanced at Ling Changfeng, “I just think it’s been too much trouble for you.”

Before this, he’s never asked Ling Changfeng to do anything. He felt that no matter whether the other party was a marshal of the Alliance or an ordinary citizen of the Alliance, as long as he had no requests for the other party, they could still keep an equitable relationship during this matched marriage.

Until now, he found that he still wanted something.

His mood shifted subtly.

On the one hand, he knew that he needed Ling Changfeng’s help in arranging this matter. Without it, he would need to spend a considerable amount of time, money, and energy just to go through the formalities of cross-planet immigration.

On the other hand, he also knew that Ling Changfeng had no obligation to help him at all. Furthermore, he had just rejected his confession half a month ago. Asking Ling Changfeng to help clean up this big mess now made Xu Xinghe feel like he was going too far.

This feeling of being indebted is worse than the tangle itself. Although Ling Changfeng seemed to agree very easily, Xu Xinghe still could not accept all this with peace of mind.

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Seeing him suddenly say such polite words, Ling Changfeng couldn’t help frowning.

He knew that his little spouse was in a low mood right now, and it was easier to think too much at times like this.

In the past, he probably wouldn’t care about being polite.

However, at this moment, Ling Changfeng felt that his emotions seemed to be a little abnormal.

Extraordinarily sensitive, extraordinarily irritable.

Extraordinarily concerned about the words, deeds, and actions of the person in front of him.

He tried hard to suppress the negative emotions in his heart. Pretending to be relaxed, he reached out and rubbed Xu Xinghe’s head. “This thing may be a bit troublesome. If I say no, what will you do?”

Although there was no expression on his face when he said this, his words were light-hearted, and his tone was much calmer than before.

He didn’t intend for it to be a question originally, but Xu Xinghe was slightly startled after hearing it, and fell into serious thought.

Ling Changfeng’s thin lips parted slightly, wanting to say that he was joking, but stopped before any sounds were made.

He wanted to hear his answer.

Xu Xinghe was silent for a while, licked his dry lips, and said slowly, “If you don’t agree, then I’ll find a way myself.”

“Huh?” Ling Changfeng asked blankly. “What do you want to do?”

“First get a tourist visa and take them away.”

“You’re not their guardian, so how can you help them get a tourist visa? Even if the formalities are completed, when you return to Capital Star, how will you settle them?”

Xu Xinghe thought for a while: “I can move out and bring them with me first, and then find a good place to settle them down…”

Before he finished speaking, his body suddenly froze.

A coolness suddenly rose from his tailbone, hitting his glands.

He raised his head in surprise, only to see Ling Changfeng squinting his eyes, with a slight coldness in his eyes-

Ling Changfeng released his pheromone and surrounded him firmly.

It was like the sea breeze from the white waves swept the back of his neck, leaving an electric shock in his glands.

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This is an act of swearing sovereignty for alpha. In a relationship, it can be something exciting, but doing so without an omega’s permission is very offensive.

Xu Xinghe’s heart palpitated.

He could feel that the man opposite was angry.

And he wasn’t quite right.

“What’s the matter with you?” he asked.

Ling Changfeng took a deep breath, unable to control his emotions.

He didn’t answer to Xu Xinghe’s question, but he repeated two words: “Move out?”

An extremely strong possessive desire was born in his heart, and his blood vessels were stained with an almost violent aura.

No matter the reason, his omega actually said to move out?

How can this be?

How is it possible!

As his thoughts fluctuated, the pheromones flowing in the air also turned manic.

Under such a dangerous atmosphere, Xu Xinghe couldn’t help but take a small step back and stammered: “No, isn’t it the ‘what if’ you asked? And I mean temporarily…”

“Temporarily is impossible too.”

Ling Changfeng saw Xu Xinghe’s  small movement of stepping back, and his eyes couldn’t help darken a bit.

The decisive Alliance marshal sullenly pushed Xu Xinghe to the corner.

He clenched his right hand into a fist, tried his best to restrain his emotions, and asked hoarsely, “Why do you have these kinds of thoughts?”

Xu Xinghe slowly backed up, step by step. Unable to retreat any further, he could only warily glance into his eyes. “I’ve already troubled you plenty since the start of this matter. I just think…”

“Your thinking, ‘I won’t cause any more trouble if I move out of the Marshal’s manor’. This way everyone’s happy, right?” Ling Changfeng interrupted his words, his voice was as deep as a pool of stagnant water in winter.

Xu Xinghe was slightly startled, then raised his head to look at Ling Changfeng.

He almost never spoke to him with such a tone.

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Ling Changfeng took a step closer, their bodies nearly sticking together.

The fragrance of flowers rose again.

He can feel his negative emotions, but even then, his pheromones are still so sweet.

The riotous mood on his body was temporarily appeased by the sweet fragrance. Ling Changfeng continued to ask: “Why do you think this troubles me? Arranging two little guys is a matter of saying a few words, not troublesome. Besides, even if you do bother me, given our relationship, why can’t you bother me?”

Xu Xinghe’s muscles tightened.  “Just because this relationship between us…”

Eyelids twitching, Ling Changfeng asked word by word, “What is the relationship between us?”

Xu Xinghe’s lips opened and closed slightly, but he did not speak.

At this moment, he had to face this question once again –

What is the relationship between him and Ling Changfeng?

Ling Changfeng’s eyes darkened as he carefully observed his expression.

He bent down slightly, like a pine branch bent by the snow, and whispered in Xu Xinghe’s ear: “We have been married for three months and twenty-nine days. Do you think that between us is just a relationship of being confessed to or not, so you can’t rely on me, and can’t owe me? You can so easily say that you want to move out… Even if I make you a promise, you won’t believe me, will you?”

Xu Xinghe fell silent.

He subconsciously wanted to shake his head, but found that he couldn’t deny it.

The situation may not be as extreme as Ling Changfeng put it, but it wasn’t untrue either.

He didn’t know how the conversation pivoted into this.

He could feel Ling Changfeng’s mood swings, but he couldn’t attribute the dilemma he was facing at the moment to the other party’s mood swings. This problem had always been there between the two of them, but at this moment, Ling Changfeng’s abnormal emotions were magnified.

Xu Xinghe leaned in the corner and suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion.

He should really have a good chat with Ling Changfeng.

With all the accidents in the last 48h, he’s already too tired to deal with it all, and too tired to think about the series of problems that have arisen.

In the end, he could only say something polite and rusty in the silence: “I’m sorry.”

Ling Changfeng took a deep breath again, trying to return to his former calm and rational state.

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However, when he thought of Xu Xinghe’s words “move out”, the restless blood in his body began to clamor wildly.

He is out of control.

Ling Changfeng suddenly realized why.

He needs to take immediate action.

Ling Changfeng suddenly straightened up and wanted to turn around and retreat, but his feet stayed where they were.

Treatment is right in front of him.

All he wants is a certain sweet pheromone floral fragrance.

However, he saw his little spouse head down in the corner of the wall, with exhaustion written all over his face.

He can’t lose control at such a time, say more words to make the other party sad, and do more things that make the other party feel bad.

Ling Changfeng tried his best to restrain his increasingly manic mood, and said in a low voice: “Let’s not discuss this issue for now. You must be tired from all this running around. When evening comes… after I’ve arranged things, I’ll pick you up for dinner.”

Xu Xinghe nodded and replied softly, “Okay.”

It was pouring rain in Suker City.

Ling Changfeng turned around and quickly left, stepping into the dim sky and misty rain outside.

Xu Xinghe listened to the sound of rain outside the window and felt that he really needed to take a break.

He didn’t know whether the unrelieved exhaustion and stress at the moment were due to his body, his mind, or both.

He decided to go to sleep first, adjust his mentality, and talk to Ling Changfeng during dinner this evening.

However, Ling Changfeng did not appear that night.


Hehehe, MC/ML ‘private’ time starting now~

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