The personal data and health status of senior military generals is classified information and will not be disclosed to the public.

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What’s more, Qin Yuan looked at the young boy who looked rather ignorant and felt that he should not know his identity. He probably didn’t even know Ling Changfeng’s identity.

But he pointed out such a fact in a straight-forward manner. Qin Yuan’s pheromone is indeed cold and quiet, which is very inconsistent with his own image, so that during his military academy, his comrades often made fun of it. This stopped after graduation.

After so many years, he has been able to control his pheromones well enough not to spill over. If a teenager can smell it, how sharp is his nose?

“Of course.” Chu Yufei raised his eyebrows at Qin Yuan, but he didn’t say it directly. Instead he turned to look at his old brother and smiled maliciously: “Are you also curious what his pheromone is like?”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

Frankly speaking, he was indeed a little curious. After all, after having known the other party for so long, he really doesn’t know what the pheromone of this suave adjutant is like.

But hearing Chu Yufei ask so bluntly, Xu Xinghe’s mouth twitched slightly, and he shook his head decisively. “I’m not curious.”

“Oh, then I won’t say it.” As soon as he leaned on, he closed his mouth.

But a pair of big black eyes still kept circling, as if calculating something.

This kind of intentional expression is all too familiar to Qin Yuan. He looked at Chu Yufei with amusement and asked, “What do you want?”

The young man was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously retorted: “Nothing!”

But at the end of his reply, the last syllable was taken back, which seemed to be a bit lacking in certainty.

“Let’s do this—” Adjutant Qin was undoubtedly an expert in psychological warfare. He smiled and said, “If you can accurately tell the smell of my pheromones, I can also promise you a condition… Well, as long as it doesn’t involve breaking the law or committing a crime.”

After speaking, he saw a hint of hesitation in the eyes of the young man, and continued to tempt him: “Think clearly, there will be no second chance.”

Xu Xinghe crossed his fingers, ready to watch the play.

Chu Yufei quickly weighed the deal in his mind. In the end, he put his hands back on his knees, sat up straight, and said something out of tune with everyone in the car. “It’s a deal, the people in this car are watching, you are not allowed to play tricks.”

Qin Yuan burst into laughter. “Little boy, do you always request something from someone like this?”

He shook his head, then changed the subject: “But don’t worry, I am a person with excellent credit, and I will try my best to do what I promise. Thirty years of word-of-mouth reputation has been built, and I never trick children or elderly.”

Then he threw a wink at Ling Changfeng: “Isn’t that right, sir?”

Marshal Ling’s expression was that he did not want to pay attention to him.

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Chu Yufei asked: “Then can you lend me some money?”

Qin Yuan: “…”

The two of them stared at each other, and fell silent for a while.

Qin Yuan’s expression became very strange. “How much do you want to borrow?”

Chu Yufei thought for a while: “Nine hundred?”

Qin Yuan was stunned: “Nine million?”19 mil = 900 x 10,000. Units in Chinese are to 4 zeros, aka 10k

Chu Yufei: “…”

Qin Yuan felt as if he had been tricked.

He saw from the boy’s face that the so-called “nine hundred” really meant nine hundred alliance coins, so his previous words were even more difficult to understand. “Are you playing with me?”

Chu Yufei: “…”

He really wanted to borrow some money, but since the matter had come to this point, he could only go forward, or else he really couldn’t bear this face.2face as in reputation or being thick/thin-skinned

If I had known earlier, it would be better not to open this mouth!

Exasperated, the young man threw himself back into the seat. “Che! If you don’t lend, I won’t borrow!”

“It’s not like I can’t…” Qin Yuan glanced at Xu Xinghe. The two exchanged glances, and then Xu Xinghe spoke.

“What do you want the money for?” Xu Xinghe asked.

“In case of emergency.” Chu Yufei said vaguely.

“A Fei.” Xu Xinghe sighed slightly. “In the future, someone will be responsible for your food, clothing, housing, and transportation, so there is probably nothing you need to spend money on. Of course, if you simply need some pocket money, you can say it, but you must ensure that you’re using it for reasonable and legal purposes…”

Before he finished speaking, Chu Yufei stared at those big black eyes and asked angrily, “Can nine hundred alliance coins be used for illegal activities?”

Xu Xinghe: “…” That seems to make sense.

“In short, if you want to borrow money, don’t bother Major General Qin, I’ll lend it to you.” Xu Xinghe said.

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Chu Yufei was stunned for a while, then suddenly turned his head to look at Qin Yuan, and almost shouted, “Major General? You are actually a Major General?!”

One must know, in Pelpa Star, being a Major General means being an overlord with monstrous power, and a big man who is difficult for people of his class to come into contact with in this life.

The boy’s mouth widened to the point where his jaw was almost dislocated. But before he could recover from the shock, he thought of something. Twisting his neck stiffly, he turned his eyes to Ling Changfeng: “Then that… then what are you?”

Previously, he guessed that Ling Changfeng’s military rank shouldn’t be too low, maybe even a general. How else could their trip be so smooth?

But he never imagined that even his deputy would be a major general! Then what is the rank of his dear sister-in-law?? He can’t be a Marshal?!

Seeing Chu Yufei’s shocked and cowardly expression, Xu Xinghe wanted to laugh a little. “It’s too late to know now. You’ve already said what you should and shouldn’t have said.”

He raised his hand to close his brother’s mouth. The boy who had been arrogant just now finally stopped speaking. He looked around and suddenly felt like he had entered a wolf’s den.

Seeing this, Qin Yuan continued to tease him: “Are you still asking me to borrow money?”

Chu Yufei endured and endured, but finally he couldn’t hold back, and muttered in a low voice, “If you can’t lend it, I won’t suffer. Anyway, I don’t have a good thirty years of reputation.”

Qin Yuan: “…”

Xu Xinghe smiled and said, “The same is true if you borrow nine hundred from me. Not to mention you haven’t said what the pheromone of Major General Qin smells like.”

Chu Yufei lifted his eyelids and looked at him. “Want to know?”

Xu Xinghe shrugged and said generously: “I’m a little curious…”

He originally wanted to say, “I’m a little curious, but it doesn’t matter if you say it or not”, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt a burning gaze shot over him.

Marshal Ling turned his head slowly and asked the same question again: “Are you curious?”

But on his face, the question was, “Why are you interested in another alpha’s pheromones.”

Xu Xinghe: “…” Isn’t your focus wrong?

Qin Yuan: “…” Does it count as being shot while lying down?

Chu Yufei: “…” He seems to have seen a picture too spicy for the eyes again.

In the silence, Xu Xinghe changed his words bluntly: “I’m not curious at all.”

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Ling Changfeng looked at him fixedly, and then turned his eyes back after a while.

“So…” Looking at the youth, Qin Yuan broke the silence first. “What’s the smell? Let’s hear it.”

After all, there are no outsiders in this car. The young girl also fell asleep on her brother’s lap, so Qin Yuan simply asked directly, wanting to see how much the boy could guess correctly.

“A fir.” Chu Yufei replied without hesitation, “It’s a kind of faint pine fragrance, very cool and mellow. But it’s not quite the same as a normal fir… um, is it a white fir?”

As the young man spoke, Qin Yuan’s expression became a little more serious.

His eyes stayed on the boy for a long time, and at the end, he suddenly smiled, touched his chin, and said, “Your skills are good.”

Then he turned back to look at Ling Changfeng, and resumed his usual tone, “In the future, can he be sent to the Intelligence Department to develop?”

Ling Changfeng didn’t speak, but looked at Xu Xinghe.

Xu Xinghe shook his head and smiled helplessly: “It’s too early to say this, let him study hard first, and then look at his personal wishes.”

Qin Yuan nodded and expressed his understanding.

With his character and uncontrollable mouth, even a marshal’s brother-in-law would probably have to suffer a little when he joined the army.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yufei’s eyes lit up and suddenly asked, “Then can I stop studying?”

Xu Xinghe replied without raising his head, “No.”

He rarely rejected his brother directly, but this time he refused very decisively. Anyway, he still has to study.

Chu Yufei naturally refused to accept such an answer. “Why not?”

Xu Xinghe took a deep breath and prepared a long speech to persuade him to study.

But before he could say it, he heard Ling Changfeng beside him say: “What your brother said is what it is.”

Marshal Ling’s tone was irrefutable: “Listen to him.”

Chu Yufei: “…”

His lips moved, as if he wanted to refute, but surrounded by pheromones that were extremely oppressive and deterrent, he didn’t dare speak out in the end.

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He just lowered his head and said nothing, with some dissatisfaction written in his eyes.

Xu Xinghe blinked lightly at Ling Changfeng, but didn’t say anything.

In just a short while, the speeding car arrived at the Third Military Hospital.

Ling Changfeng put down the three brothers and sisters, and specially dispatched a personal guard to take care of them, while he followed Qin Yuan back to the Double Star building to deal with military affairs.

Xu Xinghe took his younger brother and sister, accompanied by Dean Lu Sen, first to visit his mother who was transferred to the intensive care unit, and then to listen to the results of the expert consultation. It was not until the results of various exams came out that he finally exhaled a breath in relief.

As soon as he went out, seeing the big and small ones waiting outside, his eyes suddenly felt sour.

Xu Xinghe took two steps forward and hugged them.

“The doctor said it’s very hopeful.” Xu Xinghe’s deer eyes, which were eight-point similar to his mother’s, were bright at the moment. “Anyway, it’s good to have hope.”

After another afternoon of tossing, Xu Xinghe finally brought his younger brother and sister with him to the Marshal’s Mansion.

Ling Changfeng hasn’t come back yet, but he took the time to send a message to He Han, and ask him to tidy up two rooms for children.

The order terrified the steward.

All afternoon, he commanded all the servants in the mansion to work hard, but still couldn’t understand-

The marshal and his wife’s honeymoon was only a few days long, where’d the children come from??

His doubt continued into the evening.

But when he saw Xu Xinghe come back with a five- or six-year-old girl in his arms, his world view seemed to collapse.

How come the child is already so big?!


I love that scene of XXH asking about QY’s pheromones.

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19 mil = 900 x 10,000. Units in Chinese are to 4 zeros, aka 10k2face as in reputation or being thick/thin-skinned

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