After an unknown period of time, Xu Xinghe woke up in a daze.

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His nose is filled with a reassuringly familiar smell.

Like a traveler on vacation by the sea, bathing in the warm sunshine, he woke up leisurely.

Xu Xinghe closed his eyes and yawned, feeling that he had a very satisfying sleep.

Just as he was about to turn over, he found that his limbs seemed to be imprisoned by something.

Unwilling to accept this, he insisted on turning over.


Then he felt that his waist was buckled, legs locked, and he couldn’t move.

Xu Xinghe opened his eyes.

Sure enough, as soon as he looked up, he saw someone’s familiar jawline.

He was completely embraced by Ling Changfeng!

Their limbs were intertwined, so tightly they were glued together.

Xu Xinghe suddenly froze, and his drowsiness disappeared.

Didn’t he say he won’t do anything?

Alphas are all liars with deceptive mouths!

He struggled to get up, but Ling Changfeng did not let go.

The disparity in strength made him unable to escape the other party, so he stretched out his claws angrily, pushed Ling Changfeng’s chest like a cat scratch, and said viciously: “Let go, let go now! I know you’re awake. Don’t pretend not to hear!”

He toughened his tone on purpose, but the pheromone radiating out was gentle and affectionate.

The breaths of the two people blended together and filled the air, creating an ambiguous and lingering atmosphere, making his every move look like his unwillingness was out of shyness, and welcomed it instead.

Just when Xu Xinghe planned to slap him directly on the forehead, Ling Changfeng finally slowly opened his eyes.

There was a hint of laziness in his eyes, as if waking up from a long dream. There wasn’t any sharpness at all, and he even looked a bit innocent.

Xu Xinghe was at a loss for words, and his paws that were raised halfway froze in the air.

When Ling Changfeng opened his mouth, his voice was even more hoarse than usual. “Good morning.”

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Xu Xinghe silently retracted his hand and looked at him blankly. “Did you wake up earlier than me?”

Ling Changfeng was silent for a while, Then he replied with a slight “en” in a nasal voice.

Xu Xinghe said: “Then why didn’t you let go when you woke up??”

Ling Changfeng said softly, “I woke up a little earlier than you. I was afraid that I would wake you up, so I didn’t move.”

His voice was indeed like someone who had just woken up. Xu Xinghe hummed and didn’t pursue it any further, but asked, “Then can you let go now?”

Ling Changfeng glanced at their current posture. One arm was around Xu Xinghe’s waist, and the other arm rested under his head.

The sole quilt had rolled down to the waist, covering half the area it usually did.

They were so close together that Xu Xinghe could even feel the heat of the other party’s breathing sprayed on his ears and neck.

Ticklish, slightly itchy.

Seeing that his little spouse’s patience was about to run out, Ling Changfeng unhurriedly removed the arm from his waist.

Xu Xinghe lifted the quilt and quickly got out of bed, then took his clothes and rushed into the cloakroom next door, changing his clothes as quickly as possible.

When he walked out of the cloakroom, Ling Changfeng had actually finished changing his clothes and was already arranging the collar of his shirt.

Seeing him come out, Marshal Ling put down his hand and said as usual, “I’m going downstairs for breakfast.”

His voice was calm and indifferent, and no different from usual.

Xu Xinghe was dumbfounded. How can this guy get dressed faster than him wearing a t-shirt? Is this reasonable?!

God knows that he changed his clothes quickly in order to avoid going out with Ling Changfeng!

Two children live next door to him now. When Chu Yufei asked him curiously yesterday if he still lived alone in his room, he answered firmly that yes, he lives in his room alone!

How embarrassing will it be to be seen walking out of his room together?

Seeing Xu Xinghe freeze in place, Ling Changfeng’s eyes swept over him. “Aren’t you hungry?”

“That…” Xu Xinghe’s tongue was a little knotted, and he said falteringly: “You go downstairs first, I need to use the bathroom.”

Ling Changfeng glanced at him, fastened the last button on his collar, and nodded, “Okay.”

Xu Xinghe stuck his head out of the bathroom until he heard the footsteps of the other party drifting away.

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After waiting in place for a while, he immediately felt that there was no need to act like a thief with a guilty conscience.

So what if we spent the night together?

After all, they are legal partners, and there is nothing to avoid suspicion.

And, anyway, this is not the first time…

Thinking of the scene he woke up to this morning, he suddenly paused, shook his head quickly, and walked downstairs.

As soon as he walked to the door of the restaurant, he heard Ling Changfeng’s voice coming from inside-

“Your brother has gone to the bathroom, he will be here soon. Wait for him to come and eat together.”

At the dining table, Chu Yufei’s hand holding the fork shook. After a moment, he raised his head and asked, “How did you know he went to the bathroom?”

Ling Changfeng turned the page of the morning electronic newspaper in his hand and did not answer.

Chu Yufei carefully observed his every move, and his face contorted a fraction. “Fine, I won’t ask… Can I trouble you to hold back your pheromone that keeps leaking?”

Xu Xinghe who entered the dining room: “…”

After breakfast, Xu Xinghe went out to the hospital with his younger siblings.

Mother Xu’s operation is tentatively scheduled for ten o’clock tomorrow morning, so Xu Xinghe also told Ling Changfeng last night that he should bring two young children to accompany her in the hospital tonight.

There was still some time in his two-week honeymoon leave, so he doesn’t have to worry about work for the time being. In the coming week, he will probably be going back and forth between the hospital and the Marshal’s mansion frequently.

And Marshal Ling also returned to his daily work routine, and left immediately after breakfast.

He is not quite the same as Xu Xinghe. Although he had reserved a two-week honeymoon leave previously, he was reinstated and had to deal with work the moment he returned. He could no longer let his adjutant handle military affairs on his behalf.

Before leaving, Ling Changfeng said to Xu Xinghe, “Tomorrow morning, I will go to the hospital to accompany you.”

Xu Xinghe was stunned, then shook his head and said, “No, no, you must be very busy these days, just concentrate on your work. Don’t worry, I can…”

Ling Changfeng interrupted him: “Do you want me to accompany you?” He looked into his eyes and asked.

Xu Xinghe was silent.

After a while, he finally nodded and said in a muffled voice, “I’m a little scared.”

“Don’t be scared.” Ling Changfeng gave him a hug as a farewell, “Everything will be fine.”

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Taking his brother and sister with him, Xu Xinghe was escorted by the marshal’s personal guard to the Third Military Hospital.

After learning of their arrival, Dean Lu Sen suddenly informed them that the operation was moved ahead of schedule, and changed to 2 o’clock this afternoon.

The change came so suddenly, Xu Xinghe felt a little uncertain.

He held Dr. Lu Sen’s hand tightly and was speechless for a while.

When he spoke again, his voice almost choked: “I see, it’s hard work, thank you…Thank you.”

Dr. Lu Sen smiled, and the dark blue under his eyes showed that his work these days was not easy.

His expression was a little haggard, but his voice was still clear: “It’s our duty, you don’t have to say thank you.”

These days, he has summoned almost all the famous cancer experts on the capital star, and conducted many online consultations. This surgical plan was developed in the shortest possible time.

“Although we have done a lot of preparations, there is one thing I have to say up front-” Dr. Lu Sen’s expression rarely became serious, and he explained slowly: “Since it is a surgery, there will be risks…”

Xu Xinghe nodded vigorously and said in a low voice, “I understand, thank you.”

“You can thank us after the operation is over and everything goes well.” Lu Sen patted him on the shoulder. “For now, bring your brother and sister in to accompany your mother more.”


Mother Xu can’t eat normally now. She was awake for a while in the morning, lying on the hospital bed in a daze and chatting with her son and daughter for a while.

Seemingly feeling Xu Xinghe’s nervousness, she reached out and patted the back of the young man’s hand lightly with a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

Xu Xinghe held her hands in both of his, with faint tears in his eyes. A small light flashed in his eyes. “En, it will be fine.”

At 1:35 in the afternoon, Mother Xu, accompanied by her three children, was pushed into the operating room ahead of time for anesthesia before the operation.

Xu Xinghe was waiting at the door of the operating room. Seeing the sign “in operation” light up, he suddenly felt his heart race.

But in front of his younger siblings, he couldn’t show this abnormality.

He raised his hand and opened the mailbox. He originally wanted to ask Ling Changfeng if he was busy with work today, but after editing the words many times, he finally deleted the draft before it was sent.

He remembered that Qin Yuan had said yesterday: “Since you are back, you can go to the meeting tomorrow afternoon.”

Ling Changfeng will have a meeting this afternoon.

Xu Xinghe put down his hand, his mind went blank.

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He leaned his head down on the seat in the hospital corridor, counting his rapid heartbeats.

Thump –

Thump –

Warm afternoon sun shone through the skylight and down the hospital corridor, gilding the floor in the doorway of the operating room.

Xu Xinghe sat down at the door of the operating room with his head dead, as if a year had passed.

After an unknown period of time, a shadow suddenly shrouded his head.

The familiar low voice sounded along with it –

“Didn’t you say you want me to accompany you? Why didn’t you notify me?”

Xu Xinghe raised his head suddenly, and Ling Changfeng’s handsome face appeared in front of him.

Thump thump –

Thump thump –

His heart quickened.

“You, you…” Xu Xinghe was stunned, “Don’t you have a meeting in the afternoon. It’s over?”

“Lu Sen told me that your mother’s surgery is scheduled for two in the afternoon.” Ling Changfeng finished this sentence, then replied casually: “It’s not an important meeting, I slipped out.”

Xu Xinghe’s eyes widened, he couldn’t believe that the phrase “slipped out” came from the mouth of Marshal Ling.

“Didn’t Major General Qin say you’re a model worker?” Xu Xinghe asked blankly.

Ling Changfeng looked at him blankly. “Yes, so, do you want me to accompany you?”

“Yes.” Xu Xinghe suddenly stood up, stood on tiptoe, and gave his lover a hug.


Fluff time~

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