Xu Xinghe suddenly widened his eyes.

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Ling Changfeng’s kiss was gentle and long.

It is comfort, pity, and endless love.

Nothing to do with sex, but it still messed up his breathing.

Ling Changfeng didn’t let the kiss last too long. The moment he felt his little spouse’s breath grow disorderly, he let go.

Still a little reluctant.

After letting go, Marshal Ling calmly licked his lips behind closed lips, as if the fragrance of his lover still remained between his lips and teeth.

“How do you feel now?” Ling Changfeng carefully observed his lover’s state.

Xu Xinghe, who had just finished recalling his painful past, was originally pale, but after this kiss, his cheeks finally turned flushed again.

“I’m okay…” Xu Xinghe blinked, as if he hadn’t recovered from the sudden kiss.

Ling Changfeng patted his hand in comfort. “The worst is over, and everything will be fine in the future. As for the rest… Leave it to me.”

The alpha’s voice was much softer than usual, but his tone was just as solemn.

He actually had a lot of things he wanted to ask, but in the end he just said, “Take a good rest tonight, I’ll accompany you.”

Perhaps the marshal’s tone was too cautious, so Xu Xinghe took his hand back and chuckled lightly. “I’m not fragile like glass, so don’t worry so much. I did feel depressed about it, but I’m slowly healing… This wound will heal one day, okay?”

“En.” Ling Changfeng looked Looking at Xu Xinghe’s bright black eyes, his thoughts were suddenly pulled back to the night when they first met.

In the dark night, there is a dark fragrance.

Such sweet pheromones do not belong to any delicate flower cultivated in a greenhouse.

It was a rose blooming in the wilderness.

Lonely, beautiful, strong.

“The doctor thought that my glands were abolished, but now it seems that they’re not.” Xu Xinghe lowered his eyebrows and shrugged. “However, my post-traumatic stress disorder is still there.”

At this point, he raised his eyes and looked at Ling Changfeng. “I thought I had completely let go…”

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Until the taboo area on the back of his neck was touched again did he realize that he was still trembling with fear.

The thought that he would rather be a broken piece of jade than be marked was still imprinted in his heart to this day.

“Sorry.” Ling Changfeng recalled Xu Xinghe’s pale face, and suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his heart.

Xu Xinghe shook his head and asked with a chuckle, “Why are you apologizing? It’s not your fault.”

Then he squeezed Ling Changfeng’s hand back, and gently rubbed his thumb along his phalanx.

“My reaction is physiological and instinctive; it’s beyond my control. But…” Xu Xinghe looked at Ling Changfeng, his eyelashes trembling slightly. “I probably don’t dislike you. Or your touch, not at all.”

After speaking, heat spread down to the roots of the ears again.

It was like an agreement, a promise.

Ling Changfeng’s brain stopped working in that moment, as if he didn’t understand the deep meaning of this sentence.

Silence magnified in the atmosphere, and Xu Xinghe’s face turned even redder.

He turned his face away and continued awkwardly: “As for my post-traumatic stress reaction, it may take some time to recover. It may require medication, or I might need to see a psychiatrist. In short, I can’t live under the shadow of this for the rest of my life.”

He tried to make his tone very serious, but the sides of his neck were fully red when he finished speaking.

Ling Changfeng let out a silent sigh.

He hugged his little spouse again, and his eyes were clearly dyed with a faint smile. “En, I’ll accompany you on your recovery and treatment.”

The soft hair of his lover brushed his side face lightly, and his nose was full of flowers.

He whispered in his ear: “You said it, your wound will heal one day, right?”

“Yes.” Xu Xinghe blushed. “I will work hard for our future.”

So on this dark night, the two leaned on the head of the bed side by side and chatted for a long time.

From sharing their childhood past to previous goals, they didn’t fall asleep until two in the morning.

Early the next morning, when Ling Changfeng was hesitating whether to ask Xu Xinghe if he needed to take leave, Team Leader Xu finally got up from the bed ready to go to work.

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“No problem, what’s wrong with young people staying up all night?” Xu Xinghe deliberately put the emphasis on the word “young”, and after speaking, he raised his head and winked at Ling Changfeng, revealing a teasing smile.

Marshal Ling’s thin lips pursed slightly, wanting to prove that although he is fifty-two years old this year, his physical strength is far better than this “young” man.

But when he raised his eyes again, Xu Xinghe had already started rushing to wash and change clothes.

Struggling in his heart for a moment, Marshal Ling finally gave in and got up.

After breakfast, Ling Changfeng sent his lover to work as usual.

When he stepped into the Marshal’s Office in Double Star Building again, his face was cold and serious.

The adjutant Qin Yuan knocked on the door and was about to report to him the general process and itinerary of the Lambda delegation’s visit.

But as soon as he raised his eyes and saw Ling Changfeng’s face, he decisively put away the terminal, and dismissed the secretary who came in with him. “What’s your order, sir?”

“About what I asked you to check – the scar on the Xinghe gland.” Ling Changfeng said from his seat.

A hint of surprise flashed in Qin Yuan’s eyes. “Didn’t you tell me to let it go and wait for him to come…”

Before he finished speaking, he finally understood. “He told you? Is there anything I need to do?”

Ling Changfeng opened his mouth slowly and revealed the truth one sentence at a time.

Qin Yuan’s expression finally changed when he heard the description of pheromones smelling like “flames”.

“A flame pheromone?” Major General Qin exclaimed, then lowered his voice and trailed off, “Isn’t that…”

Ling Changfeng nodded: “It’s very likely it’s someone from the Wells family.”

Wells was originally a more common surname, but because of one person, the name now resounds across the stars –

Marshal Eric Wells.

His pheromones are known to be flames.

The four major marshals of the Alliance basically have their own jurisdictions.

Many years ago, when the Alliance was chaotic and foreign enemies were staring at them, they fought together to defend against the enemy. Although there was a mutual mixing of each other’s forces to a certain extent back then, during today’s peacetime era, they’ve now divided into their respective areas, and are separate and non-interfering.

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Lambda galaxy is the base camp of Marshal Wells, just like the Gamma galaxy is the base camp of Ling Changfeng.

As the most famous family in Lambda, the pheromone of Marshal Wells’ family is fire.

“That’s troublesome.” Qin Yuan frowned. 

“What trouble is there?” Ling Changfeng said with a blank expression. “I didn’t ask you to arrest Marshal Wells himself.”

Marshal Wells is only second in age to Marshal Alex, he is now more than 120 years old.

Gray hair, with many children and grandchildren.

He has not left the Lambda galaxy for many years, and will not easily attend any visits. The person Xu Xinghe met two years ago was definitely not him.

Qin Yuan was helpless, but he understood his boss’s mood at the moment, and sighed: “Don’t be angry, people from the Wells family can’t be arrested casually. Not to mention they’re coming over as a diplomatic envoy. If we want to arrest them, we must have solid evidence. —The premise is that that person comes as a visitor this time. If he doesn’t come, going to their territory to arrest someone will be even more troublesome. You know, the Wells family, apart from Marshal Wells, there are also several generals, parliamentarians, diplomats… Their family is deeply rooted across the Lambda galaxy, and even intersects quite a bit with Capital Star.”

At this point, Major General Qin paused. Suddenly, the conversation changed and he commented: “This is the benefit of having more children. Although family infighting brought about by such a large population is inevitable, and often makes the headlines of interstellar news, when something really happens, the influence of their entire family’s connections cannot be ignored.”

“I know.” Ling Changfeng glanced at him, ignoring his childbearing comment, and said solemnly, “But this matter can’t be left alone. From this point of view, I hope he will come.”

Qin Yuan nodded, and then shook his head again. “Marshal Wells has eight sons and daughters and more than twenty grandchildren, many of whom hold important positions in the Lambda galaxy. There are also many side branches in their family. Among those who are visiting Capital Star this time, three are surnamed Wells. The pheromone of the Wells family is mostly fire. And even if the probability is very low, we can’t rule out others with a flame pheromone. Just relying on their pheromone information is impossible to accurately lock onto someone… Does Xinghe remember his voice?”

“It’s hard to say. When people are in a state of extreme panic, their memory may be broken or deviated. Regarding this, I’ll go back and ask him again tonight.”

Last night Xu Xinghe finally tore open the scars of the past and revealed his past to him. Ling Changfeng couldn’t bear to continue to force him to recall anymore, so last night was full of soft and comforting words.

“You go and check whether there are any people from the Wells family that overlap between the visit to Capital Star back then and this visit.” Ling Changfeng commanded. “In any case, If this person is still on the list of visits this time… “

The dual-colored eyes were icy. “I’ll let him come here, but not return.”

“Yes!” Qin Yuan stood at attention and saluted.

Attempted rape and alleged abuse of an omega is a felony, not to mention this omega is the current marshal’s spouse.

If such an event happened, it’s impossible to leave no evidence at all. As long as there is evidence, their actions are reasonable, legal, and fair.

Even if the man huddles in his own territory and never comes out, Ling Changfeng can personally pressure Marshal Wells to let him hand him over.

And if that person dares set foot on Capital Star again, he has the confidence to not let him go.

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“Then, there is one last question.” Qin Yuan raised his head, his eyes became dark and unclear. “Forgive the rudeness of this subordinate – don’t you think that in Xinghe’s narrative, there is something wrong with his story?”

Ling Changfeng’s eyes gradually turned cold.

“Xinghe said that he woke up in the hospital, but I have investigated the injury on his gland before – there is no medical record at all.” Qin Yuan said.

“Maybe it was deleted from the system, it’s not difficult to do.” Ling Changfeng said.

His voice was still calm, but his fingertips tapped irritably on the table.

“True, it’s not difficult.” Qin Yuan nodded. “But if it were you, would you let him go so easily in that situation? Even if his glands were injured and lost their usefulness.”

“This is the normal thinking of people like us. But you know the best choice is in that situation—”

Qin Yuan continued after a pause: “Kill him directly and disguise his death as accidental. It’s a far better choice than letting him live. It’s more worry-free. The latter has too many variables – for example, the way things have unfolded today presents many risks for that person.”

The faint unease in Ling Changfeng’s heart was brought to the surface, and he couldn’t help asking coldly, “What exactly are you trying to say?”

“You should understand what I mean. Xinghe said that it took him half a month to wake up from a coma.” Qin Yuan raised his eyes and looked directly at his superior.

As the saying goes, those who are obsessed are confused. His superior may be unwilling to accept, so it’s his duty as adjutant to speak bluntly at such times.

“I think some things have happened in those two weeks—” Qin Yuan said.

“Something happened that he himself doesn’t know about. Or maybe, he knows, but deliberately concealed it.”


Yes, there is something hidden; it’ll be revealed later.

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